Below is a listing of all postcodes in the state of Western Australia (WA), Australia.
ID | Postcode | Locality | State | Longitude | Latitude | Category | Type | SA3 | SA3 Name | SA4 | SA4 Name | Region | Status | Lat (Google) | Long (Google) | SA1 CODE 2021 | SA1 NAME 2021 | SA2 CODE 2021 | SA2 NAME 2021 | SA3 CODE 2021 | SA3 NAME 2021 | SA4 CODE 2021 | SA4 NAME 2021 | RA 2016 | RA 2021 | RA 2021 Name | MMM 2015 | MMM 2019 | CED | Altitude | Charge Zone | PHN Code | PHN Name | LGA Region | LGA Code | Electorate | Electorate Rating | State Electoral Code | State Electroal Name |
414 | 0872 | GIBSON DESERT NORTH | WA | 131.298809 | -21.949513 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -22.2876036 | 126.8924386 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 584.619018554688 | NT1 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Laverton | 54970 | Lingiari | Rural | 70019 | Namatjira |
20143 | 0872 | GIBSON DESERT SOUTH | WA | 125.9841842 | -24.94725917 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.0143 | 126.93 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 311.383880615234 | NT1 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Laverton | 54970 | Lingiari | Rural | 70019 | Namatjira |
24063 | 0872 | IRRUNYTJU | WA | 128.9255 | -26.0621 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.1299 | 132.57 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 677.567810058594 | | | | Laverton | 54970 | | | 70019 | Namatjira |
24064 | 0872 | KANPA | WA | 125.6165 | -26.5308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.1299 | 132.57 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 481.277984619141 | | | | Laverton | 54970 | | | 70019 | Namatjira |
20156 | 0872 | KIWIRRKURRA | WA | 126.954107 | -23.2807675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -22.8151 | 127.762 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 331.756042480469 | NT1 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Laverton | 54970 | Lingiari | Rural | 70019 | Namatjira |
24065 | 0872 | MANTAMARU | WA | 127.6841 | -25.8447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.1299 | 132.57 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 546.408447265625 | | | | Laverton | 54970 | | | 70019 | Namatjira |
20169 | 0872 | NGAANYATJARRA-GILES | WA | 128.1150802 | -25.27073166 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.0555 | 128.311 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 311.383880615234 | NT1 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Laverton | 54970 | Lingiari | Rural | 70019 | Namatjira |
24067 | 0872 | PAPULANKUTJA | WA | 128.2805 | -25.9975 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.1299 | 132.57 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 552.011352539063 | | | | Laverton | 54970 | | | 70019 | Namatjira |
20173 | 0872 | PATJARR | WA | 131.6138326 | -23.4686864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -24.6163 | 126.314 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 695.536315917969 | NT1 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Laverton | 54970 | Lingiari | Rural | 70019 | Namatjira |
20183 | 0872 | TJIRRKARLI | WA | 125.3466253 | -25.9752687 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -26.0017 | 125.471 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 404.830780029297 | NT1 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Laverton | 54970 | Lingiari | Rural | 70019 | Namatjira |
20184 | 0872 | TJUKURLA | WA | 128.656027 | -24.343546 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -24.3475 | 128.719 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 311.383880615234 | NT1 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Laverton | 54970 | Lingiari | Rural | 70019 | Namatjira |
444 | 0872 | WARAKURNA | WA | 131.298809 | -21.949513 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.0011 | 128.288 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 584.619018554688 | NT1 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Laverton | 54970 | Lingiari | Rural | 70019 | Namatjira |
20190 | 0872 | WINGELLINA | WA | 131.6138326 | -23.4686864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -26.0644 | 128.931 | 70202105509 | Tara (NT) | 702021055 | Barkly | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 695.536315917969 | NT1 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Laverton | 54970 | Lingiari | Rural | 70019 | Namatjira |
10026 | 6000 | CITY DELIVERY CENTRE | WA | 115.859912 | -31.948762 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.955 | 115.855 | 50302129729 | Perth (WA) | 503021297 | Perth (West) - Northbridge | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
10027 | 6000 | PERTH | WA | 115.859912 | -31.948762 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9525739 | 115.8610488 | 50302129729 | Perth (WA) | 503021297 | Perth (West) - Northbridge | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
10028 | 6000 | PERTH GPO | WA | 115.859912 | -31.948762 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9513 | 115.859 | 50302129729 | Perth (WA) | 503021297 | Perth (West) - Northbridge | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
10029 | 6001 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Curtin | | | |
10030 | 6003 | HIGHGATE | WA | 115.869136 | -31.939272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9392191 | 115.8691573 | 50302129725 | Northbridge (WA) | 503021297 | Perth (West) - Northbridge | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 21.9741439819336 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Perth | 57080 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
10031 | 6003 | NORTHBRIDGE | WA | 115.869136 | -31.939272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9436266 | 115.8538427 | 50302129725 | Northbridge (WA) | 503021297 | Perth (West) - Northbridge | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 21.9741439819336 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Perth | 57080 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
10032 | 6004 | EAST PERTH | WA | 115.874601 | -31.956931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9540106 | 115.8787926 | 50302129525 | Mount Lawley | 503021295 | East Perth | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 14.8404817581177 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
10033 | 6005 | KINGS PARK | WA | 115.836896 | -31.95707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9611453 | 115.8416305 | 50302129728 | West Perth | 503021297 | Perth (West) - Northbridge | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
10034 | 6005 | WEST PERTH | WA | 115.836896 | -31.95707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9453285 | 115.8474335 | 50302129728 | West Perth | 503021297 | Perth (West) - Northbridge | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
10035 | 6006 | NORTH PERTH | WA | 115.852913 | -31.92934 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9273539 | 115.8551339 | 50302104021 | North Perth | 503021040 | North Perth | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 22.7232933044434 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
10036 | 6007 | LEEDERVILLE | WA | 115.834335 | -31.935675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9319556 | 115.84128 | 50302104345 | West Leederville | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 24.4718475341797 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
16457 | 6007 | WEST LEEDERVILLE | WA | 115.834335 | -31.935675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9406909 | 115.8316845 | 50302104345 | West Leederville | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 24.4718475341797 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
16458 | 6008 | DAGLISH | WA | 115.811432 | -31.956599 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9518509 | 115.8097338 | 50302104332 | West Leederville | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cambridge | 51310 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16459 | 6008 | SHENTON PARK | WA | 115.811432 | -31.956599 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9588145 | 115.8053226 | 50302104332 | West Leederville | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cambridge | 51310 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16460 | 6008 | SUBIACO | WA | 115.811432 | -31.956599 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9469931 | 115.8285548 | 50302104332 | West Leederville | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cambridge | 51310 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16461 | 6008 | SUBIACO EAST | WA | 115.811432 | -31.956599 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9469931 | 115.8285548 | 50302104332 | West Leederville | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cambridge | 51310 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16462 | 6009 | BROADWAY NEDLANDS | WA | 115.804692 | -31.985791 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9836798 | 115.8145049 | 50301103541 | Nedlands | 503011035 | Nedlands - Dalkeith - Crawley | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 28.2094497680664 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Perth | 57080 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16463 | 6009 | CRAWLEY | WA | 115.804692 | -31.985791 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9820615 | 115.8107681 | 50301103541 | Nedlands | 503011035 | Nedlands - Dalkeith - Crawley | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 28.2094497680664 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Perth | 57080 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16464 | 6009 | DALKEITH | WA | 115.804692 | -31.985791 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9947742 | 115.7988073 | 50301103541 | Nedlands | 503011035 | Nedlands - Dalkeith - Crawley | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 28.2094497680664 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Perth | 57080 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16465 | 6009 | NEDLANDS | WA | 115.804692 | -31.985791 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.979149 | 115.8037341 | 50301103541 | Nedlands | 503011035 | Nedlands - Dalkeith - Crawley | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 28.2094497680664 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Perth | 57080 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16466 | 6009 | NEDLANDS DC | WA | 115.804692 | -31.985791 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9754 | 115.793 | 50301103541 | Nedlands | 503011035 | Nedlands - Dalkeith - Crawley | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 28.2094497680664 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Perth | 57080 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16467 | 6010 | CLAREMONT | WA | 115.77639 | -31.971647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9842456 | 115.7780005 | 50301103625 | Mount Claremont | 503011036 | Swanbourne - Mount Claremont | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 2.76326179504394 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cottesloe | 52170 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16468 | 6010 | CLAREMONT NORTH | WA | 115.77639 | -31.971647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9842456 | 115.7780005 | 50301103625 | Mount Claremont | 503011036 | Swanbourne - Mount Claremont | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 2.76326179504394 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cottesloe | 52170 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16469 | 6010 | KARRAKATTA | WA | 115.77639 | -31.971647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9652885 | 115.8005084 | 50301103625 | Mount Claremont | 503011036 | Swanbourne - Mount Claremont | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 2.76326179504394 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cottesloe | 52170 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16470 | 6010 | MOUNT CLAREMONT | WA | 115.77639 | -31.971647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9637267 | 115.7837568 | 50301103625 | Mount Claremont | 503011036 | Swanbourne - Mount Claremont | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 2.76326179504394 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cottesloe | 52170 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16471 | 6010 | SWANBOURNE | WA | 115.77639 | -31.971647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.97106 | 115.7668042 | 50301103625 | Mount Claremont | 503011036 | Swanbourne - Mount Claremont | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 2.76326179504394 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cottesloe | 52170 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16472 | 6011 | COTTESLOE | WA | 115.757646 | -31.996371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9896506 | 115.7630503 | 50301103418 | Peppermint Grove | 503011034 | Mosman Park - Peppermint Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 21.4193058013916 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mosman Park | 55740 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 51804 | Cottesloe (North Metropolitan) |
16473 | 6011 | PEPPERMINT GROVE | WA | 115.757646 | -31.996371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9979804 | 115.7676977 | 50301103418 | Peppermint Grove | 503011034 | Mosman Park - Peppermint Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 21.4193058013916 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mosman Park | 55740 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 51804 | Cottesloe (North Metropolitan) |
16474 | 6012 | MOSMAN PARK | WA | 115.763404 | -32.015976 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0135412 | 115.7634366 | 50301103424 | Mosman Park (WA) | 503011034 | Mosman Park - Peppermint Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mosman Park | 55740 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 51804 | Cottesloe (North Metropolitan) |
16475 | 6014 | FLOREAT | WA | 115.808169 | -31.936389 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9344265 | 115.7906461 | 50302104343 | Wembley | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Nedlands | 56580 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16476 | 6014 | FLOREAT FORUM | WA | 115.808169 | -31.936389 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9380276 | 115.7928916 | 50302104343 | Wembley | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Nedlands | 56580 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16477 | 6014 | JOLIMONT | WA | 115.808169 | -31.936389 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.947634 | 115.8115906 | 50302104343 | Wembley | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Nedlands | 56580 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16478 | 6014 | WEMBLEY | WA | 115.808169 | -31.936389 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9343 | 115.82 | 50302104343 | Wembley | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Nedlands | 56580 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54104 | Nedlands (North Metropolitan) |
16479 | 6015 | CITY BEACH | WA | 115.764683 | -31.938454 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9393057 | 115.7634366 | 50301103018 | City Beach | 503011030 | City Beach | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16480 | 6016 | GLENDALOUGH | WA | 115.831181 | -31.921222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9192332 | 115.8200294 | 50302104342 | Glendalough | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
16481 | 6016 | MOUNT HAWTHORN | WA | 115.831181 | -31.921222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9195792 | 115.8355846 | 50302104342 | Glendalough | 503021043 | Wembley - West Leederville - Glendalough | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
16482 | 6017 | HERDSMAN | WA | 115.814562 | -31.908357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9204615 | 115.80455 | 50502109505 | Tuart Hill | 505021095 | Tuart Hill - Joondanna | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16483 | 6017 | OSBORNE PARK | WA | 115.814562 | -31.908357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9142574 | 115.8230694 | 50502109505 | Tuart Hill | 505021095 | Tuart Hill - Joondanna | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16484 | 6017 | OSBORNE PARK DC | WA | 115.814562 | -31.908357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9002 | 115.812 | 50502109505 | Tuart Hill | 505021095 | Tuart Hill - Joondanna | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Vincent | 58570 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16485 | 6018 | CHURCHLANDS | WA | 115.786821 | -31.891957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9215456 | 115.7897621 | 50502109631 | Woodlands (WA) | 505021096 | Wembley Downs - Churchlands - Woodlands | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 16.2306995391846 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16486 | 6018 | DOUBLEVIEW | WA | 115.786821 | -31.891957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8999114 | 115.7812494 | 50502109631 | Woodlands (WA) | 505021096 | Wembley Downs - Churchlands - Woodlands | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 16.2306995391846 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16487 | 6018 | GWELUP | WA | 115.786821 | -31.891957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8692507 | 115.7962494 | 50502109631 | Woodlands (WA) | 505021096 | Wembley Downs - Churchlands - Woodlands | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 16.2306995391846 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16488 | 6018 | GWELUP DC | WA | 115.786821 | -31.891957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8761 | 115.799 | 50502109631 | Woodlands (WA) | 505021096 | Wembley Downs - Churchlands - Woodlands | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 16.2306995391846 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16489 | 6018 | INNALOO | WA | 115.786821 | -31.891957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8942851 | 115.7962433 | 50502109631 | Woodlands (WA) | 505021096 | Wembley Downs - Churchlands - Woodlands | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 16.2306995391846 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16490 | 6018 | KARRINYUP | WA | 115.786821 | -31.891957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8739029 | 115.7708104 | 50502109631 | Woodlands (WA) | 505021096 | Wembley Downs - Churchlands - Woodlands | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 16.2306995391846 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16491 | 6018 | WOODLANDS | WA | 115.786821 | -31.891957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9089392 | 115.7925911 | 50502109631 | Woodlands (WA) | 505021096 | Wembley Downs - Churchlands - Woodlands | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 16.2306995391846 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16492 | 6019 | SCARBOROUGH | WA | 115.769183 | -31.90733 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8980316 | 115.7715973 | 50502109629 | Wembley Downs | 505021096 | Wembley Downs - Churchlands - Woodlands | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cambridge | 51310 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16493 | 6019 | WEMBLEY DOWNS | WA | 115.769183 | -31.90733 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9133658 | 115.7727457 | 50502109629 | Wembley Downs | 505021096 | Wembley Downs - Churchlands - Woodlands | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Cambridge | 51310 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16494 | 6020 | CARINE | WA | 115.765396 | -31.852698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8511492 | 115.7776455 | 50502109419 | Watermans Bay | 505021094 | Trigg - North Beach - Watermans Bay | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16495 | 6020 | MARMION | WA | 115.765396 | -31.852698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8431646 | 115.7576233 | 50502109419 | Watermans Bay | 505021094 | Trigg - North Beach - Watermans Bay | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16496 | 6020 | NORTH BEACH | WA | 115.765396 | -31.852698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8611706 | 115.7582009 | 50502109419 | Watermans Bay | 505021094 | Trigg - North Beach - Watermans Bay | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16497 | 6020 | SORRENTO | WA | 115.765396 | -31.852698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8254068 | 115.7527574 | 50502109419 | Watermans Bay | 505021094 | Trigg - North Beach - Watermans Bay | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16498 | 6020 | WATERMANS BAY | WA | 115.765396 | -31.852698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8496 | 115.755 | 50502109419 | Watermans Bay | 505021094 | Trigg - North Beach - Watermans Bay | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16499 | 6021 | BALCATTA | WA | 115.811933 | -31.871671 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8601754 | 115.8104652 | 50502109329 | Stirling (WA) | 505021093 | Stirling - Osborne Park | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 50304 | Balcatta (North Metropolitan) |
16500 | 6021 | STIRLING | WA | 115.811933 | -31.871671 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.886448 | 115.8098708 | 50502109329 | Stirling (WA) | 505021093 | Stirling - Osborne Park | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 50304 | Balcatta (North Metropolitan) |
16501 | 6022 | HAMERSLEY | WA | 115.80924 | -31.851998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8514757 | 115.8137261 | 50502108418 | Hamersley | 505021084 | Balcatta - Hamersley | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | 22.8994369506836 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16502 | 6023 | DUNCRAIG | WA | 115.774028 | -31.834469 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8306124 | 115.7752703 | 50501107234 | Sorrento (WA) | 505011072 | Duncraig | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16503 | 6023 | GLENGARRY | WA | 115.774028 | -31.834469 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8275 | 115.78 | 50501107234 | Sorrento (WA) | 505011072 | Duncraig | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16504 | 6024 | GREENWOOD | WA | 115.803068 | -31.83489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8248279 | 115.804795 | 50501107335 | Greenwood (WA) | 505011073 | Greenwood - Warwick | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | 34.2581558227539 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16505 | 6024 | WARWICK | WA | 115.803068 | -31.83489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8421345 | 115.8128004 | 50501107335 | Greenwood (WA) | 505011073 | Greenwood - Warwick | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | 34.2581558227539 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16506 | 6025 | CRAIGIE | WA | 115.754405 | -31.79583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7852371 | 115.7675831 | 50501108124 | Padbury | 505011081 | Padbury | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 30.3516235351563 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16507 | 6025 | HILLARYS | WA | 115.754405 | -31.79583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8083286 | 115.7438768 | 50501108124 | Padbury | 505011081 | Padbury | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 30.3516235351563 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16508 | 6025 | KALLAROO | WA | 115.754405 | -31.79583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.789 | 115.739 | 50501108124 | Padbury | 505011081 | Padbury | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 30.3516235351563 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16509 | 6025 | PADBURY | WA | 115.754405 | -31.79583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8007703 | 115.7734455 | 50501108124 | Padbury | 505011081 | Padbury | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 30.3516235351563 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16510 | 6026 | KINGSLEY | WA | 115.799832 | -31.801707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8115417 | 115.8043918 | 50501108331 | Woodvale (WA) | 505011083 | Woodvale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 38.7414398193359 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16511 | 6026 | WOODVALE | WA | 115.799832 | -31.801707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7945139 | 115.796097 | 50501108331 | Woodvale (WA) | 505011083 | Woodvale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 38.7414398193359 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 53004 | Kingsley (North Metropolitan) |
16512 | 6027 | BELDON | WA | 115.756405 | -31.763347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7725971 | 115.7672666 | 50501108023 | Ocean Reef | 505011080 | Ocean Reef | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 49.1623458862305 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16513 | 6027 | CONNOLLY | WA | 115.756405 | -31.763347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7518034 | 115.7505882 | 50501108023 | Ocean Reef | 505011080 | Ocean Reef | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 49.1623458862305 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16514 | 6027 | EDGEWATER | WA | 115.756405 | -31.763347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7647978 | 115.781458 | 50501108023 | Ocean Reef | 505011080 | Ocean Reef | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 49.1623458862305 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16515 | 6027 | HEATHRIDGE | WA | 115.756405 | -31.763347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.759339 | 115.7579544 | 50501108023 | Ocean Reef | 505011080 | Ocean Reef | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 49.1623458862305 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16516 | 6027 | JOONDALUP | WA | 115.756405 | -31.763347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7339218 | 115.7657296 | 50501108023 | Ocean Reef | 505011080 | Ocean Reef | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 49.1623458862305 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16517 | 6027 | JOONDALUP DC | WA | 115.756405 | -31.763347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7412 | 115.759 | 50501108023 | Ocean Reef | 505011080 | Ocean Reef | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 49.1623458862305 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16518 | 6027 | MULLALOO | WA | 115.756405 | -31.763347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7803535 | 115.7438482 | 50501108023 | Ocean Reef | 505011080 | Ocean Reef | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 49.1623458862305 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16519 | 6027 | OCEAN REEF | WA | 115.756405 | -31.763347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7600517 | 115.7332807 | 50501108023 | Ocean Reef | 505011080 | Ocean Reef | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | 49.1623458862305 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16520 | 6028 | BURNS BEACH | WA | 115.747655 | -31.733717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7246872 | 115.7248959 | 50501107617 | Burns Beach | 505011076 | Iluka - Burns Beach | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 52604 | Joondalup (North Metropolitan) |
16521 | 6028 | CURRAMBINE | WA | 115.747655 | -31.733717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7350638 | 115.7450235 | 50501107617 | Burns Beach | 505011076 | Iluka - Burns Beach | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 52604 | Joondalup (North Metropolitan) |
16522 | 6028 | ILUKA | WA | 115.747655 | -31.733717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.738911 | 115.7291538 | 50501107617 | Burns Beach | 505011076 | Iluka - Burns Beach | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 52604 | Joondalup (North Metropolitan) |
16523 | 6028 | KINROSS | WA | 115.747655 | -31.733717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7214518 | 115.7413155 | 50501107617 | Burns Beach | 505011076 | Iluka - Burns Beach | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moore | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Joondalup | 54170 | Moore | Outer Metropolitan | 52604 | Joondalup (North Metropolitan) |
16524 | 6029 | TRIGG | WA | 115.755689 | -31.876897 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8736239 | 115.7604781 | 50502109415 | Trigg | 505021094 | Trigg - North Beach - Watermans Bay | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | 31.0639114379883 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54804 | Scarborough (North Metropolitan) |
16525 | 6030 | CLARKSON | WA | 115.711684 | -31.687341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6843679 | 115.7267753 | 50503110553 | Mindarie (WA) | 505031105 | Mindarie - Quinns Rocks - Jindalee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
16526 | 6030 | MERRIWA | WA | 115.711684 | -31.687341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6673101 | 115.7127407 | 50503110553 | Mindarie (WA) | 505031105 | Mindarie - Quinns Rocks - Jindalee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
16527 | 6030 | MINDARIE | WA | 115.711684 | -31.687341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6900771 | 115.7060487 | 50503110553 | Mindarie (WA) | 505031105 | Mindarie - Quinns Rocks - Jindalee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
16528 | 6030 | QUINNS ROCKS | WA | 115.711684 | -31.687341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6605175 | 115.6959328 | 50503110553 | Mindarie (WA) | 505031105 | Mindarie - Quinns Rocks - Jindalee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
9818 | 6030 | RIDGEWOOD | WA | 115.711684 | -31.687341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6592742 | 115.7211663 | 50503110553 | Mindarie (WA) | 505031105 | Mindarie - Quinns Rocks - Jindalee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
9819 | 6030 | TAMALA PARK | WA | 115.711684 | -31.687341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7074231 | 115.7221964 | 50503110553 | Mindarie (WA) | 505031105 | Mindarie - Quinns Rocks - Jindalee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
9820 | 6031 | BANKSIA GROVE | WA | 115.772138 | -31.692538 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7032401 | 115.8049933 | 50503110602 | Nowergup | 505031106 | Neerabup National Park | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 50.4575996398926 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
9821 | 6031 | CARRAMAR | WA | 115.772138 | -31.692538 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7061221 | 115.7879599 | 50503110602 | Nowergup | 505031106 | Neerabup National Park | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 50.4575996398926 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
9822 | 6031 | NEERABUP | WA | 115.772138 | -31.692538 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6922619 | 115.7608745 | 50503110602 | Nowergup | 505031106 | Neerabup National Park | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 50.4575996398926 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
9823 | 6032 | NOWERGUP | WA | 115.74887 | -31.643227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6459321 | 115.7693535 | 50503125603 | Nowergup | 505031256 | Carabooda - Pinjar | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
9824 | 6033 | CARABOODA | WA | 115.711357 | -31.609115 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5988865 | 115.7160969 | 50503125602 | Carabooda | 505031256 | Carabooda - Pinjar | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Pearce | 21.1971168518066 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
9825 | 6034 | EGLINTON | WA | 115.663878 | -31.585614 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5877637 | 115.6687491 | 50503125543 | Eglinton (WA) | 505031255 | Alkimos - Eglinton | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
9826 | 6035 | YANCHEP | WA | 115.729901 | -31.524716 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.536528 | 115.7338502 | 50503125818 | Yanchep | 505031258 | Yanchep | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
9827 | 6036 | BUTLER | WA | 115.70986 | -31.649385 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6417639 | 115.7041334 | 50503110547 | Jindalee (WA) | 505031105 | Mindarie - Quinns Rocks - Jindalee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
9828 | 6036 | JINDALEE | WA | 115.70986 | -31.649385 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6506812 | 115.6920211 | 50503110547 | Jindalee (WA) | 505031105 | Mindarie - Quinns Rocks - Jindalee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
9829 | 6037 | TWO ROCKS | WA | 115.616105 | -31.48847 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4847915 | 115.6273131 | 50503125711 | Two Rocks | 505031257 | Two Rocks | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
9830 | 6038 | ALKIMOS | WA | 115.723047 | -32.289149 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6171563 | 115.6805868 | 50503125544 | Alkimos | 505031255 | Alkimos - Eglinton | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Pearce | 3.63886451721191 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51104 | Butler (North Metropolitan) |
9831 | 6041 | CARABAN | WA | 115.568551 | -31.379673 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.3624436 | 115.5454302 | 50902123933 | Guilderton | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 45.9572677612305 | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9832 | 6041 | GABBADAH | WA | 115.568551 | -31.379673 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.2810291 | 115.5043259 | 50902123933 | Guilderton | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 45.9572677612305 | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9833 | 6041 | GUILDERTON | WA | 115.568551 | -31.379673 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.3418065 | 115.5056451 | 50902123933 | Guilderton | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 45.9572677612305 | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9834 | 6041 | WILBINGA | WA | 115.568551 | -31.379673 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.3993198 | 115.6071105 | 50902123933 | Guilderton | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 45.9572677612305 | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9835 | 6041 | WOODRIDGE | WA | 115.568551 | -31.379673 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.3369602 | 115.5997274 | 50902123933 | Guilderton | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 45.9572677612305 | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9836 | 6042 | SEABIRD | WA | 115.508625 | -31.254414 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.2638905 | 115.4615092 | 50902123909 | Seabird | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 60.8378982543945 | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9837 | 6043 | BRETON BAY | WA | 115.424522 | -31.141763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.1919489 | 115.4504558 | 50902123934 | Ledge Point | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9838 | 6043 | LEDGE POINT | WA | 115.424522 | -31.141763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.106689 | 115.3756308 | 50902123934 | Ledge Point | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9839 | 6044 | KARAKIN | WA | 115.424656 | -30.972846 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.0647006 | 115.3972411 | 50902123935 | Lancelin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 126.620788574219 | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9840 | 6044 | LANCELIN | WA | 115.424656 | -30.972846 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.0454098 | 115.3532775 | 50902123935 | Lancelin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 126.620788574219 | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9841 | 6044 | NILGEN | WA | 115.424656 | -30.972846 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -30.9710676 | 115.3670058 | 50902123935 | Lancelin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 126.620788574219 | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9842 | 6044 | WEDGE ISLAND | WA | 115.424656 | -30.972846 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -30.7904266 | 115.2174028 | 50902123935 | Lancelin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 126.620788574219 | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
9843 | 6050 | COOLBINIA | WA | 115.871864 | -31.930574 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9138684 | 115.8543906 | 50502109733 | Menora | 505021097 | Yokine - Coolbinia - Menora | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Bayswater | 50420 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
9844 | 6050 | MENORA | WA | 115.871864 | -31.930574 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9231622 | 115.8608222 | 50502109733 | Menora | 505021097 | Yokine - Coolbinia - Menora | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Bayswater | 50420 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
9845 | 6050 | MOUNT LAWLEY | WA | 115.871864 | -31.930574 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9320594 | 115.8741149 | 50502109733 | Menora | 505021097 | Yokine - Coolbinia - Menora | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Bayswater | 50420 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 54304 | Perth (North Metropolitan) |
9846 | 6051 | MAYLANDS | WA | 115.899589 | -31.938107 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50401 | Bayswater - Bassendean | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.938255 | 115.9024493 | 50401104628 | Maylands (WA) | 504011046 | Maylands | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 6.26077938079834 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Bayswater | 50420 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
9847 | 6052 | BEDFORD | WA | 115.883976 | -31.915463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.915616 | 115.884707 | 50401104553 | Bedford | 504011045 | Bayswater - Embleton - Bedford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 27.6814594268799 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
9848 | 6052 | INGLEWOOD | WA | 115.883976 | -31.915463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9168382 | 115.8851214 | 50401104553 | Bedford | 504011045 | Bayswater - Embleton - Bedford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 27.6814594268799 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
9849 | 6053 | BAYSWATER | WA | 115.914851 | -31.920863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50401 | Bayswater - Bassendean | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9164799 | 115.9172336 | 50401104560 | Bayswater (WA) | 504011045 | Bayswater - Embleton - Bedford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Bayswater | 50420 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 53402 | Maylands (East Metropolitan) |
9850 | 6054 | ASHFIELD | WA | 115.942572 | -31.901801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9172344 | 115.9366041 | 50403106220 | Kiara | 504031062 | Lockridge - Kiara | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 19.5879249572754 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 50502 | Bassendean (East Metropolitan) |
9851 | 6054 | BASSENDEAN | WA | 115.942572 | -31.901801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9076376 | 115.9425873 | 50403106220 | Kiara | 504031062 | Lockridge - Kiara | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 19.5879249572754 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 50502 | Bassendean (East Metropolitan) |
9852 | 6054 | BASSENDEAN DC | WA | 115.942572 | -31.901801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9032 | 115.928 | 50403106220 | Kiara | 504031062 | Lockridge - Kiara | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 19.5879249572754 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 50502 | Bassendean (East Metropolitan) |
9853 | 6054 | EDEN HILL | WA | 115.942572 | -31.901801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8906446 | 115.9421817 | 50403106220 | Kiara | 504031062 | Lockridge - Kiara | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 19.5879249572754 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 50502 | Bassendean (East Metropolitan) |
9854 | 6054 | KIARA | WA | 115.942572 | -31.901801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8843886 | 115.9380878 | 50403106220 | Kiara | 504031062 | Lockridge - Kiara | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 19.5879249572754 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 50502 | Bassendean (East Metropolitan) |
9855 | 6054 | LOCKRIDGE | WA | 115.942572 | -31.901801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8818885 | 115.9498271 | 50403106220 | Kiara | 504031062 | Lockridge - Kiara | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 19.5879249572754 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Perth | Inner Metropolitan | 50502 | Bassendean (East Metropolitan) |
21757 | 6055 | BRABHAM | WA | 115.9734135 | -31.82796346 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8271 | 115.969 | 50602112102 | South Guildford | 506021121 | Perth Airport | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 16.115852355957 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mundaring | 56090 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
21758 | 6055 | BUSHMEAD | WA | 116.0299538 | -31.92821488 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9229 | 116.027 | 50602112102 | South Guildford | 506021121 | Perth Airport | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 37.8693428039551 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mundaring | 56090 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
9856 | 6055 | CAVERSHAM | WA | 115.980754 | -31.842527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8757294 | 115.9748739 | 50602112102 | South Guildford | 506021121 | Perth Airport | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 16.115852355957 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mundaring | 56090 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
21759 | 6055 | DAYTON | WA | 115.9743113 | -31.85453394 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8556 | 115.969 | 50602112102 | South Guildford | 506021121 | Perth Airport | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 16.115852355957 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mundaring | 56090 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
9857 | 6055 | GUILDFORD | WA | 115.980754 | -31.842527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8989836 | 115.9718099 | 50602112102 | South Guildford | 506021121 | Perth Airport | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 16.115852355957 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mundaring | 56090 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
9858 | 6055 | HAZELMERE | WA | 115.980754 | -31.842527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9106188 | 116.0098025 | 50602112102 | South Guildford | 506021121 | Perth Airport | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 16.115852355957 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mundaring | 56090 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
9859 | 6055 | HENLEY BROOK | WA | 115.980754 | -31.842527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8011091 | 115.9748448 | 50602112102 | South Guildford | 506021121 | Perth Airport | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 16.115852355957 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mundaring | 56090 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
9860 | 6055 | SOUTH GUILDFORD | WA | 115.980754 | -31.842527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9101748 | 115.9668664 | 50602112102 | South Guildford | 506021121 | Perth Airport | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 16.115852355957 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mundaring | 56090 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
9861 | 6055 | WEST SWAN | WA | 115.980754 | -31.842527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8460686 | 115.9889019 | 50602112102 | South Guildford | 506021121 | Perth Airport | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 16.115852355957 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mundaring | 56090 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
9862 | 6056 | BASKERVILLE | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7971967 | 116.0505576 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9863 | 6056 | BELLEVUE | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8999664 | 116.0236901 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9864 | 6056 | BOYA | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.915078 | 116.0532403 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9865 | 6056 | GREENMOUNT | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8983463 | 116.0489523 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9866 | 6056 | HELENA VALLEY | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9200748 | 116.0343803 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9867 | 6056 | HERNE HILL | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8291659 | 116.0166261 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9868 | 6056 | JANE BROOK | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8619221 | 116.0594798 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9869 | 6056 | KOONGAMIA | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9062572 | 116.040491 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9870 | 6056 | MIDDLE SWAN | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8723346 | 116.0173525 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9871 | 6056 | MIDLAND | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8917642 | 116.0134587 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9872 | 6056 | MIDVALE | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8860343 | 116.0283186 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9873 | 6056 | MILLENDON | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8073045 | 116.0285054 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9874 | 6056 | RED HILL | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8293505 | 116.0768075 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9875 | 6056 | STRATTON | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8700818 | 116.0339382 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9876 | 6056 | SWAN VIEW | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8858539 | 116.0522873 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9877 | 6056 | VIVEASH | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8759979 | 115.9988236 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9878 | 6056 | WOODBRIDGE | WA | 116.0261 | -31.838398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.891243 | 115.9928975 | 50605114035 | Helena Valley | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
9879 | 6057 | HIGH WYCOMBE | WA | 116.004245 | -31.94994 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9365204 | 116.006311 | 50605114030 | Maida Vale | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
9880 | 6057 | MAIDA VALE | WA | 116.004245 | -31.94994 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9530067 | 116.0241739 | 50605114030 | Maida Vale | 506051140 | Kalamunda - Maida Vale - Gooseberry Hill | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
9881 | 6058 | FORRESTFIELD | WA | 116.006688 | -31.985241 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9831525 | 116.0000104 | 50605113839 | Forrestfield | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | 38.7784309387207 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 52102 | Forrestfield (East Metropolitan) |
9882 | 6059 | DIANELLA | WA | 115.861726 | -31.882862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8843665 | 115.8699209 | 50502130226 | Dianella | 505021302 | Dianella - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Bayswater | 50420 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
9883 | 6060 | DOG SWAMP | WA | 115.840879 | -31.903241 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9093757 | 115.8459841 | 50502109734 | Yokine | 505021097 | Yokine - Coolbinia - Menora | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
9884 | 6060 | JOONDANNA | WA | 115.840879 | -31.903241 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9108876 | 115.8457182 | 50502109734 | Yokine | 505021097 | Yokine - Coolbinia - Menora | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
9885 | 6060 | TUART HILL | WA | 115.840879 | -31.903241 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8965657 | 115.8355162 | 50502109734 | Yokine | 505021097 | Yokine - Coolbinia - Menora | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
9886 | 6060 | YOKINE | WA | 115.840879 | -31.903241 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9014963 | 115.8494185 | 50502109734 | Yokine | 505021097 | Yokine - Coolbinia - Menora | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
21760 | 6060 | YOKINE SOUTH | WA | 115.84939 | -31.89415 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9105 | 115.849 | 50502109734 | Yokine | 505021097 | Yokine - Coolbinia - Menora | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Stirling | 57910 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
9887 | 6061 | BALGA | WA | 115.843478 | -31.864113 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8576435 | 115.8357889 | 50502130128 | Mirrabooka (WA) | 505021301 | Dianella - North | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53802 | Morley (East Metropolitan) |
9888 | 6061 | MIRRABOOKA | WA | 115.843478 | -31.864113 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8662015 | 115.8662538 | 50502130128 | Mirrabooka (WA) | 505021301 | Dianella - North | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53802 | Morley (East Metropolitan) |
9889 | 6061 | NOLLAMARA | WA | 115.843478 | -31.864113 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8805717 | 115.8472254 | 50502130128 | Mirrabooka (WA) | 505021301 | Dianella - North | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53802 | Morley (East Metropolitan) |
9890 | 6061 | WESTMINSTER | WA | 115.843478 | -31.864113 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8664257 | 115.8407834 | 50502130128 | Mirrabooka (WA) | 505021301 | Dianella - North | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53802 | Morley (East Metropolitan) |
16313 | 6062 | EMBLETON | WA | 115.89088 | -31.886322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.90313 | 115.9104907 | 50401104821 | Noranda | 504011048 | Noranda | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 33.6292190551758 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Bayswater | 50420 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
16314 | 6062 | MORLEY | WA | 115.89088 | -31.886322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8889571 | 115.9181651 | 50401104821 | Noranda | 504011048 | Noranda | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 33.6292190551758 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Bayswater | 50420 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
16315 | 6062 | NORANDA | WA | 115.89088 | -31.886322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8754476 | 115.8964691 | 50401104821 | Noranda | 504011048 | Noranda | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Perth | 33.6292190551758 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Bayswater | 50420 | Stirling | Inner Metropolitan | 53902 | Mount Lawley (East Metropolitan) |
16316 | 6063 | BEECHBORO | WA | 115.937824 | -31.866822 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8680248 | 115.9387494 | 50403105748 | Bennett Springs | 504031057 | Beechboro | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | 20.7958946228027 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
21761 | 6063 | BENNETT SPRINGS | WA | 115.9421996 | -31.8589186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8584 | 115.946 | 50403105748 | Bennett Springs | 504031057 | Beechboro | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | 20.7958946228027 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16317 | 6064 | ALEXANDER HEIGHTS | WA | 115.849098 | -31.835333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8269026 | 115.8671293 | 50503110426 | Marangaroo | 505031104 | Marangaroo | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 53602 | Mirrabooka (East Metropolitan) |
16318 | 6064 | GIRRAWHEEN | WA | 115.849098 | -31.835333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8406834 | 115.8403151 | 50503110426 | Marangaroo | 505031104 | Marangaroo | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 53602 | Mirrabooka (East Metropolitan) |
16319 | 6064 | KOONDOOLA | WA | 115.849098 | -31.835333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8412583 | 115.8628244 | 50503110426 | Marangaroo | 505031104 | Marangaroo | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 53602 | Mirrabooka (East Metropolitan) |
16320 | 6064 | MARANGAROO | WA | 115.849098 | -31.835333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8278073 | 115.841335 | 50503110426 | Marangaroo | 505031104 | Marangaroo | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 53602 | Mirrabooka (East Metropolitan) |
16321 | 6065 | ASHBY | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7331506 | 115.7993996 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16322 | 6065 | DARCH | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8132291 | 115.8448339 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16323 | 6065 | GNANGARA | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7756709 | 115.8656825 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16324 | 6065 | HOCKING | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7698267 | 115.8201204 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16325 | 6065 | JANDABUP | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7368317 | 115.8532467 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16326 | 6065 | KINGSWAY | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8131996 | 115.8485988 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16327 | 6065 | LANDSDALE | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8042706 | 115.86174 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16328 | 6065 | LEXIA | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7782554 | 115.9115029 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16329 | 6065 | MADELEY | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8132043 | 115.8275892 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16330 | 6065 | MARIGINIUP | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7069105 | 115.8504592 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16331 | 6065 | MELALEUCA | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.763241 | 115.816684 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16332 | 6065 | PEARSALL | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7801238 | 115.813642 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16333 | 6065 | PINJAR | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.763241 | 115.816684 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16334 | 6065 | SINAGRA | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7399535 | 115.8027687 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16335 | 6065 | TAPPING | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7172114 | 115.7952533 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16336 | 6065 | WANGARA | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7915003 | 115.8281157 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16337 | 6065 | WANGARA DC | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7888 | 115.814 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16338 | 6065 | WANNEROO | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7572961 | 115.8064758 | 50503130634 | Wanneroo | 505031306 | Wanneroo - Sinagra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
16339 | 6066 | BALLAJURA | WA | 115.896508 | -31.84269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.836786 | 115.8935783 | 50403105651 | Ballajura | 504031056 | Ballajura | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | 36.4868125915527 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16340 | 6067 | CULLACABARDEE | WA | 115.899644 | -31.816059 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8129911 | 115.9054062 | 50503130425 | Cullacabardee | 505031304 | Landsdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16341 | 6068 | WHITEMAN | WA | 115.941108 | -31.826199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8224687 | 115.9349737 | 50403105709 | Whiteman | 504031057 | Beechboro | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
21762 | 6069 | AVELEY | WA | 115.989248 | -31.78156868 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7775422 | 115.9864678 | 50403130049 | Ellenbrook | 504031300 | Ellenbrook | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 29.5236930847168 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16342 | 6069 | BELHUS | WA | 116.007663 | -31.771612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7824137 | 116.0134402 | 50403130049 | Ellenbrook | 504031300 | Ellenbrook | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 29.5236930847168 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16343 | 6069 | BRIGADOON | WA | 116.007663 | -31.771612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7798811 | 116.0828251 | 50403130049 | Ellenbrook | 504031300 | Ellenbrook | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Pearce | 29.5236930847168 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16344 | 6069 | ELLENBROOK | WA | 116.007663 | -31.771612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7645555 | 116.005922 | 50403130049 | Ellenbrook | 504031300 | Ellenbrook | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 29.5236930847168 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16345 | 6069 | ELLENBROOK EAST | WA | 116.007663 | -31.771612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7646 | 116.006 | 50403130049 | Ellenbrook | 504031300 | Ellenbrook | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 29.5236930847168 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16346 | 6069 | THE VINES | WA | 116.007663 | -31.771612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7582783 | 116.0024569 | 50403130049 | Ellenbrook | 504031300 | Ellenbrook | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | 29.5236930847168 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16347 | 6069 | UPPER SWAN | WA | 116.007663 | -31.771612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7731085 | 116.0277687 | 50403130049 | Ellenbrook | 504031300 | Ellenbrook | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Pearce | 29.5236930847168 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16348 | 6070 | DARLINGTON | WA | 116.079266 | -31.929036 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9226334 | 116.0827607 | 50402105022 | Darlington (WA) | 504021050 | Glen Forrest - Darlington | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 53502 | Midland (East Metropolitan) |
16349 | 6071 | GLEN FORREST | WA | 116.100432 | -31.889087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.910937 | 116.1042495 | 50402105020 | Glen Forrest | 504021050 | Glen Forrest - Darlington | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 53502 | Midland (East Metropolitan) |
16350 | 6071 | HOVEA | WA | 116.100432 | -31.889087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8757092 | 116.112542 | 50402105020 | Glen Forrest | 504021050 | Glen Forrest - Darlington | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Kalamunda | 54200 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 53502 | Midland (East Metropolitan) |
16351 | 6072 | MAHOGANY CREEK | WA | 116.132045 | -31.907828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9142343 | 116.1329888 | 50402105338 | Mundaring | 504021053 | Mundaring | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | 304.449066162109 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16352 | 6073 | MUNDARING | WA | 116.28143 | -31.949349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9256022 | 116.165484 | 50402105338 | Mundaring | 504021053 | Mundaring | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16353 | 6073 | MUNDARING DC | WA | 116.28143 | -31.949349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9012 | 116.167 | 50402105338 | Mundaring | 504021053 | Mundaring | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16354 | 6073 | MUNDARING WEIR | WA | 116.28143 | -31.949349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9256 | 116.165 | 50402105338 | Mundaring | 504021053 | Mundaring | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16355 | 6074 | SAWYERS VALLEY | WA | 116.20454 | -31.896593 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9747933 | 116.2540856 | 50402105332 | Sawyers Valley | 504021053 | Mundaring | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hasluck | 316.466186523438 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16356 | 6076 | BICKLEY | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0033783 | 116.0904378 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16357 | 6076 | CARMEL | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0189524 | 116.0740776 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16358 | 6076 | GOOSEBERRY HILL | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9554445 | 116.0511246 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16359 | 6076 | HACKETTS GULLY | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9810162 | 116.1031243 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16360 | 6076 | KALAMUNDA | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9755983 | 116.0565936 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16361 | 6076 | LESMURDIE | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0131773 | 116.0381059 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16362 | 6076 | PAULLS VALLEY | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9550113 | 116.1112223 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16363 | 6076 | PICKERING BROOK | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0501173 | 116.1958784 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16364 | 6076 | PIESSE BROOK | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9755528 | 116.0732912 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16365 | 6076 | RESERVOIR | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9987606 | 116.182214 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16366 | 6076 | WALLISTON | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9996083 | 116.0722425 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16367 | 6076 | WALLISTON DC | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.994 | 116.072 | 50605114133 | Lesmurdie | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
42 | 6077 | GNANGARA | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | | | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -31.7757 | 115.866 | 50503130317 | Lexia | 505031303 | Hocking - Pearsall | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
43 | 6077 | JANDABUP | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | | | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -31.753 | 115.864 | 50503130317 | Lexia | 505031303 | Hocking - Pearsall | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
44 | 6078 | MARIGINIUP | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | | | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -31.7069 | 115.85 | 50503125601 | Yanchep | 505031256 | Carabooda - Pinjar | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
45 | 6078 | PINJAR | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | | | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -31.6207 | 115.821 | 50503125601 | Yanchep | 505031256 | Carabooda - Pinjar | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Wanneroo | 58760 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55504 | Wanneroo (North Metropolitan) |
46 | 6079 | LEXIA | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | | | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -31.7783 | 115.912 | 50503130317 | Lexia | 505031303 | Hocking - Pearsall | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
47 | 6079 | MELALEUCA | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | | | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -31.7416 | 115.928 | 50503130317 | Lexia | 505031303 | Hocking - Pearsall | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16368 | 6081 | PARKERVILLE | WA | 116.146074 | -31.876046 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8753082 | 116.1386395 | 50402105333 | Parkerville | 504021053 | Mundaring | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | 262.847595214844 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16369 | 6081 | STONEVILLE | WA | 116.146074 | -31.876046 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8771055 | 116.1705079 | 50402105333 | Parkerville | 504021053 | Mundaring | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | 262.847595214844 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16370 | 6082 | BAILUP | WA | 116.295706 | -31.738368 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7586682 | 116.3083941 | 50402105328 | Mount Helena | 504021053 | Mundaring | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16371 | 6082 | MOUNT HELENA | WA | 116.295706 | -31.738368 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8780386 | 116.2105782 | 50402105328 | Mount Helena | 504021053 | Mundaring | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16372 | 6083 | GIDGEGANNUP | WA | 116.196639 | -31.793051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7930685 | 116.1965988 | 50902124408 | Morangup | 509021244 | Toodyay | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mundaring | 56090 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16373 | 6083 | MORANGUP | WA | 116.196639 | -31.793051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6120269 | 116.3323997 | 50902124408 | Morangup | 509021244 | Toodyay | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mundaring | 56090 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16374 | 6084 | AVON VALLEY NATIONAL PARK | WA | 116.072828 | -31.622021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.626952 | 116.1876214 | 50902123610 | Chittering | 509021236 | Chittering | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chittering | 51680 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16375 | 6084 | BULLSBROOK | WA | 116.072828 | -31.622021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.6553638 | 115.9977351 | 50902123610 | Chittering | 509021236 | Chittering | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chittering | 51680 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16376 | 6084 | CHITTERING | WA | 116.072828 | -31.622021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.4688825 | 116.050429 | 50902123610 | Chittering | 509021236 | Chittering | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chittering | 51680 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16377 | 6084 | LOWER CHITTERING | WA | 116.072828 | -31.622021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.5606185 | 116.0826746 | 50902123610 | Chittering | 509021236 | Chittering | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chittering | 51680 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16378 | 6084 | WALYUNGA NATIONAL PARK | WA | 116.072828 | -31.622021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.727634 | 116.0709096 | 50902123610 | Chittering | 509021236 | Chittering | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Pearce | | W1 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chittering | 51680 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
16379 | 6090 | MALAGA | WA | 115.894254 | -31.862589 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8600127 | 115.8965353 | 50403106301 | Malaga | 504031063 | Malaga | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cowan | 32.8327293395996 | W1 | PHN501 | Perth North | Swan | 58050 | Cowan | Inner Metropolitan | 55802 | West Swan (East Metropolitan) |
16380 | 6100 | BURSWOOD | WA | 115.896029 | -31.971725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9633074 | 115.8967553 | 50602112341 | Burswood | 506021123 | Victoria Park - Lathlain - Burswood | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 13.6492071151733 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Victoria Park | 58510 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16381 | 6100 | LATHLAIN | WA | 115.896029 | -31.971725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.967897 | 115.9081062 | 50602112341 | Burswood | 506021123 | Victoria Park - Lathlain - Burswood | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 13.6492071151733 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Victoria Park | 58510 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16382 | 6100 | VICTORIA PARK | WA | 115.896029 | -31.971725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9750418 | 115.8977211 | 50602112341 | Burswood | 506021123 | Victoria Park - Lathlain - Burswood | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 13.6492071151733 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Victoria Park | 58510 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16383 | 6101 | CARLISLE | WA | 115.908576 | -31.985247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9786278 | 115.9171073 | 50603112421 | St James (WA) | 506031124 | Bentley - Wilson - St James | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Victoria Park | 58510 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16384 | 6101 | CARLISLE NORTH | WA | 115.908576 | -31.985247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9786278 | 115.9171073 | 50603112421 | St James (WA) | 506031124 | Bentley - Wilson - St James | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Victoria Park | 58510 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16385 | 6101 | CARLISLE SOUTH | WA | 115.908576 | -31.985247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9786278 | 115.9171073 | 50603112421 | St James (WA) | 506031124 | Bentley - Wilson - St James | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Victoria Park | 58510 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16386 | 6101 | EAST VICTORIA PARK | WA | 115.908576 | -31.985247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9846562 | 115.9083631 | 50603112421 | St James (WA) | 506031124 | Bentley - Wilson - St James | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Victoria Park | 58510 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16387 | 6102 | BENTLEY | WA | 115.904425 | -32.005644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0041058 | 115.8964003 | 50603112447 | St James (WA) | 506031124 | Bentley - Wilson - St James | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 13.4209661483765 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | South Perth | 57840 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16388 | 6102 | BENTLEY DC | WA | 115.904425 | -32.005644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9924 | 115.889 | 50603112447 | St James (WA) | 506031124 | Bentley - Wilson - St James | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 13.4209661483765 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | South Perth | 57840 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
21763 | 6102 | BENTLEY SOUTH | WA | 115.918975 | -32.001778 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0041058 | 115.8964003 | 50603112447 | St James (WA) | 506031124 | Bentley - Wilson - St James | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 13.4209661483765 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | South Perth | 57840 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16389 | 6102 | ST JAMES | WA | 115.904425 | -32.005644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9961703 | 115.9143617 | 50603112447 | St James (WA) | 506031124 | Bentley - Wilson - St James | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 13.4209661483765 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | South Perth | 57840 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16390 | 6103 | RIVERVALE | WA | 115.913458 | -31.960364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9608819 | 115.9201904 | 50602131126 | Rivervale | 506021311 | Rivervale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Belmont | 50490 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 50702 | Belmont (East Metropolitan) |
16391 | 6104 | ASCOT | WA | 115.977633 | -31.965498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9354582 | 115.9297299 | 50602111832 | Belmont (WA) | 506021118 | Belmont - Ascot - Redcliffe | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Belmont | 50490 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 50702 | Belmont (East Metropolitan) |
16392 | 6104 | BELMONT | WA | 115.977633 | -31.965498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.953847 | 115.9261098 | 50602111832 | Belmont (WA) | 506021118 | Belmont - Ascot - Redcliffe | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Belmont | 50490 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 50702 | Belmont (East Metropolitan) |
16393 | 6104 | REDCLIFFE | WA | 115.977633 | -31.965498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9381761 | 115.9435503 | 50602111832 | Belmont (WA) | 506021118 | Belmont - Ascot - Redcliffe | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Belmont | 50490 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 50702 | Belmont (East Metropolitan) |
16394 | 6105 | CLOVERDALE | WA | 115.963293 | -31.95388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9624535 | 115.9447259 | 50605113838 | Kewdale | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 19.8517208099365 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 52102 | Forrestfield (East Metropolitan) |
16395 | 6105 | KEWDALE | WA | 115.963293 | -31.95388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9797348 | 115.9596253 | 50605113838 | Kewdale | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 19.8517208099365 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 52102 | Forrestfield (East Metropolitan) |
16396 | 6105 | PERTH AIRPORT | WA | 115.963293 | -31.95388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9657302 | 115.9586253 | 50605113838 | Kewdale | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 19.8517208099365 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 52102 | Forrestfield (East Metropolitan) |
16397 | 6106 | WELSHPOOL | WA | 115.945564 | -31.992082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.991505 | 115.9497562 | 50603113001 | Welshpool (WA) | 506031130 | Welshpool | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 16.0262928009033 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Belmont | 50490 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16398 | 6106 | WELSHPOOL DC | WA | 115.945564 | -31.992082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9891 | 115.945 | 50603113001 | Welshpool (WA) | 506031130 | Welshpool | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 16.0262928009033 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Belmont | 50490 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16399 | 6107 | BECKENHAM | WA | 115.967142 | -32.017663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0275041 | 115.949352 | 50605113848 | Wattle Grove (WA) | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16400 | 6107 | CANNINGTON | WA | 115.967142 | -32.017663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0178684 | 115.9346654 | 50605113848 | Wattle Grove (WA) | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16401 | 6107 | EAST CANNINGTON | WA | 115.967142 | -32.017663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0056699 | 115.9633174 | 50605113848 | Wattle Grove (WA) | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16402 | 6107 | KENWICK | WA | 115.967142 | -32.017663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0331924 | 115.9821613 | 50605113848 | Wattle Grove (WA) | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16403 | 6107 | QUEENS PARK | WA | 115.967142 | -32.017663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0042449 | 115.9423037 | 50605113848 | Wattle Grove (WA) | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16404 | 6107 | WATTLE GROVE | WA | 115.967142 | -32.017663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.008154 | 115.9970025 | 50605113848 | Wattle Grove (WA) | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16405 | 6107 | WILSON | WA | 115.967142 | -32.017663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0196984 | 115.9116119 | 50605113848 | Wattle Grove (WA) | 506051138 | Forrestfield - Wattle Grove | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16406 | 6108 | THORNLIE | WA | 115.953584 | -32.06089 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0570426 | 115.9527126 | 50604113759 | Thornlie | 506041137 | Thornlie | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Gosnells | 53780 | Burt | Outer Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16407 | 6109 | MADDINGTON | WA | 116.013165 | -32.039897 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0502858 | 115.9844929 | 50604113642 | Maddington | 506041136 | Maddington - Orange Grove - Martin | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Gosnells | 53780 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16408 | 6109 | ORANGE GROVE | WA | 116.013165 | -32.039897 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0315515 | 116.0219405 | 50604113642 | Maddington | 506041136 | Maddington - Orange Grove - Martin | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Gosnells | 53780 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16409 | 6110 | GOSNELLS | WA | 116.008603 | -32.078535 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0823022 | 115.9902668 | 50604113640 | Martin | 506041136 | Maddington - Orange Grove - Martin | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Gosnells | 53780 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16410 | 6110 | HUNTINGDALE | WA | 116.008603 | -32.078535 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0866604 | 115.9670872 | 50604113640 | Martin | 506041136 | Maddington - Orange Grove - Martin | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Gosnells | 53780 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16411 | 6110 | MARTIN | WA | 116.008603 | -32.078535 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0789071 | 116.0621898 | 50604113640 | Martin | 506041136 | Maddington - Orange Grove - Martin | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Gosnells | 53780 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16412 | 6110 | SOUTHERN RIVER | WA | 116.008603 | -32.078535 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1047229 | 115.9594374 | 50604113640 | Martin | 506041136 | Maddington - Orange Grove - Martin | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Gosnells | 53780 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
17685 | 6111 | ASHENDON | WA | 116.192636 | -32.10398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2116834 | 116.190839 | 50605114101 | Canning Mills | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Burt | 267.607513427734 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
17684 | 6111 | CAMILLO | WA | 116.192636 | -32.10398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1122 | 116.004 | 50605114101 | Canning Mills | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 267.607513427734 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16413 | 6111 | CANNING MILLS | WA | 116.095955 | -32.09788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0710842 | 116.1049672 | 50605114101 | Canning Mills | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Burt | 318.129547119141 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16414 | 6111 | CHAMPION LAKES | WA | 116.095955 | -32.09788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1171178 | 115.9860294 | 50605114101 | Canning Mills | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 318.129547119141 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16415 | 6111 | KARRAGULLEN | WA | 116.095955 | -32.09788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1003757 | 116.1168079 | 50605114101 | Canning Mills | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Burt | 318.129547119141 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16416 | 6111 | KELMSCOTT | WA | 116.095955 | -32.09788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1144179 | 116.0148177 | 50605114101 | Canning Mills | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 318.129547119141 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16417 | 6111 | KELMSCOTT DC | WA | 116.095955 | -32.09788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1299 | 116.007 | 50605114101 | Canning Mills | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 318.129547119141 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
17683 | 6111 | LESLEY | WA | 116.192636 | -32.10398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1054 | 116.194 | 50605114101 | Canning Mills | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Burt | 267.607513427734 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16418 | 6111 | ROLEYSTONE | WA | 116.095955 | -32.09788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1257607 | 116.0615683 | 50605114101 | Canning Mills | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 318.129547119141 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16419 | 6111 | WESTFIELD | WA | 116.095955 | -32.09788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1121511 | 116.0043346 | 50605114101 | Canning Mills | 506051141 | Lesmurdie - Bickley - Carmel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 318.129547119141 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kalamunda | 54200 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52702 | Kalamunda (East Metropolitan) |
16420 | 6112 | ARMADALE | WA | 115.997934 | -32.158675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1473012 | 116.0128764 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
16421 | 6112 | BEDFORDALE | WA | 115.997934 | -32.158675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1496111 | 116.054328 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
16422 | 6112 | BROOKDALE | WA | 115.997934 | -32.158675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1689832 | 116.0040377 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
24161 | 6112 | DOOBARDA | WA | 115.9473 | -32.1738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | | | | 25.0596027374268 | | | | Armadale | 50210 | | | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
16423 | 6112 | FORRESTDALE | WA | 115.997934 | -32.158675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1477898 | 115.9369583 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
17680 | 6112 | HARRISDALE | WA | 116.008274 | -32.152386 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1176 | 115.932 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
17681 | 6112 | HAYNES | WA | 116.008274 | -32.152386 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1528 | 115.975 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
17682 | 6112 | HILBERT | WA | 116.008274 | -32.152386 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1776 | 115.983 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
16424 | 6112 | MOUNT NASURA | WA | 115.997934 | -32.158675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1401592 | 116.0257044 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
16425 | 6112 | MOUNT RICHON | WA | 115.997934 | -32.158675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1599589 | 116.0206116 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
17679 | 6112 | PIARA WATERS | WA | 116.008274 | -32.152386 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1247 | 115.918 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
16426 | 6112 | SEVILLE GROVE | WA | 115.997934 | -32.158675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1360031 | 115.9907343 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
16427 | 6112 | WUNGONG | WA | 115.997934 | -32.158675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.1819203 | 116.0039586 | 50601130837 | Piara Waters | 506011308 | Piara Waters - Forrestdale | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | 39.1071548461914 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Armadale | 50210 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 52505 | Jandakot (South Metropolitan) |
16428 | 6121 | OAKFORD | WA | 115.916459 | -32.208934 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2043324 | 115.9241645 | 50606114312 | Oakford | 506061143 | Mundijong | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16429 | 6121 | OLDBURY | WA | 115.916459 | -32.208934 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2544608 | 115.9070305 | 50606114312 | Oakford | 506061143 | Mundijong | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16430 | 6122 | BYFORD | WA | 116.0072 | -32.221725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2217191 | 116.0088444 | 50606114321 | Whitby | 506061143 | Mundijong | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16431 | 6122 | CARDUP | WA | 116.0072 | -32.221725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2566391 | 115.9809995 | 50606114321 | Whitby | 506061143 | Mundijong | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16432 | 6122 | DARLING DOWNS | WA | 116.0072 | -32.221725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1967124 | 115.9866015 | 50606114321 | Whitby | 506061143 | Mundijong | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16433 | 6122 | KARRAKUP | WA | 116.0072 | -32.221725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2470163 | 116.0560393 | 50606114321 | Whitby | 506061143 | Mundijong | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 2 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16434 | 6123 | MUNDIJONG | WA | 115.98589 | -32.295176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2995985 | 115.9845718 | 50606114321 | Whitby | 506061143 | Mundijong | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | 39.2726974487305 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16435 | 6123 | WHITBY | WA | 115.98589 | -32.295176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2826704 | 115.9964649 | 50606114321 | Whitby | 506061143 | Mundijong | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | 39.2726974487305 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16436 | 6124 | JARRAHDALE | WA | 116.072494 | -32.338316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3759261 | 116.1595761 | 50606114413 | Jarrahdale | 506061144 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16437 | 6125 | HOPELAND | WA | 115.901277 | -32.364427 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3642829 | 115.9092153 | 50606114415 | Serpentine (WA) | 506061144 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | 12.9939804077148 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16438 | 6125 | MARDELLA | WA | 115.901277 | -32.364427 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3342254 | 115.9648863 | 50606114415 | Serpentine (WA) | 506061144 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | 12.9939804077148 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16439 | 6125 | SERPENTINE | WA | 115.901277 | -32.364427 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3616954 | 115.9767794 | 50606114415 | Serpentine (WA) | 506061144 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | 12.9939804077148 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 51902 | Darling Range (East Metropolitan) |
16440 | 6126 | KEYSBROOK | WA | 115.977043 | -32.440033 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50606 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4363721 | 116.0295671 | 50606114410 | Keysbrook | 506061144 | Serpentine - Jarrahdale | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16441 | 6147 | LANGFORD | WA | 115.941353 | -32.043771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0397928 | 115.9484249 | 50604113246 | Langford | 506041132 | Beckenham - Kenwick - Langford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | 9.72682476043701 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Gosnells | 53780 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16442 | 6147 | LYNWOOD | WA | 115.941353 | -32.043771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0402295 | 115.9320611 | 50604113246 | Langford | 506041132 | Beckenham - Kenwick - Langford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | 9.72682476043701 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Gosnells | 53780 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16443 | 6147 | PARKWOOD | WA | 115.941353 | -32.043771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0467714 | 115.9126767 | 50604113246 | Langford | 506041132 | Beckenham - Kenwick - Langford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | 9.72682476043701 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Gosnells | 53780 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16444 | 6148 | FERNDALE | WA | 115.924691 | -32.030183 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0307555 | 115.9253485 | 50603112933 | Rossmoyne | 506031129 | Riverton - Shelley - Rossmoyne | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Canning | 51330 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16445 | 6148 | RIVERTON | WA | 115.924691 | -32.030183 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0338297 | 115.8931741 | 50603112933 | Rossmoyne | 506031129 | Riverton - Shelley - Rossmoyne | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Canning | 51330 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16446 | 6148 | ROSSMOYNE | WA | 115.924691 | -32.030183 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0386354 | 115.8677123 | 50603112933 | Rossmoyne | 506031129 | Riverton - Shelley - Rossmoyne | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Canning | 51330 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16447 | 6148 | SHELLEY | WA | 115.924691 | -32.030183 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0278545 | 115.8895276 | 50603112933 | Rossmoyne | 506031129 | Riverton - Shelley - Rossmoyne | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Canning | 51330 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16448 | 6149 | BULL CREEK | WA | 115.858679 | -32.064941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0565965 | 115.864873 | 50704118032 | Leeming | 507041180 | Leeming | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | 23.3048229217529 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Canning | 51330 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16449 | 6149 | LEEMING | WA | 115.858679 | -32.064941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0796241 | 115.8656562 | 50704118032 | Leeming | 507041180 | Leeming | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | 23.3048229217529 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Canning | 51330 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16450 | 6150 | BATEMAN | WA | 115.833608 | -32.061682 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0595826 | 115.8443778 | 50704118418 | Winthrop | 507041184 | Winthrop | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16451 | 6150 | MURDOCH | WA | 115.833608 | -32.061682 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0699 | 115.8425954 | 50704118418 | Winthrop | 507041184 | Winthrop | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16452 | 6150 | WINTHROP | WA | 115.833608 | -32.061682 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0517894 | 115.8297179 | 50704118418 | Winthrop | 507041184 | Winthrop | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16453 | 6151 | KENSINGTON | WA | 115.869482 | -31.982199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50607 | South Perth | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9830523 | 115.8829593 | 50607114747 | South Perth | 506071147 | South Perth - Kensington | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 9.71096420288086 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Victoria Park | 58510 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16454 | 6151 | SOUTH PERTH | WA | 115.869482 | -31.982199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50607 | South Perth | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9809515 | 115.8639168 | 50607114747 | South Perth | 506071147 | South Perth - Kensington | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 9.71096420288086 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Victoria Park | 58510 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16455 | 6151 | SOUTH PERTH ANGELO ST | WA | 115.869482 | -31.982199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50607 | South Perth | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.980744 | 115.8628277 | 50607114747 | South Perth | 506071147 | South Perth - Kensington | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 9.71096420288086 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Victoria Park | 58510 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 55405 | Victoria Park (South Metropolitan) |
16456 | 6152 | COMO | WA | 115.870058 | -32.008509 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50607 | South Perth | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0010903 | 115.8617166 | 50607114630 | Salter Point | 506071146 | Manning - Waterford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 10.1558609008789 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | South Perth | 57840 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 54905 | South Perth (South Metropolitan) |
16169 | 6152 | KARAWARA | WA | 115.870058 | -32.008509 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50607 | South Perth | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0095347 | 115.8806461 | 50607114630 | Salter Point | 506071146 | Manning - Waterford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 10.1558609008789 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | South Perth | 57840 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 54905 | South Perth (South Metropolitan) |
16170 | 6152 | MANNING | WA | 115.870058 | -32.008509 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50607 | South Perth | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.011671 | 115.8688603 | 50607114630 | Salter Point | 506071146 | Manning - Waterford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 10.1558609008789 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | South Perth | 57840 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 54905 | South Perth (South Metropolitan) |
16171 | 6152 | SALTER POINT | WA | 115.870058 | -32.008509 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50607 | South Perth | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0211363 | 115.8628207 | 50607114630 | Salter Point | 506071146 | Manning - Waterford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 10.1558609008789 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | South Perth | 57840 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 54905 | South Perth (South Metropolitan) |
16172 | 6152 | WATERFORD | WA | 115.870058 | -32.008509 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50607 | South Perth | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0144555 | 115.8896583 | 50607114630 | Salter Point | 506071146 | Manning - Waterford | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Swan | 10.1558609008789 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | South Perth | 57840 | Swan | Inner Metropolitan | 54905 | South Perth (South Metropolitan) |
16173 | 6153 | APPLECROSS | WA | 115.837525 | -32.024363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0116062 | 115.8387269 | 50704117834 | Mount Pleasant (WA) | 507041178 | Booragoon | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16174 | 6153 | APPLECROSS NORTH | WA | 115.837525 | -32.024363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0116 | 115.839 | 50704117834 | Mount Pleasant (WA) | 507041178 | Booragoon | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16175 | 6153 | ARDROSS | WA | 115.837525 | -32.024363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0221019 | 115.8353491 | 50704117834 | Mount Pleasant (WA) | 507041178 | Booragoon | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16176 | 6153 | BRENTWOOD | WA | 115.837525 | -32.024363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0427611 | 115.8480251 | 50704117834 | Mount Pleasant (WA) | 507041178 | Booragoon | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16177 | 6153 | CANNING BRIDGE APPLECROSS | WA | 115.837525 | -32.024363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0107 | 115.854 | 50704117834 | Mount Pleasant (WA) | 507041178 | Booragoon | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16178 | 6153 | MOUNT PLEASANT | WA | 115.837525 | -32.024363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0248016 | 115.8484937 | 50704117834 | Mount Pleasant (WA) | 507041178 | Booragoon | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 54505 | Riverton (South Metropolitan) |
16179 | 6154 | ALFRED COVE | WA | 115.825994 | -32.040061 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0318604 | 115.8181396 | 50704118129 | Alfred Cove | 507041181 | Melville | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | 22.7261295318604 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 50805 | Bicton (South Metropolitan) |
16180 | 6154 | BOORAGOON | WA | 115.825994 | -32.040061 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0363985 | 115.8379711 | 50704118129 | Alfred Cove | 507041181 | Melville | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | 22.7261295318604 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 50805 | Bicton (South Metropolitan) |
16181 | 6154 | MYAREE | WA | 115.825994 | -32.040061 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0399796 | 115.8156494 | 50704118129 | Alfred Cove | 507041181 | Melville | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | 22.7261295318604 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 50805 | Bicton (South Metropolitan) |
16182 | 6155 | CANNING VALE | WA | 115.890779 | -32.061501 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0888848 | 115.9178123 | 50604113361 | Canning Vale | 506041133 | Canning Vale - East | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16183 | 6155 | CANNING VALE DC | WA | 115.890779 | -32.061501 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0582 | 115.918 | 50604113361 | Canning Vale | 506041133 | Canning Vale - East | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16184 | 6155 | CANNING VALE SOUTH | WA | 115.890779 | -32.061501 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0908863 | 115.919397 | 50604113361 | Canning Vale | 506041133 | Canning Vale - East | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16185 | 6155 | WILLETTON | WA | 115.890779 | -32.061501 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0487802 | 115.8921493 | 50604113361 | Canning Vale | 506041133 | Canning Vale - East | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55202 | Thornlie (East Metropolitan) |
16186 | 6156 | ATTADALE | WA | 115.800233 | -32.03954 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0248597 | 115.7996837 | 50704118310 | Willagee | 507041183 | Willagee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16187 | 6156 | MELVILLE | WA | 115.800233 | -32.03954 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0414618 | 115.8034715 | 50704118310 | Willagee | 507041183 | Willagee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16188 | 6156 | WILLAGEE | WA | 115.800233 | -32.03954 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0524713 | 115.8022559 | 50704118310 | Willagee | 507041183 | Willagee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16189 | 6156 | WILLAGEE CENTRAL | WA | 115.800233 | -32.03954 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0524713 | 115.8022559 | 50704118310 | Willagee | 507041183 | Willagee | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16190 | 6157 | BICTON | WA | 115.783732 | -32.038228 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0300552 | 115.7845012 | 50704117730 | Palmyra (WA) | 507041177 | Bicton - Palmyra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 52205 | Fremantle (South Metropolitan) |
16191 | 6157 | PALMYRA | WA | 115.783732 | -32.038228 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0458365 | 115.7847126 | 50704117730 | Palmyra (WA) | 507041177 | Bicton - Palmyra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 52205 | Fremantle (South Metropolitan) |
16192 | 6157 | PALMYRA DC | WA | 115.783732 | -32.038228 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0516 | 115.791 | 50704117730 | Palmyra (WA) | 507041177 | Bicton - Palmyra | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Melville | 55320 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 52205 | Fremantle (South Metropolitan) |
16193 | 6158 | EAST FREMANTLE | WA | 115.766561 | -32.038541 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50702 | Fremantle | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0367504 | 115.7663951 | 50702116417 | East Fremantle | 507021164 | East Fremantle | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | East Fremantle | 53150 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 50805 | Bicton (South Metropolitan) |
16194 | 6159 | NORTH FREMANTLE | WA | 115.750311 | -32.035224 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50702 | Fremantle | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0353019 | 115.7486438 | 50702116532 | North Fremantle | 507021165 | Fremantle | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 6.7016224861145 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 51804 | Cottesloe (North Metropolitan) |
16195 | 6160 | FREMANTLE | WA | 115.754545 | -32.054065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50702 | Fremantle | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0539328 | 115.7604781 | 50702116534 | Fremantle | 507021165 | Fremantle | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 21.8175487518311 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 52205 | Fremantle (South Metropolitan) |
16196 | 6161 | ROTTNEST ISLAND | WA | 115.520516 | -32.005554 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50702 | Fremantle | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0035186 | 115.5148137 | 50702116525 | Rottnest Island | 507021165 | Fremantle | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Fremantle | 1.51330375671387 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 52205 | Fremantle (South Metropolitan) |
16197 | 6162 | BEACONSFIELD | WA | 115.759022 | -32.068768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50702 | Fremantle | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.067218 | 115.7706321 | 50702116636 | Beaconsfield (WA) | 507021166 | Fremantle - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 18.9148540496826 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 52205 | Fremantle (South Metropolitan) |
16198 | 6162 | SOUTH FREMANTLE | WA | 115.759022 | -32.068768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50702 | Fremantle | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0677891 | 115.7525478 | 50702116636 | Beaconsfield (WA) | 507021166 | Fremantle - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 18.9148540496826 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 52205 | Fremantle (South Metropolitan) |
16199 | 6162 | WHITE GUM VALLEY | WA | 115.759022 | -32.068768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50702 | Fremantle | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0613542 | 115.7682039 | 50702116636 | Beaconsfield (WA) | 507021166 | Fremantle - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 18.9148540496826 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 52205 | Fremantle (South Metropolitan) |
16200 | 6163 | BIBRA LAKE | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1022549 | 115.8240324 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16201 | 6163 | BIBRA LAKE DC | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0977 | 115.8 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16202 | 6163 | COOLBELLUP | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0834068 | 115.806858 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16203 | 6163 | HAMILTON HILL | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0860323 | 115.7764909 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16204 | 6163 | HILTON | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0702 | 115.784 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16205 | 6163 | KARDINYA | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0687062 | 115.8148921 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
21764 | 6163 | NORTH COOGEE | WA | 115.759389 | -32.09300032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1025 | 115.763 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 10.7219924926758 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16206 | 6163 | NORTH LAKE | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0789699 | 115.8218528 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
23999 | 6163 | O’CONNOR | WA | 115.837476 | -32.092963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -32.1022549 | 115.8240324 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 19.4247169494629 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16207 | 6163 | O'CONNOR | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.060241 | 115.793698 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16208 | 6163 | SAMSON | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0722698 | 115.7995497 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16209 | 6163 | SPEARWOOD | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1025261 | 115.7826359 | 50704118228 | Kardinya | 507041182 | Murdoch - Kardinya | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Fremantle | 53430 | Tangney | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16210 | 6164 | ATWELL | WA | 115.854584 | -32.131993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1460122 | 115.8651336 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16211 | 6164 | AUBIN GROVE | WA | 115.854584 | -32.131993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1683982 | 115.8611445 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16212 | 6164 | BANJUP | WA | 115.854584 | -32.131993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1570175 | 115.8890062 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16213 | 6164 | BEELIAR | WA | 115.854584 | -32.131993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1312555 | 115.8115536 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
21765 | 6164 | COCKBURN CENTRAL | WA | 115.8477911 | -32.1212865 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1213274 | 115.848442 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16214 | 6164 | HAMMOND PARK | WA | 115.854584 | -32.131993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1684435 | 115.8494387 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16215 | 6164 | JANDAKOT | WA | 115.854584 | -32.131993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1071414 | 115.8598559 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16216 | 6164 | SOUTH LAKE | WA | 115.854584 | -32.131993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1041036 | 115.8402587 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16217 | 6164 | SUCCESS | WA | 115.854584 | -32.131993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1536587 | 115.8463549 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
21766 | 6164 | TREEBY | WA | 115.8928346 | -32.12303469 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1218 | 115.895 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16218 | 6164 | YANGEBUP | WA | 115.854584 | -32.131993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1218097 | 115.8082495 | 50701126009 | Leeming | 507011260 | Jandakot | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 28.903621673584 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16219 | 6165 | HOPE VALLEY | WA | 115.799431 | -32.19598 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.200778 | 115.8057319 | 50703117301 | Naval Base | 507031173 | Kwinana Industrial | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | 1.61907482147217 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kwinana | 54830 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16220 | 6165 | NAVAL BASE | WA | 115.799431 | -32.19598 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1987547 | 115.7823791 | 50703117301 | Naval Base | 507031173 | Kwinana Industrial | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | 1.61907482147217 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kwinana | 54830 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16221 | 6166 | COOGEE | WA | 115.790704 | -32.158361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.116126 | 115.7657929 | 50701125923 | Wattleup | 507011259 | Beeliar - Wattleup | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 8.72829532623291 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16222 | 6166 | HENDERSON | WA | 115.790704 | -32.158361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1457636 | 115.7785857 | 50701125923 | Wattleup | 507011259 | Beeliar - Wattleup | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 8.72829532623291 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
22834 | 6166 | LAKE COOGEE | WA | 115.786 | -32.128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -32.128 | 115.786 | 50701125923 | Wattleup | 507011259 | Beeliar - Wattleup | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | -3492 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16223 | 6166 | MUNSTER | WA | 115.790704 | -32.158361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1509366 | 115.8113086 | 50701125923 | Wattleup | 507011259 | Beeliar - Wattleup | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 8.72829532623291 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16224 | 6166 | WATTLEUP | WA | 115.790704 | -32.158361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1771063 | 115.8031196 | 50701125923 | Wattleup | 507011259 | Beeliar - Wattleup | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | 8.72829532623291 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Cockburn | 51820 | Fremantle | Inner Metropolitan | 55905 | Willagee (South Metropolitan) |
16225 | 6167 | ANKETELL | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2179086 | 115.8593099 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16226 | 6167 | BERTRAM | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2475354 | 115.8476642 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16227 | 6167 | CALISTA | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2471167 | 115.8065532 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16228 | 6167 | CASUARINA | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2375879 | 115.8745816 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16229 | 6167 | KWINANA BEACH | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2260862 | 115.7763846 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16230 | 6167 | KWINANA TOWN CENTRE | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2476388 | 115.8135235 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16231 | 6167 | MANDOGALUP | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1935634 | 115.8421987 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16232 | 6167 | MEDINA | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2362727 | 115.8053718 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16233 | 6167 | ORELIA | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2350267 | 115.8208189 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16234 | 6167 | PARMELIA | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2500689 | 115.8256616 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16235 | 6167 | POSTANS | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2206146 | 115.8109929 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16236 | 6167 | THE SPECTACLES | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2288727 | 115.8464234 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16237 | 6167 | WANDI | WA | 115.835308 | -32.223657 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1928515 | 115.8807112 | 50703126120 | Wandi | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Serpentine-Jarrahdale | 57700 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16238 | 6168 | COOLOONGUP | WA | 115.75773 | -32.281957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2945848 | 115.7629192 | 50705118903 | Warnbro | 507051189 | Rockingham Lakes | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 54605 | Rockingham (South Metropolitan) |
16239 | 6168 | EAST ROCKINGHAM | WA | 115.75773 | -32.281957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2585792 | 115.763715 | 50705118903 | Warnbro | 507051189 | Rockingham Lakes | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 54605 | Rockingham (South Metropolitan) |
16240 | 6168 | GARDEN ISLAND | WA | 115.75773 | -32.281957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2043254 | 115.6776274 | 50705118903 | Warnbro | 507051189 | Rockingham Lakes | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 6 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 54605 | Rockingham (South Metropolitan) |
16241 | 6168 | HILLMAN | WA | 115.75773 | -32.281957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2828886 | 115.7630414 | 50705118903 | Warnbro | 507051189 | Rockingham Lakes | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 54605 | Rockingham (South Metropolitan) |
16242 | 6168 | PERON | WA | 115.75773 | -32.281957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2749875 | 115.700356 | 50705118903 | Warnbro | 507051189 | Rockingham Lakes | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 54605 | Rockingham (South Metropolitan) |
16243 | 6168 | ROCKINGHAM | WA | 115.75773 | -32.281957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2780954 | 115.7351403 | 50705118903 | Warnbro | 507051189 | Rockingham Lakes | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 54605 | Rockingham (South Metropolitan) |
16244 | 6168 | ROCKINGHAM BEACH | WA | 115.75773 | -32.281957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2676646 | 115.7396753 | 50705118903 | Warnbro | 507051189 | Rockingham Lakes | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 54605 | Rockingham (South Metropolitan) |
16245 | 6168 | ROCKINGHAM DC | WA | 115.75773 | -32.281957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2751 | 115.772 | 50705118903 | Warnbro | 507051189 | Rockingham Lakes | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 54605 | Rockingham (South Metropolitan) |
16246 | 6169 | SAFETY BAY | WA | 115.763949 | -32.338504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3100675 | 115.7319024 | 50705119328 | Warnbro | 507051193 | Warnbro | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | 7.01384353637695 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 55605 | Warnbro (South Metropolitan) |
16247 | 6169 | SHOALWATER | WA | 115.763949 | -32.338504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2933662 | 115.7107698 | 50705119328 | Warnbro | 507051193 | Warnbro | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | 7.01384353637695 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 55605 | Warnbro (South Metropolitan) |
16248 | 6169 | WAIKIKI | WA | 115.763949 | -32.338504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3154566 | 115.7530195 | 50705119328 | Warnbro | 507051193 | Warnbro | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | 7.01384353637695 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 55605 | Warnbro (South Metropolitan) |
16249 | 6169 | WARNBRO | WA | 115.763949 | -32.338504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3367629 | 115.7594984 | 50705119328 | Warnbro | 507051193 | Warnbro | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | 7.01384353637695 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 55605 | Warnbro (South Metropolitan) |
16250 | 6170 | LEDA | WA | 115.835972 | -32.265645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.271548 | 115.8018223 | 50703126122 | Wellard | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | 5.43036794662476 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kwinana | 54830 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16251 | 6170 | WELLARD | WA | 115.835972 | -32.265645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50703 | Kwinana | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2632658 | 115.8629069 | 50703126122 | Wellard | 507031261 | Casuarina - Wandi | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | 5.43036794662476 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Kwinana | 54830 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 53105 | Kwinana (South Metropolitan) |
16252 | 6171 | BALDIVIS | WA | 115.833257 | -32.328863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3222184 | 115.8285153 | 50705131356 | Baldivis | 507051313 | Baldivis - South | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 55605 | Warnbro (South Metropolitan) |
16253 | 6172 | PORT KENNEDY | WA | 115.753147 | -32.37547 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3760083 | 115.7516025 | 50705118740 | Port Kennedy | 507051187 | Port Kennedy | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 55605 | Warnbro (South Metropolitan) |
16254 | 6173 | SECRET HARBOUR | WA | 115.757908 | -32.407414 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4051251 | 115.7634366 | 50705119154 | Secret Harbour | 507051191 | Singleton - Golden Bay - Secret Harbour | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 55605 | Warnbro (South Metropolitan) |
16255 | 6174 | GOLDEN BAY | WA | 115.760224 | -32.42656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4262528 | 115.7634366 | 50705119158 | Golden Bay | 507051191 | Singleton - Golden Bay - Secret Harbour | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 55605 | Warnbro (South Metropolitan) |
16256 | 6175 | SINGLETON | WA | 115.755289 | -32.445896 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4466752 | 115.754561 | 50705119142 | Singleton (WA) | 507051191 | Singleton - Golden Bay - Secret Harbour | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 55605 | Warnbro (South Metropolitan) |
16257 | 6176 | KARNUP | WA | 115.814323 | -32.421669 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4250674 | 115.7930198 | 50705131407 | Karnup | 507051314 | Karnup | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 55605 | Warnbro (South Metropolitan) |
48 | 6180 | LAKELANDS | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -32.4727097 | 115.7707088 | 50201102756 | Lakelands (WA) | 502011027 | Mandurah - North | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
49 | 6180 | PARKLANDS | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -32.4970306 | 115.7682565 | 50201102756 | Lakelands (WA) | 502011027 | Mandurah - North | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
50 | 6181 | STAKE HILL | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | | | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -32.4924 | 115.799 | 50201102928 | Stake Hill | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
51 | 6182 | KERALUP | WA | 115.832257 | -32.44631007 | | | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -32.4358 | 115.84 | 50705131408 | Keralup | 507051314 | Karnup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Rockingham | 57490 | Brand | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16258 | 6207 | MYARA | WA | 115.959595 | -32.514294 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.47481 | 116.0566443 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16259 | 6207 | NAMBEELUP | WA | 115.959595 | -32.514294 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5110703 | 115.8429406 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16260 | 6207 | NORTH DANDALUP | WA | 115.959595 | -32.514294 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5197951 | 115.9666707 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16261 | 6207 | SOLUS | WA | 115.959595 | -32.514294 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4838971 | 116.1223336 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16262 | 6207 | WHITTAKER | WA | 115.959595 | -32.514294 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5477651 | 116.0086712 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16263 | 6208 | BLYTHEWOOD | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6756161 | 115.8618763 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16264 | 6208 | FAIRBRIDGE | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5830615 | 115.9346237 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16265 | 6208 | MEELON | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6927949 | 115.9399274 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16266 | 6208 | NIRIMBA | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6662634 | 115.7481217 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16267 | 6208 | NORTH YUNDERUP | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5759089 | 115.7918867 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16268 | 6208 | OAKLEY | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6436059 | 115.9442617 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16269 | 6208 | PINJARRA | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6270114 | 115.8788766 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16270 | 6208 | POINT GREY | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6545157 | 115.685964 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16271 | 6208 | RAVENSWOOD | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5782295 | 115.875382 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16272 | 6208 | SOUTH YUNDERUP | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5857857 | 115.7866992 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16273 | 6208 | WEST PINJARRA | WA | 115.847592 | -32.630616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6416137 | 115.8086972 | 50201102932 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | 8.48081874847412 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
52 | 6209 | BARRAGUP | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -32.5502 | 115.796 | 50201102928 | Stake Hill | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
53 | 6209 | FURNISSDALE | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -32.5606136 | 115.7726581 | 50201102928 | Stake Hill | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16274 | 6210 | BARRAGUP | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5502 | 115.796 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16275 | 6210 | BOUVARD | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6898 | 115.64 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 2 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
55 | 6210 | CLIFTON | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -32.7654701 | 115.639617 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 2 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16277 | 6210 | COODANUP | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5568672 | 115.7480678 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16278 | 6210 | DAWESVILLE | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6346 | 115.634 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16279 | 6210 | DUDLEY PARK | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.549201 | 115.7321918 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16280 | 6210 | ERSKINE | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5590052 | 115.6944435 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16281 | 6210 | FALCON | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.58828 | 115.6561653 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16282 | 6210 | FURNISSDALE | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5606 | 115.773 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16283 | 6210 | GREENFIELDS | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5286535 | 115.7646283 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16284 | 6210 | HALLS HEAD | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.536315 | 115.715176 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16285 | 6210 | HERRON | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7549 | 115.671 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 2 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16286 | 6210 | LAKELANDS | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4727 | 115.771 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16287 | 6210 | MADORA BAY | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4737944 | 115.7506495 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16288 | 6210 | MANDURAH | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5461633 | 115.7220148 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16289 | 6210 | MANDURAH DC | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5346 | 115.729 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16290 | 6210 | MANDURAH EAST | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5461633 | 115.7220148 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16291 | 6210 | MANDURAH NORTH | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5147018 | 115.7403717 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16292 | 6210 | MEADOW SPRINGS | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4993799 | 115.7604584 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16293 | 6210 | PARKLANDS | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.497 | 115.768 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16294 | 6210 | SAN REMO | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4901849 | 115.7447909 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16295 | 6210 | SILVER SANDS | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5109012 | 115.7349074 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16296 | 6210 | STAKE HILL | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4661 | 115.798 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
16297 | 6210 | WANNANUP | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5977355 | 115.6482628 | 50201102830 | Dudley Park (WA) | 502011028 | Mandurah - South | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | 1 | 50 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Mandurah | 55110 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 53306 | Mandurah (South West) |
54 | 6211 | BOUVARD | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.6897683 | 115.639716 | 50201102117 | Dawesville | 502011021 | Dawesville - Bouvard | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | 5.14040851593018 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Waroona | 58820 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
24111 | 6211 | CLIFTON | WA | 115.6429 | -32.7549 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.6897683 | 115.639716 | 50201102117 | Dawesville | 502011021 | Dawesville - Bouvard | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | 5.14040851593018 | | | | Waroona | 58820 | | | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
56 | 6211 | DAWESVILLE | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.634571 | 115.6338419 | 50201102117 | Dawesville | 502011021 | Dawesville - Bouvard | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 1 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Canning | 5.14040851593018 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Waroona | 58820 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
57 | 6211 | HERRON | WA | 115.728286 | -32.557981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.7549399 | 115.6708607 | 50201102117 | Dawesville | 502011021 | Dawesville - Bouvard | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Canning | 5.14040851593018 | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Waroona | 58820 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16298 | 6213 | BANKSIADALE | WA | 116.128249 | -32.702065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5959844 | 116.092028 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16299 | 6213 | DWELLINGUP | WA | 116.128249 | -32.702065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7142537 | 116.0664969 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16300 | 6213 | ETMILYN | WA | 116.128249 | -32.702065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7462421 | 116.1326885 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16301 | 6213 | HOLYOAKE | WA | 116.128249 | -32.702065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6986651 | 116.068417 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16302 | 6213 | INGLEHOPE | WA | 116.128249 | -32.702065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7593084 | 116.1929573 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16303 | 6213 | MARRINUP | WA | 116.128249 | -32.702065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6542482 | 116.015592 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16304 | 6213 | TEESDALE | WA | 116.128249 | -32.702065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7365144 | 116.005922 | 50903124807 | Whittaker | 509031248 | Murray | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16305 | 6214 | BIRCHMONT | WA | 115.859383 | -32.750429 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.715959 | 115.7148125 | 50201102913 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16306 | 6214 | COOLUP | WA | 115.859383 | -32.750429 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7399759 | 115.8745458 | 50201102913 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16307 | 6214 | WEST COOLUP | WA | 115.859383 | -32.750429 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50201 | Mandurah | 502 | Mandurah | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7399759 | 115.8745458 | 50201102913 | West Pinjarra | 502011029 | Pinjarra | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | | W1 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16308 | 6215 | HAMEL | WA | 115.896715 | -32.853807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8680001 | 115.9014735 | 50102101612 | Preston Beach | 501021016 | Waroona | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 26.9683876037598 | W2 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16309 | 6215 | LAKE CLIFTON | WA | 115.896715 | -32.853807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8843289 | 115.7131185 | 50102101612 | Preston Beach | 501021016 | Waroona | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 26.9683876037598 | W2 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16310 | 6215 | NANGA BROOK | WA | 115.896715 | -32.853807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8456306 | 116.0608063 | 50102101612 | Preston Beach | 501021016 | Waroona | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 26.9683876037598 | W2 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16311 | 6215 | PRESTON BEACH | WA | 115.896715 | -32.853807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8775888 | 115.6741375 | 50102101612 | Preston Beach | 501021016 | Waroona | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 26.9683876037598 | W2 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16312 | 6215 | WAGERUP | WA | 115.896715 | -32.853807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.926333 | 115.9029793 | 50102101612 | Preston Beach | 501021016 | Waroona | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 26.9683876037598 | W2 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16023 | 6215 | WAROONA | WA | 115.896715 | -32.853807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8430024 | 115.8526271 | 50102101612 | Preston Beach | 501021016 | Waroona | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 26.9683876037598 | W2 | PHN502 | Perth South | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16024 | 6218 | YARLOOP | WA | 115.903112 | -32.946154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9571735 | 115.8640062 | 50102101415 | Yarloop | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 38.3341598510742 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Harvey | 53990 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
24112 | 6219 | COOKERNUP | WA | 115.8515 | -33.0035 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | 50102101415 | Yarloop | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | | | | 18.4999866485596 | | | | Harvey | 53990 | | | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16026 | 6220 | HARVEY | WA | 116.029777 | -33.031221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0823087 | 115.9056816 | 50102101424 | Myalup | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 317.431243896484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Harvey | 53990 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16027 | 6220 | HOFFMAN | WA | 116.029777 | -33.031221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.084568 | 116.0910492 | 50102101424 | Myalup | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 317.431243896484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Harvey | 53990 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16028 | 6220 | MYALUP | WA | 116.029777 | -33.031221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0362799 | 115.7325728 | 50102101424 | Myalup | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Forrest | 317.431243896484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Harvey | 53990 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16029 | 6220 | UDUC | WA | 116.029777 | -33.031221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0518256 | 115.803322 | 50102101424 | Myalup | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 317.431243896484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Harvey | 53990 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16030 | 6220 | WARAWARRUP | WA | 116.029777 | -33.031221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0521171 | 115.907683 | 50102101424 | Myalup | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 317.431243896484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Harvey | 53990 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16031 | 6221 | MORNINGTON | WA | 115.907354 | -33.119332 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1470232 | 115.9447252 | 50102101417 | Wokalup | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 79.2588882446289 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Collie | 51890 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16032 | 6221 | WOKALUP | WA | 115.907354 | -33.119332 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1097662 | 115.871401 | 50102101417 | Wokalup | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 79.2588882446289 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Collie | 51890 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16033 | 6223 | BENGER | WA | 115.903221 | -33.18208 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1723075 | 115.8403461 | 50102101417 | Wokalup | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 225.759490966797 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Harvey | 53990 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16034 | 6224 | BEELA | WA | 115.846788 | -33.245138 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2405428 | 115.8976033 | 50102101423 | Brunswick (WA) | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 45.5138511657715 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Harvey | 53990 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16035 | 6224 | BRUNSWICK | WA | 115.846788 | -33.245138 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2525333 | 115.8392541 | 50102101423 | Brunswick (WA) | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 45.5138511657715 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Harvey | 53990 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16036 | 6225 | ALLANSON | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.328538 | 116.0864757 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16037 | 6225 | BOWELLING | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4211999 | 116.4844458 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16038 | 6225 | BUCKINGHAM | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3533168 | 116.3437648 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16039 | 6225 | CARDIFF | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4699756 | 116.2505827 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16040 | 6225 | COLLIE | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3580672 | 116.1512211 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16041 | 6225 | COLLIE BURN | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3940642 | 116.1902926 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16042 | 6225 | HARRIS RIVER | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2650885 | 116.1455984 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16043 | 6225 | LYALLS MILL | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4609905 | 116.1259177 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16044 | 6225 | MCALINDEN | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5876045 | 116.3277826 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16045 | 6225 | MUJA | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4411967 | 116.3297323 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16046 | 6225 | MUMBALLUP | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5338898 | 116.1259207 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16047 | 6225 | MUNGALUP | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4163698 | 116.0819081 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16048 | 6225 | NOGGERUP | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6049445 | 116.1030142 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16049 | 6225 | PALMER | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3046462 | 116.2407166 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16050 | 6225 | PRESTON SETTLEMENT | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4169318 | 116.158063 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16051 | 6225 | SHOTTS | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3757779 | 116.253429 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16052 | 6225 | WORSLEY | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3205274 | 115.9802398 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16053 | 6225 | YOURDAMUNG LAKE | WA | 116.204886 | -33.35257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1705933 | 116.3116944 | 50903125014 | Darkan | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 226.527877807617 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16054 | 6226 | ROELANDS | WA | 115.847234 | -33.291834 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.292782 | 115.8640062 | 50102101426 | Roelands | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 136.472900390625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Harvey | 53990 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16055 | 6227 | BUREKUP | WA | 115.868603 | -33.322813 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3242404 | 115.816684 | 50102101006 | Waterloo (WA) | 501021010 | Dardanup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 33.1647567749023 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16056 | 6228 | WATERLOO | WA | 115.776497 | -33.338057 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3347411 | 115.7693535 | 50102101006 | Waterloo (WA) | 501021010 | Dardanup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16057 | 6229 | PICTON | WA | 115.707383 | -33.352103 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3506668 | 115.6963142 | 50102101514 | Picton (WA) | 501021015 | East Bunbury - Glen Iris | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 10.2981119155884 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bunbury | 51190 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16058 | 6229 | PICTON EAST | WA | 115.707383 | -33.352103 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3389774 | 115.7256972 | 50102101514 | Picton (WA) | 501021015 | East Bunbury - Glen Iris | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 10.2981119155884 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bunbury | 51190 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16059 | 6230 | BUNBURY | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3209971 | 115.6383482 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16060 | 6230 | CAREY PARK | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3593482 | 115.6530512 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16061 | 6230 | COLLEGE GROVE | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3743917 | 115.6582728 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16062 | 6230 | DALYELLUP | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4109357 | 115.6187156 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16063 | 6230 | DAVENPORT | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3572134 | 115.6666509 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16064 | 6230 | EAST BUNBURY | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3403657 | 115.6546444 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16065 | 6230 | GELORUP | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4163587 | 115.641676 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16066 | 6230 | GLEN IRIS | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3398598 | 115.6798508 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16067 | 6230 | PELICAN POINT | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3150454 | 115.6950363 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16068 | 6230 | SOUTH BUNBURY | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3495455 | 115.6410724 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16069 | 6230 | USHER | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3769577 | 115.6297316 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16070 | 6230 | VITTORIA | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3281523 | 115.6740532 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16071 | 6230 | WITHERS | WA | 115.649205 | -33.341076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3653567 | 115.6376867 | 50102125413 | Usher | 501021254 | Withers - Usher | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16072 | 6231 | BUNBURY | WA | 115.65556 | -33.364375 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.3209971 | 115.6383482 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | | Bunbury | 51190 | Forrest | | | |
16073 | 6232 | EATON | WA | 115.704263 | -33.316625 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3169618 | 115.7158531 | 50102101231 | Eaton (WA) | 501021012 | Eaton - Pelican Point | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16074 | 6232 | MILLBRIDGE | WA | 115.704263 | -33.316625 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.307592 | 115.7341625 | 50102101231 | Eaton (WA) | 501021012 | Eaton - Pelican Point | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16075 | 6233 | AUSTRALIND | WA | 115.71443 | -33.279034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2751211 | 115.7285263 | 50102101427 | Wellesley (WA) | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 2.42152452468872 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bunbury | 51190 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16076 | 6233 | BINNINGUP | WA | 115.71443 | -33.279034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1357694 | 115.720616 | 50102101427 | Wellesley (WA) | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 2.42152452468872 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bunbury | 51190 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16077 | 6233 | LESCHENAULT | WA | 115.71443 | -33.279034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2315844 | 115.7285068 | 50102101427 | Wellesley (WA) | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 2.42152452468872 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bunbury | 51190 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16078 | 6233 | PARKFIELD | WA | 115.71443 | -33.279034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1757474 | 115.7169821 | 50102101427 | Wellesley (WA) | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 2.42152452468872 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bunbury | 51190 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16079 | 6233 | WELLESLEY | WA | 115.71443 | -33.279034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2137353 | 115.7610239 | 50102101427 | Wellesley (WA) | 501021014 | Harvey | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 2.42152452468872 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bunbury | 51190 | Forrest | Rural | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
16080 | 6236 | CROOKED BROOK | WA | 115.828921 | -33.410436 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.497899 | 115.8183078 | 50102101009 | Paradise (WA) | 501021010 | Dardanup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16081 | 6236 | DARDANUP | WA | 115.828921 | -33.410436 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3979513 | 115.720775 | 50102101009 | Paradise (WA) | 501021010 | Dardanup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16082 | 6236 | DARDANUP WEST | WA | 115.828921 | -33.410436 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3979513 | 115.720775 | 50102101009 | Paradise (WA) | 501021010 | Dardanup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16083 | 6236 | FERGUSON | WA | 115.828921 | -33.410436 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4381 | 115.845 | 50102101009 | Paradise (WA) | 501021010 | Dardanup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16084 | 6236 | HENTY | WA | 115.828921 | -33.410436 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3790854 | 115.8094203 | 50102101009 | Paradise (WA) | 501021010 | Dardanup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16085 | 6236 | PARADISE | WA | 115.828921 | -33.410436 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3736616 | 115.7714392 | 50102101009 | Paradise (WA) | 501021010 | Dardanup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16086 | 6236 | WELLINGTON FOREST | WA | 115.828921 | -33.410436 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4339546 | 115.9460994 | 50102101009 | Paradise (WA) | 501021010 | Dardanup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16087 | 6236 | WELLINGTON MILL | WA | 115.828921 | -33.410436 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4651658 | 115.9101679 | 50102101009 | Paradise (WA) | 501021010 | Dardanup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dardanup | 52660 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16088 | 6237 | BOYANUP | WA | 115.674056 | -33.475994 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4819735 | 115.7275486 | 50102125203 | Stratham | 501021252 | Gelorup - Stratham | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 28.0220050811768 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16089 | 6237 | ELGIN | WA | 115.674056 | -33.475994 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5356986 | 115.6320887 | 50102125203 | Stratham | 501021252 | Gelorup - Stratham | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 28.0220050811768 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16090 | 6237 | GWINDINUP | WA | 115.674056 | -33.475994 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5229044 | 115.7494172 | 50102125203 | Stratham | 501021252 | Gelorup - Stratham | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 28.0220050811768 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16091 | 6237 | NORTH BOYANUP | WA | 115.674056 | -33.475994 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4233251 | 115.706494 | 50102125203 | Stratham | 501021252 | Gelorup - Stratham | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 28.0220050811768 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16092 | 6237 | STRATHAM | WA | 115.674056 | -33.475994 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.471373 | 115.5936594 | 50102125203 | Stratham | 501021252 | Gelorup - Stratham | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 28.0220050811768 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16093 | 6237 | THE PLAINS | WA | 115.674056 | -33.475994 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5749896 | 115.6893415 | 50102125203 | Stratham | 501021252 | Gelorup - Stratham | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 28.0220050811768 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16094 | 6239 | ARGYLE | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5392579 | 115.761524 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16095 | 6239 | BEELERUP | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5434062 | 115.8539989 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16096 | 6239 | BROOKHAMPTON | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.610977 | 115.8718105 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16097 | 6239 | CHARLEY CREEK | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5760201 | 115.9064721 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16098 | 6239 | DONNYBROOK | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5788408 | 115.8280053 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16099 | 6239 | GLEN MERVYN | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5302379 | 116.0698593 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16100 | 6239 | PAYNEDALE | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6503314 | 115.7600447 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16101 | 6239 | QUEENWOOD | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5426844 | 115.9012588 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16102 | 6239 | THOMSON BROOK | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6296467 | 115.9636976 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16103 | 6239 | UPPER CAPEL | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5979405 | 115.8205899 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16104 | 6239 | YABBERUP | WA | 115.923933 | -33.564872 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5377993 | 116.0075864 | 50103101818 | Donnybrook (WA) | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16105 | 6240 | LOWDEN | WA | 115.966143 | -33.549593 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5434759 | 115.9586253 | 50103101809 | Queenwood | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 51706 | Collie-Preston (South West) |
16106 | 6243 | WILGA | WA | 116.206928 | -33.68873 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7 | 116.233333 | 50103101812 | Wilga West | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16107 | 6243 | WILGA WEST | WA | 116.206928 | -33.68873 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.704509 | 116.1365416 | 50103101812 | Wilga West | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16108 | 6244 | BOYUP BROOK | WA | 116.506912 | -33.783171 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8294715 | 116.3841139 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.28190612793 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16109 | 6244 | CHOWERUP | WA | 116.506912 | -33.783171 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.083213 | 116.6974504 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.28190612793 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16110 | 6244 | DINNINUP | WA | 116.506912 | -33.783171 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8129672 | 116.5426503 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.28190612793 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16111 | 6244 | KULIKUP | WA | 116.506912 | -33.783171 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8075488 | 116.7133105 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.28190612793 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16112 | 6244 | MAYANUP | WA | 116.506912 | -33.783171 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9560527 | 116.4455763 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.28190612793 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16113 | 6244 | SCOTTS BROOK | WA | 116.506912 | -33.783171 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9356366 | 116.6669873 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.28190612793 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16114 | 6244 | TONEBRIDGE | WA | 116.506912 | -33.783171 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2194524 | 116.6938065 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.28190612793 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
21767 | 6244 | TRIGWELL | WA | 116.5751665 | -33.62888392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6732 | 116.632 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 240.259414672852 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16115 | 6251 | BRAZIER | WA | 115.888662 | -33.682661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7276796 | 115.8224846 | 50103101812 | Wilga West | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 222.777221679688 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16116 | 6251 | KIRUP | WA | 115.888662 | -33.682661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7096581 | 115.8938871 | 50103101812 | Wilga West | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 222.777221679688 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16117 | 6251 | NEWLANDS | WA | 115.888662 | -33.682661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6699137 | 115.8773987 | 50103101812 | Wilga West | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 222.777221679688 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16118 | 6252 | MULLALYUP | WA | 115.956731 | -33.748279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7520336 | 115.9586253 | 50103101812 | Wilga West | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 136.593887329102 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16119 | 6253 | BALINGUP | WA | 116.03654 | -33.773937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7866128 | 115.9844338 | 50103101812 | Wilga West | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16120 | 6253 | GRIMWADE | WA | 116.03654 | -33.773937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7006812 | 116.0518433 | 50103101812 | Wilga West | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16121 | 6253 | SOUTHAMPTON | WA | 116.03654 | -33.773937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8449637 | 115.9214739 | 50103101812 | Wilga West | 501031018 | Donnybrook - Balingup | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Donnybrook-Balingup | 52870 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16122 | 6254 | GREENBUSHES | WA | 116.072643 | -33.844406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8567992 | 116.0532266 | 50103101707 | North Greenbushes | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bridgetown-Greenbushes | 50840 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16123 | 6254 | NORTH GREENBUSHES | WA | 116.072643 | -33.844406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8182505 | 116.0548039 | 50103101707 | North Greenbushes | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bridgetown-Greenbushes | 50840 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16124 | 6255 | BENJINUP | WA | 116.155378 | -33.971605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7970213 | 116.2742488 | 50103101718 | Bridgetown | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 173.032974243164 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16125 | 6255 | BRIDGETOWN | WA | 116.155378 | -33.971605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9582915 | 116.1381165 | 50103101718 | Bridgetown | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 173.032974243164 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16126 | 6255 | CATTERICK | WA | 116.155378 | -33.971605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.853563 | 116.1631314 | 50103101718 | Bridgetown | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 173.032974243164 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16127 | 6255 | HESTER | WA | 116.155378 | -33.971605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9078256 | 116.1597364 | 50103101718 | Bridgetown | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 173.032974243164 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16128 | 6255 | HESTER BROOK | WA | 116.155378 | -33.971605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9080816 | 116.1066663 | 50103101718 | Bridgetown | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 173.032974243164 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16129 | 6255 | KANGAROO GULLY | WA | 116.155378 | -33.971605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9598494 | 116.1831222 | 50103101718 | Bridgetown | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 173.032974243164 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16130 | 6255 | WINNEJUP | WA | 116.155378 | -33.971605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9685007 | 116.3253792 | 50103101718 | Bridgetown | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 173.032974243164 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boyup Brook | 50770 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16131 | 6256 | GLENLYNN | WA | 116.166583 | -34.052334 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0183717 | 116.152046 | 50103101719 | Yornup | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 285.887603759766 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bridgetown-Greenbushes | 50840 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16132 | 6256 | KINGSTON | WA | 116.166583 | -34.052334 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1274891 | 116.3918671 | 50103101719 | Yornup | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 285.887603759766 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bridgetown-Greenbushes | 50840 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16133 | 6256 | MARANUP | WA | 116.166583 | -34.052334 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9533768 | 116.0254198 | 50103101719 | Yornup | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 285.887603759766 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bridgetown-Greenbushes | 50840 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16134 | 6256 | SUNNYSIDE | WA | 116.166583 | -34.052334 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0269469 | 116.2521686 | 50103101719 | Yornup | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 285.887603759766 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bridgetown-Greenbushes | 50840 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16135 | 6256 | WANDILLUP | WA | 116.166583 | -34.052334 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0116106 | 116.0855344 | 50103101719 | Yornup | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 285.887603759766 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bridgetown-Greenbushes | 50840 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16136 | 6256 | YORNUP | WA | 116.166583 | -34.052334 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0554543 | 116.1697739 | 50103101719 | Yornup | 501031017 | Bridgetown - Boyup Brook | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 285.887603759766 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bridgetown-Greenbushes | 50840 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16137 | 6258 | BALBARRUP | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2153243 | 116.2459919 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16138 | 6258 | CROWEA | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.5463186 | 116.1494687 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16139 | 6258 | DEANMILL | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2492365 | 116.0827328 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16140 | 6258 | DIAMOND TREE | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3352889 | 116.1110881 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16141 | 6258 | DINGUP | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2820648 | 116.2361495 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16142 | 6258 | DIXVALE | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2063492 | 116.0550907 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16143 | 6258 | DONNELLY RIVER | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0807583 | 115.9700109 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16144 | 6258 | GLENORAN | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2294504 | 115.9547593 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16145 | 6258 | JARDEE | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.318128 | 116.0626148 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16146 | 6258 | LAKE MUIR | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4359292 | 116.503996 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16147 | 6258 | LINFARNE | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1668611 | 116.1146107 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16148 | 6258 | MANJIMUP | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2491597 | 116.1437472 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16149 | 6258 | MIDDLESEX | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3192609 | 116.1638457 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16150 | 6258 | MORDALUP | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.300865 | 116.664299 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16151 | 6258 | NYAMUP | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3288 | 116.306 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16152 | 6258 | PALGARUP | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1744319 | 116.1723378 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16153 | 6258 | PERUP | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.297097 | 116.4554492 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16154 | 6258 | QUINNINUP | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4335196 | 116.2222481 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16155 | 6258 | RINGBARK | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2066037 | 116.1152152 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16156 | 6258 | SHANNON RIVER MILL | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8665 | 116.369 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16157 | 6258 | SMITH BROOK | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3658174 | 116.2072358 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16158 | 6258 | UPPER WARREN | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3612066 | 116.281642 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16159 | 6258 | WILGARRUP | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1519439 | 116.1984451 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16160 | 6258 | YANMAH | WA | 116.402179 | -34.312823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1834866 | 116.0191084 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 215.891403198242 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16161 | 6260 | BEEDELUP | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3516391 | 115.9368428 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16162 | 6260 | BIDDELIA | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2347485 | 115.7035779 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16163 | 6260 | CALLCUP | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.5914327 | 115.9145384 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16164 | 6260 | CHANNYBEARUP | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4054831 | 115.9754814 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16165 | 6260 | COLLINS | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4635742 | 116.107483 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16166 | 6260 | COLLINS SIDING | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4636 | 116.107 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16167 | 6260 | EASTBROOK | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.381563 | 116.0696261 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
16168 | 6260 | LAKE JASPER | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4164286 | 115.6691709 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15879 | 6260 | PEERABEELUP | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3367372 | 115.7758149 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15880 | 6260 | PEMBERTON | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4432694 | 116.0369383 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15881 | 6260 | YEAGARUP | WA | 115.860627 | -34.438738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.485885 | 115.9380505 | 50103102014 | Pemberton | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 143.299514770508 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15882 | 6262 | BOORARA BROOK | WA | 116.141244 | -34.706106 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6761669 | 116.1786104 | 50103102007 | Northcliffe | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | 149.628890991211 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Manjimup | 55180 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
21768 | 6262 | CROWEA | WA | 116.1729816 | -34.53603099 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.5463 | 116.149 | 50103102007 | Northcliffe | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | 149.628890991211 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Manjimup | 55180 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15883 | 6262 | MEERUP | WA | 116.141244 | -34.706106 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6371204 | 116.084142 | 50103102007 | Northcliffe | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | 149.628890991211 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Manjimup | 55180 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15884 | 6262 | NORTHCLIFFE | WA | 116.141244 | -34.706106 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6331019 | 116.1241529 | 50103102007 | Northcliffe | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | 149.628890991211 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Manjimup | 55180 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15885 | 6262 | SHANNON | WA | 116.141244 | -34.706106 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.7581493 | 116.3812792 | 50103102007 | Northcliffe | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | 149.628890991211 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Manjimup | 55180 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15886 | 6262 | WINDY HARBOUR | WA | 116.141244 | -34.706106 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8083969 | 116.0739774 | 50103102007 | Northcliffe | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | 149.628890991211 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Manjimup | 55180 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15887 | 6271 | CAPEL | WA | 115.615674 | -33.621176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5426315 | 115.561707 | 50102100718 | Capel | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15888 | 6271 | CAPEL RIVER | WA | 115.615674 | -33.621176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6277367 | 115.6624271 | 50102100718 | Capel | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15889 | 6271 | FORREST BEACH | WA | 115.615674 | -33.621176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5750171 | 115.4825679 | 50102100718 | Capel | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15890 | 6271 | PEPPERMINT GROVE BEACH | WA | 115.615674 | -33.621176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.52882 | 115.5062027 | 50102100718 | Capel | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15891 | 6271 | STIRLING ESTATE | WA | 115.615674 | -33.621176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4974078 | 115.5445901 | 50102100718 | Capel | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15892 | 6275 | BARRABUP | WA | 115.626518 | -34.055304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8830531 | 115.680131 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 83 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15893 | 6275 | CARLOTTA | WA | 115.626518 | -34.055304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0942322 | 115.7796108 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 83 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15894 | 6275 | CUNDINUP | WA | 115.626518 | -34.055304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8443581 | 115.7979924 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 83 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15895 | 6275 | DARRADUP | WA | 115.626518 | -34.055304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0993941 | 115.5674804 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 83 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15896 | 6275 | EAST NANNUP | WA | 115.626518 | -34.055304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0255526 | 115.7972032 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 83 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15897 | 6275 | JALBARRAGUP | WA | 115.626518 | -34.055304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0395274 | 115.6193795 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 83 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15898 | 6275 | JARRAHWOOD | WA | 115.626518 | -34.055304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7961886 | 115.6652821 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 83 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15899 | 6275 | NANNUP | WA | 115.626518 | -34.055304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9821434 | 115.7680471 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 83 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15900 | 6275 | SCOTT RIVER EAST | WA | 115.626518 | -34.055304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2820306 | 115.4705736 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 83 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15901 | 6275 | YOGANUP | WA | 115.626518 | -34.055304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7389113 | 115.5470234 | 50103102010 | Nannup | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 83 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15902 | 6280 | ABBA RIVER | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6804813 | 115.5033322 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15903 | 6280 | ABBEY | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6612523 | 115.2594055 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15904 | 6280 | ACTON PARK | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7627753 | 115.3639505 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15905 | 6280 | AMBERGATE | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7085492 | 115.3260877 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15906 | 6280 | ANNIEBROOK | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6649552 | 115.1695345 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15907 | 6280 | BOALLIA | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7741853 | 115.2686724 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15908 | 6280 | BOVELL | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6653198 | 115.3618834 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15909 | 6280 | BROADWATER | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6601732 | 115.2847104 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15910 | 6280 | BUSSELTON | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6531584 | 115.3454892 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15911 | 6280 | CARBUNUP RIVER | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.705407 | 115.1854807 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15912 | 6280 | CHAPMAN HILL | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7954674 | 115.3285877 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15913 | 6280 | GEOGRAPHE | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6376254 | 115.3765118 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15914 | 6280 | HITHERGREEN | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7345532 | 115.4798011 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15915 | 6280 | JINDONG | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7423496 | 115.2358615 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
23964 | 6280 | KALGUP | WA | 115.3709562 | -33.72146639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.6804813 | 115.5033322 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15917 | 6280 | KALOORUP | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7954431 | 115.2112829 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15918 | 6280 | KEALY | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6712309 | 115.235639 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15919 | 6280 | LUDLOW | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6139384 | 115.4864838 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15920 | 6280 | MARYBROOK | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6743106 | 115.1922123 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15921 | 6280 | METRICUP | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8048708 | 115.1216425 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15922 | 6280 | NORTH JINDONG | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7298269 | 115.1992513 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15923 | 6280 | REINSCOURT | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6501352 | 115.4030707 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15924 | 6280 | RUABON | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6460928 | 115.5055227 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15925 | 6280 | SABINA RIVER | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7494812 | 115.4197986 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15926 | 6280 | SIESTA PARK | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6552513 | 115.2239721 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15927 | 6280 | TUTUNUP | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6624027 | 115.5604663 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15928 | 6280 | VASSE | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6741502 | 115.2529009 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15929 | 6280 | WALSALL | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7979585 | 115.3757103 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15930 | 6280 | WEST BUSSELTON | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6559792 | 115.3240634 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15931 | 6280 | WILYABRUP | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7711896 | 115.0342345 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15932 | 6280 | WONNERUP | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6181304 | 115.4221943 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15933 | 6280 | YALYALUP | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6652412 | 115.3860636 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15934 | 6280 | YELVERTON | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7502149 | 115.1126248 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15935 | 6280 | YOONGARILLUP | WA | 115.302732 | -33.728945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50102 | Bunbury | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7149688 | 115.4236061 | 50102100702 | Stirling Estate | 501021007 | Capel | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 19.905481338501 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Capel | 51400 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15936 | 6281 | DUNSBOROUGH | WA | 115.0768 | -33.610787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6173965 | 115.1011093 | 50101100331 | Dunsborough | 501011003 | Busselton Surrounds | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Busselton | 51260 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15937 | 6281 | EAGLE BAY | WA | 115.0768 | -33.610787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5620514 | 115.062242 | 50101100331 | Dunsborough | 501011003 | Busselton Surrounds | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Busselton | 51260 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15938 | 6281 | NATURALISTE | WA | 115.0768 | -33.610787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5574545 | 115.037372 | 50101100331 | Dunsborough | 501011003 | Busselton Surrounds | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Busselton | 51260 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15939 | 6281 | QUEDJINUP | WA | 115.0768 | -33.610787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6377198 | 115.0899621 | 50101100331 | Dunsborough | 501011003 | Busselton Surrounds | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Busselton | 51260 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15940 | 6281 | QUINDALUP | WA | 115.0768 | -33.610787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6671203 | 115.1422897 | 50101100331 | Dunsborough | 501011003 | Busselton Surrounds | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Busselton | 51260 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15941 | 6282 | YALLINGUP | WA | 115.023916 | -33.722885 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6726029 | 115.0308297 | 50101100332 | Yallingup | 501011003 | Busselton Surrounds | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 106.765693664551 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Busselton | 51260 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15942 | 6282 | YALLINGUP SIDING | WA | 115.023916 | -33.722885 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6986358 | 115.1057556 | 50101100332 | Yallingup | 501011003 | Busselton Surrounds | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Forrest | 106.765693664551 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Busselton | 51260 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15943 | 6284 | BAUDIN | WA | 115.188682 | -33.857591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8725326 | 115.4663438 | 50101100416 | Margaret River (WA) | 501011004 | Margaret River | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15944 | 6284 | COWARAMUP | WA | 115.188682 | -33.857591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8522062 | 115.1014191 | 50101100416 | Margaret River (WA) | 501011004 | Margaret River | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15945 | 6284 | GRACETOWN | WA | 115.188682 | -33.857591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8641558 | 114.9882251 | 50101100416 | Margaret River (WA) | 501011004 | Margaret River | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15946 | 6284 | TREETON | WA | 115.188682 | -33.857591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8469994 | 115.2075918 | 50101100416 | Margaret River (WA) | 501011004 | Margaret River | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55306 | Vasse (South West) |
15947 | 6285 | BRAMLEY | WA | 115.280972 | -33.941351 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.9158191 | 115.0826069 | 50103102008 | Scott River East | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 98.4428558349609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15948 | 6285 | BURNSIDE | WA | 115.280972 | -33.941351 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.9178456 | 115.0428367 | 50103102008 | Scott River East | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 5 | Forrest | 98.4428558349609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15949 | 6285 | GNARABUP | WA | 115.280972 | -33.941351 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.9978372 | 114.9989911 | 50103102008 | Scott River East | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Forrest | 98.4428558349609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15950 | 6285 | MARGARET RIVER | WA | 115.280972 | -33.941351 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.9610465 | 115.0767388 | 50103102008 | Scott River East | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Forrest | 98.4428558349609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15951 | 6285 | OSMINGTON | WA | 115.280972 | -33.941351 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.9071304 | 115.2030489 | 50103102008 | Scott River East | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 98.4428558349609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15952 | 6285 | PREVELLY | WA | 115.280972 | -33.941351 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.9757418 | 114.9953413 | 50103102008 | Scott River East | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Forrest | 98.4428558349609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15953 | 6285 | ROSA BROOK | WA | 115.280972 | -33.941351 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.9401686 | 115.1942347 | 50103102008 | Scott River East | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 98.4428558349609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15954 | 6285 | ROSA GLEN | WA | 115.280972 | -33.941351 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0034292 | 115.2001974 | 50103102008 | Scott River East | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 98.4428558349609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15955 | 6285 | SCHROEDER | WA | 115.280972 | -33.941351 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.01488 | 115.3920338 | 50103102008 | Scott River East | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 98.4428558349609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nannup | 56300 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
24113 | 6285 | YEBBLE | WA | 114.9968 | -33.9261 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.9158191 | 115.0826069 | 50103102008 | Scott River East | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 76.9579315185547 | | | | Nannup | 56300 | | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15956 | 6286 | BORANUP | WA | 115.176529 | -34.061823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0808047 | 115.0155014 | 50101100111 | Witchcliffe | 501011001 | Augusta | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15957 | 6286 | FOREST GROVE | WA | 115.176529 | -34.061823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0723477 | 115.1068885 | 50101100111 | Witchcliffe | 501011001 | Augusta | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15958 | 6286 | REDGATE | WA | 115.176529 | -34.061823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0272248 | 115.0283597 | 50101100111 | Witchcliffe | 501011001 | Augusta | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15959 | 6286 | WITCHCLIFFE | WA | 115.176529 | -34.061823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0168479 | 115.0973175 | 50101100111 | Witchcliffe | 501011001 | Augusta | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15960 | 6288 | ALEXANDRA BRIDGE | WA | 115.233622 | -34.171024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1604014 | 115.2027321 | 50101100109 | Kudardup | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 20.1238956451416 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15961 | 6288 | COURTENAY | WA | 115.233622 | -34.171024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1839408 | 115.2704464 | 50101100109 | Kudardup | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 20.1238956451416 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15962 | 6288 | HAMELIN BAY | WA | 115.233622 | -34.171024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2283311 | 115.0559483 | 50101100109 | Kudardup | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 20.1238956451416 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15963 | 6288 | KARRIDALE | WA | 115.233622 | -34.171024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2038728 | 115.1402499 | 50101100109 | Kudardup | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 20.1238956451416 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15964 | 6288 | NILLUP | WA | 115.233622 | -34.171024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1351083 | 115.2693404 | 50101100109 | Kudardup | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 20.1238956451416 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15965 | 6288 | SCOTT RIVER | WA | 115.233622 | -34.171024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2832473 | 115.2700332 | 50101100109 | Kudardup | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 20.1238956451416 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15966 | 6288 | WARNER GLEN | WA | 115.233622 | -34.171024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1212289 | 115.2160218 | 50101100109 | Kudardup | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | 20.1238956451416 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15967 | 6290 | AUGUSTA | WA | 115.142231 | -34.293827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3160497 | 115.1596985 | 50101100113 | Augusta | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15968 | 6290 | DEEPDENE | WA | 115.142231 | -34.293827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2707276 | 115.0999096 | 50101100113 | Augusta | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15969 | 6290 | EAST AUGUSTA | WA | 115.142231 | -34.293827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3143305 | 115.172208 | 50101100113 | Augusta | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15970 | 6290 | KUDARDUP | WA | 115.142231 | -34.293827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.247481 | 115.1631087 | 50101100113 | Augusta | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15971 | 6290 | LEEUWIN | WA | 115.142231 | -34.293827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3516871 | 115.1660467 | 50101100113 | Augusta | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15972 | 6290 | MOLLOY ISLAND | WA | 115.142231 | -34.293827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50101 | Augusta - Margaret River - Busselton | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2698728 | 115.2100437 | 50101100113 | Augusta | 501011001 | Augusta | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Forrest | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Augusta Margaret River | 50280 | Forrest | Rural | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15973 | 6302 | BADGIN | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8060152 | 116.9968752 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15974 | 6302 | BALLADONG | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9272392 | 116.7395117 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15975 | 6302 | BURGES | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.831403 | 116.7613394 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15976 | 6302 | CALJIE | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7284778 | 116.9392218 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15977 | 6302 | COLD HARBOUR | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8784384 | 116.8408946 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15978 | 6302 | DALIAK | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8736051 | 116.7275336 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15979 | 6302 | FLINT | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.232658 | 116.4376428 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15980 | 6302 | FLYNN | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0328797 | 116.4713553 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15981 | 6302 | GILGERING | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0474671 | 116.7886061 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15982 | 6302 | GREENHILLS | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9170678 | 116.9643007 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15983 | 6302 | GWAMBYGINE | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9734594 | 116.8092509 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15984 | 6302 | INKPEN | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8385888 | 116.583275 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15985 | 6302 | KAURING | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9453095 | 117.0087587 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15986 | 6302 | MALEBELLING | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8308981 | 116.9151831 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15987 | 6302 | MOUNT HARDEY | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8997275 | 116.8581654 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15988 | 6302 | MOUNT OBSERVATION | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9424472 | 116.4942272 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15989 | 6302 | NARRALOGGAN | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.881172 | 117.1002115 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15990 | 6302 | QUELLINGTON | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7844006 | 116.8379824 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15991 | 6302 | SAINT RONANS | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8994 | 116.651 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21769 | 6302 | ST RONANS | WA | 116.645592 | -31.89973614 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8993798 | 116.6509659 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15992 | 6302 | TALBOT | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.025267 | 116.6291942 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15993 | 6302 | TALBOT WEST | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1468819 | 116.6636686 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15994 | 6302 | WILBERFORCE | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.773297 | 116.7129452 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15995 | 6302 | YORK | WA | 116.742895 | -31.896269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8934988 | 116.7681805 | 50902124516 | York | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 323.463348388672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15996 | 6304 | BALLY BALLY | WA | 116.76028 | -32.176607 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1843249 | 117.1163084 | 50902124514 | Westdale (WA) | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15997 | 6304 | BEVERLEY | WA | 116.76028 | -32.176607 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1098168 | 116.9228703 | 50902124514 | Westdale (WA) | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15998 | 6304 | DALE | WA | 116.76028 | -32.176607 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2133382 | 116.7347246 | 50902124514 | Westdale (WA) | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15999 | 6304 | EAST BEVERLEY | WA | 116.76028 | -32.176607 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0249575 | 117.0328062 | 50902124514 | Westdale (WA) | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16000 | 6304 | KOKEBY | WA | 116.76028 | -32.176607 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2119322 | 116.9744373 | 50902124514 | Westdale (WA) | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16001 | 6304 | MORBINNING | WA | 116.76028 | -32.176607 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1106433 | 117.1587448 | 50902124514 | Westdale (WA) | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16002 | 6304 | WESTDALE | WA | 116.76028 | -32.176607 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3097604 | 116.6074293 | 50902124514 | Westdale (WA) | 509021245 | York - Beverley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16003 | 6306 | ALDERSYDE | WA | 117.140629 | -32.296524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3170323 | 117.2755773 | 50903124610 | Brookton | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 227.594177246094 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16004 | 6306 | BROOKTON | WA | 117.140629 | -32.296524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3663549 | 117.0075862 | 50903124610 | Brookton | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 227.594177246094 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16005 | 6306 | BULYEE | WA | 117.140629 | -32.296524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3342803 | 117.5101082 | 50903124610 | Brookton | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 227.594177246094 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16006 | 6306 | JELCOBINE | WA | 117.140629 | -32.296524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3975169 | 116.8191552 | 50903124610 | Brookton | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 227.594177246094 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16007 | 6306 | KWEDA | WA | 117.140629 | -32.296524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3358839 | 117.3648673 | 50903124610 | Brookton | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 227.594177246094 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Beverley | 50560 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16008 | 6308 | CODJATOTINE | WA | 116.665242 | -32.579015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6602283 | 116.8263511 | 50903124609 | Pingelly | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wandering | 58680 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16009 | 6308 | DWARDA | WA | 116.665242 | -32.579015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7684106 | 116.6794351 | 50903124609 | Pingelly | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wandering | 58680 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16010 | 6308 | EAST PINGELLY | WA | 116.665242 | -32.579015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5279996 | 117.272718 | 50903124609 | Pingelly | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wandering | 58680 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16012 | 6308 | HASTINGS | WA | 116.665242 | -32.579015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5596104 | 116.7978346 | 50903124609 | Pingelly | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wandering | 58680 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16013 | 6308 | PINGELLY | WA | 116.665242 | -32.579015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5327744 | 117.0840707 | 50903124609 | Pingelly | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wandering | 58680 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16014 | 6308 | PUMPHREYS BRIDGE | WA | 116.665242 | -32.579015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6668004 | 116.9073783 | 50903124609 | Pingelly | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wandering | 58680 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16015 | 6308 | SPRINGS | WA | 116.665242 | -32.579015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5813043 | 116.5391639 | 50903124609 | Pingelly | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wandering | 58680 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16016 | 6308 | WANDERING | WA | 116.665242 | -32.579015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6773523 | 116.6733738 | 50903124609 | Pingelly | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wandering | 58680 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16017 | 6308 | WEST PINGELLY | WA | 116.665242 | -32.579015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5327744 | 117.0840707 | 50903124609 | Pingelly | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wandering | 58680 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16018 | 6309 | EAST POPANYINNING | WA | 117.129227 | -32.668322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6333259 | 117.2911289 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16019 | 6309 | POPANYINNING | WA | 117.129227 | -32.668322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6626009 | 117.1238881 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16020 | 6309 | STRATHERNE | WA | 117.129227 | -32.668322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6600919 | 117.3498955 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16021 | 6309 | WEST POPANYINNING | WA | 117.129227 | -32.668322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6808043 | 116.991467 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
16022 | 6311 | COMMODINE | WA | 117.120895 | -32.803533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.772637 | 117.3211902 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15735 | 6311 | CONTINE | WA | 117.120895 | -32.803533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8301092 | 116.9885169 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15736 | 6311 | CUBALLING | WA | 117.120895 | -32.803533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8188763 | 117.1791805 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15737 | 6311 | DRYANDRA | WA | 117.120895 | -32.803533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7768685 | 116.9711045 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15738 | 6311 | LOL GRAY | WA | 117.120895 | -32.803533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.734278 | 116.9893483 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15739 | 6311 | TOWNSENDALE | WA | 117.120895 | -32.803533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7106591 | 117.2791513 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15740 | 6311 | WARDERING | WA | 117.120895 | -32.803533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8242769 | 117.2980987 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15741 | 6311 | YORNANING | WA | 117.120895 | -32.803533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7420133 | 117.163622 | 50903125010 | West Popanyinning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cuballing | 52310 | Canning | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15742 | 6312 | BOUNDAIN | WA | 117.306862 | -32.979123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9465954 | 117.3884025 | 50903125011 | Yilliminning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 305.835205078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15743 | 6312 | DUMBERNING | WA | 117.306862 | -32.979123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9792699 | 117.1563126 | 50903125011 | Yilliminning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 305.835205078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15744 | 6312 | HILLSIDE | WA | 117.306862 | -32.979123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9210531 | 117.1853639 | 50903125011 | Yilliminning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 305.835205078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15745 | 6312 | MINIGIN | WA | 117.306862 | -32.979123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9523365 | 117.058917 | 50903125011 | Yilliminning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 305.835205078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15746 | 6312 | NARROGIN | WA | 117.306862 | -32.979123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9311967 | 117.1785277 | 50903125011 | Yilliminning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 305.835205078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15747 | 6312 | NARROGIN VALLEY | WA | 117.306862 | -32.979123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9408111 | 117.218017 | 50903125011 | Yilliminning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 305.835205078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15748 | 6312 | NOMANS LAKE | WA | 117.306862 | -32.979123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0111256 | 117.5017142 | 50903125011 | Yilliminning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 305.835205078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15749 | 6312 | TOOLIBIN | WA | 117.306862 | -32.979123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9152111 | 117.6568694 | 50903125011 | Yilliminning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 305.835205078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15750 | 6312 | YILLIMINNING | WA | 117.306862 | -32.979123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8719095 | 117.4167479 | 50903125011 | Yilliminning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 305.835205078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15751 | 6313 | HIGHBURY | WA | 117.243277 | -33.05792 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0763386 | 117.2205771 | 50903125011 | Yilliminning | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Narrogin | 56460 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15752 | 6315 | ARTHUR RIVER | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3454359 | 117.0369388 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15753 | 6315 | BALLAYING | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3547576 | 117.5944039 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15754 | 6315 | CANCANNING | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.111896 | 117.5219734 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15755 | 6315 | COLLANILLING | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2288614 | 117.5426262 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15756 | 6315 | DONGOLOCKING | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.145405 | 117.7686677 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15757 | 6315 | GUNDARING | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3166113 | 117.4958551 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15758 | 6315 | JALORAN | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1730474 | 117.4286518 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15759 | 6315 | LIME LAKE | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4159888 | 117.3722706 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15760 | 6315 | MINDING | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2827354 | 117.196813 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15761 | 6315 | PIESSEVILLE | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1922284 | 117.2869753 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15762 | 6315 | WAGIN | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3109317 | 117.3461733 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15763 | 6315 | WEDGECARRUP | WA | 117.342795 | -33.286272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4210511 | 117.1840002 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 282.327331542969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15764 | 6316 | BOYERINE | WA | 117.384564 | -33.532315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4752835 | 117.4015749 | 50901123010 | Woodanilling | 509011230 | Katanning | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15765 | 6316 | CARTMETICUP | WA | 117.384564 | -33.532315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4834508 | 117.5098148 | 50901123010 | Woodanilling | 509011230 | Katanning | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15766 | 6316 | GLENCOE | WA | 117.384564 | -33.532315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4671397 | 117.6328456 | 50901123010 | Woodanilling | 509011230 | Katanning | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15767 | 6316 | KENMARE | WA | 117.384564 | -33.532315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.564728 | 117.2261049 | 50901123010 | Woodanilling | 509011230 | Katanning | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15768 | 6316 | WESTWOOD | WA | 117.384564 | -33.532315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5633851 | 117.327326 | 50901123010 | Woodanilling | 509011230 | Katanning | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15769 | 6316 | WOODANILLING | WA | 117.384564 | -33.532315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5634041 | 117.4311143 | 50901123010 | Woodanilling | 509011230 | Katanning | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15770 | 6317 | BADGEBUP | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.633502 | 117.8986518 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15771 | 6317 | BULLOCK HILLS | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4079149 | 117.7038897 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15772 | 6317 | CARROLUP | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7586135 | 117.3683574 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15773 | 6317 | COBLININE | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6146811 | 117.6970453 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15774 | 6317 | COYRECUP | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6613831 | 117.8384016 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15775 | 6317 | DATATINE | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4256725 | 117.8629026 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15776 | 6317 | EWLYAMARTUP | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6921921 | 117.6881109 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15777 | 6317 | KATANNING | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6893674 | 117.555118 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15778 | 6317 | MARRACOONDA | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6714453 | 117.464135 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15779 | 6317 | MOOJEBING | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6114812 | 117.5508026 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15780 | 6317 | MURDONG | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7462723 | 117.5962929 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15781 | 6317 | PINWERNYING | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6660433 | 117.5401169 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15782 | 6317 | SOUTH DATATINE | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4976545 | 117.8747282 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15783 | 6317 | SOUTH GLENCOE | WA | 117.738912 | -33.647362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5283338 | 117.6562217 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15784 | 6318 | BROOMEHILL | WA | 117.651128 | -33.862021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8446793 | 117.6395659 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15785 | 6318 | BROOMEHILL EAST | WA | 117.651128 | -33.862021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8881709 | 117.6968526 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15786 | 6318 | BROOMEHILL VILLAGE | WA | 117.651128 | -33.862021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8447 | 117.64 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15787 | 6318 | BROOMEHILL WEST | WA | 117.651128 | -33.862021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8790978 | 117.5550135 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15788 | 6320 | BOBALONG | WA | 117.717905 | -34.096397 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0095385 | 117.6255648 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15789 | 6320 | BORDERDALE | WA | 117.717905 | -34.096397 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0371201 | 117.4249228 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15790 | 6320 | DARTNALL | WA | 117.717905 | -34.096397 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0225272 | 117.7660176 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15791 | 6320 | LAKE TOOLBRUNUP | WA | 117.717905 | -34.096397 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1304386 | 117.8999763 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15792 | 6320 | MOONIES HILL | WA | 117.717905 | -34.096397 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0934033 | 117.5383289 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15793 | 6320 | TAMBELLUP | WA | 117.717905 | -34.096397 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0409469 | 117.6393234 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15794 | 6320 | WANSBROUGH | WA | 117.717905 | -34.096397 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1427916 | 117.6736287 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broomehill-Tambellup | 51080 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15795 | 6321 | CRANBROOK | WA | 117.398532 | -34.26948 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2500507 | 117.5026174 | 50901123107 | Wansbrough | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15796 | 6322 | TENTERDEN | WA | 117.491623 | -34.411973 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4108131 | 117.4321452 | 50901123102 | Tenterden (WA) | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15797 | 6323 | KENDENUP | WA | 117.62552 | -34.486238 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.458602 | 117.5730639 | 50901123415 | Kendenup | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 266.803833007813 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Plantagenet | 57210 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15798 | 6324 | DENBARKER | WA | 117.781468 | -34.618289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.696526 | 117.4641637 | 50901123416 | Rocky Gully (WA) | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 237.445678710938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15799 | 6324 | FOREST HILL | WA | 117.781468 | -34.618289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6154064 | 117.4422799 | 50901123416 | Rocky Gully (WA) | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 237.445678710938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15800 | 6324 | MOUNT BARKER | WA | 117.781468 | -34.618289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6307547 | 117.6653555 | 50901123416 | Rocky Gully (WA) | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 237.445678710938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15801 | 6324 | PERILLUP | WA | 117.781468 | -34.618289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.5708081 | 117.2324445 | 50901123416 | Rocky Gully (WA) | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 237.445678710938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15802 | 6324 | PORONGURUP | WA | 117.781468 | -34.618289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6594667 | 117.8946581 | 50901123416 | Rocky Gully (WA) | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 237.445678710938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15803 | 6324 | SOUTH STIRLING | WA | 117.781468 | -34.618289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6180885 | 118.2565786 | 50901123416 | Rocky Gully (WA) | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 237.445678710938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15804 | 6324 | TAKALARUP | WA | 117.781468 | -34.618289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.5477244 | 118.1015984 | 50901123416 | Rocky Gully (WA) | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 237.445678710938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15805 | 6324 | WOOGENELLUP | WA | 117.781468 | -34.618289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.5240887 | 117.8789491 | 50901123416 | Rocky Gully (WA) | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 237.445678710938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15806 | 6326 | NARRIKUP | WA | 117.785337 | -34.769363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.777437 | 117.6904167 | 50901123409 | Narrikup | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 130.445037841797 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Plantagenet | 57210 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15807 | 6327 | REDMOND | WA | 117.593417 | -34.858542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8877821 | 117.6927835 | 50901122603 | Redmond West | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 93.9076614379883 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15808 | 6327 | REDMOND WEST | WA | 117.593417 | -34.858542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8469358 | 117.5887214 | 50901122603 | Redmond West | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 93.9076614379883 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15809 | 6328 | CAPE RICHE | WA | 118.462801 | -34.919086 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6167 | 118.767 | 50901122610 | Wellstead | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15810 | 6328 | CHEYNES | WA | 118.462801 | -34.919086 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8240536 | 118.3285514 | 50901122610 | Wellstead | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15811 | 6328 | GNOWELLEN | WA | 118.462801 | -34.919086 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3920768 | 118.5712425 | 50901122610 | Wellstead | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15812 | 6328 | GREEN RANGE | WA | 118.462801 | -34.919086 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.7131082 | 118.3206249 | 50901122610 | Wellstead | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15813 | 6328 | KOJANEERUP SOUTH | WA | 118.462801 | -34.919086 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.5030856 | 118.3731355 | 50901122610 | Wellstead | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15814 | 6328 | MANYPEAKS | WA | 118.462801 | -34.919086 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8382801 | 118.1729805 | 50901122610 | Wellstead | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
21770 | 6328 | METTLER | WA | 118.5904843 | -34.60236027 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.5694757 | 118.5872172 | 50901122610 | Wellstead | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15815 | 6328 | PALMDALE | WA | 118.462801 | -34.919086 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6879321 | 118.153172 | 50901122610 | Wellstead | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15816 | 6328 | WELLSTEAD | WA | 118.462801 | -34.919086 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.495249 | 118.6014552 | 50901122610 | Wellstead | 509011226 | Albany Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15817 | 6330 | ALBANY | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0269344 | 117.8837206 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15818 | 6330 | BAYONET HEAD | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9751413 | 117.937744 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15819 | 6330 | BIG GROVE | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.084259 | 117.8833993 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15820 | 6330 | BORNHOLM | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0462719 | 117.5810553 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15821 | 6330 | CENTENNIAL PARK | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0155 | 117.885 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15822 | 6330 | COLLINGWOOD HEIGHTS | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9987841 | 117.9168374 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15823 | 6330 | COLLINGWOOD PARK | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.006859 | 117.9220854 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15824 | 6330 | CUTHBERT | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0160198 | 117.7930974 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15825 | 6330 | DROME | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9244658 | 117.7920645 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15826 | 6330 | ELLEKER | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0080012 | 117.7264529 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15827 | 6330 | EMU POINT | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9977653 | 117.9383683 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15828 | 6330 | FRENCHMAN BAY | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0943154 | 117.9496472 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15829 | 6330 | GLEDHOW | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0078958 | 117.8279544 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15830 | 6330 | GOODE BEACH | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0861713 | 117.9287561 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15831 | 6330 | GREEN VALLEY | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8780946 | 117.8194197 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15832 | 6330 | KALGAN | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.894752 | 118.0005189 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15833 | 6330 | KING RIVER | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9319793 | 117.9125956 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15834 | 6330 | KRONKUP | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0384256 | 117.6225754 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15835 | 6330 | LANGE | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.991564 | 117.8927519 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15836 | 6330 | LITTLE GROVE | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0682473 | 117.8701361 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15837 | 6330 | LOCKYER | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0053326 | 117.8568707 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15838 | 6330 | LOWER KING | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9537938 | 117.9357201 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15839 | 6330 | LOWLANDS | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0628764 | 117.5258356 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15840 | 6330 | MARBELUP | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9852323 | 117.7243895 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15841 | 6330 | MCKAIL | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9851022 | 117.8310134 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15842 | 6330 | MIDDLETON BEACH | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0227836 | 117.9089793 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15843 | 6330 | MILLBROOK | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9192822 | 117.8768922 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15844 | 6330 | MILPARA | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9868038 | 117.8622751 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15845 | 6330 | MIRA MAR | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0147143 | 117.9026015 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15846 | 6330 | MOUNT CLARENCE | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0199652 | 117.8987534 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15847 | 6330 | MOUNT ELPHINSTONE | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0225184 | 117.8594802 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15848 | 6330 | MOUNT MELVILLE | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0141437 | 117.8698638 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15849 | 6330 | NANARUP | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9934904 | 118.0458319 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15850 | 6330 | NAPIER | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.7878854 | 117.9544574 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15851 | 6330 | NULLAKI | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0199618 | 117.3923426 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15852 | 6330 | ORANA | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9919315 | 117.8563082 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15853 | 6330 | PORT ALBANY | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0303958 | 117.8979171 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15854 | 6330 | ROBINSON | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.033151 | 117.8316305 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15855 | 6330 | SANDPATCH | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0565939 | 117.7816412 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15856 | 6330 | SEPPINGS | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0078683 | 117.9112971 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15857 | 6330 | SPENCER PARK | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0083292 | 117.8963194 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15858 | 6330 | TORBAY | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9830361 | 117.6449946 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15859 | 6330 | TORNDIRRUP | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0556553 | 117.8514627 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15860 | 6330 | VANCOUVER PENINSULA | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0598559 | 117.9306259 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15861 | 6330 | WALMSLEY | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9826631 | 117.9129345 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15862 | 6330 | WARRENUP | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9757354 | 117.8472969 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15863 | 6330 | WEST CAPE HOWE | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1072199 | 117.6165043 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15864 | 6330 | WILLYUNG | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9391349 | 117.8578233 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15865 | 6330 | YAKAMIA | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.000163 | 117.8822624 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15866 | 6330 | YOUNGS SIDING | WA | 117.863286 | -34.905438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0011331 | 117.516296 | 50901123326 | McKail | 509011233 | McKail - Willyung | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Albany | 50080 | Forrest | | 50106 | Albany (South West) |
15867 | 6331 | ALBANY DC | WA | 117.884 | -35.0269 | | | | | | | R3 | | -35.0269 | 117.884 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 12.2889070510864 | W2 | | | Albany | 50080 | Durack | | | |
15868 | 6332 | ALBANY | WA | 115.974463 | -32.046559 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -35.0269344 | 117.8837206 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 7.38384437561035 | W2 | PHN503 | | Gosnells | 53780 | Durack | | | |
22821 | 6332 | ALBANY PO | WA | 117.884 | -35.0269 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -35.0269 | 117.884 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | -3492 | W2 | | | Albany | 50080 | Durack | | | |
15869 | 6333 | BOW BRIDGE | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9677414 | 116.9766657 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15870 | 6333 | DENMARK | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9617565 | 117.35065 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15871 | 6333 | HAY | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9601262 | 117.4005846 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15872 | 6333 | HAZELVALE | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9272937 | 116.8533703 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15873 | 6333 | KENTDALE | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9459065 | 117.0525079 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15874 | 6333 | KORDABUP | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9120951 | 117.1246366 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
21771 | 6333 | MOUNT LINDESAY | WA | 117.3739645 | -34.81843275 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8129362 | 117.3471412 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15875 | 6333 | MOUNT LINDSAY | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8227 | 117.421 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15876 | 6333 | MOUNT ROMANCE | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8352989 | 117.08174 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15877 | 6333 | NORNALUP | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0087601 | 116.8320373 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15878 | 6333 | OCEAN BEACH | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0071469 | 117.3264531 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15591 | 6333 | PARRYVILLE | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9918298 | 117.1101658 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15592 | 6333 | PEACEFUL BAY | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0385926 | 116.9227179 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15593 | 6333 | SCOTSDALE | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9136344 | 117.2529523 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15594 | 6333 | SHADFORTH | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9613213 | 117.2785494 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15595 | 6333 | TINGLEDALE | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9568762 | 116.8888967 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15596 | 6333 | TRENT | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8202228 | 116.9356445 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15597 | 6333 | WILLIAM BAY | WA | 117.158861 | -34.902512 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9866288 | 117.2088167 | 50901122821 | Denmark | 509011228 | Denmark | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 83.9317626953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15598 | 6335 | GNOWANGERUP | WA | 118.112783 | -33.869017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9372566 | 118.0078355 | 50901122910 | Pallinup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15599 | 6335 | JACKITUP | WA | 118.112783 | -33.869017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9055919 | 118.0982018 | 50901122910 | Pallinup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15600 | 6335 | KEBARINGUP | WA | 118.112783 | -33.869017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0214969 | 118.1402018 | 50901122910 | Pallinup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15601 | 6335 | PALLINUP | WA | 118.112783 | -33.869017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9838321 | 117.9360381 | 50901122910 | Pallinup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gnowangerup | 53640 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15602 | 6336 | COWALELLUP | WA | 118.596801 | -33.928235 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.09517 | 118.5557148 | 50901122911 | Toompup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Jerramungup | 54130 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15603 | 6336 | MILLS LAKE | WA | 118.596801 | -33.928235 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8315089 | 118.5331038 | 50901122911 | Toompup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Jerramungup | 54130 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15604 | 6336 | MINDARABIN | WA | 118.596801 | -33.928235 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9034964 | 118.3644875 | 50901122911 | Toompup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Jerramungup | 54130 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15605 | 6336 | NEEDILUP | WA | 118.596801 | -33.928235 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9530356 | 118.7720432 | 50901122911 | Toompup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Jerramungup | 54130 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15606 | 6336 | ONGERUP | WA | 118.596801 | -33.928235 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9659586 | 118.4854838 | 50901122911 | Toompup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Jerramungup | 54130 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15607 | 6336 | TOOMPUP | WA | 118.596801 | -33.928235 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.061105 | 118.3599915 | 50901122911 | Toompup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Jerramungup | 54130 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15608 | 6337 | FITZGERALD | WA | 119.237195 | -33.990448 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7474237 | 119.45786 | 51101127502 | West River | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 173.430038452148 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15609 | 6337 | GAIRDNER | WA | 119.237195 | -33.990448 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.203709 | 118.9380466 | 51101127502 | West River | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 173.430038452148 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15610 | 6337 | JACUP | WA | 119.237195 | -33.990448 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8469442 | 119.2114675 | 51101127502 | West River | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 173.430038452148 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15611 | 6337 | JERRAMUNGUP | WA | 119.237195 | -33.990448 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9420941 | 118.9184313 | 51101127502 | West River | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 173.430038452148 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15612 | 6337 | WEST FITZGERALD | WA | 119.237195 | -33.990448 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8036359 | 119.327742 | 51101127502 | West River | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 173.430038452148 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15613 | 6338 | AMELUP | WA | 118.657118 | -34.362864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2528992 | 118.2158893 | 51101127507 | Hopetoun (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 120.716415405273 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15614 | 6338 | BORDEN | WA | 118.657118 | -34.362864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0723096 | 118.262174 | 51101127507 | Hopetoun (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 120.716415405273 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15615 | 6338 | BOXWOOD HILL | WA | 118.657118 | -34.362864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3660293 | 118.7502892 | 51101127507 | Hopetoun (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 120.716415405273 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15616 | 6338 | BREMER BAY | WA | 118.657118 | -34.362864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3978526 | 119.1896917 | 51101127507 | Hopetoun (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 120.716415405273 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15617 | 6338 | MAGITUP | WA | 118.657118 | -34.362864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1345512 | 118.161138 | 51101127507 | Hopetoun (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 120.716415405273 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15618 | 6338 | MONJEBUP | WA | 118.657118 | -34.362864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2927151 | 118.5457529 | 51101127507 | Hopetoun (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 120.716415405273 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15619 | 6338 | NALYERLUP | WA | 118.657118 | -34.362864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1446418 | 118.4102329 | 51101127507 | Hopetoun (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 120.716415405273 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15620 | 6338 | NORTH STIRLINGS | WA | 118.657118 | -34.362864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2480047 | 118.0731391 | 51101127507 | Hopetoun (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 120.716415405273 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15621 | 6338 | STIRLING RANGE NATIONAL PARK | WA | 118.657118 | -34.362864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4006165 | 118.1039074 | 51101127507 | Hopetoun (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 120.716415405273 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
15622 | 6341 | NYABING | WA | 118.215173 | -33.513647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6254623 | 118.2058768 | 50901122903 | Nyabing | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 348.151245117188 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kent | 54480 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15623 | 6343 | PINGRUP | WA | 118.79925 | -33.535559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5438705 | 118.8596804 | 50901122902 | Pingrup | 509011229 | Gnowangerup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 341.286529541016 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kent | 54480 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15624 | 6346 | FITZGERALD RIVER NATIONAL PARK | WA | 120.349013 | -33.319068 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9874775 | 119.5023763 | 51101127513 | Ravensthorpe | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 281.865875244141 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Jerramungup | 54130 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15625 | 6346 | JERDACUTTUP | WA | 120.349013 | -33.319068 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7770036 | 120.4529966 | 51101127513 | Ravensthorpe | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 281.865875244141 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Jerramungup | 54130 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15626 | 6346 | RAVENSTHORPE | WA | 120.349013 | -33.319068 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5817611 | 120.0470203 | 51101127513 | Ravensthorpe | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 281.865875244141 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Jerramungup | 54130 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15627 | 6346 | WEST RIVER | WA | 120.349013 | -33.319068 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4891953 | 119.6427322 | 51101127513 | Ravensthorpe | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 281.865875244141 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Jerramungup | 54130 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15628 | 6348 | HOPETOUN | WA | 120.145773 | -33.881306 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8539054 | 120.0202964 | 51101127515 | Hopetoun (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
24162 | 6350 | BULLOCK HILLS | WA | 117.6947 | -33.4339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | | 53 | Remote Australia | | | | 317.315795898438 | | | | Dumbleyung | 53010 | | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15629 | 6350 | DUMBLEYUNG | WA | 117.783872 | -33.281233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.3147252 | 117.7420593 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 317.315795898438 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15630 | 6350 | NAIRIBIN | WA | 117.783872 | -33.281233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.3365031 | 117.9428066 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 317.315795898438 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15631 | 6350 | NIPPERING | WA | 117.783872 | -33.281233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.2534593 | 117.6979106 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 317.315795898438 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15632 | 6351 | MOULYINNING | WA | 117.922069 | -33.189372 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2282185 | 117.9263271 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 276.539703369141 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15633 | 6351 | NORTH MOULYINNING | WA | 117.922069 | -33.189372 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1305411 | 117.9094724 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 276.539703369141 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15634 | 6352 | KUKERIN | WA | 118.086163 | -33.185465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1913283 | 118.0818036 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15635 | 6352 | MERILUP | WA | 118.086163 | -33.185465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3178349 | 118.2068501 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15636 | 6352 | NORTH KUKERIN | WA | 118.086163 | -33.185465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1763269 | 118.0653449 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15637 | 6352 | SOUTH KUKERIN | WA | 118.086163 | -33.185465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2251163 | 118.1098903 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15638 | 6353 | BEENONG | WA | 118.510341 | -33.131383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.036715 | 118.6274204 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15639 | 6353 | BUNICHE | WA | 118.510341 | -33.131383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0060517 | 118.7577133 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15640 | 6353 | KUENDER | WA | 118.510341 | -33.131383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8669961 | 118.5187887 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15641 | 6353 | LAKE GRACE | WA | 118.510341 | -33.131383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1008884 | 118.4699705 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15642 | 6353 | MALLEE HILL | WA | 118.510341 | -33.131383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2118543 | 118.7201977 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15643 | 6353 | NEENDALING | WA | 118.510341 | -33.131383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1166623 | 118.3198357 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15644 | 6353 | NORTH BURNGUP | WA | 118.510341 | -33.131383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8764091 | 118.78884 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15645 | 6353 | NORTH LAKE GRACE | WA | 118.510341 | -33.131383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0315698 | 118.4699395 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15646 | 6353 | SOUTH LAKE GRACE | WA | 118.510341 | -33.131383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.244817 | 118.4701979 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15647 | 6353 | TARIN ROCK | WA | 118.510341 | -33.131383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1095964 | 118.2324449 | 50903124716 | Tarin Rock | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dumbleyung | 53010 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15648 | 6355 | DUNN ROCK | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3576739 | 119.5535794 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15649 | 6355 | EAST NEWDEGATE | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0924827 | 119.275056 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15650 | 6355 | HOLT ROCK | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6776612 | 119.4116555 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15651 | 6355 | LAKE BIDDY | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9117672 | 118.9632061 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15652 | 6355 | LAKE CAMM | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.957218 | 119.6048598 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15653 | 6355 | LITTLE ITALY | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6247408 | 119.1533989 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15654 | 6355 | MAGENTA | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3576739 | 119.5535794 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15655 | 6355 | MOUNT SHERIDAN | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8892155 | 119.2071043 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15656 | 6355 | NEWDEGATE | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.093217 | 119.0236324 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15657 | 6355 | SOUTH NEWDEGATE | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2171571 | 119.025458 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15658 | 6355 | VARLEY | WA | 119.098339 | -33.032688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8231588 | 119.5359901 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
21772 | 6356 | HATTER HILL | WA | 120.1323996 | -32.88527809 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0339 | 119.882 | 50903124703 | Varley | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 309.175537109375 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Lake Grace | 54900 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15659 | 6356 | LAKE KING | WA | 119.713036 | -33.121892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0874037 | 119.6881976 | 50903124703 | Varley | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 309.175537109375 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Lake Grace | 54900 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15660 | 6356 | MOUNT MADDEN | WA | 119.713036 | -33.121892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2602695 | 119.8319917 | 50903124703 | Varley | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 309.175537109375 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Lake Grace | 54900 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15661 | 6357 | PINGARING | WA | 118.724162 | -32.80966 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6899741 | 118.8130675 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15662 | 6358 | KARLGARIN | WA | 118.671921 | -32.483917 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3814744 | 118.7198004 | 50903124718 | Kondinin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 287 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kondinin | 54620 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15663 | 6359 | FORRESTANIA | WA | 119.311209 | -32.42539 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4158418 | 119.7549643 | 50903124714 | Hyden | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 321.86865234375 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15664 | 6359 | HYDEN | WA | 119.311209 | -32.42539 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4490434 | 118.8656495 | 50903124714 | Hyden | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 321.86865234375 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21773 | 6359 | LITTLE ITALY | WA | 119.1284213 | -32.66654931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6247 | 119.153 | 50903124714 | Hyden | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 321.86865234375 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15665 | 6361 | HARRISMITH | WA | 117.7572 | -32.9894 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9362761 | 117.8565108 | 50903124712 | Wogolin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15666 | 6361 | TINCURRIN | WA | 117.7572 | -32.9894 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.980526 | 117.7495521 | 50903124712 | Wogolin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15667 | 6363 | DUDININ | WA | 118.004212 | -32.919792 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9524439 | 118.0043246 | 50903124709 | Walyurin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15668 | 6363 | WALYURIN | WA | 118.004212 | -32.919792 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8709515 | 118.2558735 | 50903124709 | Walyurin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15669 | 6365 | JILAKIN | WA | 118.288784 | -32.723142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6770704 | 118.4080397 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 322.587036132813 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15670 | 6365 | JITARNING | WA | 118.288784 | -32.723142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7874131 | 117.9874247 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 322.587036132813 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15671 | 6365 | KULIN | WA | 118.288784 | -32.723142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.675626 | 118.2354596 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 322.587036132813 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15672 | 6365 | KULIN WEST | WA | 118.288784 | -32.723142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6203797 | 118.1074368 | 50903124713 | Pingaring | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 322.587036132813 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kulin | 54760 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15673 | 6367 | BENDERING | WA | 118.351936 | -32.422646 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3884 | 118.304 | 50903124718 | Kondinin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 340.598876953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kondinin | 54620 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15674 | 6367 | KONDININ | WA | 118.351936 | -32.422646 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4203845 | 118.3929417 | 50903124718 | Kondinin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 340.598876953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kondinin | 54620 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15675 | 6368 | SOUTH KUMMININ | WA | 118.339949 | -32.189465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2007639 | 118.4396756 | 50902124014 | Wadderin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 312.029266357422 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Narembeen | 56370 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15676 | 6369 | EMU HILL | WA | 118.806453 | -32.023679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0833 | 118.333 | 50902124014 | Wadderin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 324.699310302734 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Narembeen | 56370 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15677 | 6369 | MOUNT WALKER | WA | 118.806453 | -32.023679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0697365 | 118.820702 | 50902124014 | Wadderin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 324.699310302734 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Narembeen | 56370 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15678 | 6369 | NAREMBEEN | WA | 118.806453 | -32.023679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0653445 | 118.3957739 | 50902124014 | Wadderin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 324.699310302734 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Narembeen | 56370 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15679 | 6369 | WADDERIN | WA | 118.806453 | -32.023679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0728816 | 118.3913879 | 50902124014 | Wadderin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 324.699310302734 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Narembeen | 56370 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15680 | 6369 | WEST HOLLETON | WA | 118.806453 | -32.023679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0281041 | 119.0349065 | 50902124014 | Wadderin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 324.699310302734 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Narembeen | 56370 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15681 | 6369 | WOOLOCUTTY | WA | 118.806453 | -32.023679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1652839 | 119.0086669 | 50902124014 | Wadderin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 324.699310302734 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Narembeen | 56370 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15682 | 6370 | EAST WICKEPIN | WA | 117.626013 | -32.80605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.7828007 | 117.7075597 | 50903124712 | Wogolin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 341.03955078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
24114 | 6370 | GILLIMANNING | WA | 117.4555 | -32.6773 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.7828007 | 117.7075597 | 50903124712 | Wogolin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 341.03955078125 | | | | Wickepin | 59100 | | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15683 | 6370 | KIRK ROCK | WA | 117.626013 | -32.80605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.6350139 | 117.7353696 | 50903124712 | Wogolin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 341.03955078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15684 | 6370 | MALYALLING | WA | 117.626013 | -32.80605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.7151972 | 117.5977419 | 50903124712 | Wogolin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 341.03955078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15685 | 6370 | WICKEPIN | WA | 117.626013 | -32.80605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.7816141 | 117.5028347 | 50903124712 | Wogolin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 341.03955078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15686 | 6370 | WOGOLIN | WA | 117.626013 | -32.80605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.7977859 | 117.8285624 | 50903124712 | Wogolin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 341.03955078125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
24115 | 6372 | KIRK ROCK | WA | 117.7634 | -32.6418 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.6275771 | 117.6200138 | 50903124712 | Wogolin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 290.712677001953 | | | | Wickepin | 59100 | | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15687 | 6372 | YEALERING | WA | 117.690219 | -32.62616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.6275771 | 117.6200138 | 50903124712 | Wogolin | 509031247 | Kulin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 277.045440673828 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wickepin | 59100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15688 | 6373 | BULLARING | WA | 117.763902 | -32.495421 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5258694 | 117.784246 | 50903124605 | Kunjin | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Corrigin | 52100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15689 | 6375 | ADAMSVALE | WA | 117.879836 | -32.286284 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1998612 | 117.6726096 | 50903124605 | Kunjin | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Corrigin | 52100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15690 | 6375 | BILBARIN | WA | 117.879836 | -32.286284 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.204103 | 117.955323 | 50903124605 | Kunjin | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Corrigin | 52100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15691 | 6375 | CORRIGIN | WA | 117.879836 | -32.286284 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3340563 | 117.8774283 | 50903124605 | Kunjin | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Corrigin | 52100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15692 | 6375 | GORGE ROCK | WA | 117.879836 | -32.286284 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4567656 | 118.0426228 | 50903124605 | Kunjin | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Corrigin | 52100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15693 | 6375 | KUNJIN | WA | 117.879836 | -32.286284 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.357491 | 117.7524103 | 50903124605 | Kunjin | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Corrigin | 52100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15694 | 6375 | KURRENKUTTEN | WA | 117.879836 | -32.286284 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3534136 | 118.1237956 | 50903124605 | Kunjin | 509031246 | Brookton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Corrigin | 52100 | Durack | | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15695 | 6383 | BADJALING | WA | 117.406271 | -31.951084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9988889 | 117.4993647 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 246.375579833984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15696 | 6383 | BALKULING | WA | 117.406271 | -31.951084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9490302 | 117.1617685 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 246.375579833984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21775 | 6383 | CUBBINE | WA | 117.3302057 | -31.89343546 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8817412 | 117.3506492 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 288.316101074219 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15697 | 6383 | DANGIN | WA | 117.406271 | -31.951084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0526448 | 117.3498955 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 246.375579833984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21776 | 6383 | DOODENANNING | WA | 117.1885427 | -31.86283455 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8611689 | 117.1922002 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 264.256317138672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21777 | 6383 | DULBELLING | WA | 117.2579917 | -31.99884844 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9705208 | 117.2542257 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 283.459167480469 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15698 | 6383 | MAWSON | WA | 117.406271 | -31.951084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9842 | 117.19 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 246.375579833984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21778 | 6383 | MOUNT STIRLING | WA | 117.5189849 | -31.87317725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8811828 | 117.5283611 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 246.375579833984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15699 | 6383 | QUAIRADING | WA | 117.406271 | -31.951084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.012694 | 117.3955107 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 246.375579833984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15700 | 6383 | SOUTH CAROLING | WA | 117.406271 | -31.951084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.152 | 117.387 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 246.375579833984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21779 | 6383 | SOUTH QUAIRADING | WA | 117.3534887 | -32.15198291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1541373 | 117.3720896 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 224.362335205078 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15701 | 6383 | WAMENUSKING | WA | 117.406271 | -31.951084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1469964 | 117.6169399 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 246.375579833984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15702 | 6383 | YOTING | WA | 117.406271 | -31.951084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.962196 | 117.5916622 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 246.375579833984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15703 | 6384 | PANTAPIN | WA | 117.666205 | -31.955552 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0308551 | 117.666952 | 50902123707 | Yoting | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Quairading | 57350 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15704 | 6385 | KWOLYIN | WA | 117.747301 | -31.902072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9359005 | 117.7138785 | 50902124011 | Shackleton | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 298.118591308594 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bruce Rock | 51120 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15705 | 6386 | SHACKLETON | WA | 117.815142 | -31.950074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0018432 | 117.8780275 | 50902124011 | Shackleton | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bruce Rock | 51120 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
15706 | 6390 | BANNISTER | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.582088 | 116.4855219 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15707 | 6390 | BODDINGTON | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7980053 | 116.4777581 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15708 | 6390 | CROSSMAN | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8192958 | 116.6119208 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15709 | 6390 | LOWER HOTHAM | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9302941 | 116.413849 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15710 | 6390 | MARRADONG | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.938858 | 116.4548484 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15711 | 6390 | MOUNT COOKE | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4141667 | 116.3077778 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15712 | 6390 | MOUNT WELLS | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6051565 | 116.3148981 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15713 | 6390 | NORTH BANNISTER | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.582088 | 116.4855219 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15714 | 6390 | RANFORD | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7927841 | 116.4949004 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15715 | 6390 | UPPER MURRAY | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9889016 | 116.3068429 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15716 | 6390 | WURAMING | WA | 116.413369 | -32.805438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8311864 | 116.2735859 | 50903124809 | Crossman | 509031248 | Murray | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Canning | 211.903137207031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murray | 56230 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54006 | Murray-Wellington (South West) |
15717 | 6391 | BORANING | WA | 116.773204 | -33.0633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1057 | 116.709 | 50903125012 | Williams | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289.287719726563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15718 | 6391 | CONGELIN | WA | 116.773204 | -33.0633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8535 | 116.891 | 50903125012 | Williams | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289.287719726563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15719 | 6391 | CULBIN | WA | 116.773204 | -33.0633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1669 | 116.842 | 50903125012 | Williams | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289.287719726563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15720 | 6391 | HILLMAN RIVER | WA | 116.773204 | -33.0633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.428 | 116.817 | 50903125012 | Williams | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289.287719726563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15721 | 6391 | NARRAKINE | WA | 116.773204 | -33.0633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9923 | 116.767 | 50903125012 | Williams | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289.287719726563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15722 | 6391 | QUINDANNING | WA | 116.773204 | -33.0633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0328908 | 116.489345 | 50903125012 | Williams | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289.287719726563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15723 | 6391 | TARWONGA | WA | 116.773204 | -33.0633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0803 | 117.102 | 50903125012 | Williams | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289.287719726563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15724 | 6391 | WILLIAMS | WA | 116.773204 | -33.0633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0191 | 116.75 | 50903125012 | Williams | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289.287719726563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Boddington | 50630 | Canning | Outer Metropolitan | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15725 | 6392 | BOKAL | WA | 116.625294 | -33.400929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4417159 | 116.9027334 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 296.581817626953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Williams | 59170 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15726 | 6392 | BOOLADING | WA | 116.625294 | -33.400929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.359762 | 116.623227 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 296.581817626953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Williams | 59170 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
21780 | 6392 | DARDADINE | WA | 116.7708935 | -33.2326994 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2321 | 116.791 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 304.437042236328 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Williams | 59170 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15727 | 6392 | DARKAN | WA | 116.625294 | -33.400929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3345033 | 116.7331481 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 296.581817626953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Williams | 59170 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
21781 | 6392 | MEEKING | WA | 116.6387687 | -33.24859545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.247 | 116.628 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 290.339141845703 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Williams | 59170 | Canning | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15728 | 6393 | CORDERING | WA | 116.85396 | -33.538228 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.512098 | 116.675354 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 246.848236083984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15729 | 6393 | DURANILLIN | WA | 116.85396 | -33.538228 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5206917 | 116.7968705 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 246.848236083984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15730 | 6393 | MOODIARRUP | WA | 116.85396 | -33.538228 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6118099 | 116.7580262 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 246.848236083984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15731 | 6393 | TRIGWELL | WA | 116.85396 | -33.538228 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6731943 | 116.6318277 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 246.848236083984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | West Arthur | 58890 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15732 | 6394 | BEAUFORT RIVER | WA | 116.972036 | -33.83319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5882778 | 117.0461201 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 263.208099365234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15733 | 6394 | BOILUP | WA | 116.972036 | -33.83319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7592499 | 117.0055956 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 263.208099365234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
15734 | 6394 | BOSCABEL | WA | 116.972036 | -33.83319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6987066 | 117.1137661 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 263.208099365234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11042 | 6394 | CHANGERUP | WA | 116.972036 | -33.83319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7353428 | 116.8452962 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 263.208099365234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
21782 | 6394 | MOKUP | WA | 116.8415415 | -33.62943162 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6166 | 116.825 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 263.208099365234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11043 | 6394 | MURADUP | WA | 116.972036 | -33.83319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8580382 | 116.9426442 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 263.208099365234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11044 | 6394 | ORCHID VALLEY | WA | 116.972036 | -33.83319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.007616 | 116.8238792 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 263.208099365234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11045 | 6394 | QUALEUP | WA | 116.972036 | -33.83319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9044236 | 116.8070515 | 50903125015 | Trigwell | 509031250 | Wagin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 263.208099365234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Woodanilling | 59320 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11046 | 6395 | CHERRY TREE POOL | WA | 117.065276 | -33.885153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7940495 | 117.27861 | 50901123115 | Kojonup | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 281.495880126953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kojonup | 54550 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11047 | 6395 | JINGALUP | WA | 117.065276 | -33.885153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.965529 | 117.0300474 | 50901123115 | Kojonup | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 281.495880126953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kojonup | 54550 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11048 | 6395 | KOJONUP | WA | 117.065276 | -33.885153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.828384 | 117.1589932 | 50901123115 | Kojonup | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 281.495880126953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kojonup | 54550 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11049 | 6395 | LUMEAH | WA | 117.065276 | -33.885153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9946269 | 117.2318438 | 50901123115 | Kojonup | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 281.495880126953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kojonup | 54550 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11050 | 6395 | MOBRUP | WA | 117.065276 | -33.885153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1315864 | 116.911756 | 50901123115 | Kojonup | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 281.495880126953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kojonup | 54550 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11051 | 6395 | RYANSBROOK | WA | 117.065276 | -33.885153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0897077 | 117.1585717 | 50901123115 | Kojonup | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 281.495880126953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kojonup | 54550 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11052 | 6396 | FRANKLAND | WA | 117.096189 | -34.372016 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3028954 | 116.9381434 | 50901123103 | Frankland River | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 205.189758300781 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
21783 | 6396 | FRANKLAND RIVER | WA | 116.9668031 | -34.33890039 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3029 | 116.938 | 50901123103 | Frankland River | 509011231 | Kojonup | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 205.189758300781 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cranbrook | 52240 | Forrest | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
11053 | 6397 | ROCKY GULLY | WA | 116.955359 | -34.543671 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50901 | Albany | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6318818 | 116.9381434 | 50901123416 | Rocky Gully (WA) | 509011234 | Plantagenet | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Plantagenet | 57210 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
11054 | 6398 | BROKE | WA | 116.604043 | -34.788611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9349211 | 116.4193977 | 50103102004 | Windy Harbour | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
11055 | 6398 | NORTH WALPOLE | WA | 116.604043 | -34.788611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8838995 | 116.7106544 | 50103102004 | Windy Harbour | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
11056 | 6398 | WALPOLE | WA | 116.604043 | -34.788611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50103 | Manjimup | 501 | Bunbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9758607 | 116.7331553 | 50103102004 | Windy Harbour | 501031020 | Pemberton | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Denmark | 52730 | Forrest | | 55706 | Warren-Blackwood (South West) |
11057 | 6401 | BUCKLAND | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.5348886 | 116.635414 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11058 | 6401 | BURLONG | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.6737918 | 116.6111724 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11059 | 6401 | CUNJARDINE | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.4398608 | 116.8569423 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11060 | 6401 | IRISHTOWN | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.5912996 | 116.6468692 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11061 | 6401 | JENNACUBBINE | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.4645692 | 116.7146243 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11062 | 6401 | JENNAPULLIN | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.5283897 | 116.7169043 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
24116 | 6401 | KATRINE | WA | 116.5635 | -31.6279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.5348886 | 116.635414 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Pearce | 152.432922363281 | | | | Goomalling | 53710 | | | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11063 | 6401 | MALABAINE | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.6323806 | 116.7136939 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11064 | 6401 | MEENAAR | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.6370954 | 116.8957561 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11065 | 6401 | MOKINE | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.747378 | 116.5574855 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11066 | 6401 | MULUCKINE | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.6727546 | 116.7283693 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11067 | 6401 | MUMBERKINE | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.4147224 | 116.6566464 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11068 | 6401 | MURESK | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.7193205 | 116.7121299 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11069 | 6401 | NORTHAM | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.6478698 | 116.6742108 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11070 | 6401 | ROSSMORE | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.4003439 | 116.767827 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11071 | 6401 | SOUTHERN BROOK | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.5589564 | 116.8302778 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11072 | 6401 | SPENCERS BROOK | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.7232294 | 116.6553773 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11073 | 6401 | THROSSELL | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.6944323 | 116.8268372 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11074 | 6401 | WONGAMINE | WA | 116.681727 | -31.640292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -31.4711574 | 116.6207585 | 50902124327 | Southern Brook | 509021243 | Northam | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 189.129501342773 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11075 | 6403 | GRASS VALLEY | WA | 116.797476 | -31.643902 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.636653 | 116.8203511 | 50902124326 | Meenaar | 509021243 | Northam | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 212.813339233398 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northam | 56730 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11076 | 6405 | GREENWOODS VALLEY | WA | 117.020194 | -31.605825 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5156822 | 116.909222 | 50902123711 | Youndegin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 203.980712890625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cunderdin | 52450 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11077 | 6405 | MECKERING | WA | 117.020194 | -31.605825 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.627336 | 117.0086166 | 50902123711 | Youndegin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 203.980712890625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cunderdin | 52450 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11078 | 6405 | QUELAGETTING | WA | 117.020194 | -31.605825 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4829053 | 117.0964066 | 50902123711 | Youndegin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 203.980712890625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cunderdin | 52450 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11079 | 6405 | WARDING EAST | WA | 117.020194 | -31.605825 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7585056 | 117.0903453 | 50902123711 | Youndegin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 203.980712890625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cunderdin | 52450 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11080 | 6407 | CUNDERDIN | WA | 117.222062 | -31.651142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6515688 | 117.237163 | 50902123711 | Youndegin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 222.000457763672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cunderdin | 52450 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11081 | 6407 | WAEEL | WA | 117.222062 | -31.651142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6509686 | 117.1687782 | 50902123711 | Youndegin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 222.000457763672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cunderdin | 52450 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11082 | 6407 | WATERCARRIN | WA | 117.222062 | -31.651142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4405806 | 117.2413162 | 50902123711 | Youndegin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 222.000457763672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cunderdin | 52450 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11083 | 6407 | WYOLA | WA | 117.222062 | -31.651142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5642775 | 117.37022 | 50902123711 | Youndegin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 222.000457763672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cunderdin | 52450 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11084 | 6407 | WYOLA WEST | WA | 117.222062 | -31.651142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5271274 | 117.3180271 | 50902123711 | Youndegin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 222.000457763672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cunderdin | 52450 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11085 | 6407 | YOUNDEGIN | WA | 117.222062 | -31.651142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.799406 | 117.2939477 | 50902123711 | Youndegin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 222.000457763672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Cunderdin | 52450 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11086 | 6409 | DOONGIN | WA | 117.471029 | -31.605391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.585917 | 117.5026174 | 50902123706 | South Doodlakine | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 259.292266845703 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Tammin | 58190 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21784 | 6409 | NORTH TAMMIN | WA | 117.4978218 | -31.51550125 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.484497 | 117.49408 | 50902123706 | South Doodlakine | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 259.292266845703 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Tammin | 58190 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21785 | 6409 | SOUTH TAMMIN | WA | 117.4912069 | -31.72677612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6700419 | 117.4912343 | 50902123706 | South Doodlakine | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 259.292266845703 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Tammin | 58190 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11087 | 6409 | TAMMIN | WA | 117.471029 | -31.605391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6419647 | 117.4869489 | 50902123706 | South Doodlakine | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 259.292266845703 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Tammin | 58190 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11088 | 6409 | YORKRAKINE | WA | 117.471029 | -31.605391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.369813 | 117.551012 | 50902123706 | South Doodlakine | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 259.292266845703 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Tammin | 58190 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11089 | 6410 | BUNGULLA | WA | 117.679993 | -31.579991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7765295 | 117.7929365 | 50902123709 | Kellerberrin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kellerberrin | 54410 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11090 | 6410 | DAADENNING CREEK | WA | 117.679993 | -31.579991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7765295 | 117.7929365 | 50902123709 | Kellerberrin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kellerberrin | 54410 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11091 | 6410 | KELLERBERRIN | WA | 117.679993 | -31.579991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6330073 | 117.7229586 | 50902123709 | Kellerberrin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kellerberrin | 54410 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11092 | 6410 | MOUNT CAROLINE | WA | 117.679993 | -31.579991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7333533 | 117.6393717 | 50902123709 | Kellerberrin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kellerberrin | 54410 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11093 | 6410 | NORTH KELLERBERRIN | WA | 117.679993 | -31.579991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4802113 | 117.6449111 | 50902123709 | Kellerberrin | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kellerberrin | 54410 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11094 | 6411 | DOODLAKINE | WA | 117.905311 | -31.550535 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5133284 | 117.8416463 | 50902123706 | South Doodlakine | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 307.812286376953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kellerberrin | 54410 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11095 | 6411 | SOUTH DOODLAKINE | WA | 117.905311 | -31.550535 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6864446 | 117.9139266 | 50902123706 | South Doodlakine | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 307.812286376953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kellerberrin | 54410 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11096 | 6412 | BAANDEE | WA | 117.979823 | -31.601076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5451878 | 117.9833442 | 50902123706 | South Doodlakine | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kellerberrin | 54410 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11097 | 6412 | NORTH BAANDEE | WA | 117.979823 | -31.601076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3701458 | 117.9345849 | 50902123706 | South Doodlakine | 509021237 | Cunderdin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kellerberrin | 54410 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11098 | 6413 | HINES HILL | WA | 118.064042 | -31.555637 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5112285 | 118.0888578 | 50902124009 | Nangeenan | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 257.172698974609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11099 | 6414 | NANGEENAN | WA | 118.167797 | -31.526755 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5309101 | 118.1824793 | 50902124009 | Nangeenan | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11100 | 6415 | GOOMARIN | WA | 118.289983 | -31.481223 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2382385 | 118.4145609 | 50902124010 | Tandegin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11101 | 6415 | KORBEL | WA | 118.289983 | -31.481223 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6525816 | 118.1503404 | 50902124010 | Tandegin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11102 | 6415 | MERREDIN | WA | 118.289983 | -31.481223 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.482641 | 118.27239 | 50902124010 | Tandegin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11103 | 6415 | NOKANING | WA | 118.289983 | -31.481223 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3731213 | 118.231901 | 50902124010 | Tandegin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11104 | 6415 | NORPA | WA | 118.289983 | -31.481223 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5795089 | 118.4163459 | 50902124010 | Tandegin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11105 | 6415 | TANDEGIN | WA | 118.289983 | -31.481223 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6732901 | 118.5656736 | 50902124010 | Tandegin | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11106 | 6418 | BRUCE ROCK | WA | 118.1626 | -31.895542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8509547 | 118.1590786 | 50902124012 | Bruce Rock | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 275 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bruce Rock | 51120 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11107 | 6418 | YARDING | WA | 118.1626 | -31.895542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.876 | 117.95 | 50902124012 | Bruce Rock | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 275 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bruce Rock | 51120 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11108 | 6419 | ARDATH | WA | 118.097777 | -32.031182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0448614 | 118.1356748 | 50902124011 | Shackleton | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 282.210144042969 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bruce Rock | 51120 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11109 | 6420 | CRAMPHORNE | WA | 118.718262 | -31.748338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.873501 | 118.3960151 | 50902124013 | Woolocutty | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11110 | 6420 | MUNTADGIN | WA | 118.718262 | -31.748338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7595524 | 118.5599212 | 50902124013 | Woolocutty | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11111 | 6421 | BURRACOPPIN | WA | 118.524208 | -31.327544 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4263744 | 118.4223102 | 50902124204 | Westonia | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11112 | 6421 | CAMPION | WA | 118.524208 | -31.327544 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0289 | 118.498 | 50902124204 | Westonia | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11113 | 6421 | SOUTH BURRACOPPIN | WA | 118.524208 | -31.327544 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5892606 | 118.6422312 | 50902124204 | Westonia | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11114 | 6421 | WARRALAKIN | WA | 118.524208 | -31.327544 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9613351 | 118.5949204 | 50902124204 | Westonia | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11115 | 6422 | WALGOOLAN | WA | 118.564405 | -31.384119 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3458122 | 118.6031402 | 50902124204 | Westonia | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 325.039520263672 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11116 | 6423 | BOODAROCKIN | WA | 118.681242 | -31.169257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0041025 | 118.8297192 | 50902124204 | Westonia | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 407.172241210938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11117 | 6423 | CARRABIN | WA | 118.681242 | -31.169257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4032969 | 118.6922279 | 50902124204 | Westonia | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 407.172241210938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21786 | 6423 | WARRACHUPPIN | WA | 118.7279387 | -30.9942351 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0117981 | 118.6937235 | 50902124204 | Westonia | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 407.172241210938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11118 | 6423 | WESTONIA | WA | 118.681242 | -31.169257 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2857496 | 118.698146 | 50902124204 | Westonia | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 407.172241210938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11119 | 6424 | BODALLIN | WA | 118.896267 | -31.296345 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3697418 | 118.8604604 | 50902124213 | Yellowdine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 354.74462890625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11120 | 6424 | NORTH BODALLIN | WA | 118.896267 | -31.296345 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0906129 | 118.9307127 | 50902124213 | Yellowdine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 354.74462890625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11121 | 6424 | SOUTH BODALLIN | WA | 118.896267 | -31.296345 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5352601 | 118.8847487 | 50902124213 | Yellowdine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 354.74462890625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11122 | 6425 | DULYALBIN | WA | 119.143202 | -31.398146 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5538889 | 119.0713006 | 50902124213 | Yellowdine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11123 | 6425 | MOORINE ROCK | WA | 119.143202 | -31.398146 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3133293 | 119.1255222 | 50902124213 | Yellowdine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11124 | 6426 | CORINTHIA | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1331829 | 119.1666932 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11125 | 6426 | GHOOLI | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2737421 | 119.5119133 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11126 | 6426 | HOLLETON | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9452027 | 119.1671402 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11127 | 6426 | MARVEL LOCH | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4674698 | 119.4894519 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11128 | 6426 | MOUNT HAMPTON | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7252456 | 118.8816182 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11129 | 6426 | MOUNT HOLLAND | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1352879 | 119.5702416 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11130 | 6426 | MOUNT JACKSON | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.19554 | 119.1226115 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11131 | 6426 | MOUNT PALMER | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.400606 | 119.6798807 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11132 | 6426 | PARKER RANGE | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9168519 | 119.8182009 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11133 | 6426 | SKELETON ROCK | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8714298 | 119.4015233 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11134 | 6426 | SOUTH YILGARN | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7897398 | 119.2493337 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11135 | 6426 | SOUTHERN CROSS | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2331952 | 119.3297617 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11136 | 6426 | TURKEY HILL | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.955056 | 119.3626559 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11137 | 6426 | YELLOWDINE | WA | 119.311267 | -30.361305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1683108 | 119.6900271 | 50902124214 | Southern Cross (WA) | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11138 | 6427 | KOOLYANOBBING | WA | 119.540903 | -30.850566 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8389198 | 119.5571677 | 50902124202 | Turkey Hill | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11139 | 6428 | BABAKIN | WA | 118.020545 | -32.142001 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1509632 | 118.0420282 | 50902124011 | Shackleton | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 285.96435546875 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Bruce Rock | 51120 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11140 | 6429 | BOORABBIN | WA | 120.898892 | -30.949795 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8372561 | 120.2202619 | 51103128215 | Mount Burges | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11141 | 6429 | BULLABULLING | WA | 120.898892 | -30.949795 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0001443 | 120.8931316 | 51103128215 | Mount Burges | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11142 | 6429 | COOLGARDIE | WA | 120.898892 | -30.949795 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9542738 | 121.1759269 | 51103128215 | Mount Burges | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11143 | 6429 | KARRAMINDIE | WA | 120.898892 | -30.949795 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0236011 | 121.4577984 | 51103128215 | Mount Burges | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11144 | 6429 | LONDONDERRY | WA | 120.898892 | -30.949795 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1850965 | 121.2363978 | 51103128215 | Mount Burges | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11145 | 6429 | MOUNT BURGES | WA | 120.898892 | -30.949795 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8405931 | 121.2630394 | 51103128215 | Mount Burges | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11146 | 6429 | VICTORIA ROCK | WA | 120.898892 | -30.949795 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5095982 | 120.8192094 | 51103128215 | Mount Burges | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11147 | 6429 | WALLAROO | WA | 120.898892 | -30.949795 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8651058 | 120.5091195 | 51103128215 | Mount Burges | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11148 | 6430 | BINDULI | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7970668 | 121.3897405 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
23902 | 6430 | BROADWOOD | WA | 121.4474667 | -30.78927341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -30.7970668 | 121.3897405 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11150 | 6430 | HANNANS | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7239708 | 121.453547 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11151 | 6430 | KALGOORLIE | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.749 | 121.466 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11152 | 6430 | KARLKURLA | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7598353 | 121.438242 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11153 | 6430 | LAMINGTON | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7349262 | 121.4628135 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11154 | 6430 | MULLINGAR | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7021273 | 121.4727791 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11155 | 6430 | PICCADILLY | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7403 | 121.467 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11156 | 6430 | SOMERVILLE | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7707526 | 121.4538326 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11157 | 6430 | SOUTH KALGOORLIE | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7630128 | 121.4787526 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11158 | 6430 | WEST KALGOORLIE | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.780095 | 121.4337996 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11159 | 6430 | WEST LAMINGTON | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7510509 | 121.4573536 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11160 | 6430 | WILLIAMSTOWN | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7444352 | 121.4851303 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11161 | 6430 | YILKARI | WA | 121.446478 | -30.599071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.824933 | 121.443357 | 51103128202 | Zanthus | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 384.258758544922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11162 | 6431 | BOORARA | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7910703 | 121.6453709 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11163 | 6431 | BROWN HILL | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7499187 | 121.5285584 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11164 | 6431 | BULONG | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.68783 | 121.8249446 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11165 | 6431 | EMU FLAT | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0348579 | 122.5513306 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11166 | 6431 | FEYSVILLE | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0105096 | 121.5988049 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11167 | 6431 | KANOWNA | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4857629 | 121.350352 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11168 | 6431 | KOOKYNIE | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.7151232 | 122.105042 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11169 | 6431 | KURNALPI | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.3473873 | 121.9636303 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11170 | 6431 | LAKEWOOD | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8284134 | 121.5073644 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11171 | 6431 | ORA BANDA | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.2439026 | 120.9545455 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11172 | 6431 | PLUMRIDGE LAKES | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.459438 | 126.1756268 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11173 | 6431 | TRAFALGAR | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8197892 | 121.5706946 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11174 | 6431 | WARBURTON | WA | 122.683881 | -30.40364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1338772 | 126.5786448 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 376.689392089844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
11175 | 6432 | BOULDER | WA | 121.541783 | -30.871011 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7768517 | 121.493226 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 326.387664794922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11176 | 6432 | FIMISTON | WA | 121.541783 | -30.871011 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7765974 | 121.5041365 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 3 | O'Connor | 326.387664794922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11177 | 6432 | SOUTH BOULDER | WA | 121.541783 | -30.871011 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7916935 | 121.4956213 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 326.387664794922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11178 | 6432 | VICTORY HEIGHTS | WA | 121.541783 | -30.871011 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7794905 | 121.4729181 | 51103128401 | Trafalgar (WA) | 511031284 | Trafalgar (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 326.387664794922 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Kalgoorlie-Boulder | 54280 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11179 | 6433 | HANNANS | WA | 121.504749 | -30.78247 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -30.7239708 | 121.453547 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 183.797805786133 | W2 | PHN503 | | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | | |
22842 | 6433 | HANNANS PO | WA | 121.454 | -30.724 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -30.724 | 121.454 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | -3492 | W2 | | | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | | |
11181 | 6433 | KALGOORLIE | WA | 121.504749 | -30.78247 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -30.749 | 121.466 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | 183.797805786133 | W2 | PHN503 | | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | | |
22845 | 6433 | KALGOORLIE DC | WA | 121.466 | -30.749 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -30.749 | 121.466 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | -3492 | W2 | | | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | | |
22846 | 6433 | KALGOORLIE PO | WA | 121.466 | -30.749 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -30.749 | 121.466 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | O'Connor | -3492 | W2 | | | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | | |
11182 | 6434 | CUNDEELEE | WA | 125.672818 | -30.820157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0156071 | 123.1463744 | 51103128218 | Cundeelee | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dundas | 53080 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11183 | 6434 | FORREST | WA | 125.672818 | -30.820157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9089032 | 127.4575928 | 51103128218 | Cundeelee | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dundas | 53080 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
11184 | 6434 | PARKESTON | WA | 125.672818 | -30.820157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7317862 | 121.5056714 | 51103128218 | Cundeelee | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dundas | 53080 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10897 | 6434 | RAWLINNA | WA | 125.672818 | -30.820157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0092364 | 125.3316027 | 51103128218 | Cundeelee | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dundas | 53080 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10898 | 6434 | ZANTHUS | WA | 125.672818 | -30.820157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7523064 | 124.0363655 | 51103128218 | Cundeelee | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dundas | 53080 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10899 | 6435 | AGNEW | WA | 120.44875 | -28.219307 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -27.6728 | 121.628 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | | W2 | | | Leonora | 55040 | Durack | | | |
10900 | 6436 | MENZIES | WA | 124.856838 | -29.602251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.6915471 | 121.0289412 | 51103128301 | Ularring | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 277.855743408203 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Menzies | 55390 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10901 | 6436 | ULARRING | WA | 124.856838 | -29.602251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1991489 | 120.236582 | 51103128301 | Ularring | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 277.855743408203 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Menzies | 55390 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10902 | 6437 | LEINSTER | WA | 120.529798 | -27.68439 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9160018 | 120.6991512 | 51103128325 | Leinster | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Leonora | 55040 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10903 | 6437 | SIR SAMUEL | WA | 120.529798 | -27.68439 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5939 | 120.577 | 51103128325 | Leinster | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Leonora | 55040 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10904 | 6438 | LAKE DARLOT | WA | 121.092655 | -28.900034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.930348 | 121.2992033 | 51103128320 | Sir Samuel | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Leonora | 55040 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10905 | 6438 | LEONORA | WA | 121.092655 | -28.900034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8850017 | 121.3308316 | 51103128320 | Sir Samuel | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Leonora | 55040 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10906 | 6440 | BANDYA | WA | 125.733157 | -26.168944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7336535 | 122.1826163 | 51103128321 | Neale | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Menzies | 55390 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10907 | 6440 | BEADELL | WA | 125.733157 | -26.168944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3507339 | 127.5183966 | 51103128321 | Neale | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Menzies | 55390 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10908 | 6440 | BURTVILLE | WA | 125.733157 | -26.168944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7699 | 122.635 | 51103128321 | Neale | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Menzies | 55390 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10909 | 6440 | COSMO NEWBERY | WA | 125.733157 | -26.168944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9241373 | 123.3803379 | 51103128321 | Neale | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Menzies | 55390 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10910 | 6440 | LAKE WELLS | WA | 125.733157 | -26.168944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1933027 | 123.0320841 | 51103128321 | Neale | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Menzies | 55390 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10911 | 6440 | LAVERTON | WA | 125.733157 | -26.168944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6256573 | 122.4013434 | 51103128321 | Neale | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Menzies | 55390 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10912 | 6440 | NEALE | WA | 125.733157 | -26.168944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2758233 | 125.2847094 | 51103128321 | Neale | 511031283 | Leinster - Leonora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Menzies | 55390 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10913 | 6442 | KAMBALDA | WA | 121.997641 | -31.318648 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2016 | 121.663 | 51103128217 | Kambalda West | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
21787 | 6442 | KAMBALDA EAST | WA | 121.705013 | -31.21099611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.203598 | 121.6667896 | 51103128217 | Kambalda West | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
21788 | 6442 | KAMBALDA WEST | WA | 121.5795589 | -31.19518028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50803 | Goldfields | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2319364 | 121.6112091 | 51103128217 | Kambalda West | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | O'Connor | 289 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coolgardie | 51960 | Durack | | 52803 | Kalgoorlie (Mining and Pastoral) |
10914 | 6443 | BALLADONIA | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4581005 | 123.8667501 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10915 | 6443 | CAIGUNA | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2689041 | 125.4895345 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10916 | 6443 | COCKLEBIDDY | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0367033 | 126.0954044 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10917 | 6443 | DUNDAS | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3906901 | 121.7590271 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10918 | 6443 | EUCLA | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6762241 | 128.8891239 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10919 | 6443 | FRASER RANGE | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.0115049 | 122.7976354 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10920 | 6443 | HIGGINSVILLE | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.74558 | 121.71431 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10921 | 6443 | MADURA | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8987121 | 127.0226764 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10922 | 6443 | MUNDRABILLA | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8733691 | 127.872826 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10923 | 6443 | NORSEMAN | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1977706 | 121.7788565 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10924 | 6443 | WIDGIEMOOLTHA | WA | 123.744186 | -32.39502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.494919 | 121.574601 | 51103128208 | Norseman | 511031282 | Kambalda - Coolgardie - Norseman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 159.332656860352 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10925 | 6445 | NORTH CASCADE | WA | 121.638735 | -32.981696 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9325573 | 121.1191602 | 51101127510 | Salmon Gums | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 253.037719726563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10926 | 6445 | SALMON GUMS | WA | 121.638735 | -32.981696 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9815165 | 121.6438183 | 51101127510 | Salmon Gums | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | 253.037719726563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10927 | 6446 | GRASS PATCH | WA | 121.682321 | -33.223445 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1836614 | 121.7195459 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | 227.340713500977 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10928 | 6447 | LORT RIVER | WA | 121.732214 | -33.451323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2668934 | 121.3841072 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10929 | 6447 | MOUNT NEY | WA | 121.732214 | -33.451323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4568271 | 122.5085926 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10930 | 6447 | SCADDAN | WA | 121.732214 | -33.451323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4406465 | 121.7223973 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10931 | 6447 | WITTENOOM HILLS | WA | 121.732214 | -33.451323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4825801 | 122.124052 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10932 | 6448 | GIBSON | WA | 121.798896 | -33.650554 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5881933 | 121.856261 | 51101127514 | Gibson | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10933 | 6450 | BANDY CREEK | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8245509 | 121.9398871 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10934 | 6450 | BEAUMONT | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5022136 | 122.6548534 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10935 | 6450 | BOYATUP | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7437148 | 123.088064 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10936 | 6450 | CAPE LE GRAND | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.956441 | 122.150132 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10937 | 6450 | CASCADE | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4776159 | 121.0804077 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10938 | 6450 | CASTLETOWN | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8392511 | 121.9044735 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10939 | 6450 | CHADWICK | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8389449 | 121.8933032 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10940 | 6450 | CONDINGUP | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7476528 | 122.5268953 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10941 | 6450 | COOMALBIDGUP | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7218671 | 121.363548 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10942 | 6450 | DALYUP | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7187814 | 121.5968456 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10943 | 6450 | EAST MUNGLINUP | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.722377 | 120.9257253 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10944 | 6450 | ESPERANCE | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8613103 | 121.8914238 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10945 | 6450 | HOWICK | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7523615 | 122.782885 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10946 | 6450 | MERIVALE | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8140269 | 122.2069328 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10947 | 6450 | MONJINGUP | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7667629 | 121.7745317 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10948 | 6450 | MUNGLINUP | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7048233 | 120.8627469 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10949 | 6450 | MYRUP | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7880698 | 121.9254353 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10950 | 6450 | NERIDUP | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.650628 | 122.2007859 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10951 | 6450 | NULSEN | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8545044 | 121.871553 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10952 | 6450 | PINK LAKE | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8498373 | 121.7913281 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10953 | 6450 | SINCLAIR | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8635703 | 121.872637 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10954 | 6450 | WEST BEACH | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8703557 | 121.8897458 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10955 | 6450 | WINDABOUT | WA | 122.211127 | -33.401152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8224351 | 121.910614 | 51101127506 | West Beach (WA) | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ravensthorpe | 57420 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10956 | 6452 | BURAMINYA | WA | 122.895 | -32.91833 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0965821 | 123.3255924 | 51101127501 | Wittenoom Hills | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10957 | 6452 | CAPE ARID | WA | 122.895 | -32.91833 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7049081 | 123.4499743 | 51101127501 | Wittenoom Hills | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10958 | 6452 | ISRAELITE BAY | WA | 122.895 | -32.91833 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50801 | Esperance | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4642228 | 123.9115546 | 51101127501 | Wittenoom Hills | 511011275 | Esperance Surrounds | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | O'Connor | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Esperance | 53290 | Durack | | 54701 | Roe (Agricultural) |
10959 | 6460 | GOOMALLING | WA | 116.779032 | -31.266649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2966544 | 116.8304458 | 50902123804 | Wongamine | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10960 | 6460 | HULONGINE | WA | 116.779032 | -31.266649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3673748 | 116.8167345 | 50902123804 | Wongamine | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10961 | 6460 | KARRANADGIN | WA | 116.779032 | -31.266649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2169305 | 116.7290993 | 50902123804 | Wongamine | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10962 | 6460 | UCARTY WEST | WA | 116.779032 | -31.266649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3515679 | 116.930343 | 50902123804 | Wongamine | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10963 | 6460 | WALYORMOURING | WA | 116.779032 | -31.266649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2051318 | 116.8782827 | 50902123804 | Wongamine | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10964 | 6461 | DOWERIN | WA | 117.083327 | -31.140717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1956312 | 117.0319659 | 50902123810 | Ucarty | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 301.960693359375 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dowerin | 52940 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10965 | 6461 | KOOMBERKINE | WA | 117.083327 | -31.140717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9788966 | 116.989774 | 50902123810 | Ucarty | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 301.960693359375 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dowerin | 52940 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10966 | 6462 | HINDMARSH | WA | 117.204349 | -31.125288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1828949 | 117.1908671 | 50902123810 | Ucarty | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dowerin | 52940 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10967 | 6462 | MINNIVALE | WA | 117.204349 | -31.125288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0874547 | 117.1321992 | 50902123810 | Ucarty | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dowerin | 52940 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10968 | 6462 | UCARTY | WA | 117.204349 | -31.125288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3156471 | 117.0511555 | 50902123810 | Ucarty | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dowerin | 52940 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10969 | 6463 | BENJABERRING | WA | 117.249295 | -31.126499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1065839 | 117.2911248 | 50902123811 | Wyalkatchem | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 344.328033447266 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyalkatchem | 59330 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10970 | 6465 | MANMANNING | WA | 117.071157 | -30.859977 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8894561 | 117.2205771 | 50902123810 | Ucarty | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 354.153686523438 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dowerin | 52940 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10971 | 6466 | CADOUX | WA | 117.100375 | -30.719092 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.740808 | 117.1264753 | 50902123808 | West Ballidu | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 343.545989990234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wongan-Ballidu | 59310 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10972 | 6467 | BURAKIN | WA | 117.153374 | -30.561306 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.5706562 | 117.1264753 | 50902123808 | West Ballidu | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wongan-Ballidu | 59310 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10973 | 6468 | GOODLANDS | WA | 117.144456 | -30.214559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.9952645 | 117.27429 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10974 | 6468 | KALANNIE | WA | 117.144456 | -30.214559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.3667758 | 117.1209662 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10975 | 6468 | PETRUDOR | WA | 117.144456 | -30.214559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4369306 | 116.9864325 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10976 | 6470 | KULJA | WA | 117.287007 | -30.466429 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.358065 | 117.3146351 | 50902123806 | Newcarlbeon | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 319.180053710938 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Koorda | 54690 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10977 | 6472 | BEACON | WA | 117.789878 | -30.261439 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4520453 | 117.8714482 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 380.429504394531 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10978 | 6472 | BIMBIJY | WA | 117.789878 | -30.261439 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.732711 | 118.0595407 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 380.429504394531 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10979 | 6472 | CLEARY | WA | 117.789878 | -30.261439 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4350038 | 117.6457486 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 380.429504394531 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10980 | 6472 | KARROUN HILL | WA | 117.789878 | -30.261439 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.9754613 | 118.2056515 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 380.429504394531 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10981 | 6472 | MOUROUBRA | WA | 117.789878 | -30.261439 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.8085141 | 117.7125116 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 380.429504394531 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10982 | 6472 | REMLAP | WA | 117.789878 | -30.261439 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.9969275 | 117.6517121 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 380.429504394531 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21789 | 6472 | TAMPU | WA | 117.8045997 | -30.19419562 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.1832 | 117.824 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 380.429504394531 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10983 | 6473 | NORTH WIALKI | WA | 118.13352 | -30.488998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.2859722 | 118.2288254 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10984 | 6473 | WIALKI | WA | 118.13352 | -30.488998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4659491 | 118.0752148 | 50902124212 | Wialki | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10985 | 6475 | BADGERIN ROCK | WA | 117.440487 | -30.613981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7695752 | 117.3100116 | 50902123807 | Koorda | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Koorda | 54690 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10986 | 6475 | BOORALAMING | WA | 117.440487 | -30.613981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8837497 | 117.35956 | 50902123807 | Koorda | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Koorda | 54690 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10987 | 6475 | DUKIN | WA | 117.440487 | -30.613981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9081925 | 117.5407296 | 50902123807 | Koorda | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Koorda | 54690 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10988 | 6475 | KOORDA | WA | 117.440487 | -30.613981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8220749 | 117.4821521 | 50902123807 | Koorda | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Koorda | 54690 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10989 | 6475 | LAKE MARGARETTE | WA | 117.440487 | -30.613981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7499442 | 117.5009121 | 50902123807 | Koorda | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Koorda | 54690 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10990 | 6475 | MOLLERIN | WA | 117.440487 | -30.613981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4006407 | 117.5026174 | 50902123807 | Koorda | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Koorda | 54690 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10991 | 6475 | NEWCARLBEON | WA | 117.440487 | -30.613981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.6362263 | 117.3655477 | 50902123807 | Koorda | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Koorda | 54690 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10992 | 6476 | GABBIN | WA | 117.679166 | -30.764934 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.6972794 | 117.6904167 | 50902124207 | Welbungin | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 392.834777832031 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10993 | 6477 | BENCUBBIN | WA | 117.93876 | -30.775956 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8164234 | 117.8624538 | 50902124207 | Welbungin | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 311.667327880859 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10994 | 6477 | WELBUNGIN | WA | 117.93876 | -30.775956 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.825011 | 117.9949529 | 50902124207 | Welbungin | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 311.667327880859 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Marshall | 55880 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10995 | 6479 | BARBALIN | WA | 118.448501 | -30.748419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8814402 | 118.1129564 | 50902124206 | Wilgoyne | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10996 | 6479 | BONNIE ROCK | WA | 118.448501 | -30.748419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.5602558 | 118.2846161 | 50902124206 | Wilgoyne | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10997 | 6479 | DANDANNING | WA | 118.448501 | -30.748419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0080584 | 118.1794252 | 50902124206 | Wilgoyne | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
21790 | 6479 | ELACHBUTTING | WA | 118.6164891 | -30.60390211 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.6043417 | 118.6059358 | 50902124206 | Wilgoyne | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10998 | 6479 | KARLONING | WA | 118.448501 | -30.748419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.6068326 | 118.1658419 | 50902124206 | Wilgoyne | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10999 | 6479 | LAKE BROWN | WA | 118.448501 | -30.748419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9463828 | 118.3446856 | 50902124206 | Wilgoyne | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11000 | 6479 | MANGOWINE | WA | 118.448501 | -30.748419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0471 | 118.105 | 50902124206 | Wilgoyne | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11001 | 6479 | MUKINBUDIN | WA | 118.448501 | -30.748419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9093406 | 118.2564791 | 50902124206 | Wilgoyne | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11002 | 6479 | WATTONING | WA | 118.448501 | -30.748419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7661348 | 118.2092312 | 50902124206 | Wilgoyne | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11003 | 6479 | WILGOYNE | WA | 118.448501 | -30.748419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7754059 | 118.4396756 | 50902124206 | Wilgoyne | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Westonia | 59030 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11004 | 6480 | NUKARNI | WA | 118.22061 | -31.290084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2985368 | 118.2760503 | 50902124008 | Nukarni | 509021240 | Merredin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Merredin | 55460 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11005 | 6484 | BULLFINCH | WA | 119.078912 | -30.960681 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9833425 | 119.1118861 | 50902124202 | Turkey Hill | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 386.659027099609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11006 | 6484 | ENNUIN | WA | 119.078912 | -30.960681 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.6686832 | 118.9235379 | 50902124202 | Turkey Hill | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 386.659027099609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11007 | 6484 | LAKE DEBORAH | WA | 119.078912 | -30.960681 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4672143 | 119.7569189 | 50902124202 | Turkey Hill | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 386.659027099609 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yilgarn | 59360 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11008 | 6485 | COWCOWING | WA | 117.381055 | -31.184717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0119616 | 117.4490383 | 50902123811 | Wyalkatchem | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 320.479858398438 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyalkatchem | 59330 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11009 | 6485 | KORRELOCKING | WA | 117.381055 | -31.184717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1987226 | 117.4891817 | 50902123811 | Wyalkatchem | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 320.479858398438 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyalkatchem | 59330 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11010 | 6485 | NALKAIN | WA | 117.381055 | -31.184717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0717503 | 117.4401708 | 50902123811 | Wyalkatchem | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 320.479858398438 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyalkatchem | 59330 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11011 | 6485 | NEMBUDDING | WA | 117.381055 | -31.184717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1482927 | 117.5862662 | 50902123811 | Wyalkatchem | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 320.479858398438 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyalkatchem | 59330 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11012 | 6485 | WYALKATCHEM | WA | 117.381055 | -31.184717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2951818 | 117.3558341 | 50902123811 | Wyalkatchem | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 320.479858398438 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyalkatchem | 59330 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11013 | 6487 | NORTH YELBENI | WA | 117.660055 | -31.168259 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0543531 | 117.6694962 | 50902124209 | Yelbeni | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Trayning | 58400 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11014 | 6487 | SOUTH YELBENI | WA | 117.660055 | -31.168259 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2976303 | 117.6541804 | 50902124209 | Yelbeni | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Trayning | 58400 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11015 | 6487 | YELBENI | WA | 117.660055 | -31.168259 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1691878 | 117.6629333 | 50902124209 | Yelbeni | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Trayning | 58400 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11016 | 6488 | NORTH TRAYNING | WA | 117.735836 | -31.127571 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0384384 | 117.7879946 | 50902124209 | Yelbeni | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 300.0498046875 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Trayning | 58400 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11017 | 6488 | SOUTH TRAYNING | WA | 117.735836 | -31.127571 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2237442 | 117.7920789 | 50902124209 | Yelbeni | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 300.0498046875 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Trayning | 58400 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11018 | 6488 | TRAYNING | WA | 117.735836 | -31.127571 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1140428 | 117.7921601 | 50902124209 | Yelbeni | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 300.0498046875 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Trayning | 58400 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11019 | 6489 | KUNUNOPPIN | WA | 117.945624 | -31.12327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1128745 | 117.9189612 | 50902124209 | Yelbeni | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 325.052001953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Trayning | 58400 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11020 | 6489 | NORTH KUNUNOPPIN | WA | 117.945624 | -31.12327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.044128 | 117.9442354 | 50902124209 | Yelbeni | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 325.052001953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Trayning | 58400 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11021 | 6489 | SOUTH KUNUNOPPIN | WA | 117.945624 | -31.12327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1805664 | 117.9523098 | 50902124209 | Yelbeni | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 325.052001953125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Trayning | 58400 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11022 | 6490 | BURRAN ROCK | WA | 118.107061 | -31.161835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2438267 | 118.0154858 | 50902124208 | Talgomine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nungarin | 56860 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11023 | 6490 | CHANDLER | WA | 118.107061 | -31.161835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0826817 | 118.3717948 | 50902124208 | Talgomine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nungarin | 56860 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11024 | 6490 | ELABBIN | WA | 118.107061 | -31.161835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2376762 | 118.1483466 | 50902124208 | Talgomine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nungarin | 56860 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11025 | 6490 | KWELKAN | WA | 118.107061 | -31.161835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1403918 | 117.9989805 | 50902124208 | Talgomine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nungarin | 56860 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11026 | 6490 | NUNGARIN | WA | 118.107061 | -31.161835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0902129 | 118.2082748 | 50902124208 | Talgomine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nungarin | 56860 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11027 | 6490 | TALGOMINE | WA | 118.107061 | -31.161835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.184471 | 118.2467525 | 50902124208 | Talgomine | 509021242 | Mukinbudin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Nungarin | 56860 | Durack | Rural | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
11028 | 6501 | MUCHEA | WA | 115.945497 | -31.541813 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5382441 | 115.9231471 | 50902123606 | Muchea | 509021236 | Chittering | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 61.2134780883789 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chittering | 51680 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11029 | 6502 | BINDOON | WA | 116.184272 | -31.297561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3734974 | 116.0952637 | 50902124410 | Wattening | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11030 | 6502 | BINDOON TRAINING AREA | WA | 116.184272 | -31.297561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2443183 | 116.2737691 | 50902124410 | Wattening | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11031 | 6503 | BAMBUN | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4339474 | 115.8816472 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11032 | 6503 | BEERMULLAH | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2346608 | 115.7913683 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11033 | 6503 | BOONANARRING | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.247323 | 115.8356547 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11034 | 6503 | BREERA | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.443439 | 115.9691412 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11035 | 6503 | COONABIDGEE | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3398969 | 115.8610155 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11036 | 6503 | COWALLA | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.086283 | 115.5302965 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11037 | 6503 | CULLALLA | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2172864 | 115.9978402 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11038 | 6503 | GINGIN | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3496779 | 115.9067811 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11039 | 6503 | GINGINUP | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3119277 | 115.9221542 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11040 | 6503 | GRANVILLE | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4339474 | 115.8816472 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
11041 | 6503 | LENNARD BROOK | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3799711 | 115.9124443 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10751 | 6503 | MINDARRA | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0821271 | 115.9348848 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10752 | 6503 | MOONDAH | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3487116 | 115.9787862 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10753 | 6503 | MOORE RIVER NATIONAL PARK | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1067675 | 115.6781065 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10754 | 6503 | MUCKENBURRA | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3295268 | 115.760763 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10755 | 6503 | NEERGABBY | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3029893 | 115.6575987 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10756 | 6503 | ORANGE SPRINGS | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0041682 | 115.6148621 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10757 | 6503 | RED GULLY | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9807424 | 115.7974006 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10758 | 6503 | WANERIE | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2014989 | 115.5954519 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10759 | 6503 | YEAL | WA | 115.82111 | -31.237406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4380038 | 115.7188519 | 50902123924 | Gingin | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Gingin | 53570 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10760 | 6504 | MOOLIABEENEE | WA | 116.042298 | -31.310791 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3027216 | 116.0768508 | 50902123612 | Wannamal | 509021236 | Chittering | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chittering | 51680 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10761 | 6505 | WANNAMAL | WA | 116.104431 | -31.161423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1462869 | 116.1595761 | 50902123612 | Wannamal | 509021236 | Chittering | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chittering | 51680 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10762 | 6506 | MOGUMBER | WA | 116.110277 | -31.070282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0063551 | 116.0177448 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10763 | 6507 | CATABY | WA | 115.718713 | -30.72155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7350902 | 115.5386556 | 50902123918 | Dandaragan | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10764 | 6507 | COOLJARLOO | WA | 115.718713 | -30.72155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.629119 | 115.4645264 | 50902123918 | Dandaragan | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10765 | 6507 | DANDARAGAN | WA | 115.718713 | -30.72155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.6583081 | 115.7035298 | 50902123918 | Dandaragan | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10766 | 6507 | MIMEGARRA | WA | 115.718713 | -30.72155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8765997 | 115.4088611 | 50902123918 | Dandaragan | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10767 | 6507 | REGANS FORD | WA | 115.718713 | -30.72155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9719286 | 115.7014696 | 50902123918 | Dandaragan | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10768 | 6507 | YATHROO | WA | 115.718713 | -30.72155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8465829 | 115.8562315 | 50902123918 | Dandaragan | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10769 | 6509 | GLENTROMIE | WA | 116.252618 | -30.912266 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9176949 | 116.2362271 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 226.499359130859 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10770 | 6509 | NEW NORCIA | WA | 116.252618 | -30.912266 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9710786 | 116.2145948 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 226.499359130859 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10771 | 6509 | WADDINGTON | WA | 116.252618 | -30.912266 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8388032 | 116.2674193 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 226.499359130859 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10772 | 6509 | YARAWINDAH | WA | 116.252618 | -30.912266 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.078569 | 116.2384408 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 226.499359130859 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10773 | 6510 | BARBERTON | WA | 116.090272 | -30.701145 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7362613 | 116.0282166 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10774 | 6510 | BERKSHIRE VALLEY | WA | 116.090272 | -30.701145 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.5771837 | 116.1735037 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10775 | 6510 | GILLINGARRA | WA | 116.090272 | -30.701145 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9122079 | 116.0361674 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10776 | 6510 | KOOJAN | WA | 116.090272 | -30.701145 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8092813 | 116.0264055 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10777 | 6510 | MOORA | WA | 116.090272 | -30.701145 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.6410717 | 116.0079871 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10778 | 6510 | WALEBING | WA | 116.090272 | -30.701145 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.6949128 | 116.2118463 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10779 | 6511 | CERVANTES | WA | 115.250201 | -30.568116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.5017292 | 115.0762536 | 50902123929 | Cervantes | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 48.0332336425781 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10780 | 6512 | COOMBERDALE | WA | 116.070173 | -30.446675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4681607 | 116.0367168 | 50902124111 | Namban | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 270.718627929688 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Moora | 55600 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10781 | 6512 | NAMBAN | WA | 116.070173 | -30.446675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.3807394 | 115.9275955 | 50902124111 | Namban | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 270.718627929688 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Moora | 55600 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10782 | 6513 | GUNYIDI | WA | 116.060619 | -30.27368 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.144786 | 116.0556289 | 51104129111 | Warradarge | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coorow | 52030 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10783 | 6513 | WATHEROO | WA | 116.060619 | -30.27368 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.2612968 | 116.0682364 | 51104129111 | Warradarge | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coorow | 52030 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10784 | 6514 | GREEN HEAD | WA | 115.087155 | -30.027371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.0539698 | 115.0228736 | 51104129115 | Leeman | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 114.106536865234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coorow | 52030 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10785 | 6514 | LEEMAN | WA | 115.087155 | -30.027371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.9470711 | 114.9823757 | 51104129115 | Leeman | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Durack | 114.106536865234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coorow | 52030 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10786 | 6515 | COOROW | WA | 115.856422 | -29.967278 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.8823975 | 116.021637 | 51104129113 | Coorow | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coorow | 52030 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10787 | 6515 | EGANU | WA | 115.856422 | -29.967278 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.0345594 | 115.7426179 | 51104129113 | Coorow | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coorow | 52030 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10788 | 6515 | MARCHAGEE | WA | 115.856422 | -29.967278 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.0430526 | 116.1130034 | 51104129113 | Coorow | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coorow | 52030 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10789 | 6515 | WADDY FOREST | WA | 115.856422 | -29.967278 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.85648 | 116.2050783 | 51104129113 | Coorow | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coorow | 52030 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10790 | 6516 | JURIEN BAY | WA | 115.20926 | -30.22554 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.2938314 | 115.1177654 | 50902123916 | Jurien Bay | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 128.416595458984 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10791 | 6517 | CARNAMAH | WA | 115.839422 | -29.740667 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.722497 | 115.8994923 | 51104129107 | Leeman | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 240 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Carnamah | 51470 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10792 | 6517 | WINCHESTER | WA | 115.839422 | -29.740667 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.7641 | 116.024 | 51104129107 | Leeman | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 240 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Carnamah | 51470 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10793 | 6518 | ENEABBA | WA | 115.180736 | -29.774917 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.8142254 | 115.266874 | 51104129111 | Warradarge | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 49.0140609741211 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coorow | 52030 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10794 | 6518 | WARRADARGE | WA | 115.180736 | -29.774917 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.0568299 | 115.3292506 | 51104129111 | Warradarge | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 49.0140609741211 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Coorow | 52030 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10795 | 6519 | ARRINO | WA | 115.597715 | -29.514304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.5488592 | 115.515149 | 51104129109 | Womarden | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Three Springs | 58260 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10796 | 6519 | ARROWSMITH EAST | WA | 115.597715 | -29.514304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.5169663 | 115.3538445 | 51104129109 | Womarden | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Three Springs | 58260 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10797 | 6519 | DUDAWA | WA | 115.597715 | -29.514304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.375428 | 115.7785639 | 51104129109 | Womarden | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Three Springs | 58260 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10798 | 6519 | KADATHINNI | WA | 115.597715 | -29.514304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.6358344 | 115.5848987 | 51104129109 | Womarden | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Three Springs | 58260 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10799 | 6519 | THREE SPRINGS | WA | 115.597715 | -29.514304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.5332308 | 115.7617852 | 51104129109 | Womarden | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Three Springs | 58260 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10800 | 6519 | WOMARDEN | WA | 115.597715 | -29.514304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.4960315 | 115.8789528 | 51104129109 | Womarden | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Three Springs | 58260 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10801 | 6521 | BADGINGARRA | WA | 115.640925 | -30.348514 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4384887 | 115.6268781 | 50902123916 | Jurien Bay | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10802 | 6521 | BOOTHENDARRA | WA | 115.640925 | -30.348514 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.2539676 | 115.732002 | 50902123916 | Jurien Bay | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10803 | 6521 | GREY | WA | 115.640925 | -30.348514 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.6599268 | 115.1377776 | 50902123916 | Jurien Bay | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10804 | 6521 | HILL RIVER | WA | 115.640925 | -30.348514 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.326117 | 115.233719 | 50902123916 | Jurien Bay | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10805 | 6521 | NAMBUNG | WA | 115.640925 | -30.348514 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.5062667 | 115.2337151 | 50902123916 | Jurien Bay | 509021239 | Gingin - Dandaragan | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dandaragan | 52590 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10806 | 6522 | BUNDANOON | WA | 115.485567 | -29.139369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.3065884 | 115.4878194 | 51104129117 | Yarragadee | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 156 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mingenew | 55530 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10807 | 6522 | HOLMWOOD | WA | 115.485567 | -29.139369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.0466017 | 115.6334592 | 51104129117 | Yarragadee | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 156 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mingenew | 55530 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10808 | 6522 | IKEWA | WA | 115.485567 | -29.139369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1596332 | 115.5562475 | 51104129117 | Yarragadee | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 156 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mingenew | 55530 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10809 | 6522 | LOCKIER | WA | 115.485567 | -29.139369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1941827 | 115.3461788 | 51104129117 | Yarragadee | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 156 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mingenew | 55530 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10810 | 6522 | MINGENEW | WA | 115.485567 | -29.139369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1929585 | 115.4422048 | 51104129117 | Yarragadee | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 156 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mingenew | 55530 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10811 | 6522 | MOORIARY | WA | 115.485567 | -29.139369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2843418 | 115.3395467 | 51104129117 | Yarragadee | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 156 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mingenew | 55530 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10812 | 6522 | MOUNT BUDD | WA | 115.485567 | -29.139369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1765353 | 115.6491533 | 51104129117 | Yarragadee | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 156 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mingenew | 55530 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10813 | 6522 | NANGETTY | WA | 115.485567 | -29.139369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.0370195 | 115.4159769 | 51104129117 | Yarragadee | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 156 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mingenew | 55530 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10814 | 6522 | YANDANOOKA | WA | 115.485567 | -29.139369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2880838 | 115.6367421 | 51104129117 | Yarragadee | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 156 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mingenew | 55530 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10815 | 6522 | YARRAGADEE | WA | 115.485567 | -29.139369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1200578 | 115.4418114 | 51104129117 | Yarragadee | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 156 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mingenew | 55530 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10816 | 6525 | ALLANOOKA | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.0467352 | 115.0703229 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10817 | 6525 | ARROWSMITH | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.5456785 | 115.053851 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10818 | 6525 | BONNIEFIELD | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1846676 | 114.9184236 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10819 | 6525 | BOOKARA | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1173624 | 114.8957971 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10820 | 6525 | DONGARA | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2451696 | 114.9325543 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10821 | 6525 | IRWIN | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2906134 | 115.0465991 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10822 | 6525 | MILO | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2922108 | 115.1973179 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10823 | 6525 | MOUNT ADAMS | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.3434333 | 115.0122299 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10824 | 6525 | MOUNT HORNER | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1615567 | 115.1865043 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10825 | 6525 | PORT DENISON | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2644107 | 114.9279584 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10826 | 6525 | SPRINGFIELD | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2751955 | 114.9499995 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10827 | 6525 | YARDARINO | WA | 115.098073 | -29.327323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2593773 | 115.0060189 | 51104128910 | Dongara | 511041289 | Irwin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Irwin | 54060 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10828 | 6528 | MOUNT HILL | WA | 114.815184 | -28.985892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.0091632 | 114.9133921 | 51104129216 | South Greenough | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Greater Geraldton | 53800 | Durack | Rural | 52301 | Geraldton (Agricultural) |
10829 | 6528 | SOUTH GREENOUGH | WA | 114.815184 | -28.985892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.0056971 | 114.7984768 | 51104129216 | South Greenough | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Greater Geraldton | 53800 | Durack | Rural | 52301 | Geraldton (Agricultural) |
10830 | 6528 | WALKAWAY | WA | 114.815184 | -28.985892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.9403822 | 114.8395162 | 51104129216 | South Greenough | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Greater Geraldton | 53800 | Durack | Rural | 52301 | Geraldton (Agricultural) |
10831 | 6530 | BEACHLANDS | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7846739 | 114.6031711 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10832 | 6530 | BERESFORD | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.758206 | 114.6196165 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10833 | 6530 | BLUFF POINT | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7367581 | 114.6249517 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10834 | 6530 | GERALDTON | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7796535 | 114.6144452 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10835 | 6530 | GERALDTON DC | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7738 | 114.612 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
21791 | 6530 | HOUTMAN ABROLHOS | WA | 113.8109811 | -28.65948986 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7777 | 113.858 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10836 | 6530 | KARLOO | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7998157 | 114.6410257 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10837 | 6530 | MAHOMETS FLATS | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7923681 | 114.6134187 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10838 | 6530 | MERU | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7995993 | 114.6761215 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10839 | 6530 | MORESBY | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7340685 | 114.663716 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10840 | 6530 | MOUNT TARCOOLA | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7966203 | 114.6256786 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10841 | 6530 | RANGEWAY | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7848367 | 114.6297729 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10842 | 6530 | SPALDING | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7386928 | 114.6333269 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10843 | 6530 | STRATHALBYN | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7521303 | 114.6412431 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10844 | 6530 | SUNSET BEACH | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7233192 | 114.623063 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10845 | 6530 | TARCOOLA BEACH | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8052784 | 114.6209346 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10846 | 6530 | UTAKARRA | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7776536 | 114.6409088 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10847 | 6530 | WAGGRAKINE | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6846492 | 114.6446013 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10848 | 6530 | WANDINA | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.817894 | 114.6357187 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10849 | 6530 | WEBBERTON | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7534588 | 114.6295893 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10850 | 6530 | WEST END | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7783317 | 114.5858497 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10851 | 6530 | WONTHELLA | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7671741 | 114.624664 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10852 | 6530 | WOORREE | WA | 114.862505 | -28.802491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7682843 | 114.6590479 | 51104129201 | Houtman Abrolhos | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | 124.97615814209 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10853 | 6531 | GERALDTON | WA | 115.740693 | -32.278396 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -28.7796535 | 114.6144452 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | Durack | -3492 | W2 | PHN503 | | Rockingham | 57490 | Durack | | | |
22840 | 6531 | GERALDTON PO | WA | 114.612 | -28.7738 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -28.7738 | 114.612 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | Durack | -3492 | W2 | | | Chapman Valley | 51610 | Durack | | | |
10854 | 6532 | AJANA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.840242 | 114.6924329 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10855 | 6532 | BINNU | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.017412 | 114.5409911 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10856 | 6532 | BOOTENAL | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8563944 | 114.7297744 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10857 | 6532 | BRINGO | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7498063 | 114.8248399 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10858 | 6532 | BULLER | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6528734 | 114.6202222 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10859 | 6532 | BURMA ROAD | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.970387 | 115.0295038 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10860 | 6532 | CAPE BURNEY | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8608148 | 114.648546 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10861 | 6532 | CARRARANG | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.332679 | 113.3763457 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10862 | 6532 | COBURN | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7484213 | 114.4090189 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10863 | 6532 | COOLCALALAYA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5382155 | 115.0212246 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10864 | 6532 | DARTMOOR | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0271969 | 115.1400419 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10865 | 6532 | DEEPDALE | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7819914 | 114.6771765 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10866 | 6532 | DINDILOA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4324061 | 114.7890345 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10867 | 6532 | DRUMMOND COVE | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.672653 | 114.6155811 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10868 | 6532 | DURAWAH | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5711842 | 114.9383003 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10869 | 6532 | EAST CHAPMAN | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6934551 | 114.8405926 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10870 | 6532 | EAST NABAWA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4902943 | 114.8648112 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10871 | 6532 | EAST YUNA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4029593 | 115.1246949 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10872 | 6532 | ELLENDALE | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8969501 | 114.9307432 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10873 | 6532 | ERADU | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6965716 | 115.0376889 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10874 | 6532 | ERADU SOUTH | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7752477 | 115.0720254 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10875 | 6532 | EURARDY | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.489959 | 114.7177837 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10876 | 6532 | GEORGINA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.876743 | 114.7532497 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10877 | 6532 | GLENFIELD | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6994837 | 114.6207878 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10878 | 6532 | GREENOUGH | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.9201322 | 114.7039731 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10879 | 6532 | HAMELIN POOL | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4092839 | 114.4625194 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10880 | 6532 | HICKETY | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4495576 | 114.738566 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10881 | 6532 | HOWATHARRA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5459831 | 114.6298014 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10882 | 6532 | KOJARENA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7235252 | 114.8639691 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10883 | 6532 | MARRAH | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4324721 | 114.9818412 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10884 | 6532 | MEADOW | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.816484 | 114.6145494 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10885 | 6532 | MINNENOOKA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8784437 | 114.8709108 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10886 | 6532 | MOONYOONOOKA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.780315 | 114.7563894 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10887 | 6532 | MOUNT ERIN | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5798552 | 114.8553689 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10888 | 6532 | NABAWA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4987379 | 114.7924119 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10889 | 6532 | NANSON | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5623737 | 114.7596244 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10890 | 6532 | NARALING | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3996068 | 114.8574912 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10891 | 6532 | NARNGULU | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8005374 | 114.6716717 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10892 | 6532 | NARRA TARRA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.634008 | 114.7638657 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10893 | 6532 | NERREN NERREN | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1296224 | 114.625359 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10894 | 6532 | NOLBA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.239744 | 114.8727554 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10895 | 6532 | NORTH ERADU | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5504013 | 115.1363837 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10896 | 6532 | NORTHERN GULLY | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6601068 | 114.9193036 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10605 | 6532 | OAKAJEE | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6011025 | 114.6176835 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10606 | 6532 | ROCKWELL | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3463256 | 114.9152354 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10607 | 6532 | RUDDS GULLY | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8484634 | 114.6735446 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10608 | 6532 | SANDSPRINGS | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7888122 | 114.9516969 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10609 | 6532 | SOUTH YUNA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3649763 | 115.0123165 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10610 | 6532 | TAMALA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7720825 | 113.7891329 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10611 | 6532 | TIBRADDEN | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7484764 | 114.9021976 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10612 | 6532 | TOOLONGA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7680587 | 115.1901788 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10613 | 6532 | VALENTINE | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5435579 | 115.0566108 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10614 | 6532 | WANDANA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1760079 | 115.3188881 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10615 | 6532 | WEST BINNU | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.017412 | 114.5409911 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10616 | 6532 | WHITE PEAK | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.632405 | 114.6499177 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10617 | 6532 | WICHERINA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6848628 | 115.0040486 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10618 | 6532 | WICHERINA SOUTH | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7825651 | 115.0177616 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10619 | 6532 | YETNA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6223163 | 114.6820116 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10620 | 6532 | YUNA | WA | 115.004595 | -28.440886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2005178 | 115.0332576 | 51104129222 | Moonyoonooka | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10621 | 6535 | ALMA | WA | 114.852437 | -27.832196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2863732 | 114.6480482 | 51104129221 | Northampton | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 239.413665771484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10622 | 6535 | BOWES | WA | 114.852437 | -27.832196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4968635 | 114.626049 | 51104129221 | Northampton | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 239.413665771484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10623 | 6535 | EAST BOWES | WA | 114.852437 | -27.832196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3802545 | 114.6700229 | 51104129221 | Northampton | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 239.413665771484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10624 | 6535 | GREGORY | WA | 114.852437 | -27.832196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1872945 | 114.2508057 | 51104129221 | Northampton | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 239.413665771484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10625 | 6535 | HORROCKS | WA | 114.852437 | -27.832196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3808217 | 114.4320029 | 51104129221 | Northampton | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Durack | 239.413665771484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10626 | 6535 | ISSEKA | WA | 114.852437 | -27.832196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4345497 | 114.6517622 | 51104129221 | Northampton | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 239.413665771484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10627 | 6535 | NORTHAMPTON | WA | 114.852437 | -27.832196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3522388 | 114.6300571 | 51104129221 | Northampton | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 53 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 239.413665771484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10628 | 6535 | OGILVIE | WA | 114.852437 | -27.832196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1659789 | 114.7567965 | 51104129221 | Northampton | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 239.413665771484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10629 | 6535 | SANDY GULLY | WA | 114.852437 | -27.832196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2991199 | 114.4989076 | 51104129221 | Northampton | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 239.413665771484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10630 | 6535 | YALLABATHARRA | WA | 114.852437 | -27.832196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.012976 | 114.1987779 | 51104129221 | Northampton | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 239.413665771484 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10631 | 6536 | KALBARRI | WA | 114.379678 | -27.541838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7104192 | 114.1646201 | 51104129215 | Kalbarri | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10632 | 6536 | KALBARRI NATIONAL PARK | WA | 114.379678 | -27.541838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8207008 | 114.4612683 | 51104129215 | Kalbarri | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10633 | 6536 | ZUYTDORP | WA | 114.379678 | -27.541838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3997033 | 114.200108 | 51104129215 | Kalbarri | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northampton | 56790 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10634 | 6537 | DENHAM | WA | 114.627287 | -26.904889 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.927196 | 113.5423745 | 51102127714 | Denham | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 143 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10635 | 6537 | DIRK HARTOG | WA | 114.627287 | -26.904889 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8024 | 113.025 | 51102127714 | Denham | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 143 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
21792 | 6537 | DIRK HARTOG ISLAND | WA | 113.0535618 | -25.79287911 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8024022 | 113.0250269 | 51102127714 | Denham | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 143 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10636 | 6537 | FRANCOIS PERON NATIONAL PARK | WA | 114.627287 | -26.904889 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8203902 | 113.5500047 | 51102127714 | Denham | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 143 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10637 | 6537 | MONKEY MIA | WA | 114.627287 | -26.904889 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7943082 | 113.7187569 | 51102127714 | Denham | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 143 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10638 | 6537 | NANGA | WA | 114.627287 | -26.904889 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5548705 | 113.9495868 | 51102127714 | Denham | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 143 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10639 | 6537 | SHARK BAY | WA | 114.627287 | -26.904889 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7834193 | 113.2987712 | 51102127714 | Denham | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 143 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10640 | 6537 | USELESS LOOP | WA | 114.627287 | -26.904889 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1333333 | 113.3833333 | 51102127714 | Denham | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 143 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10641 | 6556 | BEECHINA | WA | 116.310249 | -31.860591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8589871 | 116.3139052 | 50402105201 | The Lakes | 504021052 | Malmalling - Reservoir | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hasluck | 281.310913085938 | W2 | PHN501 | Perth North | York | 59370 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
10642 | 6556 | CHIDLOW | WA | 116.310249 | -31.860591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8580021 | 116.2716751 | 50402105201 | The Lakes | 504021052 | Malmalling - Reservoir | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hasluck | 281.310913085938 | W2 | PHN501 | Perth North | York | 59370 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
10643 | 6556 | GORRIE | WA | 116.310249 | -31.860591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8921024 | 116.3018199 | 50402105201 | The Lakes | 504021052 | Malmalling - Reservoir | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hasluck | 281.310913085938 | W2 | PHN501 | Perth North | York | 59370 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
10644 | 6556 | MALMALLING | WA | 116.310249 | -31.860591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9668553 | 116.331185 | 50402105201 | The Lakes | 504021052 | Malmalling - Reservoir | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hasluck | 281.310913085938 | W2 | PHN501 | Perth North | York | 59370 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
10645 | 6556 | THE LAKES | WA | 116.310249 | -31.860591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50402 | Mundaring | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.9076699 | 116.346349 | 50402105201 | The Lakes | 504021052 | Malmalling - Reservoir | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hasluck | 281.310913085938 | W2 | PHN501 | Perth North | York | 59370 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
10646 | 6558 | WOOROLOO | WA | 116.313391 | -31.771446 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8029829 | 116.3131356 | 50402104913 | Wooroloo | 504021049 | Chidlow | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hasluck | 226.904724121094 | W2 | PHN501 | Perth North | Mundaring | 56090 | Hasluck | Outer Metropolitan | 55102 | Swan Hills (East Metropolitan) |
10647 | 6560 | WUNDOWIE | WA | 116.428564 | -31.817666 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7501607 | 116.3603652 | 50902124331 | Wundowie | 509021243 | Northam | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 321.030364990234 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northam | 56730 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10648 | 6562 | BAKERS HILL | WA | 116.473434 | -31.746189 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7494294 | 116.4569355 | 50902124334 | Bakers Hill | 509021243 | Northam | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 305.644165039063 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northam | 56730 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10649 | 6562 | COPLEY | WA | 116.473434 | -31.746189 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7961438 | 116.4768399 | 50902124334 | Bakers Hill | 509021243 | Northam | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 305.644165039063 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northam | 56730 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10650 | 6562 | WOOTTATING | WA | 116.473434 | -31.746189 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.8820179 | 116.4558579 | 50902124334 | Bakers Hill | 509021243 | Northam | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 305.644165039063 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northam | 56730 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10651 | 6564 | CLACKLINE | WA | 116.538966 | -31.726613 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7094264 | 116.5196956 | 50902124335 | Clackline | 509021243 | Northam | 50903 | Wheat Belt - South | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | 2 | 51 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 244.52978515625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Northam | 56730 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 51401 | Central Wheatbelt (Agricultural) |
10652 | 6566 | BEJOORDING | WA | 116.38064 | -31.484853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.383264 | 116.5339136 | 50902124413 | West Toodyay | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10653 | 6566 | CARANI | WA | 116.38064 | -31.484853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9932799 | 116.4111642 | 50902124413 | West Toodyay | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10654 | 6566 | COONDLE | WA | 116.38064 | -31.484853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4713361 | 116.4481689 | 50902124413 | West Toodyay | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10655 | 6566 | CULHAM | WA | 116.38064 | -31.484853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.4134792 | 116.4779534 | 50902124413 | West Toodyay | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10656 | 6566 | DUMBARTON | WA | 116.38064 | -31.484853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5742438 | 116.4982209 | 50902124413 | West Toodyay | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10657 | 6566 | HODDYS WELL | WA | 116.38064 | -31.484853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.6357857 | 116.4633601 | 50902124413 | West Toodyay | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10659 | 6566 | NUNILE | WA | 116.38064 | -31.484853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.522218 | 116.5214185 | 50902124413 | West Toodyay | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10660 | 6566 | TOODYAY | WA | 116.38064 | -31.484853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5500225 | 116.4638253 | 50902124413 | West Toodyay | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10661 | 6566 | WEST TOODYAY | WA | 116.38064 | -31.484853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5280241 | 116.405135 | 50902124413 | West Toodyay | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10662 | 6567 | DEWARS POOL | WA | 116.419958 | -31.459208 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3866375 | 116.3553308 | 50902124410 | Wattening | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 177.966583251953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10663 | 6567 | JULIMAR | WA | 116.419958 | -31.459208 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5072548 | 116.3009653 | 50902124410 | Wattening | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 177.966583251953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10664 | 6567 | MOONDYNE | WA | 116.419958 | -31.459208 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5481401 | 116.2261451 | 50902124410 | Wattening | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 2 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Pearce | 177.966583251953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10665 | 6568 | BOLGART | WA | 116.537461 | -31.246581 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.2742697 | 116.5087254 | 50902124410 | Wattening | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10666 | 6568 | WATTENING | WA | 116.537461 | -31.246581 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.3253546 | 116.4005805 | 50902124410 | Wattening | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10667 | 6568 | WYENING | WA | 116.537461 | -31.246581 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1572723 | 116.542218 | 50902124410 | Wattening | 509021244 | Toodyay | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Toodyay | 58330 | Pearce | Outer Metropolitan | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10668 | 6569 | CALINGIRI | WA | 116.452845 | -31.085084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0893373 | 116.4481424 | 50902124103 | Wyening | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 266.431427001953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
21793 | 6569 | CARANI | WA | 116.4690697 | -30.99756927 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0947 | 116.396 | 50902124103 | Wyening | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 284.712829589844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10669 | 6569 | OLD PLAINS | WA | 116.452845 | -31.085084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.1435301 | 116.3567408 | 50902124103 | Wyening | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 266.431427001953 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10670 | 6571 | YERECOIN | WA | 116.396621 | -30.940448 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9139217 | 116.4429944 | 50902124101 | Yerecoin | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 263.574066162109 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10671 | 6572 | PIAWANING | WA | 116.396304 | -30.804675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7963 | 116.396 | 50902124110 | Yarawindah | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Victoria Plains | 58540 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10672 | 6574 | BINDI BINDI | WA | 116.425241 | -30.650914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.5938945 | 116.3630201 | 50902124107 | Walebing | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 300.886657714844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Moora | 55600 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10673 | 6574 | GABALONG | WA | 116.425241 | -30.650914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7189143 | 116.3900248 | 50902124107 | Walebing | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 300.886657714844 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Moora | 55600 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10674 | 6575 | MILING | WA | 116.424426 | -30.410873 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.3953738 | 116.3721711 | 50902124111 | Namban | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 271.271911621094 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Moora | 55600 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10675 | 6603 | KONNONGORRING | WA | 116.725982 | -30.874243 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.0392977 | 116.7729612 | 50902123812 | Wongan Hills | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 299.690673828125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10676 | 6603 | LAKE HINDS | WA | 116.725982 | -30.874243 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7534192 | 116.5662223 | 50902123812 | Wongan Hills | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 299.690673828125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10677 | 6603 | LAKE NINAN | WA | 116.725982 | -30.874243 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.9424256 | 116.6396565 | 50902123812 | Wongan Hills | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 299.690673828125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10678 | 6603 | MOCARDY | WA | 116.725982 | -30.874243 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8717875 | 116.9025447 | 50902123812 | Wongan Hills | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 299.690673828125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10679 | 6603 | WONGAN HILLS | WA | 116.725982 | -30.874243 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.8314439 | 116.6994431 | 50902123812 | Wongan Hills | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 3 | 52 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Durack | 299.690673828125 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Goomalling | 53710 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10680 | 6605 | KONDUT | WA | 116.762957 | -30.730158 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.7189059 | 116.8439147 | 50902123808 | West Ballidu | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 285.101806640625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wongan-Ballidu | 59310 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10681 | 6606 | BALLIDU | WA | 116.829163 | -30.614263 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -30.5964473 | 116.7699432 | 50902123808 | West Ballidu | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 284.862976074219 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wongan-Ballidu | 59310 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10682 | 6606 | EAST BALLIDU | WA | 116.829163 | -30.614263 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -30.5596814 | 116.8886314 | 50902123808 | West Ballidu | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 284.862976074219 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wongan-Ballidu | 59310 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
24117 | 6606 | EAST DAMBORING | WA | 116.8081 | -30.4801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -30.5964473 | 116.7699432 | 50902123808 | West Ballidu | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 284.862976074219 | | | | Wongan-Ballidu | 59310 | | | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10683 | 6606 | WEST BALLIDU | WA | 116.829163 | -30.614263 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -30.6099105 | 116.6546211 | 50902123808 | West Ballidu | 509021238 | Dowerin | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 284.862976074219 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wongan-Ballidu | 59310 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10684 | 6608 | EAST DAMBORING | WA | 116.826594 | -30.429334 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4737535 | 116.8023264 | 50902124114 | Pithara | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dalwallinu | 52520 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10685 | 6608 | MARNE | WA | 116.826594 | -30.429334 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.4618882 | 116.6801561 | 50902124114 | Pithara | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dalwallinu | 52520 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10686 | 6608 | PITHARA | WA | 116.826594 | -30.429334 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.3868692 | 116.6692616 | 50902124114 | Pithara | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dalwallinu | 52520 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10687 | 6609 | DALWALLINU | WA | 116.750631 | -30.266489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.2865969 | 116.6631228 | 50902124114 | Pithara | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 295.900817871094 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Moora | 55600 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10688 | 6609 | NUGADONG | WA | 116.750631 | -30.266489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.198413 | 116.8098632 | 50902124114 | Pithara | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 295.900817871094 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Moora | 55600 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10689 | 6609 | XANTIPPE | WA | 116.750631 | -30.266489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.2406505 | 116.9994937 | 50902124114 | Pithara | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 295.900817871094 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Moora | 55600 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10690 | 6612 | JIBBERDING | WA | 117.835179 | -29.545139 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.9459661 | 116.8498494 | 51104129006 | Yalgoo | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yalgoo | 59350 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10691 | 6612 | MIAMOON | WA | 117.835179 | -29.545139 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.1515603 | 116.482168 | 51104129006 | Yalgoo | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yalgoo | 59350 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10692 | 6612 | PAYNES FIND | WA | 117.835179 | -29.545139 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.283289 | 117.4921297 | 51104129006 | Yalgoo | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yalgoo | 59350 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10693 | 6612 | WUBIN | WA | 117.835179 | -29.545139 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -30.1065209 | 116.6301404 | 51104129006 | Yalgoo | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Yalgoo | 59350 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10694 | 6613 | BUNTINE | WA | 116.523551 | -29.962626 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.9852088 | 116.5845767 | 50902124115 | Wubin | 509021241 | Moora | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 311.4921875 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Dalwallinu | 52520 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10695 | 6614 | MAYA | WA | 116.551869 | -29.888797 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.8565149 | 116.5845767 | 51104129102 | Perenjori | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10696 | 6616 | LATHAM | WA | 116.434223 | -29.76691 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.7542682 | 116.5609857 | 51104129102 | Perenjori | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
21794 | 6620 | BUNJIL | WA | 116.6013512 | -29.62372971 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.6524 | 116.365 | 51104129112 | Perenjori | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 309.785766601563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10697 | 6620 | PERENJORI | WA | 116.702611 | -29.340545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.4435369 | 116.2886743 | 51104129112 | Perenjori | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 309.785766601563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10698 | 6620 | ROTHSAY | WA | 116.702611 | -29.340545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1796601 | 116.7159396 | 51104129112 | Perenjori | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 309.785766601563 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10699 | 6623 | BOWGADA | WA | 116.120459 | -29.021683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.3423856 | 116.1619156 | 51104129116 | Morawa | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10700 | 6623 | BUNJIL | WA | 116.120459 | -29.021683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1982083 | 116.1359431 | 51104129116 | Morawa | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10701 | 6623 | GUTHA | WA | 116.120459 | -29.021683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.9892392 | 116.111296 | 51104129116 | Morawa | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10702 | 6623 | KOOLANOOKA | WA | 116.120459 | -29.021683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2690952 | 116.0720886 | 51104129116 | Morawa | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10703 | 6623 | MORAWA | WA | 116.120459 | -29.021683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2125823 | 116.0101805 | 51104129116 | Morawa | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10704 | 6623 | PINTHARUKA | WA | 116.120459 | -29.021683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.0609765 | 116.1112319 | 51104129116 | Morawa | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Perenjori | 57000 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10705 | 6625 | MERKANOOKA | WA | 115.946714 | -29.107426 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.2237 | 115.805 | 51104129110 | Pintharuka | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Morawa | 55670 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10706 | 6627 | CANNA | WA | 115.902023 | -28.850457 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8381495 | 115.9940986 | 51104129110 | Pintharuka | 511041291 | Morawa | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 346.523345947266 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Morawa | 55670 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10707 | 6628 | TARDUN | WA | 115.764797 | -28.833846 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7902141 | 115.8048521 | 51104129204 | Wongoondy | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Greater Geraldton | 53800 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10708 | 6630 | DEVILS CREEK | WA | 115.72384 | -27.569679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6731066 | 115.516158 | 51104129207 | Mullewa | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 281.2978515625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10709 | 6630 | MULLEWA | WA | 115.72384 | -27.569679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5395545 | 115.5132564 | 51104129207 | Mullewa | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 281.2978515625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10710 | 6630 | MURCHISON | WA | 115.72384 | -27.569679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1402014 | 116.1604811 | 51104129207 | Mullewa | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 281.2978515625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10711 | 6630 | NERRAMYNE | WA | 115.72384 | -27.569679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7247477 | 115.5015157 | 51104129207 | Mullewa | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 281.2978515625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10712 | 6630 | NUNIERRA | WA | 115.72384 | -27.569679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1541428 | 115.6844788 | 51104129207 | Mullewa | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 281.2978515625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
21795 | 6630 | WEST CASUARINAS | WA | 115.2616879 | -28.86026775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.9321 | 115.265 | 51104129207 | Mullewa | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 281.2978515625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10713 | 6630 | WONGOONDY | WA | 115.72384 | -27.569679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8262478 | 115.5161181 | 51104129207 | Mullewa | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 281.2978515625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10714 | 6630 | WOOLGORONG | WA | 115.72384 | -27.569679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7455818 | 115.8304014 | 51104129207 | Mullewa | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 281.2978515625 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10715 | 6631 | PINDAR | WA | 115.755437 | -28.46368 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5441687 | 115.9467997 | 51104129202 | Pindar | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Greater Geraldton | 53800 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10716 | 6632 | AMBANIA | WA | 115.338356 | -28.619887 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5861055 | 115.1626639 | 51104129204 | Wongoondy | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 195.731430053711 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Greater Geraldton | 53800 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10717 | 6632 | TENINDEWA | WA | 115.338356 | -28.619887 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6242265 | 115.3634534 | 51104129204 | Wongoondy | 511041292 | Northampton - Mullewa - Greenough | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 195.731430053711 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Greater Geraldton | 53800 | Durack | Rural | 53701 | Moore (Agricultural) |
10718 | 6635 | SOUTH MURCHISON | WA | 116.689412 | -28.150726 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9895141 | 116.5081068 | 51104129011 | Woolgorong | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 345.2734375 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10719 | 6635 | YALGOO | WA | 116.689412 | -28.150726 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3400575 | 116.6829413 | 51104129011 | Woolgorong | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 345.2734375 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10720 | 6638 | COOLADAR HILL | WA | 118.157573 | -28.612449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4985196 | 118.1637832 | 51104129014 | Paynesville (WA) | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 450.505401611328 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Magnet | 55810 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10721 | 6638 | DAGGAR HILLS | WA | 118.157573 | -28.612449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1634939 | 117.6407141 | 51104129014 | Paynesville (WA) | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 450.505401611328 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Magnet | 55810 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10722 | 6638 | MOUNT MAGNET | WA | 118.157573 | -28.612449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0651981 | 117.8488429 | 51104129014 | Paynesville (WA) | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 450.505401611328 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Magnet | 55810 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10723 | 6638 | PAYNESVILLE | WA | 118.157573 | -28.612449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.014494 | 118.5768157 | 51104129014 | Paynesville (WA) | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 450.505401611328 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Mount Magnet | 55810 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10724 | 6639 | SANDSTONE | WA | 119.409802 | -27.68492 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6401506 | 119.0459927 | 51104129003 | Sandstone | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Sandstone | 57630 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10725 | 6640 | CUE | WA | 117.674648 | -27.003199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4245835 | 117.89672 | 51104129011 | Woolgorong | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10726 | 6640 | EAST MURCHISON | WA | 117.674648 | -27.003199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3776538 | 117.145989 | 51104129011 | Woolgorong | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10727 | 6640 | LAKE AUSTIN | WA | 117.674648 | -27.003199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4958504 | 118.0352693 | 51104129011 | Woolgorong | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10728 | 6640 | REEDY | WA | 117.674648 | -27.003199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1205982 | 118.0836282 | 51104129011 | Woolgorong | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10729 | 6640 | WELD RANGE | WA | 117.674648 | -27.003199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0892768 | 117.6746288 | 51104129011 | Woolgorong | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Murchison | 56160 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10730 | 6642 | ANGELO RIVER | WA | 118.554936 | -25.639378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5736732 | 118.4950263 | 51104129013 | Karalundi | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 549.860290527344 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Meekatharra | 55250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10731 | 6642 | CAPRICORN | WA | 118.554936 | -25.639378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.91414 | 119.7629597 | 51104129013 | Karalundi | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 549.860290527344 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Meekatharra | 55250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
21796 | 6642 | KARALUNDI | WA | 118.6736205 | -26.12516737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1252 | 118.68 | 51104129013 | Karalundi | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 473.993682861328 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Meekatharra | 55250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10732 | 6642 | KUMARINA | WA | 118.554936 | -25.639378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3098071 | 119.4464353 | 51104129013 | Karalundi | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 549.860290527344 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Meekatharra | 55250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10733 | 6642 | MEEKATHARRA | WA | 118.554936 | -25.639378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5952143 | 118.4975385 | 51104129013 | Karalundi | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 549.860290527344 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Meekatharra | 55250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10734 | 6642 | PEAK HILL | WA | 118.554936 | -25.639378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0940134 | 118.2984611 | 51104129013 | Karalundi | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 549.860290527344 | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Meekatharra | 55250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10735 | 6646 | LAKE CARNEGIE | WA | 121.214907 | -25.912724 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2393342 | 122.5598994 | 51104129012 | Wiluna | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wiluna | 59250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10736 | 6646 | LITTLE SANDY DESERT | WA | 121.214907 | -25.912724 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9455019 | 121.5914304 | 51104129012 | Wiluna | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wiluna | 59250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10737 | 6646 | WILUNA | WA | 121.214907 | -25.912724 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50805 | Mid West | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5943155 | 120.2273517 | 51104129012 | Wiluna | 511041290 | Meekatharra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W2 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wiluna | 59250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10738 | 6701 | BABBAGE ISLAND | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8753117 | 113.6321177 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10739 | 6701 | BERNIER ISLAND | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8504267 | 113.1381998 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10740 | 6701 | BROCKMAN | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.876273 | 113.6508076 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10741 | 6701 | BROWN RANGE | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8926332 | 113.7175207 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10742 | 6701 | CARBLA | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1802189 | 114.3779206 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10743 | 6701 | CARNARVON | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8877473 | 113.6621827 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10744 | 6701 | CORAL BAY | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1436708 | 113.7715359 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10745 | 6701 | DORRE ISLAND | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.062242 | 113.1084191 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10746 | 6701 | EAST CARNARVON | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.864384 | 113.6777575 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10747 | 6701 | GILROYD | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8919552 | 115.163723 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10748 | 6701 | GREYS PLAIN | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.882914 | 113.6997494 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10749 | 6701 | INGGARDA | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9861234 | 114.2458481 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10750 | 6701 | KENNEDY RANGE | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6861112 | 114.9516641 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10463 | 6701 | KINGSFORD | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8648384 | 113.6932106 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10464 | 6701 | LYNDON | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3717748 | 114.3268509 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10465 | 6701 | MACLEOD | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4121813 | 113.502609 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10466 | 6701 | MASSEY BAY | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9062983 | 113.6852854 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10467 | 6701 | MAUDS LANDING | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1291 | 113.781 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10468 | 6701 | MINILYA | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8158166 | 114.0093692 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10469 | 6701 | MORGANTOWN | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8765299 | 113.6601223 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10470 | 6701 | NINGALOO | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.6799051 | 113.6980491 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10471 | 6701 | NORTH PLANTATIONS | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.825529 | 113.7677271 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10472 | 6701 | SOUTH CARNARVON | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8920581 | 113.657359 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10473 | 6701 | SOUTH PLANTATIONS | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8521433 | 113.7301089 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10474 | 6701 | TALISKER | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2708349 | 115.2592396 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10475 | 6701 | WOODLEIGH | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2080655 | 114.8765764 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10476 | 6701 | WOORAMEL | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7560597 | 114.2700706 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10477 | 6701 | YALARDY | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0960426 | 115.2471509 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10478 | 6701 | YANDOO CREEK | WA | 115.15198 | -24.734545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3129912 | 114.3287097 | 51102127712 | Coral Bay | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 341.104461669922 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Shark Bay | 57770 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10479 | 6705 | EAST LYONS RIVER | WA | 115.011494 | -25.111289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2964216 | 117.3137908 | 51102127707 | Gascoyne River | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10480 | 6705 | GASCOYNE JUNCTION | WA | 115.011494 | -25.111289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.054158 | 115.20785 | 51102127707 | Gascoyne River | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10481 | 6705 | GASCOYNE RIVER | WA | 115.011494 | -25.111289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4348172 | 116.0962081 | 51102127707 | Gascoyne River | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10482 | 6705 | WEST LYONS RIVER | WA | 115.011494 | -25.111289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4598198 | 115.6121672 | 51102127707 | Gascoyne River | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10483 | 6707 | CAPE RANGE NATIONAL PARK | WA | 113.954791 | -22.265028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.1493202 | 113.9188374 | 51102127715 | Exmouth | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10484 | 6707 | EXMOUTH | WA | 113.954791 | -22.265028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.9313388 | 114.1236812 | 51102127715 | Exmouth | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10485 | 6707 | EXMOUTH GULF | WA | 113.954791 | -22.265028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.6771467 | 114.0538987 | 51102127715 | Exmouth | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10486 | 6707 | LEARMONTH | WA | 113.954791 | -22.265028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.2618012 | 114.0964216 | 51102127715 | Exmouth | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10487 | 6707 | NORTH WEST CAPE | WA | 113.954791 | -22.265028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50802 | Gascoyne | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.8876412 | 114.1294021 | 51102127715 | Exmouth | 511021277 | Exmouth | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10488 | 6710 | CANE | WA | 115.448968 | -22.133456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.1930531 | 115.9782559 | 51003127118 | Onslow | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 79.9275360107422 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10489 | 6710 | ONSLOW | WA | 115.448968 | -22.133456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.662723 | 115.1069826 | 51003127118 | Onslow | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 79.9275360107422 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10490 | 6710 | PEEDAMULLA | WA | 115.448968 | -22.133456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.8712871 | 115.6801124 | 51003127118 | Onslow | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 79.9275360107422 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10491 | 6710 | TALANDJI | WA | 115.448968 | -22.133456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.1187326 | 114.9895719 | 51003127118 | Onslow | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 79.9275360107422 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10492 | 6710 | YANNARIE | WA | 115.448968 | -22.133456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8641884 | 114.9547574 | 51003127118 | Onslow | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 79.9275360107422 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10493 | 6711 | THEVENARD ISLAND | WA | 115.001086 | -21.461934 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.4573024 | 115.0205898 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Exmouth | 53360 | Durack | | | |
10494 | 6712 | BARROW ISLAND | WA | 115.407335 | -20.785813 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7804342 | 115.4022706 | 51003127303 | Whim Creek | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 49.1781768798828 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10495 | 6713 | DAMPIER | WA | 116.709548 | -20.676313 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.662122 | 116.7107712 | 51003127316 | Dampier | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10496 | 6713 | DAMPIER ARCHIPELAGO | WA | 116.709548 | -20.676313 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.5404953 | 116.7312142 | 51003127316 | Dampier | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10497 | 6714 | ANTONYMYRE | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6543013 | 117.0915622 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10498 | 6714 | BALLA BALLA | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6924552 | 117.7868166 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10499 | 6714 | BAYNTON | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.752044 | 116.800472 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10500 | 6714 | BULGARRA | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7279036 | 116.8576618 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10501 | 6714 | BURRUP | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6230557 | 116.7688919 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10502 | 6714 | CLEAVERVILLE | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6612437 | 116.9981921 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10503 | 6714 | COOYA POOYA | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.9649667 | 117.0852797 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10504 | 6714 | GAP RIDGE | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7372993 | 116.7665214 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10505 | 6714 | GNOOREA | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.8361179 | 116.3865255 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10506 | 6714 | KARRATHA | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7337105 | 116.8447425 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10507 | 6714 | KARRATHA INDUSTRIAL ESTATE | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7678064 | 116.8708786 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10508 | 6714 | MAITLAND | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.9942995 | 116.6896664 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10509 | 6714 | MARDIE | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.0617967 | 116.1665491 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10510 | 6714 | MILLARS WELL | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7428012 | 116.817208 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10511 | 6714 | MOUNT ANKETELL | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7281898 | 117.0210571 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10512 | 6714 | MULATAGA | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7494658 | 116.8688671 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10513 | 6714 | NICKOL | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7417547 | 116.7997139 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10514 | 6714 | PEGS CREEK | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7317472 | 116.8388031 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10515 | 6714 | SHERLOCK | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.8986196 | 117.7416713 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10516 | 6714 | STOVE HILL | WA | 116.349933 | -21.145063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7828244 | 116.8309602 | 51003127318 | Burrup | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 230.402130126953 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10517 | 6716 | FORTESCUE | WA | 116.311985 | -21.605319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.675644 | 115.8627109 | 51003127122 | Pannawonica | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 191.788940429688 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10518 | 6716 | HAMERSLEY RANGE | WA | 116.311985 | -21.605319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.3156203 | 117.000292 | 51003127122 | Pannawonica | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 191.788940429688 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10519 | 6716 | MILLSTREAM | WA | 116.311985 | -21.605319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.4196487 | 117.16063 | 51003127122 | Pannawonica | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 191.788940429688 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10520 | 6716 | PANNAWONICA | WA | 116.311985 | -21.605319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.6386217 | 116.3218767 | 51003127122 | Pannawonica | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 191.788940429688 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10521 | 6718 | ROEBOURNE | WA | 117.740969 | -20.971499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7505507 | 117.1970557 | 51003127321 | Roebourne | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 82.7084655761719 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10522 | 6718 | WHIM CREEK | WA | 117.740969 | -20.971499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.8632961 | 117.8337189 | 51003127321 | Roebourne | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 82.7084655761719 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10523 | 6720 | COSSACK | WA | 117.067614 | -20.699288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6810063 | 117.1855226 | 51003127320 | Wickham (WA) | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 28 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10524 | 6720 | POINT SAMSON | WA | 117.067614 | -20.699288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.627891 | 117.181664 | 51003127320 | Wickham (WA) | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 28 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10525 | 6720 | WICKHAM | WA | 117.067614 | -20.699288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6731994 | 117.147269 | 51003127320 | Wickham (WA) | 510031273 | Roebourne | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 28 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | | | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10526 | 6721 | INDEE | WA | 118.441716 | -20.710799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.9317135 | 118.4699355 | 51002126916 | Port Hedland | 510021269 | Port Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10527 | 6721 | MUNDABULLANGANA | WA | 118.441716 | -20.710799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.5201091 | 118.0600948 | 51002126916 | Port Hedland | 510021269 | Port Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10528 | 6721 | PARDOO | WA | 118.441716 | -20.710799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0555823 | 119.8221878 | 51002126916 | Port Hedland | 510021269 | Port Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10529 | 6721 | PORT HEDLAND | WA | 118.441716 | -20.710799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3839142 | 118.6483796 | 51002126916 | Port Hedland | 510021269 | Port Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10530 | 6721 | REDBANK | WA | 118.441716 | -20.710799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3450347 | 118.6142339 | 51002126916 | Port Hedland | 510021269 | Port Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10531 | 6721 | STRELLEY | WA | 118.441716 | -20.710799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4548887 | 119.0020668 | 51002126916 | Port Hedland | 510021269 | Port Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10532 | 6721 | WALLAREENYA | WA | 118.441716 | -20.710799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7457664 | 118.8096123 | 51002126916 | Port Hedland | 510021269 | Port Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10533 | 6721 | WEDGEFIELD | WA | 118.441716 | -20.710799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3635094 | 118.5903683 | 51002126916 | Port Hedland | 510021269 | Port Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Karratha | 54310 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10534 | 6722 | BOODARIE | WA | 118.606673 | -20.407853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.427311 | 118.5534924 | 51002127026 | South Hedland | 510021270 | South Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 16.956111907959 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Port Hedland | 57280 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10535 | 6722 | DE GREY | WA | 118.606673 | -20.407853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3122795 | 119.2481337 | 51002127026 | South Hedland | 510021270 | South Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 16.956111907959 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Port Hedland | 57280 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10536 | 6722 | FINUCANE | WA | 118.606673 | -20.407853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2967893 | 118.5697792 | 51002127026 | South Hedland | 510021270 | South Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Durack | 16.956111907959 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Port Hedland | 57280 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10537 | 6722 | PIPPINGARRA | WA | 118.606673 | -20.407853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4534138 | 118.8091232 | 51002127026 | South Hedland | 510021270 | South Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 16.956111907959 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Port Hedland | 57280 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10538 | 6722 | SOUTH HEDLAND | WA | 118.606673 | -20.407853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3927247 | 118.6015553 | 51002127026 | South Hedland | 510021270 | South Hedland | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 16.956111907959 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Port Hedland | 57280 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10539 | 6723 | GOLDSWORTHY | WA | 119.727488 | -20.2103 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -20.3398 | 119.518 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | | W3 | | | Port Hedland | 57280 | Durack | | | |
10540 | 6725 | BILINGURR | WA | 122.753792 | -18.773365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9255022 | 122.2336239 | 51001126608 | Dampier Peninsula | 510011266 | Roebuck | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 163.25456237793 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10541 | 6725 | BROOME | WA | 122.753792 | -18.773365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9644291 | 122.2303657 | 51001126608 | Dampier Peninsula | 510011266 | Roebuck | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 163.25456237793 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10542 | 6725 | DAMPIER PENINSULA | WA | 122.753792 | -18.773365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.943814 | 122.753889 | 51001126608 | Dampier Peninsula | 510011266 | Roebuck | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 163.25456237793 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10543 | 6725 | DJUGUN | WA | 122.753792 | -18.773365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9393705 | 122.2287389 | 51001126608 | Dampier Peninsula | 510011266 | Roebuck | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 163.25456237793 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10544 | 6725 | EIGHTY MILE BEACH | WA | 122.753792 | -18.773365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.7242706 | 120.7410108 | 51001126608 | Dampier Peninsula | 510011266 | Roebuck | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 163.25456237793 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10545 | 6725 | GINGERAH | WA | 122.753792 | -18.773365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.3669043 | 122.9989482 | 51001126608 | Dampier Peninsula | 510011266 | Roebuck | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 163.25456237793 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10546 | 6725 | LAGRANGE | WA | 122.753792 | -18.773365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.7211159 | 121.87976 | 51001126608 | Dampier Peninsula | 510011266 | Roebuck | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 163.25456237793 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10547 | 6725 | MINYIRR | WA | 122.753792 | -18.773365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9911261 | 122.2056683 | 51001126608 | Dampier Peninsula | 510011266 | Roebuck | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 163.25456237793 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10548 | 6725 | ROEBUCK | WA | 122.753792 | -18.773365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8711046 | 122.371121 | 51001126608 | Dampier Peninsula | 510011266 | Roebuck | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 163.25456237793 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10549 | 6725 | WATERBANK | WA | 122.753792 | -18.773365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8193984 | 122.2202403 | 51001126608 | Dampier Peninsula | 510011266 | Roebuck | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 163.25456237793 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10550 | 6726 | CABLE BEACH | WA | 122.196423 | -17.950181 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9521644 | 122.2114952 | 51001126240 | Cable Beach | 510011262 | Broome | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 4 | 53 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Durack | 0 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broome | 50980 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10551 | 6728 | CAMBALLIN | WA | 124.591962 | -17.090606 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.9518176 | 124.2522537 | 51001126334 | King Leopold Ranges | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 70.0947875976563 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broome | 50980 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10552 | 6728 | DERBY | WA | 124.591962 | -17.090606 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.4399942 | 123.7440145 | 51001126334 | King Leopold Ranges | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 70.0947875976563 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broome | 50980 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10553 | 6728 | GEEGULLY CREEK | WA | 124.591962 | -17.090606 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.304586 | 123.8276668 | 51001126334 | King Leopold Ranges | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 70.0947875976563 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broome | 50980 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
24118 | 6728 | JARLMADANGAH BURRU | WA | 124.0044 | -18.0079 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.9518176 | 124.2522537 | 51001126334 | King Leopold Ranges | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 70.0947875976563 | | | | Broome | 50980 | | | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10554 | 6728 | KIMBOLTON | WA | 124.591962 | -17.090606 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.655747 | 124.3771901 | 51001126334 | King Leopold Ranges | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 70.0947875976563 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broome | 50980 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10555 | 6728 | KING LEOPOLD RANGES | WA | 124.591962 | -17.090606 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.0625482 | 125.7081746 | 51001126334 | King Leopold Ranges | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 70.0947875976563 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broome | 50980 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10556 | 6728 | MEDA | WA | 124.591962 | -17.090606 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.4055962 | 124.053076 | 51001126334 | King Leopold Ranges | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 70.0947875976563 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broome | 50980 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10557 | 6728 | ST GEORGE RANGES | WA | 124.591962 | -17.090606 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.4878325 | 124.3952278 | 51001126334 | King Leopold Ranges | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 70.0947875976563 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broome | 50980 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10558 | 6728 | WILLARE | WA | 124.591962 | -17.090606 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7265497 | 123.6565492 | 51001126334 | King Leopold Ranges | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 70.0947875976563 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Broome | 50980 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10559 | 6731 | COCKATOO ISLAND | WA | 123.610523 | -16.09862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.0939142 | 123.6091835 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | Durack | 44.6908493041992 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | | | |
10560 | 6733 | KOOLAN ISLAND | WA | 123.753964 | -16.134853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.131541 | 123.7573596 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | | | |
10561 | 6740 | DRYSDALE RIVER | WA | 128.397192 | -14.962686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -14.7696332 | 126.773885 | 51001126522 | Kalumburu | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10562 | 6740 | KALUMBURU | WA | 128.397192 | -14.962686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -14.2935938 | 126.6446291 | 51001126522 | Kalumburu | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10563 | 6740 | MITCHELL PLATEAU | WA | 128.397192 | -14.962686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -14.8777754 | 125.8593186 | 51001126522 | Kalumburu | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10564 | 6740 | OOMBULGURRI | WA | 128.397192 | -14.962686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -15.1800065 | 127.8447944 | 51001126522 | Kalumburu | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10565 | 6740 | PRINCE REGENT RIVER | WA | 128.397192 | -14.962686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -15.727775 | 125.481303 | 51001126522 | Kalumburu | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10566 | 6740 | WYNDHAM | WA | 128.397192 | -14.962686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -15.5847 | 128.22 | 51001126522 | Kalumburu | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10567 | 6743 | CAMBRIDGE GULF | WA | 129.662008 | -17.293532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -15.1590352 | 128.5565144 | 51001126521 | Durack (WA) | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 319.932495117188 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10568 | 6743 | DURACK | WA | 129.662008 | -17.293532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.3102973 | 128.248069 | 51001126521 | Durack (WA) | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 319.932495117188 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10569 | 6743 | GIBB | WA | 129.662008 | -17.293532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.4224499 | 126.4694467 | 51001126521 | Durack (WA) | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 319.932495117188 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10570 | 6743 | KUNUNURRA | WA | 129.662008 | -17.293532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -15.6049485 | 128.7654685 | 51001126521 | Durack (WA) | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Durack | 319.932495117188 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10571 | 6743 | LAKE ARGYLE | WA | 129.662008 | -17.293532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.3214881 | 128.7996239 | 51001126521 | Durack (WA) | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 319.932495117188 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10572 | 6743 | WARMUN | WA | 129.662008 | -17.293532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0297325 | 128.2107656 | 51001126521 | Durack (WA) | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 319.932495117188 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
24040 | 6743 | WIJILAWARRIM | WA | 128.550721 | -15.174208 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -15.1590352 | 128.5565144 | 51001126521 | Durack (WA) | 510011265 | Kununurra | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 39.556697845459 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Derby-West Kimberley | 52800 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10573 | 6751 | CHICHESTER | WA | 117.057776 | -22.141251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.8870523 | 117.9988761 | 51003127126 | Tom Price | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 546.036193847656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Upper Gascoyne | 58470 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10574 | 6751 | INNAWANGA | WA | 117.057776 | -22.141251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3720694 | 117.0361591 | 51003127126 | Tom Price | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 546.036193847656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Upper Gascoyne | 58470 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10575 | 6751 | JUNA DOWNS | WA | 117.057776 | -22.141251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8569184 | 118.623667 | 51003127126 | Tom Price | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 546.036193847656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Upper Gascoyne | 58470 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10576 | 6751 | KARIJINI | WA | 117.057776 | -22.141251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.5591185 | 118.4559953 | 51003127126 | Tom Price | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 546.036193847656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Upper Gascoyne | 58470 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10577 | 6751 | MOUNT SHEILA | WA | 117.057776 | -22.141251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.4914514 | 117.7236591 | 51003127126 | Tom Price | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 546.036193847656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Upper Gascoyne | 58470 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10578 | 6751 | MULGA DOWNS | WA | 117.057776 | -22.141251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.2342122 | 119.0244186 | 51003127126 | Tom Price | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 546.036193847656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Upper Gascoyne | 58470 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10579 | 6751 | NANUTARRA | WA | 117.057776 | -22.141251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.5425127 | 115.4998766 | 51003127126 | Tom Price | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 546.036193847656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Upper Gascoyne | 58470 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10580 | 6751 | ROCKLEA | WA | 117.057776 | -22.141251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8839062 | 117.4486062 | 51003127126 | Tom Price | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 546.036193847656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Upper Gascoyne | 58470 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10581 | 6751 | TOM PRICE | WA | 117.057776 | -22.141251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.6961432 | 117.795009 | 51003127126 | Tom Price | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 546.036193847656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Upper Gascoyne | 58470 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10582 | 6751 | WITTENOOM | WA | 117.057776 | -22.141251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.2738995 | 118.3211638 | 51003127126 | Tom Price | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 546.036193847656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Upper Gascoyne | 58470 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
24119 | 6753 | JIGALONG | WA | 120.8094 | -23.346 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -22.9798905 | 119.7889248 | 51002126817 | Newman | 510021268 | Newman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 537.473266601563 | | | | East Pilbara | 53220 | | | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10583 | 6753 | NEWMAN | WA | 119.714082 | -23.154069 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -22.9798905 | 119.7889248 | 51002126817 | Newman | 510021268 | Newman | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 537.473266601563 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | East Pilbara | 53220 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10584 | 6754 | PARABURDOO | WA | 117.47663 | -23.303751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1953868 | 117.7138785 | 51003127121 | Rocklea (WA) | 510031271 | Ashburton (WA) | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Ashburton | 50250 | Durack | Rural | 54203 | North West Central (Mining and Pastoral) |
10585 | 6758 | NULLAGINE | WA | 120.282267 | -22.055582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.0063375 | 120.3435506 | 51002126705 | Pardoo | 510021267 | East Pilbara | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | East Pilbara | 53220 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10586 | 6760 | MARBLE BAR | WA | 124.383893 | -22.026615 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.0487557 | 119.9740534 | 51002126715 | Marble Bar | 510021267 | East Pilbara | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Port Hedland | 57280 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10587 | 6761 | SHAY GAP | WA | 120.469973 | -20.403598 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -20.4235 | 120.13 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | | W3 | | | Port Hedland | 57280 | Durack | | | |
10588 | 6762 | TELFER | WA | 122.224801 | -21.712224 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50806 | Pilbara | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.0976372 | 123.7964613 | 51002126717 | Telfer | 510021267 | East Pilbara | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 298.649597167969 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | East Pilbara | 53220 | Durack | Rural | 54403 | Pilbara (Mining and Pastoral) |
10589 | 6765 | FITZROY CROSSING | WA | 125.282055 | -18.752827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.1936537 | 125.5603732 | 51001126336 | Fitzroy Crossing | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 214.418197631836 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Halls Creek | 53920 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
24120 | 6765 | KUPARTIYA | WA | 126.2461 | -18.8808 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.1936537 | 125.5603732 | 51001126336 | Fitzroy Crossing | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 214.418197631836 | | | | Halls Creek | 53920 | | | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10590 | 6765 | MOUNT HARDMAN | WA | 125.282055 | -18.752827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.8264158 | 124.7740793 | 51001126336 | Fitzroy Crossing | 510011263 | Derby - West Kimberley | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 214.418197631836 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Halls Creek | 53920 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10591 | 6770 | HALLS CREEK | WA | 127.320764 | -18.705507 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.2229402 | 127.6700702 | 51001126411 | Halls Creek (WA) | 510011264 | Halls Creek | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 351.349212646484 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyndham-East Kimberley | 59340 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
24121 | 6770 | KUNDAT DJARU | WA | 128.6014 | -18.8082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.2229402 | 127.6700702 | 51001126411 | Halls Creek (WA) | 510011264 | Halls Creek | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 383.789916992188 | | | | Wyndham-East Kimberley | 59340 | | | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10592 | 6770 | MCBEATH | WA | 127.320764 | -18.705507 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.241009 | 127.6885569 | 51001126411 | Halls Creek (WA) | 510011264 | Halls Creek | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 351.349212646484 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyndham-East Kimberley | 59340 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
21797 | 6770 | MUELLER RANGES | WA | 126.7424652 | -18.40885569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.7062017 | 126.8735589 | 51001126411 | Halls Creek (WA) | 510011264 | Halls Creek | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 272.907928466797 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyndham-East Kimberley | 59340 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
21798 | 6770 | ORD RIVER | WA | 128.002653 | -17.88935874 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.4007187 | 128.0254764 | 51001126411 | Halls Creek (WA) | 510011264 | Halls Creek | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 380.915100097656 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyndham-East Kimberley | 59340 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
21799 | 6770 | PURNULULU | WA | 128.5465458 | -17.4484816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.5095625 | 128.3929045 | 51001126411 | Halls Creek (WA) | 510011264 | Halls Creek | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 351.349212646484 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyndham-East Kimberley | 59340 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
21800 | 6770 | STURT CREEK | WA | 127.9918203 | -19.00768993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -19.3495758 | 127.7836709 | 51001126411 | Halls Creek (WA) | 510011264 | Halls Creek | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 351.349212646484 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyndham-East Kimberley | 59340 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
21801 | 6770 | TANAMI | WA | 127.5009013 | -20.80936757 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50804 | Kimberley | 508 | Western Australia - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -20.7659622 | 127.3871425 | 51001126411 | Halls Creek (WA) | 510011264 | Halls Creek | 51104 | Mid West | 511 | Western Australia - Outback (South) | 5 | 54 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Durack | 351.349212646484 | W3 | PHN503 | Country WA | Wyndham-East Kimberley | 59340 | Durack | Rural | 52903 | Kimberley (Mining and Pastoral) |
10593 | 6798 | CHRISTMAS ISLAND | WA | 105.64067 | -10.487053 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 90101 | Christmas Island | 901 | Other Territories | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -10.447525 | 105.690449 | 90101100105 | Christmas Island | 901011001 | Christmas Island | 90104 | Norfolk Island | 901 | Other Territories | 5 | 94 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Lingiari | 226.198211669922 | | PHN502 | Perth South | Christmas Island | 51710 | Lingiari | Rural | 99191 | Unclassified (OT) |
10594 | 6799 | HOME ISLAND COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS | WA | 96.83152 | -12.169719 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 90102 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 901 | Other Territories | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.164165 | 96.870956 | 90102100203 | Home Island | 901021002 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 90104 | Norfolk Island | 901 | Other Territories | 5 | 94 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Lingiari | | | PHN502 | Perth South | | | Lingiari | Rural | 99191 | Unclassified (OT) |
10595 | 6799 | WEST ISLAND COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS | WA | 96.83152 | -12.169719 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 90102 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 901 | Other Territories | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.1887006 | 96.8293902 | 90102100203 | Home Island | 901021002 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | 90104 | Norfolk Island | 901 | Other Territories | 5 | 94 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Lingiari | | | PHN502 | Perth South | | | Lingiari | Rural | 99191 | Unclassified (OT) |
10596 | 6800 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10597 | 6803 | NORTHBRIDGE | WA | 115.869136 | -31.939272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9436 | 115.854 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 21.9741439819336 | W1 | PHN501 | | Vincent | 58570 | Stirling | | | |
10598 | 6809 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | LVR | LVR | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10599 | 6817 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | LVR | LVR | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10600 | 6820 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | LVR | LVR | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10601 | 6827 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | LVR | LVR | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10602 | 6830 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | LVR | LVR | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10603 | 6831 | PERTH ST GEORGES TCE | WA | 115.857527 | -31.95505 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.9550026 | 115.8573061 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | 13.4207744598389 | W1 | | | Perth | 57080 | Stirling | | | |
10604 | 6832 | PERTH EAST ST GEORGES TCE | WA | 115.866732 | -31.958153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.955 | 115.857 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 10.0770826339722 | W1 | | | Perth | 57080 | Stirling | | | |
10321 | 6837 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10322 | 6838 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10323 | 6839 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10324 | 6840 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10325 | 6841 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10326 | 6842 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10327 | 6843 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10328 | 6844 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10329 | 6845 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10330 | 6846 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10331 | 6847 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10332 | 6848 | PERTH | WA | 115.763228 | -31.99212 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9505269 | 115.8604572 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.2767705917358 | W1 | PHN601 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Stirling | | | |
10333 | 6849 | PERTH BC | WA | 115.864 | -31.9488 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.9488 | 115.864 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | 13.0415115356445 | W1 | | | Perth | 57080 | Stirling | | | |
10334 | 6850 | CLOISTERS SQUARE | WA | 115.332906 | -33.663414 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.9525294 | 115.8535661 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | -3492 | W1 | | | Busselton | 51260 | Stirling | | | |
22831 | 6850 | CLOISTERS SQUARE PO | WA | 115.854 | -31.9525 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -31.9525 | 115.854 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | -3492 | W1 | | | Perth | 57080 | Stirling | | | |
10335 | 6865 | NORTHBRIDGE | WA | 115.869136 | -31.939272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9436 | 115.854 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 21.9741439819336 | W1 | PHN501 | | Vincent | 58570 | Stirling | | | |
10336 | 6872 | WEST PERTH | WA | 115.876395 | -31.94319 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9453285 | 115.8474335 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | | Vincent | 58570 | Stirling | | | |
10337 | 6892 | EAST PERTH | WA | 115.817894 | -31.777103 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9607635 | 115.8745971 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | 63.7645034790039 | W1 | PHN501 | | Joondalup | 54170 | Stirling | | | |
10338 | 6900 | LEEDERVILLE | WA | 115.834335 | -31.935675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.932 | 115.841 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 24.4718475341797 | W1 | PHN501 | | Vincent | 58570 | Curtin | | | |
10339 | 6901 | WEST LEEDERVILLE | WA | 115.875924 | -31.944548 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9406909 | 115.8316845 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 15.6435203552246 | W1 | PHN501 | | Vincent | 58570 | Curtin | | | |
10340 | 6902 | LEEDERVILLE | WA | 115.834335 | -31.935675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.932 | 115.841 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 24.4718475341797 | W1 | PHN501 | | Vincent | 58570 | Curtin | | | |
10341 | 6903 | LEEDERVILLE | WA | 115.834335 | -31.935675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.932 | 115.841 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | 24.4718475341797 | W1 | PHN501 | | Vincent | 58570 | Curtin | | | |
10342 | 6904 | SUBIACO | WA | 115.834628 | -31.943654 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9469931 | 115.8285548 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | -3492 | W1 | PHN501 | | Subiaco | 57980 | Curtin | | | |
22865 | 6904 | SUBIACO PO | WA | 115.824 | -31.9499 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -31.9499 | 115.824 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | -3492 | W1 | | | Subiaco | 57980 | Curtin | | | |
10343 | 6905 | NORTHLANDS | WA | 121.628 | -27.6728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -27.6728 | 121.628 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 448.049468994141 | W1 | PHN304 | | Leonora | 55040 | Curtin | | | |
22820 | 6905 | NORTHLANDS PO | WA | 121.628 | -27.6728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -27.6728 | 121.628 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | -3492 | W1 | | | Leonora | 55040 | Curtin | | | |
10344 | 6906 | NORTH PERTH | WA | 115.760961 | -31.982001 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50302 | Perth City | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9273833 | 115.852472 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 8.35151958465576 | W1 | PHN501 | | Cottesloe | 52170 | Curtin | | | |
10345 | 6907 | NEDLANDS | WA | 115.804692 | -31.985791 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -31.9791 | 115.804 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 28.2094497680664 | W1 | PHN501 | | Nedlands | 56580 | Curtin | | | |
10346 | 6909 | NEDLANDS | WA | 115.804692 | -31.985791 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9791 | 115.804 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 28.2094497680664 | W1 | PHN501 | | Nedlands | 56580 | Curtin | | | |
10347 | 6910 | CLAREMONT | WA | 115.774504 | -31.981493 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9842456 | 115.7780005 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN601 | | Claremont | 51750 | Curtin | | | |
10348 | 6911 | COTTESLOE | WA | 115.761982 | -32.403407 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9896506 | 115.7630503 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | | Rockingham | 57490 | Curtin | | | |
10349 | 6912 | MOSMAN PARK | WA | 115.763135 | -32.011748 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50301 | Cottesloe - Claremont | 503 | Perth - Inner | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0150977 | 115.766391 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | | Mosman Park | 55740 | Curtin | | | |
10350 | 6913 | WEMBLEY | WA | 115.808169 | -31.936389 | | | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9343 | 115.82 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | | Subiaco | 57980 | Curtin | | | |
10351 | 6914 | BALCATTA | WA | 115.815211 | -31.861596 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8601754 | 115.8104652 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 19.2546615600586 | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10352 | 6915 | MOUNT HAWTHORN | WA | 115.848262 | -31.954127 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9195792 | 115.8355846 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 18.8017177581787 | W1 | PHN501 | | Perth | 57080 | Curtin | | | |
10353 | 6916 | OSBORNE PARK | WA | 115.804802 | -31.885883 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9142574 | 115.8230694 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10354 | 6916 | OSBORNE PARK DC | WA | 115.804802 | -31.885883 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9143 | 115.823 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Stirling | | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10355 | 6917 | OSBORNE PARK | WA | 115.804802 | -31.885883 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9142574 | 115.8230694 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10356 | 6918 | INNALOO | WA | 115.786821 | -31.891957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8943 | 115.796 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | 16.2306995391846 | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10357 | 6919 | JOONDALUP DC | WA | 115.756405 | -31.763347 | | | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.7412 | 115.759 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Moore | 49.1623458862305 | W1 | PHN501 | | Joondalup | 54170 | Curtin | | | |
10358 | 6920 | NORTH BEACH | WA | 115.775442 | -31.859408 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8611706 | 115.7582009 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Stirling | 29.0718936920166 | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10359 | 6921 | KARRINYUP | WA | 115.791881 | -31.882332 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8739029 | 115.7708104 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10360 | 6922 | SCARBOROUGH | WA | 115.79501 | -31.901385 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8980316 | 115.7715973 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Curtin | | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10361 | 6923 | HILLARYS | WA | 115.754405 | -31.79583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8083 | 115.744 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Moore | 30.3516235351563 | W1 | PHN501 | | Joondalup | 54170 | Curtin | | | |
10362 | 6924 | GREENWOOD | WA | 115.797347 | -32.559825 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50501 | Joondalup | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8248279 | 115.804795 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Cowan | 2.94961071014404 | W1 | PHN501 | | Mandurah | 55110 | Curtin | | | |
10363 | 6925 | WALLISTON DC | WA | 116.208263 | -32.108961 | | | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.994 | 116.072 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | PHN501 | | Armadale | 50210 | Curtin | | | |
10364 | 6926 | KALAMUNDA | WA | 116.012518 | -31.939027 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9755983 | 116.0565936 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | 40.5018463134766 | W1 | PHN501 | | Belmont | 50490 | Curtin | | | |
10365 | 6929 | MOUNT LAWLEY | WA | 115.848262 | -31.954127 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9320594 | 115.8741149 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | 18.8017177581787 | W1 | PHN501 | | Perth | 57080 | Curtin | | | |
10366 | 6931 | MAYLANDS | WA | 115.899589 | -31.938107 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50401 | Bayswater - Bassendean | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9286 | 115.892 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | 6.26077938079834 | W1 | PHN501 | | Bayswater | 50420 | Curtin | | | |
10367 | 6932 | INGLEWOOD | WA | 115.882764 | -31.923239 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9168382 | 115.8851214 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | | Vincent | 58570 | Curtin | | | |
10368 | 6933 | BAYSWATER | WA | 115.896545 | -31.907152 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50401 | Bayswater - Bassendean | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9217591 | 115.925209 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | | Bayswater | 50420 | Curtin | | | |
10369 | 6934 | BASSENDEAN | WA | 115.921101 | -31.915103 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9076376 | 115.9425873 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 13.4359884262085 | W1 | PHN501 | | Bayswater | 50420 | Curtin | | | |
10370 | 6935 | GUILDFORD | WA | 115.921132 | -31.923723 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8989836 | 115.9718099 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN601 | | Bayswater | 50420 | Curtin | | | |
10371 | 6936 | MIDLAND DC | WA | 116.013 | -31.8918 | | | | | | | R3 | | -31.8918 | 116.013 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | | | Bassendean | 50350 | Curtin | | | |
10372 | 6937 | TUART HILL | WA | 115.846807 | -31.896748 | LVR | LVR | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8965657 | 115.8355162 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 58.722354888916 | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10373 | 6938 | TUART HILL | WA | 115.846807 | -31.896748 | LVR | LVR | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8965657 | 115.8355162 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 58.722354888916 | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10374 | 6939 | TUART HILL | WA | 115.846807 | -31.896748 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8965657 | 115.8355162 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 58.722354888916 | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10375 | 6940 | TUART HILL | WA | 115.846807 | -31.896748 | LVR | LVR | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8965657 | 115.8355162 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 58.722354888916 | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10376 | 6941 | MIRRABOOKA | WA | 115.855186 | -31.842045 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8662015 | 115.8662538 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | PHN501 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10377 | 6942 | BASSENDEAN DC | WA | 115.942572 | -31.901801 | | | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9032 | 115.928 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 19.5879249572754 | W1 | PHN501 | | Bassendean | 50350 | Curtin | | | |
10378 | 6943 | MORLEY | WA | 115.89292 | -31.887921 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50502 | Stirling | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.8889571 | 115.9181651 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Perth | | W1 | PHN501 | | Bayswater | 50420 | Curtin | | | |
10379 | 6944 | MALAGA | WA | 115.895533 | -31.864862 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50403 | Swan | 504 | Perth - North East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | 47.3723503 | -120.2011769 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Cowan | 33.4280319213867 | W1 | PHN501 | | Bayswater | 50420 | Curtin | | | |
10380 | 6945 | MALAGA DC | WA | 115.893 | -31.8556 | | | | | | | R3 | | -31.8556 | 115.893 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | | | Bayswater | 50420 | Curtin | | | |
10381 | 6946 | WANNEROO | WA | 115.715081 | -31.617559 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.7572961 | 115.8064758 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Cowan | 36.6118316650391 | W1 | PHN501 | | Wanneroo | 58760 | Curtin | | | |
10382 | 6947 | WANGARA DC | WA | 115.845329 | -31.69444 | | | 50503 | Wanneroo | 505 | Perth - North West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.7888 | 115.814 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Cowan | | W1 | PHN501 | | Wanneroo | 58760 | Curtin | | | |
10383 | 6951 | SOUTH PERTH | WA | 115.821722 | -32.068705 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50607 | South Perth | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9809515 | 115.8639168 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | | Melville | 55320 | Curtin | | | |
10384 | 6952 | COMO | WA | 115.817919 | -31.891696 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50607 | South Perth | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0010903 | 115.8617166 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Swan | 12.4014205932617 | W1 | PHN502 | | Stirling | 57910 | Curtin | | | |
10385 | 6953 | APPLECROSS | WA | 115.837525 | -32.024363 | | | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0116 | 115.839 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | | Melville | 55320 | Curtin | | | |
10386 | 6954 | BOORAGOON | WA | 115.825994 | -32.040061 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0364 | 115.838 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 22.7261295318604 | W1 | PHN502 | | Melville | 55320 | Curtin | | | |
10387 | 6955 | WILLETTON | WA | 115.890779 | -32.061501 | | | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0488 | 115.892 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Tangney | | W1 | PHN502 | | Canning | 51330 | Curtin | | | |
10388 | 6956 | MELVILLE | WA | 115.853588 | -31.988065 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0414618 | 115.8034715 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | PHN502 | | South Perth | 57840 | Curtin | | | |
10389 | 6957 | PALMYRA | WA | 115.783732 | -32.038228 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0458 | 115.785 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | PHN502 | | East Fremantle | 53150 | Curtin | | | |
10390 | 6958 | ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY WARSHIPS | WA | -120.74 | 47.7511 | | | | | | | R3 | | 47.7511 | -120.74 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 613.978759765625 | W1 | | | Wyndham-East Kimberley | 59340 | Curtin | | | |
10391 | 6959 | FREMANTLE | WA | 115.986396 | -32.067114 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50702 | Fremantle | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0518191 | 115.7551085 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | | W1 | PHN502 | | Gosnells | 53780 | Curtin | | | |
24163 | 6960 | MYAREE | WA | 115.816 | -32.04 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7.60764646530151 | | | | Canning | | | | | |
10392 | 6960 | MYAREE BC | WA | 115.816 | -32.04 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.04 | 115.816 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 7.60764646530151 | W1 | | | Melville | 55320 | Curtin | | | |
10393 | 6961 | PALMYRA DC | WA | 115.783732 | -32.038228 | | | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0516 | 115.791 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | PHN502 | | East Fremantle | 53150 | Curtin | | | |
10394 | 6963 | HAMILTON HILL | WA | 115.788706 | -32.076945 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0860323 | 115.7764909 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | PHN502 | | Fremantle | 53430 | Curtin | | | |
10395 | 6964 | SUCCESS | WA | 115.860179 | -32.022746 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50701 | Cockburn | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.1536587 | 115.8463549 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Fremantle | | W1 | PHN502 | | South Perth | 57840 | Curtin | | | |
10396 | 6965 | BIBRA LAKE DC | WA | 115.798722 | -32.084784 | | | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0977 | 115.8 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 45.3235359191895 | W1 | PHN502 | | Cockburn | 51820 | Curtin | | | |
10397 | 6966 | KWINANA | WA | 115.859834 | -32.143195 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -32.2260862 | 115.7763846 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | | | Cockburn | 51820 | Curtin | | | |
10398 | 6967 | ROCKINGHAM DC | WA | 115.75773 | -32.281957 | | | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.2781 | 115.735 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brand | | W1 | PHN502 | | Rockingham | 57490 | Curtin | | | |
10399 | 6968 | ROCKINGHAM | WA | 115.782689 | -32.107766 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.2780954 | 115.7351403 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brand | 6.3276891708374 | W1 | PHN502 | | Cockburn | 51820 | Curtin | | | |
10400 | 6969 | ROCKINGHAM BEACH | WA | 115.745072 | -32.264021 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50705 | Rockingham | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.2676646 | 115.7396753 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | PHN502 | | Kwinana | 54830 | Curtin | | | |
10401 | 6970 | CANNING VALE DC | WA | 115.890779 | -32.061501 | | | 50704 | Melville | 507 | Perth - South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0582 | 115.918 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | | Canning | 51330 | Curtin | | | |
10402 | 6979 | VICTORIA PARK | WA | 115.896195 | -31.954583 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9750418 | 115.8977211 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | | Victoria Park | 58510 | Curtin | | | |
10403 | 6980 | CANNINGTON | WA | 115.967142 | -32.017663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0179 | 115.935 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | PHN502 | | Canning | 51330 | Clark | | | |
10404 | 6981 | EAST VICTORIA PARK | WA | 115.876964 | -31.951832 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9889419 | 115.9060249 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Swan | 7.32903242111206 | W1 | PHN502 | | Perth | 57080 | Clark | | | |
10405 | 6982 | BENTLEY | WA | 116.169125 | -31.869817 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0041058 | 115.8964003 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 282.830902099609 | W1 | PHN502 | | Mundaring | 56090 | Clark | | | |
10406 | 6983 | BENTLEY DC | WA | 115.904425 | -32.005644 | | | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9924 | 115.889 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | | Victoria Park | 58510 | Clark | | | |
10407 | 6984 | BELMONT | WA | 115.933458 | -31.965766 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50602 | Belmont - Victoria Park | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.953847 | 115.9261098 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Swan | 15.1140003204346 | W1 | PHN502 | | Belmont | 50490 | Clark | | | |
10408 | 6985 | CLOVERDALE | WA | 115.600155 | -33.625285 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9624535 | 115.9447259 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | | Capel | 51400 | Clark | | | |
10409 | 6986 | WELSHPOOL DC | WA | 115.945564 | -31.992082 | | | 50603 | Canning | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -31.9891 | 115.945 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Swan | 16.0262928009033 | W1 | PHN502 | | Belmont | 50490 | Clark | | | |
10410 | 6987 | CANNINGTON | WA | 115.967142 | -32.017663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50605 | Kalamunda | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0179 | 115.935 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Swan | | W1 | PHN502 | | Canning | 51330 | Franklin | | | |
10411 | 6988 | THORNLIE | WA | 115.964764 | -32.050009 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.057869 | 115.9633053 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | W1 | PHN502 | | Gosnells | 53780 | Franklin | | | |
10412 | 6989 | MADDINGTON | WA | 116.009575 | -32.039597 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0502858 | 115.9844929 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Hasluck | | W1 | PHN502 | | Gosnells | 53780 | Franklin | | | |
10413 | 6990 | GOSNELLS | WA | 116.008461 | -32.060407 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.0823022 | 115.9902668 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | | Gosnells | 53780 | Clark | | | |
10414 | 6991 | KELMSCOTT | WA | 116.095955 | -32.09788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.1144 | 116.015 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 318.129547119141 | W1 | PHN502 | | Armadale | 50210 | Lyons | | | |
10415 | 6992 | ARMADALE | WA | 115.920395 | -31.964503 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 50604 | Gosnells | 506 | Perth - South East | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.1473012 | 116.0128764 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Burt | | W1 | PHN502 | | Victoria Park | 58510 | Lyons | | | |
10416 | 6997 | KELMSCOTT DC | WA | 116.095955 | -32.09788 | | | 50902 | Wheat Belt - North | 509 | Western Australia - Wheat Belt | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -32.1299 | 116.007 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 318.129547119141 | W1 | PHN502 | | Armadale | 50210 | Franklin | | | |
I make this information freely available, and use it for my own client projects and experiments. However, if you feel you'd like to help me out, a donation to the charity my wife and I run would be greatly appreciated!
We work hard to provide education scholarships and healthcare services in Uganda (Africa), and any support is appreciated!
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