Below is a listing of all postcodes in the state of New South Wales (NSW), Australia.
ID | Postcode | Locality | State | Longitude | Latitude | Category | Type | SA3 | SA3 Name | SA4 | SA4 Name | Region | Status | Lat (Google) | Long (Google) | SA1 CODE 2021 | SA1 NAME 2021 | SA2 CODE 2021 | SA2 NAME 2021 | SA3 CODE 2021 | SA3 NAME 2021 | SA4 CODE 2021 | SA4 NAME 2021 | RA 2016 | RA 2021 | RA 2021 Name | MMM 2015 | MMM 2019 | CED | Altitude | Charge Zone | PHN Code | PHN Name | LGA Region | LGA Code | Electorate | Electorate Rating | State Electoral Code | State Electroal Name |
458 | 1001 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
459 | 1002 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
460 | 1003 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
461 | 1004 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
462 | 1005 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
463 | 1006 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
464 | 1007 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
465 | 1008 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
466 | 1009 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
467 | 1010 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
468 | 1020 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
469 | 1021 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
470 | 1022 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
471 | 1023 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
472 | 1025 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
473 | 1026 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
474 | 1027 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
475 | 1028 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
476 | 1029 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
477 | 1030 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
478 | 1031 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
479 | 1032 | SYDNEY | NSW | 150.874182 | -33.662834 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
480 | 1033 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
481 | 1034 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
482 | 1035 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
483 | 1036 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
484 | 1037 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
485 | 1038 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
486 | 1039 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
487 | 1040 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
488 | 1041 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
489 | 1042 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
490 | 1043 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
491 | 1044 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
492 | 1045 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
493 | 1046 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
494 | 1100 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
495 | 1101 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
496 | 1105 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
497 | 1106 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
498 | 1107 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
499 | 1108 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
500 | 1109 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
501 | 1110 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
502 | 1112 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
503 | 1113 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
504 | 1114 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
505 | 1115 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
506 | 1116 | SYDNEY | NSW | 150.866145 | -33.666729 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 36.4835357666016 | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
507 | 1117 | SYDNEY | NSW | 150.87022 | -33.664575 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 47.5577545166016 | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
508 | 1118 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
509 | 1119 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
510 | 1120 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
511 | 1121 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
512 | 1122 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
513 | 1123 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
514 | 1124 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
515 | 1125 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
516 | 1126 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
517 | 1127 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
518 | 1128 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
519 | 1129 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
520 | 1130 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
521 | 1131 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
522 | 1132 | SYDNEY | NSW | 150.874265 | -33.66279 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
523 | 1133 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
524 | 1134 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
525 | 1135 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
526 | 1136 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
527 | 1137 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
528 | 1138 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
529 | 1139 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
530 | 1140 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
531 | 1141 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
532 | 1142 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
533 | 1143 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
534 | 1144 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
535 | 1145 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
536 | 1146 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
537 | 1147 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
538 | 1148 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
539 | 1149 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
540 | 1150 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
541 | 1151 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
542 | 1152 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
543 | 1153 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
544 | 1154 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
545 | 1155 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
546 | 1156 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
547 | 1157 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
548 | 1158 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
549 | 1159 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
550 | 1160 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
551 | 1161 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
552 | 1162 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
553 | 1163 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
554 | 1164 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
555 | 1165 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
556 | 1166 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
557 | 1167 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
558 | 1168 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
559 | 1169 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
560 | 1170 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
561 | 1171 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
562 | 1172 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
563 | 1173 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
564 | 1174 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
565 | 1175 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
566 | 1176 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
567 | 1177 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
568 | 1178 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
569 | 1179 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
570 | 1180 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
571 | 1181 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
572 | 1182 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
573 | 1183 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
574 | 1184 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
575 | 1185 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
576 | 1186 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
577 | 1187 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
578 | 1188 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
579 | 1189 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
580 | 1190 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
581 | 1191 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
582 | 1192 | SYDNEY | NSW | 147.685283 | -34.790684 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
583 | 1193 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
584 | 1194 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
585 | 1195 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
586 | 1196 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
587 | 1197 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
588 | 1198 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
589 | 1199 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
591 | 1201 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
592 | 1202 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
593 | 1203 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
595 | 1205 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
597 | 1207 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
598 | 1208 | HAYMARKET | NSW | 151.659454 | -29.816475 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.88092 | 151.20294 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 1094.21118164063 | N1 | | | Glen Innes Severn | 13010 | Sydney | | | |
599 | 1209 | AUSTRALIA SQUARE | NSW | 151.176251 | -33.891788 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8646583 | 151.2077003 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | | | |
600 | 1210 | AUSTRALIA SQUARE | NSW | 151.176251 | -33.891788 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8646583 | 151.2077003 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | | | |
601 | 1211 | AUSTRALIA SQUARE | NSW | 151.176251 | -33.891788 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8646583 | 151.2077003 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | | | |
602 | 1212 | AUSTRALIA SQUARE | NSW | 151.176251 | -33.891788 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8650889 | 151.2077472 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | | | |
603 | 1213 | AUSTRALIA SQUARE | NSW | 151.176251 | -33.891788 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8646583 | 151.2077003 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | | | |
604 | 1214 | AUSTRALIA SQUARE | NSW | 151.176251 | -33.891788 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8646583 | 151.2077003 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | | | |
605 | 1215 | AUSTRALIA SQUARE | NSW | 151.176251 | -33.891788 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8650889 | 151.2077472 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | | | |
606 | 1216 | GROSVENOR PLACE | NSW | 151.034025 | -33.741311 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.7421131 | 151.0336854 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 135.83283996582 | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Sydney | | | |
607 | 1217 | GROSVENOR PLACE | NSW | 151.034025 | -33.741311 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.7421131 | 151.0336854 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 135.83283996582 | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Sydney | | | |
608 | 1218 | GROSVENOR PLACE | NSW | 151.034025 | -33.741311 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.7421131 | 151.0336854 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 135.83283996582 | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Sydney | | | |
609 | 1219 | GROSVENOR PLACE | NSW | 151.034025 | -33.741311 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.7421131 | 151.0336854 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 135.83283996582 | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Sydney | | | |
610 | 1220 | GROSVENOR PLACE | NSW | 151.034025 | -33.741311 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.0100063 | 151.6579131 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 135.83283996582 | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Sydney | | | |
611 | 1221 | ROYAL EXCHANGE | NSW | 151.207905 | -33.86533 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8638362 | 151.2092356 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
612 | 1222 | ROYAL EXCHANGE | NSW | 151.207905 | -33.86533 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8638362 | 151.2092356 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
613 | 1223 | ROYAL EXCHANGE | NSW | 151.207905 | -33.86533 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8638362 | 151.2092356 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
614 | 1224 | ROYAL EXCHANGE | NSW | 151.207905 | -33.86533 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8638362 | 151.2092356 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
615 | 1225 | ROYAL EXCHANGE | NSW | 151.207905 | -33.86533 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8638362 | 151.2092356 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
616 | 1226 | QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING | NSW | 151.206708 | -33.871749 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.871722 | 151.2067078 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 25.3279323577881 | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
617 | 1227 | QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING | NSW | 151.206708 | -33.871749 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.871722 | 151.2067078 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 25.3279323577881 | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
618 | 1228 | QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING | NSW | 151.206708 | -33.871749 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.871722 | 151.2067078 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 25.3279323577881 | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
619 | 1229 | QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING | NSW | 151.206708 | -33.871749 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.871722 | 151.2067078 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 25.3279323577881 | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
620 | 1230 | QUEEN VICTORIA BUILDING | NSW | 151.206708 | -33.871749 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.871722 | 151.2067078 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 25.3279323577881 | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
621 | 1231 | SYDNEY SOUTH | NSW | 151.042528 | -33.815551 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Sydney | | | |
622 | 1232 | SYDNEY SOUTH | NSW | 151.042528 | -33.815551 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Sydney | | | |
623 | 1233 | SYDNEY SOUTH | NSW | 151.042528 | -33.815551 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Sydney | | | |
624 | 1234 | SYDNEY SOUTH | NSW | 151.042528 | -33.815551 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Sydney | | | |
625 | 1235 | SYDNEY SOUTH | NSW | 151.042528 | -33.815551 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Sydney | | | |
626 | 1236 | HAYMARKET | NSW | 151.659454 | -29.816475 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.88092 | 151.20294 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 1094.21118164063 | N1 | | | Glen Innes Severn | 13010 | Sydney | | | |
627 | 1237 | HAYMARKET | NSW | 151.659454 | -29.816475 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.88092 | 151.20294 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 1094.21118164063 | N1 | | | Glen Innes Severn | 13010 | Sydney | | | |
628 | 1238 | HAYMARKET | NSW | 151.659454 | -29.816475 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.88092 | 151.20294 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 1094.21118164063 | N1 | | | Glen Innes Severn | 13010 | Sydney | | | |
629 | 1239 | HAYMARKET | NSW | 151.659454 | -29.816475 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.88092 | 151.20294 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 1094.21118164063 | N1 | | | Glen Innes Severn | 13010 | Sydney | | | |
630 | 1240 | HAYMARKET | NSW | 151.659454 | -29.816475 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.88092 | 151.20294 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 1094.21118164063 | N1 | | | Glen Innes Severn | 13010 | Sydney | | | |
631 | 1291 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
632 | 1292 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
633 | 1293 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
634 | 1294 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
635 | 1295 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
636 | 1296 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
637 | 1297 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
638 | 1298 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
639 | 1299 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
640 | 1300 | DARLINGHURST | NSW | 151.220876 | -33.877331 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8780176 | 151.2204441 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
644 | 1314 | EASTERN SUBURBS MC | NSW | 151.21 | -33.9508 | | | | | | | R1 | | -33.9508 | 151.21 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 10.8584213256836 | N1 | | | Randwick | 16550 | Durack | | | |
665 | 1335 | POTTS POINT | NSW | 151.117575 | -33.82269 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.86795 | 151.22411 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | | | Ryde | 16700 | Sydney | | | |
666 | 1340 | KINGS CROSS | NSW | 148.021014 | -35.537721 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8733512 | 151.2242345 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | | | Snowy Valleys | 17080 | Sydney | | | |
667 | 1350 | WOOLLAHRA | NSW | 151.240508 | -33.88871 | | | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8865 | 151.242 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Woollahra | 18500 | Sydney | | | |
668 | 1355 | BONDI JUNCTION | NSW | 151.262502 | -33.893739 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.89145 | 151.2497 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | 77.9046020507813 | N1 | | | Waverley | 18050 | Sydney | | | |
669 | 1360 | DOUBLE BAY | NSW | 151.241938 | -33.87584 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8775 | 151.2412 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | | | Woollahra | 18500 | Sydney | | | |
672 | 1401 | BROADWAY | NSW | 151.199825 | -33.884217 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -34.7057762 | 149.135033 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 5 | 5 | | 17.7965335845947 | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Hume | | | |
24069 | 1405 | CHULLORA | NSW | 151.0477059 | -33.89194485 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 37.378734588623 | | | | Yass Valley | | | | | |
674 | 1419 | SOUTHERN SUBURBS MC | NSW | 151.094 | -34.0641 | | | | | | | R1 | | -34.0641 | 151.094 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | | 60.0349731445313 | N1 | | | Sutherland | 17150 | Banks | | | |
675 | 1420 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Banks | | | |
676 | 1422 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Banks | | | |
677 | 1423 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Banks | | | |
678 | 1424 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Banks | | | |
679 | 1425 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Banks | | | |
680 | 1426 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Banks | | | |
681 | 1427 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Banks | | | |
2415 | 1428 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Banks | | | |
2416 | 1429 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | LVR | LVR | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Banks | | | |
2417 | 1430 | EVELEIGH | NSW | 151.199489 | -33.890232 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.895 | 151.191 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 24.2632713317871 | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Banks | | | |
2418 | 1435 | ALEXANDRIA | NSW | 151.108248 | -33.711785 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9080273 | 151.1902576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | | | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Banks | | | |
2419 | 1440 | WATERLOO | NSW | 151.057914 | -33.902836 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9002604 | 151.2061803 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Banks | | | |
2420 | 1441 | WATERLOO | NSW | 151.057914 | -33.902836 | LVR | LVR | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9002604 | 151.2061803 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Banks | | | |
2421 | 1445 | ROSEBERY | NSW | 151.007691 | -34.083089 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9221918 | 151.201678 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Sutherland | 17150 | Banks | | | |
2422 | 1450 | CAMPERDOWN | NSW | 153.13679 | -30.305815 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8862243 | 151.1791091 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Coffs Harbour | 11800 | Banks | | | |
2423 | 1455 | BOTANY | NSW | 151.197644 | -33.947087 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11701 | Botany | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9469267 | 151.1973167 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | | | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Banks | | | |
2424 | 1460 | MASCOT | NSW | 151.210791 | -33.926669 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11702 | Marrickville - Sydenham - Petersham | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9296324 | 151.1946223 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | | | Randwick | 16550 | Banks | | | |
2425 | 1465 | KENSINGTON | NSW | 151.140735 | -33.888549 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.910021 | 151.2232749 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Inner West | 14170 | Banks | | | |
2426 | 1466 | UNSW SYDNEY | NSW | 151.234417 | -33.906561 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.917347 | 151.2312675 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 39.0145034790039 | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Banks | | | |
2427 | 1470 | DRUMMOYNE | NSW | 151.151958 | -33.842999 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12001 | Canada Bay | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8510541 | 151.1545209 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Reid | 11.7927551269531 | N1 | | | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Banks | | | |
2428 | 1475 | MARRICKVILLE | NSW | 151.15334 | -33.90911 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.908667 | 151.1524142 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | 20.7586097717285 | N1 | | | Inner West | 14170 | Banks | | | |
2429 | 1476 | MARRICKVILLE | NSW | 151.15334 | -33.90911 | LVR | LVR | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.908667 | 151.1524142 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 20.7586097717285 | N1 | | | Inner West | 14170 | Banks | | | |
2430 | 1480 | KINGSGROVE | NSW | 151.100027 | -33.935923 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9386352 | 151.100641 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 25.783597946167 | N1 | | | Georges River | 12930 | Banks | | | |
2431 | 1481 | HURSTVILLE BC | NSW | 151.101 | -33.9646 | | | | | | | R1 | | -33.9646 | 151.101 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Barton | 67.4356842041016 | N1 | | | Georges River | 12930 | Banks | | | |
2432 | 1484 | KINGSGROVE DC | NSW | 151.101 | -33.9386 | | | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9386 | 151.101 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Georges River | 12930 | Banks | | | |
2433 | 1485 | KOGARAH | NSW | 151.140345 | -33.974354 | | | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9644 | 151.137 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Barton | 4.55263948440552 | N1 | | | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Banks | | | |
2435 | 1490 | MIRANDA | NSW | 151.107201 | -34.035878 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -34.0299364 | 151.1055499 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 35.9286231994629 | N1 | | | Sutherland | 17150 | Banks | | | |
2436 | 1493 | HURSTVILLE | NSW | 151.088939 | -33.975869 | LVR | LVR | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9645633 | 151.1010187 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Georges River | 12930 | Banks | | | |
2437 | 1495 | CARINGBAH | NSW | 151.123943 | -34.046927 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -34.0452 | 151.1218 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Cook | 52.0972480773926 | N1 | | | Sutherland | 17150 | Banks | | | |
2438 | 1499 | SUTHERLAND | NSW | 151.0622 | -34.015705 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -34.0297415 | 151.059275 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | | | Georges River | 12930 | Banks | | | |
2439 | 1515 | WEST CHATSWOOD | NSW | 151.207261 | -33.824607 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.7966739 | 151.1621677 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | | | North Sydney | 15950 | Bennelong | | | |
2440 | 1560 | NORTHBRIDGE | NSW | 151.214797 | -33.812636 | | | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8132 | 151.217 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | PHN501 | | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | | |
2441 | 1565 | MILSONS POINT | NSW | 151.193071 | -33.865367 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.84765 | 151.21201 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 22.6305675506592 | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Bennelong | | | |
2442 | 1570 | ARTARMON | NSW | 151.192733 | -33.808087 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8093311 | 151.185647 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 75.6533050537109 | N1 | | | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | | |
2444 | 1585 | CROWS NEST | NSW | 151.20085 | -33.83459 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.82613 | 151.20505 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 79.7455902099609 | N1 | | | North Sydney | 15950 | Bennelong | | | |
2445 | 1590 | ST LEONARDS | NSW | 151.468652 | -33.292001 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8227402 | 151.1942171 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | | | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Bennelong | | | |
2446 | 1595 | LANE COVE | NSW | 151.187955 | -33.791875 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8148145 | 151.1663935 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 84.8325729370117 | N1 | | | Lane Cove | 14700 | Bennelong | | | |
2447 | 1597 | LANE COVE | NSW | 151.187955 | -33.791875 | LVR | LVR | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8148145 | 151.1663935 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 84.8325729370117 | N1 | | | Lane Cove | 14700 | Bennelong | | | |
2448 | 1602 | LANE COVE DC | NSW | 151.166 | -33.8148 | | | | | | | R1 | | -33.8148 | 151.166 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Lane Cove | 14700 | Bennelong | | | |
2452 | 1630 | HORNSBY | NSW | 151.099812 | -33.707684 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.7046328 | 151.0987055 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 185.289031982422 | N1 | | | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | | | |
2453 | 1635 | HORNSBY WESTFIELD | NSW | 151.101 | -33.7046 | | | | | | | R1 | | -33.7046 | 151.101 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Berowra | | | |
2454 | 1639 | FRENCHS FOREST | NSW | 151.246751 | -33.793137 | LVR | LVR | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.749 | 151.2331 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 75.7536315917969 | N1 | | | Mosman | 15350 | Berowra | | | |
2455 | 1640 | FRENCHS FOREST | NSW | 151.246751 | -33.793137 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.749 | 151.2331 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 75.7536315917969 | N1 | | | Mosman | 15350 | Berowra | | | |
2456 | 1655 | MANLY | NSW | 151.505125 | -33.329799 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12201 | Manly | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8060158 | 151.2947775 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 3.19989109039307 | N1 | | | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Mackellar | | | |
2457 | 1658 | MONA VALE | NSW | 151.216799 | -33.698773 | LVR | LVR | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.67596 | 151.30653 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | | | |
2458 | 1660 | MONA VALE | NSW | 151.216799 | -33.698773 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.67596 | 151.30653 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | | | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | | | |
24070 | 1670 | NORTH RYDE | NSW | 151.12 | -33.7932 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -33.7932 | 151.12 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 66.216064453125 | | | | Ryde | 16700 | | | | |
2459 | 1670 | NORTH RYDE BC | NSW | 151.12 | -33.7932 | | | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -33.7932 | 151.12 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 66.216064453125 | N1 | | | Ryde | 16700 | Mackellar | | | |
2460 | 1675 | GLADESVILLE | NSW | 151.139681 | -33.833033 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8301698 | 151.1267591 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | | N1 | | | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Mackellar | | | |
2461 | 1680 | RYDE | NSW | 151.137807 | -33.761498 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8157466 | 151.1030164 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Ryde | 16700 | Mackellar | | | |
2462 | 1685 | WEST RYDE | NSW | 151.09064 | -33.80406 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8067672 | 151.0824602 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 31.9930305480957 | N1 | | | Ryde | 16700 | Mackellar | | | |
2473 | 1700 | ERMINGTON | NSW | 151.206982 | -33.950299 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12502 | Carlingford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8143301 | 151.0562386 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.3344869613647 | N1 | | | Randwick | 16550 | Robertson | | | |
2475 | 1710 | EPPING | NSW | 151.116696 | -33.78417 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.7746 | 151.0788 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 48.1887130737305 | N1 | | | Ryde | 16700 | Robertson | | | |
2477 | 1715 | PENNANT HILLS | NSW | 151.049106 | -33.758433 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.738881 | 151.0723841 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Robertson | | | |
2478 | 1730 | SEVEN HILLS | NSW | 150.966912 | -33.760263 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11601 | Blacktown | 116 | Sydney - Blacktown | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.7779167 | 150.931946 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Robertson | | | |
2479 | 1740 | PARRAMATTA | NSW | 151.139472 | -33.886166 | LVR | LVR | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8135571 | 151.003407 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 23.5845470428467 | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Robertson | | | |
2480 | 1741 | PARRAMATTA | NSW | 151.139472 | -33.886166 | LVR | LVR | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8135571 | 151.003407 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 23.5845470428467 | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Robertson | | | |
2481 | 1750 | NORTH PARRAMATTA | NSW | 151.023102 | -33.857053 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.800281 | 151.0042445 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 21.3917484283447 | N1 | | | Cumberland | 12380 | Robertson | | | |
2482 | 1755 | BAULKHAM HILLS | NSW | 150.968177 | -33.767239 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.7619106 | 150.9929255 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Robertson | | | |
2483 | 1765 | CASTLE HILL | NSW | 151.030535 | -33.735906 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11501 | Baulkham Hills | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.7311837 | 151.0042006 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | 175.927917480469 | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Robertson | | | |
2484 | 1771 | PENNANT HILLS | NSW | 151.049106 | -33.758433 | LVR | LVR | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.738881 | 151.0723841 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Robertson | | | |
2485 | 1781 | SEVEN HILLS MC | NSW | 150.932 | -33.7779 | | | | | | | R1 | | -33.7779 | 150.932 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Robertson | | | |
2486 | 1790 | ST MARYS | NSW | 151.19554 | -33.859047 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12405 | St Marys | 124 | Sydney - Outer West and Blue Mountains | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.769979 | 150.7734575 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Lindsay | | N1 | | | North Sydney | 15950 | Robertson | | | |
4457 | 1800 | ASHFIELD | NSW | 151.124008 | -33.887602 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8889 | 151.1249 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Burwood | 11300 | Robertson | | | |
4458 | 1805 | BURWOOD | NSW | 151.10082 | -33.891556 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8773941 | 151.1036621 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 32.4658164978027 | N1 | | | Burwood | 11300 | Robertson | | | |
4459 | 1811 | SILVERWATER | NSW | 151.051375 | -33.82328 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8339902 | 151.0482995 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Robertson | | | |
4461 | 1819 | STRATHFIELD | NSW | 151.093326 | -33.877139 | LVR | LVR | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8774826 | 151.0823602 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Strathfield | 17100 | Robertson | | | |
4462 | 1825 | LIDCOMBE | NSW | 151.044768 | -33.872483 | | | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8652 | 151.044 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Reid | | N1 | | | Strathfield | 17100 | Robertson | | | |
4464 | 1830 | GRANVILLE | NSW | 150.948582 | -33.859289 | LVR | LVR | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8353132 | 151.0065546 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Cumberland | 12380 | Robertson | | | |
4465 | 1831 | GRANVILLE | NSW | 150.948582 | -33.859289 | LVR | LVR | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8353132 | 151.0065546 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Cumberland | 12380 | Robertson | | | |
4466 | 1835 | AUBURN | NSW | 151.023796 | -33.883928 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8605837 | 151.02475 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 35.9087448120117 | N1 | | | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Robertson | | | |
24071 | 1851 | WETHERILL PARK | NSW | 150.911 | -33.8498 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -33.8498 | 150.911 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 39.2638549804688 | | | | Fairfield | 12850 | | | | |
4468 | 1851 | WETHERILL PARK DC | NSW | 150.911 | -33.8498 | | | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -33.8498 | 150.911 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 39.2638549804688 | N1 | | | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | | | |
4469 | 1860 | FAIRFIELD | NSW | 150.961124 | -33.850457 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8705856 | 150.9564102 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | | | |
4470 | 1871 | LIVERPOOL | NSW | 151.103632 | -33.888327 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9285567 | 150.9179595 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Fowler | | N1 | | | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | | | |
24072 | 1874 | MOOREBANK | NSW | 150.9413383 | -33.93566973 | LVR | LVR | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7.32865190505981 | | | | Liverpool | | | | | |
4471 | 1875 | MOOREBANK | NSW | 150.9413383 | -33.93566973 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -33.9397082 | 150.9249864 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Hughes | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | | | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | | | |
4472 | 1885 | BANKSTOWN | NSW | 151.024581 | -33.907417 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.91817 | 151.03497 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | | N1 | | | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Werriwa | | | |
4473 | 1888 | BANKSTOWN | NSW | 151.024581 | -33.907417 | LVR | LVR | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.91817 | 151.03497 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Werriwa | | | |
4474 | 1890 | INGLEBURN | NSW | 150.802088 | -33.960035 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12302 | Campbelltown (NSW) | 123 | Sydney - Outer South West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -34.0044124 | 150.8630229 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 82.2423095703125 | N1 | | | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | | | |
4475 | 1891 | MILPERRA | NSW | 151.000183 | -33.932221 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.9370869 | 150.9827465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Werriwa | | | |
20208 | 2000 | BARANGAROO | NSW | 151.2015802 | -33.86051951 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8638 | 151.202 | 11703164536 | Haymarket | 117031645 | Sydney (South) - Haymarket | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4478 | 2000 | DARLING HARBOUR | NSW | 151.256649 | -33.859953 | | | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8749 | 151.201 | 11703164536 | Haymarket | 117031645 | Sydney (South) - Haymarket | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4479 | 2000 | DAWES POINT | NSW | 151.256649 | -33.859953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.856 | 151.207 | 11703164536 | Haymarket | 117031645 | Sydney (South) - Haymarket | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4480 | 2000 | HAYMARKET | NSW | 151.256649 | -33.859953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.88092 | 151.20294 | 11703164536 | Haymarket | 117031645 | Sydney (South) - Haymarket | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4481 | 2000 | MILLERS POINT | NSW | 151.256649 | -33.859953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.86085 | 151.20281 | 11703164536 | Haymarket | 117031645 | Sydney (South) - Haymarket | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4482 | 2000 | PARLIAMENT HOUSE | NSW | 151.256649 | -33.859953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.865938 | 151.217157 | 11703164536 | Haymarket | 117031645 | Sydney (South) - Haymarket | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4483 | 2000 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.256649 | -33.859953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8708464 | 151.20733 | 11703164536 | Haymarket | 117031645 | Sydney (South) - Haymarket | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4484 | 2000 | SYDNEY SOUTH | NSW | 151.256649 | -33.859953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8708464 | 151.20733 | 11703164536 | Haymarket | 117031645 | Sydney (South) - Haymarket | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4485 | 2000 | THE ROCKS | NSW | 151.256649 | -33.859953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.85985 | 151.20901 | 11703164536 | Haymarket | 117031645 | Sydney (South) - Haymarket | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4486 | 2001 | SYDNEY | NSW | 151.268071 | -33.794883 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8688197 | 151.2092955 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | | |
5 | 2002 | WORLD SQUARE | NSW | 151.2069237 | -33.8771211 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | | -33.8771211 | 151.2069237 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
4487 | 2004 | ALEXANDRIA MC | NSW | 151.19 | -33.908 | | | | | | | R1 | | -33.908 | 151.19 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 10.8584213256836 | N1 | | | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | | |
4488 | 2004 | EASTERN SUBURBS MC | NSW | 151.21 | -33.9508 | | | | | | | R1 | | -33.9508 | 151.21 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 10.8584213256836 | N1 | | | Randwick | 16550 | Sydney | | | |
4489 | 2006 | THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY | NSW | 151.186507 | -33.889219 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8885748 | 151.1873494 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | | |
4490 | 2007 | BROADWAY | NSW | 151.19665 | -33.883189 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8842554 | 151.1982225 | 11703164621 | Ultimo | 117031646 | Ultimo | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4491 | 2007 | ULTIMO | NSW | 151.19665 | -33.883189 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8823187 | 151.197131 | 11703164621 | Ultimo | 117031646 | Ultimo | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4492 | 2008 | CHIPPENDALE | NSW | 151.193858 | -33.891146 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8863 | 151.1999 | 11703163918 | Chippendale | 117031639 | Chippendale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 23.6469821929932 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4493 | 2008 | DARLINGTON | NSW | 151.193858 | -33.891146 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.890334 | 151.19661 | 11703163918 | Chippendale | 117031639 | Chippendale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 23.6469821929932 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4494 | 2008 | GOLDEN GROVE | NSW | 151.193858 | -33.891146 | | | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8933 | 151.189 | 11703163918 | Chippendale | 117031639 | Chippendale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 23.6469821929932 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4495 | 2009 | DARLING ISLAND | NSW | 151.193055 | -33.871222 | | | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8649 | 151.196 | 11703164130 | Pyrmont | 117031641 | Pyrmont | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 6.36945629119873 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4496 | 2009 | PYRMONT | NSW | 151.193055 | -33.871222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8687895 | 151.1942171 | 11703164130 | Pyrmont | 117031641 | Pyrmont | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 6.36945629119873 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4497 | 2010 | DARLINGHURST | NSW | 151.212262 | -33.884119 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8780176 | 151.2204441 | 11703133642 | Surry Hills | 117031336 | Surry Hills | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4498 | 2010 | SURRY HILLS | NSW | 151.212262 | -33.884119 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.886111 | 151.211111 | 11703133642 | Surry Hills | 117031336 | Surry Hills | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4499 | 2010 | TAYLOR SQUARE | NSW | 151.212262 | -33.884119 | | | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.881 | 151.217 | 11703133642 | Surry Hills | 117031336 | Surry Hills | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4500 | 2011 | ELIZABETH BAY | NSW | 151.221626 | -33.873599 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87143 | 151.22841 | 11703164427 | Potts Point | 117031644 | Sydney (North) - Millers Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 32.6687850952148 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4501 | 2011 | HMAS KUTTABUL | NSW | 151.221626 | -33.873599 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8646321 | 151.2250345 | 11703164427 | Potts Point | 117031644 | Sydney (North) - Millers Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 32.6687850952148 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4502 | 2011 | KINGS CROSS | NSW | 151.221626 | -33.873599 | | | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8734 | 151.224 | 11703164427 | Potts Point | 117031644 | Sydney (North) - Millers Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 32.6687850952148 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4503 | 2011 | POTTS POINT | NSW | 151.221626 | -33.873599 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.86795 | 151.22411 | 11703164427 | Potts Point | 117031644 | Sydney (North) - Millers Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 32.6687850952148 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4504 | 2011 | RUSHCUTTERS BAY | NSW | 151.221626 | -33.873599 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8742991 | 151.2284588 | 11703164427 | Potts Point | 117031644 | Sydney (North) - Millers Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 32.6687850952148 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4505 | 2011 | WOOLLOOMOOLOO | NSW | 151.221626 | -33.873599 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8704 | 151.2223 | 11703164427 | Potts Point | 117031644 | Sydney (North) - Millers Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 32.6687850952148 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4506 | 2012 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Sydney | | | |
4507 | 2013 | STRAWBERRY HILLS | NSW | 150.931838 | -33.726098 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8882671 | 151.2078465 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | | | Blacktown | 10750 | Sydney | | | |
4508 | 2015 | ALEXANDRIA | NSW | 151.194825 | -33.910105 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9080273 | 151.1902576 | 11703164304 | Beaconsfield (NSW) | 117031643 | Rosebery - Beaconsfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 10.6550483703613 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4509 | 2015 | BEACONSFIELD | NSW | 151.194825 | -33.910105 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.91096 | 151.19995 | 11703164304 | Beaconsfield (NSW) | 117031643 | Rosebery - Beaconsfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 10.6550483703613 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4510 | 2015 | EVELEIGH | NSW | 151.194825 | -33.910105 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.895 | 151.191 | 11703164304 | Beaconsfield (NSW) | 117031643 | Rosebery - Beaconsfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 10.6550483703613 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4511 | 2016 | REDFERN | NSW | 151.206211 | -33.894912 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.892215 | 151.205873 | 11703164233 | Redfern | 117031642 | Redfern | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 34.3364334106445 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4512 | 2017 | WATERLOO | NSW | 151.206316 | -33.903892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9002604 | 151.2061803 | 11703164827 | Zetland | 117031648 | Zetland | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 23.6328830718994 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
22871 | 2017 | WATERLOO DC | NSW | 151.206 | -33.9003 | | | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.9003 | 151.206 | 11703164827 | Zetland | 117031648 | Zetland | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4513 | 2017 | ZETLAND | NSW | 151.206316 | -33.903892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.908 | 151.2105 | 11703164827 | Zetland | 117031648 | Zetland | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 23.6328830718994 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4514 | 2018 | EASTLAKES | NSW | 151.202697 | -33.9233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9219899 | 151.20733 | 11703164321 | Rosebery (NSW) | 117031643 | Rosebery - Beaconsfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | 17.0219821929932 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10051 | Maroubra |
4515 | 2018 | ROSEBERY | NSW | 151.202697 | -33.9233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9221918 | 151.201678 | 11703164321 | Rosebery (NSW) | 117031643 | Rosebery - Beaconsfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | 17.0219821929932 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10051 | Maroubra |
4516 | 2019 | BANKSMEADOW | NSW | 151.207285 | -33.946923 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11701 | Botany | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.95731 | 151.20699 | 11701132139 | Botany | 117011321 | Botany | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4517 | 2019 | BOTANY | NSW | 151.207285 | -33.946923 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11701 | Botany | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9469267 | 151.1973167 | 11701132139 | Botany | 117011321 | Botany | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4518 | 2020 | MASCOT | NSW | 151.176775 | -33.936179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11702 | Marrickville - Sydenham - Petersham | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9296324 | 151.1946223 | 11701163546 | Mascot | 117011635 | Mascot | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | 10035 | Heffron |
4519 | 2020 | SYDNEY DOMESTIC AIRPORT | NSW | 151.176775 | -33.936179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11702 | Marrickville - Sydenham - Petersham | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9328845 | 151.1798511 | 11701163546 | Mascot | 117011635 | Mascot | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | 10035 | Heffron |
4520 | 2020 | SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT | NSW | 151.176775 | -33.936179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11702 | Marrickville - Sydenham - Petersham | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9399228 | 151.1752764 | 11701163546 | Mascot | 117011635 | Mascot | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | 10035 | Heffron |
4521 | 2021 | CENTENNIAL PARK | NSW | 151.227236 | -33.895705 | | | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8943 | 151.233 | 11801165007 | Paddington (NSW) | 118011650 | Double Bay - Darling Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Randwick | 16550 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4522 | 2021 | MOORE PARK | NSW | 151.227236 | -33.895705 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8952578 | 151.2215296 | 11801165007 | Paddington (NSW) | 118011650 | Double Bay - Darling Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Randwick | 16550 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4523 | 2021 | PADDINGTON | NSW | 151.227236 | -33.895705 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8850215 | 151.2262353 | 11801165007 | Paddington (NSW) | 118011650 | Double Bay - Darling Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Randwick | 16550 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10078 | Sydney |
4524 | 2022 | BONDI JUNCTION | NSW | 151.245049 | -33.896401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.89145 | 151.2497 | 11801134143 | Bondi Junction | 118011341 | Bondi Junction - Waverly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4525 | 2022 | BONDI JUNCTION PLAZA | NSW | 151.245049 | -33.896401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8915695 | 151.2505012 | 11801134143 | Bondi Junction | 118011341 | Bondi Junction - Waverly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4526 | 2022 | QUEENS PARK | NSW | 151.245049 | -33.896401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.901 | 151.248 | 11801134143 | Bondi Junction | 118011341 | Bondi Junction - Waverly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4527 | 2023 | BELLEVUE HILL | NSW | 151.25591 | -33.884685 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8826955 | 151.2539627 | 11801164935 | Bellevue Hill | 118011649 | Bellevue Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | 98.4378204345703 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Woollahra | 18500 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4528 | 2024 | BRONTE | NSW | 151.259392 | -33.904414 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.90532 | 151.26069 | 11801134139 | Waverley (NSW) | 118011341 | Bondi Junction - Waverly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | 73.6005706787109 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10021 | Coogee |
4529 | 2024 | CHARING CROSS | NSW | 151.259392 | -33.904414 | | | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9003 | 151.253 | 11801134139 | Waverley (NSW) | 118011341 | Bondi Junction - Waverly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | 73.6005706787109 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10021 | Coogee |
4530 | 2024 | WAVERLEY | NSW | 151.259392 | -33.904414 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.899693 | 151.2554202 | 11801134139 | Waverley (NSW) | 118011341 | Bondi Junction - Waverly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | 73.6005706787109 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10021 | Coogee |
4531 | 2025 | WOOLLAHRA | NSW | 151.240508 | -33.88871 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8865002 | 151.2437606 | 11801134717 | Woollahra | 118011347 | Woollahra | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Woollahra | 18500 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4532 | 2026 | BEN BUCKLER | NSW | 151.268968 | -33.891041 | | | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8898 | 151.283 | 11801134417 | North Bondi | 118011344 | Dover Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4533 | 2026 | BONDI | NSW | 151.268968 | -33.891041 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.89195 | 151.26099 | 11801134417 | North Bondi | 118011344 | Dover Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4534 | 2026 | BONDI BEACH | NSW | 151.268968 | -33.891041 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.89102 | 151.277726 | 11801134417 | North Bondi | 118011344 | Dover Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4535 | 2026 | NORTH BONDI | NSW | 151.268968 | -33.891041 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8879 | 151.2808 | 11801134417 | North Bondi | 118011344 | Dover Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4536 | 2026 | TAMARAMA | NSW | 151.268968 | -33.891041 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.898 | 151.268 | 11801134417 | North Bondi | 118011344 | Dover Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4537 | 2027 | DARLING POINT | NSW | 151.250494 | -33.868972 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87021 | 151.23746 | 11801165022 | Darling Point | 118011650 | Double Bay - Darling Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Woollahra | 18500 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4538 | 2027 | EDGECLIFF | NSW | 151.250494 | -33.868972 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8799875 | 151.2357452 | 11801165022 | Darling Point | 118011650 | Double Bay - Darling Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Woollahra | 18500 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4539 | 2027 | HMAS RUSHCUTTERS | NSW | 151.250494 | -33.868972 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8742991 | 151.2284588 | 11801165022 | Darling Point | 118011650 | Double Bay - Darling Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Woollahra | 18500 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4540 | 2027 | POINT PIPER | NSW | 151.250494 | -33.868972 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87045 | 151.25097 | 11801165022 | Darling Point | 118011650 | Double Bay - Darling Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Woollahra | 18500 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4541 | 2028 | DOUBLE BAY | NSW | 151.240965 | -33.878413 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8775 | 151.2412 | 11801165021 | Double Bay | 118011650 | Double Bay - Darling Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | 16.5498008728027 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Woollahra | 18500 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4542 | 2029 | ROSE BAY | NSW | 151.266989 | -33.875709 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8754209 | 151.265623 | 11801164932 | Rose Bay (NSW) | 118011649 | Bellevue Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | 7.87935256958008 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4543 | 2030 | DIAMOND BAY | NSW | 151.275977 | -33.858378 | | | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8611 | 151.28 | 11801134632 | Watsons Bay | 118011346 | Rose Bay - Vaucluse - Watsons Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4544 | 2030 | DOVER HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.275977 | -33.858378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87185 | 151.27837 | 11801134632 | Watsons Bay | 118011346 | Rose Bay - Vaucluse - Watsons Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4545 | 2030 | HMAS WATSON | NSW | 151.275977 | -33.858378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8373221 | 151.2817246 | 11801134632 | Watsons Bay | 118011346 | Rose Bay - Vaucluse - Watsons Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4546 | 2030 | ROSE BAY NORTH | NSW | 151.275977 | -33.858378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8642973 | 151.2783699 | 11801134632 | Watsons Bay | 118011346 | Rose Bay - Vaucluse - Watsons Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4547 | 2030 | VAUCLUSE | NSW | 151.275977 | -33.858378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.85582 | 151.2712 | 11801134632 | Watsons Bay | 118011346 | Rose Bay - Vaucluse - Watsons Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4548 | 2030 | WATSONS BAY | NSW | 151.275977 | -33.858378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11801 | Eastern Suburbs - North | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8398183 | 151.2816573 | 11801134632 | Watsons Bay | 118011346 | Rose Bay - Vaucluse - Watsons Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wentworth | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Waverley | 18050 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10084 | Vaucluse |
4549 | 2031 | CLOVELLY | NSW | 151.239167 | -33.914832 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9121 | 151.2629 | 11802165142 | Clovelly | 118021651 | Coogee - Clovelly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | 66.2736740112305 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Randwick | 16550 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10021 | Coogee |
4550 | 2031 | CLOVELLY WEST | NSW | 151.239167 | -33.914832 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.911484 | 151.254827 | 11802165142 | Clovelly | 118021651 | Coogee - Clovelly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | 66.2736740112305 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Randwick | 16550 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10021 | Coogee |
4551 | 2031 | RANDWICK | NSW | 151.239167 | -33.914832 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9131545 | 151.2420352 | 11802165142 | Clovelly | 118021651 | Coogee - Clovelly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | 66.2736740112305 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Randwick | 16550 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10021 | Coogee |
22858 | 2031 | RANDWICK DC | NSW | 151.242 | -33.9132 | | | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.9132 | 151.242 | 11802165142 | Clovelly | 118021651 | Coogee - Clovelly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Randwick | 16550 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10021 | Coogee |
4552 | 2031 | ST PAULS | NSW | 151.239167 | -33.914832 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9203899 | 151.2438854 | 11802165142 | Clovelly | 118021651 | Coogee - Clovelly | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | 66.2736740112305 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Randwick | 16550 | Wentworth | Inner Metropolitan | 10021 | Coogee |
4553 | 2032 | DACEYVILLE | NSW | 151.223936 | -33.930314 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.92793 | 151.22349 | 11802156533 | Kingsford (NSW) | 118021565 | Kingsford | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4554 | 2032 | KINGSFORD | NSW | 151.223936 | -33.930314 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.92457 | 151.22765 | 11802156533 | Kingsford (NSW) | 118021565 | Kingsford | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4555 | 2033 | KENSINGTON | NSW | 151.218435 | -33.91139 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9096151 | 151.2189869 | 11802156512 | Kingsford (NSW) | 118021565 | Kingsford | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | | 10078 | Sydney |
4556 | 2034 | COOGEE | NSW | 151.252171 | -33.929096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.919 | 151.2555 | 11802165416 | South Coogee | 118021654 | South Coogee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Randwick | 16550 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4557 | 2034 | SOUTH COOGEE | NSW | 151.252171 | -33.929096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.933 | 151.259 | 11802165416 | South Coogee | 118021654 | South Coogee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Randwick | 16550 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4558 | 2035 | MAROUBRA | NSW | 151.241292 | -33.945635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9495 | 151.2437 | 11802156821 | Maroubra | 118021568 | Maroubra - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | 27.6941604614258 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4559 | 2035 | MAROUBRA SOUTH | NSW | 151.241292 | -33.945635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9495 | 151.2437 | 11802156821 | Maroubra | 118021568 | Maroubra - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | 27.6941604614258 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4560 | 2035 | PAGEWOOD | NSW | 151.241292 | -33.945635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9406443 | 151.2154524 | 11802156821 | Maroubra | 118021568 | Maroubra - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | 27.6941604614258 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4561 | 2036 | CHIFLEY | NSW | 151.237844 | -33.969624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.969 | 151.24 | 11802165329 | Matraville | 118021653 | Matraville - Chifley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4562 | 2036 | EASTGARDENS | NSW | 151.237844 | -33.969624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.946 | 151.225 | 11802165329 | Matraville | 118021653 | Matraville - Chifley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4563 | 2036 | HILLSDALE | NSW | 151.237844 | -33.969624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.95493 | 151.22875 | 11802165329 | Matraville | 118021653 | Matraville - Chifley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4564 | 2036 | LA PEROUSE | NSW | 151.237844 | -33.969624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9888 | 151.232 | 11802165329 | Matraville | 118021653 | Matraville - Chifley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4565 | 2036 | LITTLE BAY | NSW | 151.237844 | -33.969624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.98054 | 151.24301 | 11802165329 | Matraville | 118021653 | Matraville - Chifley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4566 | 2036 | MALABAR | NSW | 151.237844 | -33.969624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9656 | 151.2487 | 11802165329 | Matraville | 118021653 | Matraville - Chifley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4567 | 2036 | MATRAVILLE | NSW | 151.237844 | -33.969624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9613 | 151.2315 | 11802165329 | Matraville | 118021653 | Matraville - Chifley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4568 | 2036 | PHILLIP BAY | NSW | 151.237844 | -33.969624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9781348 | 151.2321019 | 11802165329 | Matraville | 118021653 | Matraville - Chifley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4569 | 2036 | PORT BOTANY | NSW | 151.237844 | -33.969624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.976 | 151.218 | 11802165329 | Matraville | 118021653 | Matraville - Chifley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | | 10051 | Maroubra |
4570 | 2037 | FOREST LODGE | NSW | 151.184458 | -33.880179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.88396 | 151.1815 | 11703133151 | Forest Lodge | 117031331 | Glebe - Forest Lodge | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 25.3287677764893 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10005 | Balmain |
4571 | 2037 | GLEBE | NSW | 151.184458 | -33.880179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8797767 | 151.1869715 | 11703133151 | Forest Lodge | 117031331 | Glebe - Forest Lodge | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | 25.3287677764893 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10005 | Balmain |
4572 | 2038 | ANNANDALE | NSW | 151.170165 | -33.881624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12002 | Leichhardt | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8824062 | 151.1723645 | 12002167421 | Annandale (NSW) | 120021674 | Annandale (NSW) | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10005 | Balmain |
4573 | 2039 | ROZELLE | NSW | 151.171915 | -33.867187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12002 | Leichhardt | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8661553 | 151.1738213 | 12002138932 | Rozelle | 120021389 | Lilyfield - Rozelle | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | 21.0615978240967 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10005 | Balmain |
4574 | 2040 | LEICHHARDT | NSW | 151.156819 | -33.878774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12002 | Leichhardt | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8837222 | 151.157028 | 12002167536 | Lilyfield | 120021675 | Leichhardt | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10005 | Balmain |
4575 | 2040 | LILYFIELD | NSW | 151.156819 | -33.878774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12002 | Leichhardt | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.874345 | 151.164693 | 12002167536 | Lilyfield | 120021675 | Leichhardt | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10005 | Balmain |
4576 | 2041 | BALMAIN | NSW | 151.180095 | -33.858556 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12002 | Leichhardt | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.85895 | 151.17906 | 12002138742 | Balmain | 120021387 | Balmain | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10005 | Balmain |
4577 | 2041 | BALMAIN EAST | NSW | 151.180095 | -33.858556 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12002 | Leichhardt | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.85811 | 151.19017 | 12002138742 | Balmain | 120021387 | Balmain | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10005 | Balmain |
4578 | 2041 | BIRCHGROVE | NSW | 151.180095 | -33.858556 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12002 | Leichhardt | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.85275 | 151.18024 | 12002138742 | Balmain | 120021387 | Balmain | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10005 | Balmain |
4579 | 2042 | ENMORE | NSW | 151.175354 | -33.900649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.90067 | 151.16768 | 11703164034 | Newtown (NSW) | 117031640 | Newtown (NSW) | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4580 | 2042 | NEWTOWN | NSW | 151.175354 | -33.900649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8978149 | 151.1785003 | 11703164034 | Newtown (NSW) | 117031640 | Newtown (NSW) | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4581 | 2043 | ERSKINEVILLE | NSW | 151.184665 | -33.903521 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9023649 | 151.1854757 | 11703133049 | Erskineville | 117031330 | Erskineville - Alexandria | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4582 | 2044 | ST PETERS | NSW | 151.17074 | -33.920698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9155155 | 151.1746184 | 11702132822 | St Peters (NSW) | 117021328 | Sydenham - Tempe - St Peters | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | 3.76208257675171 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
22863 | 2044 | ST PETERS DC | NSW | 151.177 | -33.9195 | | | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.9195 | 151.177 | 11702132822 | St Peters (NSW) | 117021328 | Sydenham - Tempe - St Peters | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4583 | 2044 | SYDENHAM | NSW | 151.17074 | -33.920698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9158055 | 151.1679944 | 11702132822 | St Peters (NSW) | 117021328 | Sydenham - Tempe - St Peters | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | 3.76208257675171 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4584 | 2044 | TEMPE | NSW | 151.17074 | -33.920698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.925048 | 151.1604169 | 11702132822 | St Peters (NSW) | 117021328 | Sydenham - Tempe - St Peters | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | 3.76208257675171 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4585 | 2045 | HABERFIELD | NSW | 151.138684 | -33.879301 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8786088 | 151.1374068 | 12003139532 | Haberfield | 120031395 | Haberfield - Summer Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4586 | 2046 | ABBOTSFORD | NSW | 151.133865 | -33.866044 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.85215 | 151.12726 | 12001138656 | Chiswick | 120011386 | Five Dock - Abbotsford | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 22.5746040344238 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4587 | 2046 | CANADA BAY | NSW | 151.133865 | -33.866044 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8671 | 151.1139 | 12001138656 | Chiswick | 120011386 | Five Dock - Abbotsford | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 22.5746040344238 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4588 | 2046 | CHISWICK | NSW | 151.133865 | -33.866044 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.85192 | 151.13605 | 12001138656 | Chiswick | 120011386 | Five Dock - Abbotsford | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 22.5746040344238 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4589 | 2046 | FIVE DOCK | NSW | 151.133865 | -33.866044 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8692538 | 151.1295659 | 12001138656 | Chiswick | 120011386 | Five Dock - Abbotsford | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 22.5746040344238 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4590 | 2046 | RODD POINT | NSW | 151.133865 | -33.866044 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.86607 | 151.14366 | 12001138656 | Chiswick | 120011386 | Five Dock - Abbotsford | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 22.5746040344238 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4591 | 2046 | RUSSELL LEA | NSW | 151.133865 | -33.866044 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.859471 | 151.14244 | 12001138656 | Chiswick | 120011386 | Five Dock - Abbotsford | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 22.5746040344238 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4592 | 2046 | WAREEMBA | NSW | 151.133865 | -33.866044 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8574937 | 151.1323094 | 12001138656 | Chiswick | 120011386 | Five Dock - Abbotsford | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 22.5746040344238 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4593 | 2047 | DRUMMOYNE | NSW | 151.165735 | -33.853924 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12001 | Canada Bay | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8523805 | 151.1548847 | 12001138543 | Drummoyne | 120011385 | Drummoyne - Rodd Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 1 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4594 | 2048 | STANMORE | NSW | 151.16564 | -33.89418 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12002 | Leichhardt | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8920561 | 151.165081 | 11702132750 | Stanmore (NSW) | 117021327 | Petersham - Stanmore | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4595 | 2048 | WESTGATE | NSW | 151.16564 | -33.89418 | | | 12002 | Leichhardt | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8812 | 151.171 | 11702132750 | Stanmore (NSW) | 117021327 | Petersham - Stanmore | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4321 | 2049 | LEWISHAM | NSW | 151.15085 | -33.897219 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8949 | 151.144415 | 12003139447 | Lewisham (NSW) | 120031394 | Dulwich Hill - Lewisham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4322 | 2049 | PETERSHAM | NSW | 151.15085 | -33.897219 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8962174 | 151.1541497 | 12003139447 | Lewisham (NSW) | 120031394 | Dulwich Hill - Lewisham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4323 | 2049 | PETERSHAM NORTH | NSW | 151.15085 | -33.897219 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8962174 | 151.1541497 | 12003139447 | Lewisham (NSW) | 120031394 | Dulwich Hill - Lewisham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4324 | 2050 | CAMPERDOWN | NSW | 151.17598 | -33.89037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8899117 | 151.1767348 | 11703163824 | Camperdown (NSW) | 117031638 | Camperdown - Darlington | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4325 | 2050 | MISSENDEN ROAD | NSW | 151.17598 | -33.89037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11703 | Sydney Inner City | 117 | Sydney - City and Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8896644 | 151.1821576 | 11703163824 | Camperdown (NSW) | 117031638 | Camperdown - Darlington | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Sydney | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Sydney | Inner Metropolitan | 10058 | Newtown |
4326 | 2052 | UNSW SYDNEY | NSW | 151.234417 | -33.906561 | LVR | LVR | 11802 | Eastern Suburbs - South | 118 | Sydney - Eastern Suburbs | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.917347 | 151.2312675 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Kingsford Smith | 39.0145034790039 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sydney | 17200 | Barton | | | |
4327 | 2055 | NORTH SYDNEY | NSW | 151.104935 | -33.802837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.83965 | 151.20541 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | N1 | | | North Sydney | 15950 | Bennelong | | | |
4328 | 2057 | CHATSWOOD | NSW | 151.1899 | -33.791988 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.7960696 | 151.1780469 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | | | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | | |
4329 | 2058 | NORTHERN SUBURBS MC | NSW | 146.921 | -31.2532 | | | | | | | R1 | | -31.2532 | 146.921 | | | | | | | | | 4 | | | 6 | 6 | | | N1 | | | Bogan | 10950 | Bennelong | | | |
4330 | 2059 | NORTH SYDNEY | NSW | 151.104935 | -33.802837 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.83965 | 151.20541 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | | | North Sydney | 15950 | Bennelong | | | |
4331 | 2060 | HMAS PLATYPUS | NSW | 151.204557 | -33.839863 | | | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8428 | 151.217 | 12104141739 | North Sydney | 121041417 | North Sydney - Lavender Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 80.0313873291016 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4332 | 2060 | HMAS WATERHEN | NSW | 151.204557 | -33.839863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8417253 | 151.1950493 | 12104141739 | North Sydney | 121041417 | North Sydney - Lavender Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 80.0313873291016 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4333 | 2060 | LAVENDER BAY | NSW | 151.204557 | -33.839863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8435728 | 151.2069658 | 12104141739 | North Sydney | 121041417 | North Sydney - Lavender Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 80.0313873291016 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4334 | 2060 | MCMAHONS POINT | NSW | 151.204557 | -33.839863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.84524 | 151.20433 | 12104141739 | North Sydney | 121041417 | North Sydney - Lavender Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 80.0313873291016 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4335 | 2060 | NORTH SYDNEY | NSW | 151.204557 | -33.839863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.83965 | 151.20541 | 12104141739 | North Sydney | 121041417 | North Sydney - Lavender Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 80.0313873291016 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4336 | 2060 | NORTH SYDNEY SHOPPINGWORLD | NSW | 151.204557 | -33.839863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8377451 | 151.2081798 | 12104141739 | North Sydney | 121041417 | North Sydney - Lavender Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 80.0313873291016 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4337 | 2060 | WAVERTON | NSW | 151.204557 | -33.839863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.84016 | 151.19543 | 12104141739 | North Sydney | 121041417 | North Sydney - Lavender Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 80.0313873291016 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4338 | 2061 | KIRRIBILLI | NSW | 151.212372 | -33.848785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8491363 | 151.2175297 | 12104141733 | Milsons Point | 121041417 | North Sydney - Lavender Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 19.2622737884521 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | | 10059 | North Shore |
4339 | 2061 | MILSONS POINT | NSW | 151.212372 | -33.848785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.84765 | 151.21201 | 12104141733 | Milsons Point | 121041417 | North Sydney - Lavender Bay | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 19.2622737884521 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | | 10059 | North Shore |
4340 | 2062 | CAMMERAY | NSW | 151.21246 | -33.822837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8228068 | 151.2146155 | 12104141441 | North Sydney | 121041414 | Crows Nest - Waverton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4341 | 2063 | NORTHBRIDGE | NSW | 151.214797 | -33.812636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8123999 | 151.2189869 | 12101168334 | Northbridge (NSW) | 121011683 | Castle Cove - Northbridge | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4342 | 2064 | ARTARMON | NSW | 151.183801 | -33.813209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8086312 | 151.1840188 | 12101168222 | Artarmon | 121011682 | Artarmon | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4343 | 2065 | CROWS NEST | NSW | 151.192212 | -33.828361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.82613 | 151.20505 | 12104141444 | Wollstonecraft | 121041414 | Crows Nest - Waverton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | -3492 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
22835 | 2065 | CROWS NEST DC | NSW | 151.205 | -33.8261 | | | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8261 | 151.205 | 12104141444 | Wollstonecraft | 121041414 | Crows Nest - Waverton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | -3492 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4344 | 2065 | GORE HILL | NSW | 151.192212 | -33.828361 | | | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8269 | 151.196 | 12104141444 | Wollstonecraft | 121041414 | Crows Nest - Waverton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | -3492 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4345 | 2065 | GREENWICH | NSW | 151.192212 | -33.828361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.83302 | 151.18362 | 12104141444 | Wollstonecraft | 121041414 | Crows Nest - Waverton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | -3492 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4346 | 2065 | NAREMBURN | NSW | 151.192212 | -33.828361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8177311 | 151.2011183 | 12104141444 | Wollstonecraft | 121041414 | Crows Nest - Waverton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | -3492 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4347 | 2065 | ROYAL NORTH SHORE HOSPITAL | NSW | 151.192212 | -33.828361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8216083 | 151.1915433 | 12104141444 | Wollstonecraft | 121041414 | Crows Nest - Waverton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | -3492 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4348 | 2065 | ST LEONARDS | NSW | 151.192212 | -33.828361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8227402 | 151.1942171 | 12104141444 | Wollstonecraft | 121041414 | Crows Nest - Waverton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | -3492 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4349 | 2065 | WOLLSTONECRAFT | NSW | 151.192212 | -33.828361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.83356 | 151.19128 | 12104141444 | Wollstonecraft | 121041414 | Crows Nest - Waverton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | -3492 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4350 | 2066 | LANE COVE | NSW | 151.160912 | -33.818641 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8148145 | 151.1663935 | 12101168636 | Lane Cove | 121011686 | Lane Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4351 | 2066 | LANE COVE NORTH | NSW | 151.160912 | -33.818641 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8062733 | 151.1664881 | 12101168636 | Lane Cove | 121011686 | Lane Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4352 | 2066 | LANE COVE WEST | NSW | 151.160912 | -33.818641 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.811478 | 151.1527422 | 12101168636 | Lane Cove | 121011686 | Lane Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4353 | 2066 | LINLEY POINT | NSW | 151.160912 | -33.818641 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8274222 | 151.1497868 | 12101168636 | Lane Cove | 121011686 | Lane Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4354 | 2066 | LONGUEVILLE | NSW | 151.160912 | -33.818641 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.83309 | 151.16494 | 12101168636 | Lane Cove | 121011686 | Lane Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4355 | 2066 | NORTHWOOD | NSW | 151.160912 | -33.818641 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.82813 | 151.17619 | 12101168636 | Lane Cove | 121011686 | Lane Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4356 | 2066 | OSBORNE PARK | NSW | 151.160912 | -33.818641 | | | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.818 | 151.177 | 12101168636 | Lane Cove | 121011686 | Lane Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4357 | 2066 | RIVERVIEW | NSW | 151.160912 | -33.818641 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.82466 | 151.1622 | 12101168636 | Lane Cove | 121011686 | Lane Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4358 | 2067 | CHATSWOOD | NSW | 151.17711 | -33.798378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7960696 | 151.1780469 | 12101168725 | North Willoughby | 121011687 | Willoughby | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4359 | 2067 | CHATSWOOD WEST | NSW | 151.17711 | -33.798378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7966739 | 151.1621677 | 12101168725 | North Willoughby | 121011687 | Willoughby | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4360 | 2068 | CASTLECRAG | NSW | 151.202715 | -33.800881 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.80137 | 151.22007 | 12101168730 | Willoughby (NSW) | 121011687 | Willoughby | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 76.9414520263672 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4361 | 2068 | MIDDLE COVE | NSW | 151.202715 | -33.800881 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7938 | 151.2086 | 12101168730 | Willoughby (NSW) | 121011687 | Willoughby | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 76.9414520263672 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
20209 | 2068 | NORTH WILLOUGHBY | NSW | 151.1973964 | -33.79634382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.795 | 151.204 | 12101168730 | Willoughby (NSW) | 121011687 | Willoughby | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 76.9414520263672 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4362 | 2068 | WILLOUGHBY | NSW | 151.202715 | -33.800881 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8071059 | 151.1993737 | 12101168730 | Willoughby (NSW) | 121011687 | Willoughby | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 76.9414520263672 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
20210 | 2068 | WILLOUGHBY EAST | NSW | 151.206289 | -33.79909157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.799 | 151.206 | 12101168730 | Willoughby (NSW) | 121011687 | Willoughby | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 76.9414520263672 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4363 | 2068 | WILLOUGHBY NORTH | NSW | 151.202715 | -33.800881 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12101 | Chatswood - Lane Cove | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.795 | 151.204 | 12101168730 | Willoughby (NSW) | 121011687 | Willoughby | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 76.9414520263672 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Willoughby | 18250 | Bennelong | | 10089 | Willoughby |
4364 | 2069 | CASTLE COVE | NSW | 151.195368 | -33.780246 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.78464 | 151.20642 | 12103140864 | Roseville | 121031408 | Lindfield - Roseville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 95.8740921020508 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4365 | 2069 | ROSEVILLE | NSW | 151.195368 | -33.780246 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7842176 | 151.1894277 | 12103140864 | Roseville | 121031408 | Lindfield - Roseville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 95.8740921020508 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4366 | 2069 | ROSEVILLE CHASE | NSW | 151.195368 | -33.780246 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7755896 | 151.2000449 | 12103140864 | Roseville | 121031408 | Lindfield - Roseville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 95.8740921020508 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4367 | 2070 | EAST LINDFIELD | NSW | 151.162007 | -33.78042 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.77274 | 151.18726 | 12103140867 | Lindfield | 121031408 | Lindfield - Roseville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 74.8864364624023 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4368 | 2070 | LINDFIELD | NSW | 151.162007 | -33.78042 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7787851 | 151.1693413 | 12103140867 | Lindfield | 121031408 | Lindfield - Roseville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 74.8864364624023 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4369 | 2070 | LINDFIELD WEST | NSW | 151.162007 | -33.78042 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7816232 | 151.1490935 | 12103140867 | Lindfield | 121031408 | Lindfield - Roseville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 74.8864364624023 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
20211 | 2071 | EAST KILLARA | NSW | 151.1814551 | -33.75536381 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.75592 | 151.17973 | 12103140838 | Lindfield | 121031408 | Lindfield - Roseville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 107.16569519043 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10024 | Davidson |
4370 | 2071 | KILLARA | NSW | 151.171738 | -33.761834 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.76864 | 151.16347 | 12103140838 | Lindfield | 121031408 | Lindfield - Roseville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 107.16569519043 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10024 | Davidson |
4371 | 2072 | GORDON | NSW | 151.153176 | -33.754582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7551473 | 151.1548847 | 12103140760 | Gordon (NSW) | 121031407 | Gordon - Killara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 124.108680725098 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4372 | 2073 | PYMBLE | NSW | 151.130278 | -33.757296 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7456508 | 151.1431794 | 12103140948 | Pymble | 121031409 | Pymble | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 93.6213760375977 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4373 | 2073 | WEST PYMBLE | NSW | 151.130278 | -33.757296 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7619959 | 151.1280668 | 12103140948 | Pymble | 121031409 | Pymble | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 93.6213760375977 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4374 | 2074 | BOBBIN HEAD | NSW | 151.123716 | -33.735222 | | | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7 | 151.148 | 12103141243 | Warrawee | 121031412 | Wahroonga (East) - Warrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4375 | 2074 | NORTH TURRAMURRA | NSW | 151.123716 | -33.735222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.704927 | 151.1490162 | 12103141243 | Warrawee | 121031412 | Wahroonga (East) - Warrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4376 | 2074 | SOUTH TURRAMURRA | NSW | 151.123716 | -33.735222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7546 | 151.113 | 12103141243 | Warrawee | 121031412 | Wahroonga (East) - Warrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4377 | 2074 | TURRAMURRA | NSW | 151.123716 | -33.735222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.733499 | 151.1279841 | 12103141243 | Warrawee | 121031412 | Wahroonga (East) - Warrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4378 | 2074 | WARRAWEE | NSW | 151.123716 | -33.735222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7289366 | 151.1218346 | 12103141243 | Warrawee | 121031412 | Wahroonga (East) - Warrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ku-ring-gai | 14500 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4379 | 2075 | NORTH ST IVES | NSW | 151.16729 | -33.723693 | | | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7214 | 151.168 | 12103141058 | St Ives (NSW) | 121031410 | St Ives | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4380 | 2075 | ST IVES | NSW | 151.16729 | -33.723693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.72136 | 151.16844 | 12103141058 | St Ives (NSW) | 121031410 | St Ives | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4381 | 2075 | ST IVES CHASE | NSW | 151.16729 | -33.723693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.711 | 151.1595 | 12103141058 | St Ives (NSW) | 121031410 | St Ives | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4382 | 2076 | NORMANHURST | NSW | 151.108249 | -33.723263 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7245321 | 151.0970108 | 12103141242 | Wahroonga | 121031412 | Wahroonga (East) - Warrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 112.78515625 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
20212 | 2076 | NORTH WAHROONGA | NSW | 151.1311234 | -33.6977144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.701 | 151.126 | 12103141242 | Wahroonga | 121031412 | Wahroonga (East) - Warrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 112.78515625 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4383 | 2076 | WAHROONGA | NSW | 151.108249 | -33.723263 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12103 | Ku-ring-gai | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7186308 | 151.1103686 | 12103141242 | Wahroonga | 121031412 | Wahroonga (East) - Warrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | 112.78515625 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4384 | 2077 | ASQUITH | NSW | 151.097508 | -33.691922 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.689 | 151.105 | 12102157927 | Waitara | 121021579 | Wahroonga (West) - Waitara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4385 | 2077 | HORNSBY | NSW | 151.097508 | -33.691922 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7046328 | 151.0987055 | 12102157927 | Waitara | 121021579 | Wahroonga (West) - Waitara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4386 | 2077 | HORNSBY HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.097508 | -33.691922 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6722 | 151.0988 | 12102157927 | Waitara | 121021579 | Wahroonga (West) - Waitara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4387 | 2077 | WAITARA | NSW | 151.097508 | -33.691922 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7083472 | 151.1068252 | 12102157927 | Waitara | 121021579 | Wahroonga (West) - Waitara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bradfield | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4388 | 2079 | MOUNT COLAH | NSW | 151.112681 | -33.666637 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6709087 | 151.125756 | 12102140357 | Mount Colah | 121021403 | Asquith - Mount Colah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | 194.153732299805 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Bradfield | Inner Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4389 | 2080 | MOUNT KURING-GAI | NSW | 151.143563 | -33.658174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6500724 | 151.134494 | 12102140412 | Mount Kuring-Gai | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | 129.455520629883 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
4390 | 2081 | BEROWRA | NSW | 151.150498 | -33.619756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6279738 | 151.1480265 | 12102140431 | Berowra | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | 218.74755859375 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
4391 | 2081 | COWAN | NSW | 151.150498 | -33.619756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5879078 | 151.16854 | 12102140431 | Berowra | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | 218.74755859375 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
20213 | 2082 | BEROWRA CREEK | NSW | 151.138709 | -33.54620871 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5293 | 151.139 | 12102140430 | Berowra Heights | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Berowra | 0.0625355094671249 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
4392 | 2082 | BEROWRA HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.168984 | -33.561858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.61334 | 151.138 | 12102140430 | Berowra Heights | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | 0.0625355094671249 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
4393 | 2082 | BEROWRA WATERS | NSW | 151.168984 | -33.561858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.602344 | 151.120659 | 12102140430 | Berowra Heights | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | 0.0625355094671249 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
4394 | 2083 | BAR POINT | NSW | 151.194452 | -33.525322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.512577 | 151.16229 | 12102140432 | Dangar Island | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | 1.67375946044922 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10037 | Hornsby |
4395 | 2083 | BROOKLYN | NSW | 151.194452 | -33.525322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5483592 | 151.2149798 | 12102140432 | Dangar Island | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Berowra | 1.67375946044922 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10037 | Hornsby |
20214 | 2083 | CHEERO POINT | NSW | 151.1920435 | -33.51046731 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.510147 | 151.1920317 | 12102140432 | Dangar Island | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | 47.296573638916 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10037 | Hornsby |
4396 | 2083 | COGRA BAY | NSW | 151.194452 | -33.525322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.523213 | 151.2284588 | 12102140432 | Dangar Island | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | 1.67375946044922 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10037 | Hornsby |
4397 | 2083 | DANGAR ISLAND | NSW | 151.194452 | -33.525322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.54142 | 151.2381 | 12102140432 | Dangar Island | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 6 | Berowra | 1.67375946044922 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10037 | Hornsby |
4398 | 2083 | MILSONS PASSAGE | NSW | 151.194452 | -33.525322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.517 | 151.176 | 12102140432 | Dangar Island | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | 1.67375946044922 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10037 | Hornsby |
4399 | 2083 | MOONEY MOONEY | NSW | 151.194452 | -33.525322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12102 | Hornsby | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.523 | 151.201 | 12102140432 | Dangar Island | 121021404 | Berowra - Brooklyn - Cowan | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | 1.67375946044922 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10037 | Hornsby |
4400 | 2084 | AKUNA BAY | NSW | 151.216929 | -33.650999 | | | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.644 | 151.237 | 12203143214 | Terrey Hills | 122031432 | Terrey Hills - Duffys Forest | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 2 | Mackellar | 141.588012695313 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4401 | 2084 | COTTAGE POINT | NSW | 151.216929 | -33.650999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.62091 | 151.20225 | 12203143214 | Terrey Hills | 122031432 | Terrey Hills - Duffys Forest | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 141.588012695313 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4402 | 2084 | DUFFYS FOREST | NSW | 151.216929 | -33.650999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.67525 | 151.19789 | 12203143214 | Terrey Hills | 122031432 | Terrey Hills - Duffys Forest | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 141.588012695313 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4403 | 2084 | TERREY HILLS | NSW | 151.216929 | -33.650999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.683 | 151.223 | 12203143214 | Terrey Hills | 122031432 | Terrey Hills - Duffys Forest | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 141.588012695313 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4404 | 2085 | BELROSE | NSW | 151.211719 | -33.728782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.73 | 151.22 | 12203169643 | Davidson | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4405 | 2085 | BELROSE WEST | NSW | 151.211719 | -33.728782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7390341 | 151.2097964 | 12203169643 | Davidson | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4406 | 2085 | DAVIDSON | NSW | 151.211719 | -33.728782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.73801 | 151.19297 | 12203169643 | Davidson | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4407 | 2086 | FRENCHS FOREST | NSW | 151.229211 | -33.75185 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7473073 | 151.2248157 | 12203169642 | Frenchs Forest | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 153.607635498047 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4408 | 2086 | FRENCHS FOREST EAST | NSW | 151.229211 | -33.75185 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7507736 | 151.2406985 | 12203169642 | Frenchs Forest | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 153.607635498047 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4409 | 2087 | FORESTVILLE | NSW | 151.210531 | -33.766093 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7613 | 151.2113 | 12203142741 | Forestville (NSW) | 122031427 | Forestville - Killarney Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4410 | 2087 | KILLARNEY HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.210531 | -33.766093 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7742 | 151.2155 | 12203142741 | Forestville (NSW) | 122031427 | Forestville - Killarney Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4411 | 2088 | MOSMAN | NSW | 151.243351 | -33.830687 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8303776 | 151.2393885 | 12104168937 | Mosman | 121041689 | Mosman - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 80.1448135375977 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Mosman | 15350 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10059 | North Shore |
4412 | 2088 | SPIT JUNCTION | NSW | 151.243351 | -33.830687 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8244677 | 151.2409774 | 12104168937 | Mosman | 121041689 | Mosman - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 80.1448135375977 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Mosman | 15350 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10059 | North Shore |
20215 | 2089 | KURRABA POINT | NSW | 151.2228263 | -33.84149573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.843 | 151.223 | 12104141643 | Neutral Bay | 121041416 | Neutral Bay - Kirribilli | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4413 | 2089 | NEUTRAL BAY | NSW | 151.216869 | -33.838021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8339383 | 151.2188459 | 12104141643 | Neutral Bay | 121041416 | Neutral Bay - Kirribilli | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4414 | 2089 | NEUTRAL BAY JUNCTION | NSW | 151.216869 | -33.838021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8311445 | 151.2226991 | 12104141643 | Neutral Bay | 121041416 | Neutral Bay - Kirribilli | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4415 | 2090 | CREMORNE | NSW | 151.223094 | -33.828949 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8265345 | 151.2276279 | 12104141616 | Kurraba Point | 121041416 | Neutral Bay - Kirribilli | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4416 | 2090 | CREMORNE JUNCTION | NSW | 151.223094 | -33.828949 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.829394 | 151.229841 | 12104141616 | Kurraba Point | 121041416 | Neutral Bay - Kirribilli | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4417 | 2090 | CREMORNE POINT | NSW | 151.223094 | -33.828949 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12104 | North Sydney - Mosman | 121 | Sydney - North Sydney and Hornsby | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.84076 | 151.22789 | 12104141616 | Kurraba Point | 121041416 | Neutral Bay - Kirribilli | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | North Sydney | 15950 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10089 | Willoughby |
4418 | 2091 | HMAS PENGUIN | NSW | 151.261 | -33.8279 | | | | | | | R1 | | -33.8279 | 151.261 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 38.8140983581543 | N1 | | | Mosman | 15350 | Mackellar | | | |
4419 | 2092 | SEAFORTH | NSW | 151.241813 | -33.796636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12201 | Manly | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7927181 | 151.2423032 | 12201141847 | Seaforth (NSW) | 122011418 | Balgowlah - Clontarf - Seaforth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 67.2539138793945 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4420 | 2093 | BALGOWLAH | NSW | 151.258069 | -33.79315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.79645 | 151.25854 | 12203143033 | North Balgowlah | 122031430 | Manly Vale - Allambie Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 54.1317939758301 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4421 | 2093 | BALGOWLAH HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.258069 | -33.79315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8072234 | 151.2641654 | 12203143033 | North Balgowlah | 122031430 | Manly Vale - Allambie Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 54.1317939758301 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4422 | 2093 | CLONTARF | NSW | 151.258069 | -33.79315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.80834 | 151.25342 | 12203143033 | North Balgowlah | 122031430 | Manly Vale - Allambie Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 54.1317939758301 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4423 | 2093 | MANLY VALE | NSW | 151.258069 | -33.79315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.783 | 151.2622 | 12203143033 | North Balgowlah | 122031430 | Manly Vale - Allambie Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 54.1317939758301 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4424 | 2093 | NORTH BALGOWLAH | NSW | 151.258069 | -33.79315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.785604 | 151.2495903 | 12203143033 | North Balgowlah | 122031430 | Manly Vale - Allambie Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 54.1317939758301 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4425 | 2094 | FAIRLIGHT | NSW | 151.273242 | -33.795227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12201 | Manly | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7940757 | 151.2729111 | 12201141946 | Fairlight | 122011419 | Manly - Fairlight | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 47.2283477783203 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4426 | 2095 | MANLY | NSW | 151.294675 | -33.815482 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12201 | Manly | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8060158 | 151.2947775 | 12201141948 | Manly (NSW) | 122011419 | Manly - Fairlight | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 94.6280136108398 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4427 | 2095 | MANLY EAST | NSW | 151.294675 | -33.815482 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12201 | Manly | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8060158 | 151.2947775 | 12201141948 | Manly (NSW) | 122011419 | Manly - Fairlight | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 94.6280136108398 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4428 | 2096 | CURL CURL | NSW | 151.28494 | -33.776781 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.77213 | 151.28992 | 12203142950 | Queenscliff (NSW) | 122031429 | Freshwater - Brookvale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 18.6694297790527 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
20216 | 2096 | FRESHWATER | NSW | 151.2849046 | -33.77509122 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7749 | 151.288 | 12203142950 | Queenscliff (NSW) | 122031429 | Freshwater - Brookvale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 18.6694297790527 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4429 | 2096 | HARBORD | NSW | 151.28494 | -33.776781 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7749 | 151.28783 | 12203142950 | Queenscliff (NSW) | 122031429 | Freshwater - Brookvale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 18.6694297790527 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4430 | 2096 | QUEENSCLIFF | NSW | 151.28494 | -33.776781 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7825 | 151.284722 | 12203142950 | Queenscliff (NSW) | 122031429 | Freshwater - Brookvale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | 18.6694297790527 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10050 | Manly |
4431 | 2097 | COLLAROY | NSW | 151.297895 | -33.739577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.73 | 151.3 | 12203169719 | Wheeler Heights | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 105.67667388916 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4432 | 2097 | COLLAROY BEACH | NSW | 151.297895 | -33.739577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7315007 | 151.3002445 | 12203169719 | Wheeler Heights | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 105.67667388916 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
20217 | 2097 | COLLAROY PLATEAU | NSW | 151.2907075 | -33.73032061 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7293 | 151.29 | 12203169719 | Wheeler Heights | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 105.67667388916 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4433 | 2097 | COLLAROY PLATEAU WEST | NSW | 151.297895 | -33.739577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7293326 | 151.290404 | 12203169719 | Wheeler Heights | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 105.67667388916 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4434 | 2097 | LONG REEF | NSW | 151.297895 | -33.739577 | | | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.742 | 151.317 | 12203169719 | Wheeler Heights | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 105.67667388916 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4435 | 2097 | WHEELER HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.297895 | -33.739577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7315 | 151.28016 | 12203169719 | Wheeler Heights | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 105.67667388916 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4436 | 2099 | CROMER | NSW | 151.279999 | -33.748914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.74142 | 151.28227 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 68.3113708496094 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4437 | 2099 | CROMER HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.279999 | -33.748914 | | | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7414 | 151.282 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 68.3113708496094 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4438 | 2099 | DEE WHY | NSW | 151.279999 | -33.748914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7544 | 151.2854 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 68.3113708496094 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4439 | 2099 | DEE WHY BEACH | NSW | 151.279999 | -33.748914 | | | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7532 | 151.296 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 68.3113708496094 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4440 | 2099 | NARRAWEENA | NSW | 151.279999 | -33.748914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.748611 | 151.267778 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 68.3113708496094 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4441 | 2099 | NORTH CURL CURL | NSW | 151.279999 | -33.748914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7645 | 151.2973 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 68.3113708496094 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4442 | 2099 | WINGALA | NSW | 151.279999 | -33.748914 | | | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7586 | 151.29 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 68.3113708496094 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4443 | 2100 | ALLAMBIE | NSW | 151.257781 | -33.766409 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7624 | 151.25 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4444 | 2100 | ALLAMBIE HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.257781 | -33.766409 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7624 | 151.25 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4445 | 2100 | BEACON HILL | NSW | 151.257781 | -33.766409 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7522 | 151.256 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4446 | 2100 | BROOKVALE | NSW | 151.257781 | -33.766409 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7653 | 151.27041 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4447 | 2100 | NORTH MANLY | NSW | 151.257781 | -33.766409 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7754 | 151.2689 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4448 | 2100 | OXFORD FALLS | NSW | 151.257781 | -33.766409 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7352 | 151.2469 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4449 | 2100 | WARRINGAH MALL | NSW | 151.257781 | -33.766409 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7672145 | 151.2653692 | 12203169636 | Oxford Falls | 122031696 | Frenchs Forest - Oxford Falls | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Warringah | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Warringah | Inner Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4450 | 2101 | ELANORA HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.27114 | -33.707117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.70102 | 151.2789 | 12203169722 | Narrabeen | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 6.18078422546387 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4451 | 2101 | INGLESIDE | NSW | 151.27114 | -33.707117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6823 | 151.26315 | 12203169722 | Narrabeen | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 6.18078422546387 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4452 | 2101 | NARRABEEN | NSW | 151.27114 | -33.707117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7231 | 151.2952 | 12203169722 | Narrabeen | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 6.18078422546387 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4453 | 2101 | NARRABEEN PENINSULA | NSW | 151.27114 | -33.707117 | | | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7104 | 151.301 | 12203169722 | Narrabeen | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 6.18078422546387 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4454 | 2101 | NORTH NARRABEEN | NSW | 151.27114 | -33.707117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12203 | Warringah | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7065 | 151.2884 | 12203169722 | Narrabeen | 122031697 | Narrabeen - Wheeler Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 6.18078422546387 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10087 | Wakehurst |
4455 | 2102 | WARRIEWOOD | NSW | 151.290953 | -33.689941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6881414 | 151.2947775 | 12202169123 | Warriewood | 122021691 | North Narrabeen - Warriewood (South) | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 6.81830406188965 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
22870 | 2102 | WARRIEWOOD DC | NSW | 151.301 | -33.694 | | | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.694 | 151.301 | 12202169123 | Warriewood | 122021691 | North Narrabeen - Warriewood (South) | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | -3492 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4456 | 2102 | WARRIEWOOD SHOPPING SQUARE | NSW | 151.290953 | -33.689941 | | | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6957 | 151.296 | 12202169123 | Warriewood | 122021691 | North Narrabeen - Warriewood (South) | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 6.81830406188965 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4183 | 2103 | MONA VALE | NSW | 151.302825 | -33.679336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6757024 | 151.3064407 | 12202169116 | Warriewood | 122021691 | North Narrabeen - Warriewood (South) | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4184 | 2104 | BAYVIEW | NSW | 151.290921 | -33.664921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6610245 | 151.2889461 | 12202169002 | Mona Vale | 122021690 | Mona Vale - Warriewood (North) | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | 51.2451629638672 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4185 | 2105 | CHURCH POINT | NSW | 151.278293 | -33.642202 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6544 | 151.2791 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4186 | 2105 | ELVINA BAY | NSW | 151.278293 | -33.642202 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.639515 | 151.277825 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4187 | 2105 | LOVETT BAY | NSW | 151.278293 | -33.642202 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6296855 | 151.2816573 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
20218 | 2105 | MCCARRS CREEK | NSW | 151.2761086 | -33.64341347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.643 | 151.277 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
20219 | 2105 | MORNING BAY | NSW | 151.2815376 | -33.62434025 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.627 | 151.287 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4188 | 2105 | SCOTLAND ISLAND | NSW | 151.278293 | -33.642202 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6395909 | 151.290404 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4189 | 2106 | NEWPORT | NSW | 151.314599 | -33.660707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6566564 | 151.3122727 | 12202142234 | Newport (NSW) | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4190 | 2106 | NEWPORT BEACH | NSW | 151.314599 | -33.660707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6533125 | 151.3234816 | 12202142234 | Newport (NSW) | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4191 | 2107 | AVALON | NSW | 151.323289 | -33.634816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6303 | 151.33 | 12202142220 | Bilgola Plateau | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4192 | 2107 | AVALON BEACH | NSW | 151.323289 | -33.634816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6302836 | 151.3297698 | 12202142220 | Bilgola Plateau | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4193 | 2107 | BILGOLA | NSW | 151.323289 | -33.634816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6444858 | 151.3275826 | 12202142220 | Bilgola Plateau | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4194 | 2107 | BILGOLA BEACH | NSW | 151.323289 | -33.634816 | | | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6445 | 151.328 | 12202142220 | Bilgola Plateau | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4195 | 2107 | BILGOLA PLATEAU | NSW | 151.323289 | -33.634816 | | | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6429 | 151.314 | 12202142220 | Bilgola Plateau | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4196 | 2107 | CAREEL BAY | NSW | 151.323289 | -33.634816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6207691 | 151.3219323 | 12202142220 | Bilgola Plateau | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4197 | 2107 | CLAREVILLE | NSW | 151.323289 | -33.634816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6362228 | 151.3100857 | 12202142220 | Bilgola Plateau | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4198 | 2107 | PARADISE BEACH | NSW | 151.323289 | -33.634816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6243879 | 151.3168063 | 12202142220 | Bilgola Plateau | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4199 | 2107 | TAYLORS POINT | NSW | 151.323289 | -33.634816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6359921 | 151.306015 | 12202142220 | Bilgola Plateau | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4200 | 2107 | WHALE BEACH | NSW | 151.323289 | -33.634816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6131448 | 151.3304989 | 12202142220 | Bilgola Plateau | 122021422 | Newport - Bilgola | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4201 | 2108 | COASTERS RETREAT | NSW | 151.322759 | -33.60382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.605 | 151.299 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4202 | 2108 | CURRAWONG BEACH | NSW | 151.322759 | -33.60382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5952002 | 151.2979869 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4203 | 2108 | GREAT MACKEREL BEACH | NSW | 151.322759 | -33.60382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.591667 | 151.300833 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4204 | 2108 | MORNING BAY | NSW | 151.322759 | -33.60382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.627 | 151.287 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4205 | 2108 | PALM BEACH | NSW | 151.322759 | -33.60382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.601111 | 151.321667 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4206 | 2108 | THE BASIN | NSW | 151.322759 | -33.60382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12202 | Pittwater | 122 | Sydney - Northern Beaches | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6049927 | 151.2866804 | 12202142119 | Morning Bay | 122021421 | Bayview - Elanora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mackellar | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Northern Beaches | 15990 | Mackellar | Outer Metropolitan | 10066 | Pittwater |
4207 | 2109 | MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY | NSW | 151.113473 | -33.771558 | LVR | LVR | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7738237 | 151.1126498 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 55.6305046081543 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bennelong | | | |
4208 | 2110 | HUNTERS HILL | NSW | 151.149126 | -33.836102 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8337 | 151.14366 | 12602149924 | Hunters Hill | 126021499 | Hunters Hill - Woolwich | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 36.3048667907715 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Bennelong | | 10043 | Lane Cove |
4209 | 2110 | HUNTERS HILL WEST | NSW | 151.149126 | -33.836102 | | | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8337 | 151.144 | 12602149924 | Hunters Hill | 126021499 | Hunters Hill - Woolwich | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 36.3048667907715 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Bennelong | | 10043 | Lane Cove |
4210 | 2110 | WOOLWICH | NSW | 151.149126 | -33.836102 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8417 | 151.16968 | 12602149924 | Hunters Hill | 126021499 | Hunters Hill - Woolwich | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | North Sydney | 36.3048667907715 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Bennelong | | 10043 | Lane Cove |
4211 | 2111 | BORONIA PARK | NSW | 151.124488 | -33.829953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8257071 | 151.1397958 | 12602149841 | Gladesville | 126021498 | Gladesville - Huntleys Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 37.9672737121582 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10043 | Lane Cove |
4212 | 2111 | GLADESVILLE | NSW | 151.124488 | -33.829953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8301698 | 151.1267591 | 12602149841 | Gladesville | 126021498 | Gladesville - Huntleys Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 37.9672737121582 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10043 | Lane Cove |
4213 | 2111 | HENLEY | NSW | 151.124488 | -33.829953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.84252 | 151.13475 | 12602149841 | Gladesville | 126021498 | Gladesville - Huntleys Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 37.9672737121582 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10043 | Lane Cove |
4214 | 2111 | HUNTLEYS COVE | NSW | 151.124488 | -33.829953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8385208 | 151.138135 | 12602149841 | Gladesville | 126021498 | Gladesville - Huntleys Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 37.9672737121582 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10043 | Lane Cove |
4215 | 2111 | HUNTLEYS POINT | NSW | 151.124488 | -33.829953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.839 | 151.147 | 12602149841 | Gladesville | 126021498 | Gladesville - Huntleys Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 37.9672737121582 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10043 | Lane Cove |
4216 | 2111 | MONASH PARK | NSW | 151.124488 | -33.829953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8232809 | 151.1270221 | 12602149841 | Gladesville | 126021498 | Gladesville - Huntleys Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 37.9672737121582 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10043 | Lane Cove |
4217 | 2111 | TENNYSON POINT | NSW | 151.124488 | -33.829953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.832435 | 151.116938 | 12602149841 | Gladesville | 126021498 | Gladesville - Huntleys Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 37.9672737121582 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hunters Hill | 14100 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10043 | Lane Cove |
4218 | 2112 | DENISTONE EAST | NSW | 151.108447 | -33.81658 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.79885 | 151.09948 | 12602172526 | Ryde | 126021725 | Ryde - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4219 | 2112 | PUTNEY | NSW | 151.108447 | -33.81658 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.827 | 151.106 | 12602172526 | Ryde | 126021725 | Ryde - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4220 | 2112 | RYDE | NSW | 151.108447 | -33.81658 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8157466 | 151.1030164 | 12602172526 | Ryde | 126021725 | Ryde - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4221 | 2113 | BLENHEIM ROAD | NSW | 151.130233 | -33.79419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.79876 | 151.1337043 | 12602172438 | Ryde | 126021724 | Ryde - North | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 54.9229545593262 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4222 | 2113 | EAST RYDE | NSW | 151.130233 | -33.79419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.81 | 151.135 | 12602172438 | Ryde | 126021724 | Ryde - North | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 54.9229545593262 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4223 | 2113 | MACQUARIE CENTRE | NSW | 151.130233 | -33.79419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7763709 | 151.1200451 | 12602172438 | Ryde | 126021724 | Ryde - North | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 54.9229545593262 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4224 | 2113 | MACQUARIE PARK | NSW | 151.130233 | -33.79419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7934648 | 151.134494 | 12602172438 | Ryde | 126021724 | Ryde - North | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 54.9229545593262 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4225 | 2113 | NORTH RYDE | NSW | 151.130233 | -33.79419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7931778 | 151.1197879 | 12602172438 | Ryde | 126021724 | Ryde - North | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 54.9229545593262 | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Ryde | 16700 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4226 | 2114 | DENISTONE | NSW | 151.084181 | -33.810991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.80085 | 151.08648 | 12602172214 | Denistone | 126021722 | Denistone | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 12.4944295883179 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4227 | 2114 | DENISTONE WEST | NSW | 151.084181 | -33.810991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8007216 | 151.0777054 | 12602172214 | Denistone | 126021722 | Denistone | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 12.4944295883179 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4228 | 2114 | MEADOWBANK | NSW | 151.084181 | -33.810991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.81692 | 151.08333 | 12602172214 | Denistone | 126021722 | Denistone | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 12.4944295883179 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4229 | 2114 | MELROSE PARK | NSW | 151.084181 | -33.810991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8145781 | 151.0718821 | 12602172214 | Denistone | 126021722 | Denistone | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 12.4944295883179 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4230 | 2114 | WEST RYDE | NSW | 151.084181 | -33.810991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8067672 | 151.0824602 | 12602172214 | Denistone | 126021722 | Denistone | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 12.4944295883179 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4231 | 2115 | ERMINGTON | NSW | 151.059845 | -33.813106 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12502 | Carlingford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8132521 | 151.0616918 | 12502147762 | Ermington | 125021477 | Ermington - Rydalmere | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4232 | 2116 | RYDALMERE | NSW | 151.036941 | -33.814368 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12502 | Carlingford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8124093 | 151.0384023 | 12502147764 | Rydalmere | 125021477 | Ermington - Rydalmere | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 10.2263927459717 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4233 | 2117 | DUNDAS | NSW | 151.04218 | -33.797127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.80404 | 151.0351 | 12504148935 | Oatlands (NSW) | 125041489 | North Parramatta | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4234 | 2117 | DUNDAS VALLEY | NSW | 151.04218 | -33.797127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.79312 | 151.05999 | 12504148935 | Oatlands (NSW) | 125041489 | North Parramatta | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4235 | 2117 | OATLANDS | NSW | 151.04218 | -33.797127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7963384 | 151.0263232 | 12504148935 | Oatlands (NSW) | 125041489 | North Parramatta | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4236 | 2117 | TELOPEA | NSW | 151.04218 | -33.797127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.79417 | 151.03802 | 12504148935 | Oatlands (NSW) | 125041489 | North Parramatta | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4237 | 2118 | CARLINGFORD | NSW | 151.043518 | -33.775596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7799114 | 151.0413133 | 12602172311 | Eastwood (NSW) | 126021723 | Eastwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 93.218864440918 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | The Hills | 17420 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4238 | 2118 | CARLINGFORD COURT | NSW | 151.043518 | -33.775596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7769709 | 151.0521224 | 12602172311 | Eastwood (NSW) | 126021723 | Eastwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 93.218864440918 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | The Hills | 17420 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4239 | 2118 | CARLINGFORD NORTH | NSW | 151.043518 | -33.775596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7648291 | 151.058428 | 12602172311 | Eastwood (NSW) | 126021723 | Eastwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 93.218864440918 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | The Hills | 17420 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4240 | 2118 | KINGSDENE | NSW | 151.043518 | -33.775596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7842472 | 151.028727 | 12602172311 | Eastwood (NSW) | 126021723 | Eastwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 93.218864440918 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | The Hills | 17420 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4241 | 2119 | BEECROFT | NSW | 151.064176 | -33.755499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7511096 | 151.0651688 | 12601149656 | Beecroft | 126011496 | Pennant Hills - Cheltenham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10028 | Epping |
4242 | 2119 | CHELTENHAM | NSW | 151.064176 | -33.755499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7553681 | 151.078072 | 12601149656 | Beecroft | 126011496 | Pennant Hills - Cheltenham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10028 | Epping |
4243 | 2120 | PENNANT HILLS | NSW | 151.07359 | -33.731105 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.738881 | 151.0723841 | 12601149650 | Pennant Hills | 126011496 | Pennant Hills - Cheltenham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4244 | 2120 | THORNLEIGH | NSW | 151.07359 | -33.731105 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7261791 | 151.0841467 | 12601149650 | Pennant Hills | 126011496 | Pennant Hills - Cheltenham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4245 | 2120 | WESTLEIGH | NSW | 151.07359 | -33.731105 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.72299 | 151.07064 | 12601149650 | Pennant Hills | 126011496 | Pennant Hills - Cheltenham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10086 | Wahroonga |
4246 | 2121 | EPPING | NSW | 151.079919 | -33.774145 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7746 | 151.0788 | 12602172308 | Epping (NSW) | 126021723 | Eastwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4247 | 2121 | NORTH EPPING | NSW | 151.079919 | -33.774145 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7623 | 151.101 | 12602172308 | Epping (NSW) | 126021723 | Eastwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4248 | 2122 | EASTWOOD | NSW | 151.092072 | -33.791357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.790362 | 151.081731 | 12602172341 | Eastwood (NSW) | 126021723 | Eastwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 77.8684997558594 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4249 | 2122 | MARSFIELD | NSW | 151.092072 | -33.791357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12602 | Ryde - Hunters Hill | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7800906 | 151.1029137 | 12602172341 | Eastwood (NSW) | 126021723 | Eastwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bennelong | 77.8684997558594 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Bennelong | Inner Metropolitan | 10072 | Ryde |
4250 | 2123 | PARRAMATTA | NSW | 150.999575 | -33.815446 | LVR | LVR | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8135571 | 151.003407 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Watson | | | |
4251 | 2124 | PARRAMATTA | NSW | 151.139472 | -33.886166 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -33.8135571 | 151.003407 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 23.5845470428467 | N1 | | | Parramatta | 16260 | Watson | | | |
4252 | 2125 | WEST PENNANT HILLS | NSW | 151.031807 | -33.752645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7462388 | 151.0296696 | 12601149639 | West Pennant Hills | 126011496 | Pennant Hills - Cheltenham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | 77.9934463500977 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
4253 | 2126 | CHERRYBROOK | NSW | 151.043941 | -33.724898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12601 | Pennant Hills - Epping | 126 | Sydney - Ryde | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7287467 | 151.0413133 | 11501155852 | Cherrybrook | 115011558 | Cherrybrook | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
4254 | 2127 | HOMEBUSH BAY | NSW | 151.076186 | -33.85283 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8321521 | 151.0806171 | 12501171037 | Wentworth Point | 125011710 | Wentworth Point - Sydney Olympic Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 6.09757661819458 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4255 | 2127 | NEWINGTON | NSW | 151.076186 | -33.85283 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.839 | 151.055 | 12501171037 | Wentworth Point | 125011710 | Wentworth Point - Sydney Olympic Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 6.09757661819458 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
20220 | 2127 | SYDNEY OLYMPIC PARK | NSW | 151.0689007 | -33.83966376 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8465 | 151.072 | 12501171037 | Wentworth Point | 125011710 | Wentworth Point - Sydney Olympic Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 4.11829996109009 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
20221 | 2127 | WENTWORTH POINT | NSW | 151.0771675 | -33.82764565 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.828 | 151.077 | 12501171037 | Wentworth Point | 125011710 | Wentworth Point - Sydney Olympic Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 4.11829996109009 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4256 | 2128 | SILVERWATER | NSW | 151.047591 | -33.835928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8343506 | 151.0442244 | 12501170920 | Sydney Olympic Park | 125011709 | Silverwater - Newington | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 6.6121768951416 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4257 | 2129 | SYDNEY MARKETS | NSW | 151.069553 | -33.864104 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8631422 | 151.0753588 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Reid | 15.797080039978 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Strathfield | 17100 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | | |
4258 | 2130 | SUMMER HILL | NSW | 151.135883 | -33.892783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8922971 | 151.1359504 | 12003167723 | Summer Hill (Inner West - NSW) | 120031677 | Ashfield - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4259 | 2131 | ASHFIELD | NSW | 151.124008 | -33.887602 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8904917 | 151.1254852 | 12003167728 | Ashfield (NSW) | 120031677 | Ashfield - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4260 | 2132 | CROYDON | NSW | 151.113385 | -33.882419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8828873 | 151.114106 | 12003167926 | Croydon (NSW) | 120031679 | Croydon | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
4261 | 2133 | CROYDON PARK | NSW | 151.102087 | -33.898793 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8967345 | 151.1082813 | 12003139339 | Croydon Park (NSW) | 120031393 | Croydon Park - Enfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4262 | 2133 | ENFIELD SOUTH | NSW | 151.102087 | -33.898793 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.89059 | 151.09246 | 12003139339 | Croydon Park (NSW) | 120031393 | Croydon Park - Enfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
4263 | 2134 | BURWOOD | NSW | 151.101757 | -33.880049 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8799121 | 151.1024569 | 12003167927 | Burwood (NSW) | 120031679 | Croydon | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 34.0036315917969 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Burwood | 11300 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
4264 | 2134 | BURWOOD NORTH | NSW | 151.101757 | -33.880049 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8799121 | 151.1024569 | 12003167927 | Burwood (NSW) | 120031679 | Croydon | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 34.0036315917969 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Burwood | 11300 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
4265 | 2135 | STRATHFIELD | NSW | 151.084759 | -33.881009 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8808808 | 151.0762495 | 12003168121 | Strathfield (NSW) | 120031681 | Strathfield - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
4266 | 2136 | BURWOOD HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.087741 | -33.892944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8902 | 151.1052 | 12003157608 | Strathfield South | 120031576 | Strathfield South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Strathfield | 17100 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
4267 | 2136 | ENFIELD | NSW | 151.087741 | -33.892944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.89059 | 151.09246 | 12003157608 | Strathfield South | 120031576 | Strathfield South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Strathfield | 17100 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
4268 | 2136 | STRATHFIELD SOUTH | NSW | 151.087741 | -33.892944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8943055 | 151.0830083 | 12003157608 | Strathfield South | 120031576 | Strathfield South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Strathfield | 17100 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
4269 | 2137 | BREAKFAST POINT | NSW | 151.103751 | -33.85749 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.844 | 151.1129 | 12001167237 | North Strathfield | 120011672 | Concord West - North Strathfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4270 | 2137 | CABARITA | NSW | 151.103751 | -33.85749 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.84802 | 151.11485 | 12001167237 | North Strathfield | 120011672 | Concord West - North Strathfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4271 | 2137 | CONCORD | NSW | 151.103751 | -33.85749 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8550219 | 151.1078139 | 12001167237 | North Strathfield | 120011672 | Concord West - North Strathfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4272 | 2137 | MORTLAKE | NSW | 151.103751 | -33.85749 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8405772 | 151.1060971 | 12001167237 | North Strathfield | 120011672 | Concord West - North Strathfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4273 | 2137 | NORTH STRATHFIELD | NSW | 151.103751 | -33.85749 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8604 | 151.08856 | 12001167237 | North Strathfield | 120011672 | Concord West - North Strathfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10025 | Drummoyne |
4274 | 2138 | CONCORD WEST | NSW | 151.086036 | -33.846098 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12001 | Canada Bay | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8462611 | 151.0908086 | 12001167323 | Rhodes | 120011673 | Rhodes | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 13.2029495239258 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
22833 | 2138 | CONCORD WEST DC | NSW | 151.088 | -33.8397 | | | 12001 | Canada Bay | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8397 | 151.088 | 12001167323 | Rhodes | 120011673 | Rhodes | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4275 | 2138 | LIBERTY GROVE | NSW | 151.086036 | -33.846098 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12001 | Canada Bay | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.841667 | 151.083611 | 12001167323 | Rhodes | 120011673 | Rhodes | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 13.2029495239258 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4276 | 2138 | RHODES | NSW | 151.086036 | -33.846098 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12001 | Canada Bay | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.82821 | 151.08569 | 12001167323 | Rhodes | 120011673 | Rhodes | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 13.2029495239258 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4277 | 2139 | CONCORD REPATRIATION HOSPITAL | NSW | 151.095163 | -33.835993 | LVR | LVR | 12001 | Canada Bay | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8374705 | 151.0925689 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Reid | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Watson | | | |
4278 | 2140 | HOMEBUSH | NSW | 151.070853 | -33.835018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.858623 | 151.0791612 | 12003168008 | Homebush (NSW) | 120031680 | Strathfield - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 7.4643669128418 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
4279 | 2140 | HOMEBUSH SOUTH | NSW | 151.070853 | -33.835018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.858623 | 151.0791612 | 12003168008 | Homebush (NSW) | 120031680 | Strathfield - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 7.4643669128418 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
4280 | 2140 | HOMEBUSH WEST | NSW | 151.070853 | -33.835018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.858623 | 151.0791612 | 12003168008 | Homebush (NSW) | 120031680 | Strathfield - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Reid | 7.4643669128418 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canada Bay | 11520 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
4281 | 2141 | BERALA | NSW | 151.044768 | -33.872483 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87487 | 151.03073 | 12501171026 | Lidcombe | 125011710 | Wentworth Point - Sydney Olympic Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4282 | 2141 | LIDCOMBE | NSW | 151.044768 | -33.872483 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8719405 | 151.0413133 | 12501171026 | Lidcombe | 125011710 | Wentworth Point - Sydney Olympic Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4283 | 2141 | LIDCOMBE NORTH | NSW | 151.044768 | -33.872483 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8719405 | 151.0413133 | 12501171026 | Lidcombe | 125011710 | Wentworth Point - Sydney Olympic Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4284 | 2141 | ROOKWOOD | NSW | 151.044768 | -33.872483 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87276 | 151.05562 | 12501171026 | Lidcombe | 125011710 | Wentworth Point - Sydney Olympic Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4285 | 2142 | BLAXCELL | NSW | 151.015196 | -33.832747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8504194 | 151.0086307 | 12504171927 | Rosehill (NSW) | 125041719 | Rosehill - Harris Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 5.95892572402954 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4286 | 2142 | CAMELLIA | NSW | 151.015196 | -33.832747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8194143 | 151.0333082 | 12504171927 | Rosehill (NSW) | 125041719 | Rosehill - Harris Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 5.95892572402954 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
20222 | 2142 | CLYDE | NSW | 151.0220764 | -33.83307675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8325954 | 151.0223928 | 12504171927 | Rosehill (NSW) | 125041719 | Rosehill - Harris Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 5.95892572402954 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4287 | 2142 | GRANVILLE | NSW | 151.015196 | -33.832747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8353132 | 151.0065546 | 12504171927 | Rosehill (NSW) | 125041719 | Rosehill - Harris Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 5.95892572402954 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4288 | 2142 | HOLROYD | NSW | 151.015196 | -33.832747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.831 | 150.997 | 12504171927 | Rosehill (NSW) | 125041719 | Rosehill - Harris Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 5.95892572402954 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4289 | 2142 | ROSEHILL | NSW | 151.015196 | -33.832747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8239653 | 151.0212029 | 12504171927 | Rosehill (NSW) | 125041719 | Rosehill - Harris Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 5.95892572402954 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
20223 | 2142 | SOUTH GRANVILLE | NSW | 151.0106782 | -33.85780796 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8577224 | 151.0107506 | 12504171927 | Rosehill (NSW) | 125041719 | Rosehill - Harris Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 5.95892572402954 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
4290 | 2143 | BIRRONG | NSW | 151.021934 | -33.885382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.893 | 151.023 | 12501158713 | Regents Park (NSW) | 125011587 | Regents Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 28.6321067810059 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10002 | Auburn |
4291 | 2143 | POTTS HILL | NSW | 151.021934 | -33.885382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.89 | 151.03 | 12501158713 | Regents Park (NSW) | 125011587 | Regents Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 28.6321067810059 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10002 | Auburn |
4292 | 2143 | REGENTS PARK | NSW | 151.021934 | -33.885382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.88572 | 151.02833 | 12501158713 | Regents Park (NSW) | 125011587 | Regents Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 28.6321067810059 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10002 | Auburn |
22859 | 2143 | REGENTS PARK DC | NSW | 151.028 | -33.8857 | | | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.8857 | 151.028 | 12501158713 | Regents Park (NSW) | 125011587 | Regents Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | -3492 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10002 | Auburn |
4293 | 2144 | AUBURN | NSW | 151.026756 | -33.851868 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8485157 | 151.0296696 | 12501158643 | Lidcombe | 125011586 | Lidcombe | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10002 | Auburn |
4294 | 2144 | AUBURN SOUTH | NSW | 151.026756 | -33.851868 | | | 12501 | Auburn | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8485 | 151.03 | 12501158643 | Lidcombe | 125011586 | Lidcombe | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Reid | Inner Metropolitan | 10002 | Auburn |
20224 | 2145 | CONSTITUTION HILL | NSW | 150.9751544 | -33.79382308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7945 | 150.976 | 12504158947 | Merrylands | 125041589 | Wentworthville - Westmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
4295 | 2145 | GIRRAWEEN | NSW | 150.957425 | -33.813104 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.80128 | 150.94305 | 12504158947 | Merrylands | 125041589 | Wentworthville - Westmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
4296 | 2145 | GREYSTANES | NSW | 150.957425 | -33.813104 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8297061 | 150.9488947 | 12504158947 | Merrylands | 125041589 | Wentworthville - Westmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
4297 | 2145 | MAYS HILL | NSW | 150.957425 | -33.813104 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8206367 | 150.9881962 | 12504158947 | Merrylands | 125041589 | Wentworthville - Westmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
4298 | 2145 | PEMULWUY | NSW | 150.957425 | -33.813104 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.817 | 150.926 | 12504158947 | Merrylands | 125041589 | Wentworthville - Westmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
4299 | 2145 | PENDLE HILL | NSW | 150.957425 | -33.813104 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.80739 | 150.95518 | 12504158947 | Merrylands | 125041589 | Wentworthville - Westmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
4300 | 2145 | SOUTH WENTWORTHVILLE | NSW | 150.957425 | -33.813104 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8178167 | 150.9692855 | 12504158947 | Merrylands | 125041589 | Wentworthville - Westmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
4301 | 2145 | WENTWORTHVILLE | NSW | 150.957425 | -33.813104 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8059112 | 150.9701895 | 12504158947 | Merrylands | 125041589 | Wentworthville - Westmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
3041 | 2145 | WESTMEAD | NSW | 150.957425 | -33.813104 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8085661 | 150.9869597 | 12504158947 | Merrylands | 125041589 | Wentworthville - Westmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
3042 | 2146 | OLD TOONGABBIE | NSW | 150.959508 | -33.789374 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.787 | 150.966 | 12504158801 | Toongabbie (NSW) | 125041588 | Pendle Hill - Girraween | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
3043 | 2146 | TOONGABBIE | NSW | 150.959508 | -33.789374 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7841326 | 150.95429 | 12504158801 | Toongabbie (NSW) | 125041588 | Pendle Hill - Girraween | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
3044 | 2146 | TOONGABBIE EAST | NSW | 150.959508 | -33.789374 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7841326 | 150.95429 | 12504158801 | Toongabbie (NSW) | 125041588 | Pendle Hill - Girraween | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
3045 | 2147 | KINGS LANGLEY | NSW | 150.935836 | -33.766075 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11601 | Blacktown | 116 | Sydney - Blacktown | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7499763 | 150.9345044 | 11601162725 | Seven Hills (NSW) | 116011627 | Toongabbie - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Greenway | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2767 | 2147 | LALOR PARK | NSW | 150.935836 | -33.766075 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11601 | Blacktown | 116 | Sydney - Blacktown | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7666 | 150.9277 | 11601162725 | Seven Hills (NSW) | 116011627 | Toongabbie - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Greenway | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2768 | 2147 | SEVEN HILLS | NSW | 150.935836 | -33.766075 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11601 | Blacktown | 116 | Sydney - Blacktown | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7779167 | 150.931946 | 11601162725 | Seven Hills (NSW) | 116011627 | Toongabbie - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Greenway | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2769 | 2147 | SEVEN HILLS WEST | NSW | 150.935836 | -33.766075 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11601 | Blacktown | 116 | Sydney - Blacktown | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7661982 | 150.921715 | 11601162725 | Seven Hills (NSW) | 116011627 | Toongabbie - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Greenway | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2770 | 2148 | ARNDELL PARK | NSW | 150.900547 | -33.783751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.79 | 150.876 | 11603131804 | Pemulwuy | 116031318 | Prospect Reservoir | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2771 | 2148 | BLACKTOWN | NSW | 150.900547 | -33.783751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7668069 | 150.905298 | 11603131804 | Pemulwuy | 116031318 | Prospect Reservoir | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2772 | 2148 | BLACKTOWN WESTPOINT | NSW | 150.900547 | -33.783751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7702867 | 150.9059341 | 11603131804 | Pemulwuy | 116031318 | Prospect Reservoir | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2773 | 2148 | HUNTINGWOOD | NSW | 150.900547 | -33.783751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.799 | 150.885 | 11603131804 | Pemulwuy | 116031318 | Prospect Reservoir | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2774 | 2148 | KINGS PARK | NSW | 150.900547 | -33.783751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7457198 | 150.9047417 | 11603131804 | Pemulwuy | 116031318 | Prospect Reservoir | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2775 | 2148 | MARAYONG | NSW | 150.900547 | -33.783751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7495256 | 150.8929227 | 11603131804 | Pemulwuy | 116031318 | Prospect Reservoir | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2776 | 2148 | PROSPECT | NSW | 150.900547 | -33.783751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7981153 | 150.9176528 | 11603131804 | Pemulwuy | 116031318 | Prospect Reservoir | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Greenway | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2777 | 2150 | HARRIS PARK | NSW | 151.006506 | -33.814463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8219453 | 151.0107506 | 12504171925 | Harris Park | 125041719 | Rosehill - Harris Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 9.19365692138672 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
2778 | 2150 | PARRAMATTA | NSW | 151.006506 | -33.814463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8135571 | 151.003407 | 12504171925 | Harris Park | 125041719 | Rosehill - Harris Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 9.19365692138672 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
2779 | 2150 | PARRAMATTA WESTFIELD | NSW | 151.006506 | -33.814463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8173782 | 151.0016557 | 12504171925 | Harris Park | 125041719 | Rosehill - Harris Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 9.19365692138672 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
2780 | 2151 | NORTH PARRAMATTA | NSW | 151.012511 | -33.78709 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.800281 | 151.0042445 | 12504149160 | Northmead | 125041491 | Northmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 56.7432060241699 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | The Hills | 17420 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2781 | 2151 | NORTH ROCKS | NSW | 151.012511 | -33.78709 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7750537 | 151.0238278 | 12504149160 | Northmead | 125041491 | Northmead | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | 56.7432060241699 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | The Hills | 17420 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2782 | 2152 | NORTHMEAD | NSW | 150.996388 | -33.782501 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.78974 | 150.9921094 | 12504149334 | Northmead | 125041493 | Toongabbie - Constitution Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | 58.2150573730469 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2783 | 2153 | BAULKHAM HILLS | NSW | 150.955942 | -33.731651 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -33.7619106 | 150.9929255 | 12504149426 | Winston Hills | 125041494 | Winston Hills | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | 74.632194519043 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2784 | 2153 | BELLA VISTA | NSW | 150.955942 | -33.731651 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -33.7385583 | 150.9502708 | 12504149426 | Winston Hills | 125041494 | Winston Hills | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | 74.632194519043 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2785 | 2153 | CRESTWOOD | NSW | 150.955942 | -33.731651 | | | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -33.7425 | 150.968 | 12504149426 | Winston Hills | 125041494 | Winston Hills | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | 74.632194519043 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
23992 | 2153 | NORWEST | NSW | 150.992887 | -33.758601 | | | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -33.7619106 | 150.9929255 | 12504149426 | Winston Hills | 125041494 | Winston Hills | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | 107.526992797852 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2786 | 2153 | WINSTON HILLS | NSW | 150.955942 | -33.731651 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -33.7773471 | 150.9745309 | 12504149426 | Winston Hills | 125041494 | Winston Hills | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | 74.632194519043 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10090 | Winston Hills |
2787 | 2154 | CASTLE HILL | NSW | 151.000948 | -33.73238 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11501 | Baulkham Hills | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7270691 | 150.9947439 | 11501155713 | Castle Hill (NSW) | 115011557 | Castle Hill - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | 131.963348388672 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10039 | Kellyville |
2788 | 2155 | BEAUMONT HILLS | NSW | 150.931074 | -33.731523 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11602 | Blacktown - North | 116 | Sydney - Blacktown | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7 | 150.941 | 11602163245 | Rouse Hill | 116021632 | Schofields - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | -3492 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Blacktown | 10750 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10070 | Riverstone |
2789 | 2155 | KELLYVILLE | NSW | 150.931074 | -33.731523 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11602 | Blacktown - North | 116 | Sydney - Blacktown | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.7111451 | 150.9550731 | 11602163245 | Rouse Hill | 116021632 | Schofields - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | -3492 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Blacktown | 10750 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10070 | Riverstone |
2790 | 2155 | KELLYVILLE RIDGE | NSW | 150.931074 | -33.731523 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11602 | Blacktown - North | 116 | Sydney - Blacktown | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.703 | 150.919 | 11602163245 | Rouse Hill | 116021632 | Schofields - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | -3492 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Blacktown | 10750 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10070 | Riverstone |
22847 | 2155 | NORTH KELLYVILLE | NSW | 150.953 | -33.6852 | | | 11602 | Blacktown - North | 116 | Sydney - Blacktown | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.6852 | 150.953 | 11602163245 | Rouse Hill | 116021632 | Schofields - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | -3492 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Blacktown | 10750 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10070 | Riverstone |
2791 | 2155 | ROUSE HILL | NSW | 150.931074 | -33.731523 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11602 | Blacktown - North | 116 | Sydney - Blacktown | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.68162 | 150.91552 | 11602163245 | Rouse Hill | 116021632 | Schofields - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mitchell | -3492 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Blacktown | 10750 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10070 | Riverstone |
2792 | 2156 | ANNANGROVE | NSW | 150.974528 | -33.656984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.65255 | 150.94096 | 11502129758 | Kenthurst | 115021297 | Dural - Kenthurst - Wisemans Ferry | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | 102.775764465332 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2793 | 2156 | GLENHAVEN | NSW | 150.974528 | -33.656984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.70547 | 151.00334 | 11502129758 | Kenthurst | 115021297 | Dural - Kenthurst - Wisemans Ferry | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | 102.775764465332 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2794 | 2156 | KENTHURST | NSW | 150.974528 | -33.656984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6693 | 151.00158 | 11502129758 | Kenthurst | 115021297 | Dural - Kenthurst - Wisemans Ferry | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | 102.775764465332 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Mitchell | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2795 | 2157 | CANOELANDS | NSW | 150.991055 | -33.602167 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.50824 | 151.06178 | 11502129810 | Singletons Mill | 115021298 | Galston - Laughtondale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Berowra | 109.287796020508 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2796 | 2157 | FOREST GLEN | NSW | 150.991055 | -33.602167 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.55054 | 151.01974 | 11502129810 | Singletons Mill | 115021298 | Galston - Laughtondale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Berowra | 109.287796020508 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2797 | 2157 | GLENORIE | NSW | 150.991055 | -33.602167 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.60224 | 151.00247 | 11502129810 | Singletons Mill | 115021298 | Galston - Laughtondale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | 109.287796020508 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2798 | 2157 | HILLSIDE | NSW | 150.991055 | -33.602167 | | | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.601 | 150.976 | 11502129810 | Singletons Mill | 115021298 | Galston - Laughtondale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | 109.287796020508 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2799 | 2158 | DURAL | NSW | 151.040358 | -33.690331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.682 | 151.029 | 11502129757 | Dural (Hornsby - NSW) | 115021297 | Dural - Kenthurst - Wisemans Ferry | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | -3492 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | The Hills | 17420 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
22837 | 2158 | DURAL DC | NSW | 151.028 | -33.6822 | | | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.6822 | 151.028 | 11502129757 | Dural (Hornsby - NSW) | 115021297 | Dural - Kenthurst - Wisemans Ferry | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | -3492 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | The Hills | 17420 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2800 | 2158 | MIDDLE DURAL | NSW | 151.040358 | -33.690331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6408817 | 151.0180269 | 11502129757 | Dural (Hornsby - NSW) | 115021297 | Dural - Kenthurst - Wisemans Ferry | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | -3492 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | The Hills | 17420 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2801 | 2158 | ROUND CORNER | NSW | 151.040358 | -33.690331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.6918281 | 151.0197535 | 11502129757 | Dural (Hornsby - NSW) | 115021297 | Dural - Kenthurst - Wisemans Ferry | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | -3492 | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | The Hills | 17420 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2802 | 2159 | ARCADIA | NSW | 151.084146 | -33.539148 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.62429 | 151.04455 | 11502129817 | Fiddletown | 115021298 | Galston - Laughtondale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2803 | 2159 | BERRILEE | NSW | 151.084146 | -33.539148 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.61547 | 151.09811 | 11502129817 | Fiddletown | 115021298 | Galston - Laughtondale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2804 | 2159 | FIDDLETOWN | NSW | 151.084146 | -33.539148 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.60259 | 151.04984 | 11502129817 | Fiddletown | 115021298 | Galston - Laughtondale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Berowra | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2805 | 2159 | GALSTON | NSW | 151.084146 | -33.539148 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11502 | Dural - Wisemans Ferry | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.65 | 151.043 | 11502129817 | Fiddletown | 115021298 | Galston - Laughtondale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Berowra | | N1 | PHN102 | Northern Sydney | Hornsby | 14000 | Berowra | Outer Metropolitan | 10037 | Hornsby |
2806 | 2160 | MERRYLANDS | NSW | 150.976594 | -33.835883 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.835802 | 150.9865196 | 12504171819 | Parramatta | 125041718 | Parramatta - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
2807 | 2160 | MERRYLANDS WEST | NSW | 150.976594 | -33.835883 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12504 | Parramatta | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.83742 | 150.96168 | 12504171819 | Parramatta | 125041718 | Parramatta - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Parramatta | | N1 | PHN103 | Western Sydney | Parramatta | 16260 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10064 | Parramatta |
2808 | 2161 | GUILDFORD | NSW | 150.983724 | -33.858335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12503 | Merrylands - Guildford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8557329 | 150.9950627 | 12503148701 | Yennora | 125031487 | Yennora Industrial | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 41.6504135131836 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10032 | Granville |
2809 | 2161 | GUILDFORD WEST | NSW | 150.983724 | -33.858335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12503 | Merrylands - Guildford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.850656 | 150.96308 | 12503148701 | Yennora | 125031487 | Yennora Industrial | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 41.6504135131836 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10032 | Granville |
2810 | 2161 | OLD GUILDFORD | NSW | 150.983724 | -33.858335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12503 | Merrylands - Guildford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.86577 | 150.98346 | 12503148701 | Yennora | 125031487 | Yennora Industrial | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 41.6504135131836 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10032 | Granville |
2811 | 2161 | YENNORA | NSW | 150.983724 | -33.858335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12503 | Merrylands - Guildford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8627 | 150.966 | 12503148701 | Yennora | 125031487 | Yennora Industrial | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 41.6504135131836 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Parramatta | Inner Metropolitan | 10032 | Granville |
2812 | 2162 | CHESTER HILL | NSW | 151.004128 | -33.88349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12503 | Merrylands - Guildford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87838 | 151.00443 | 12503148328 | Chester Hill | 125031483 | Guildford - South Granville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 33.1385307312012 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10032 | Granville |
2813 | 2162 | SEFTON | NSW | 151.004128 | -33.88349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12503 | Merrylands - Guildford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.88836 | 151.00713 | 12503148328 | Chester Hill | 125031483 | Guildford - South Granville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 33.1385307312012 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10032 | Granville |
2814 | 2163 | CARRAMAR | NSW | 150.979458 | -33.887203 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12503 | Merrylands - Guildford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.88605 | 150.96442 | 12503148031 | Carramar (NSW) | 125031480 | Fairfield - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Fowler | Outer Metropolitan | 10029 | Fairfield |
2815 | 2163 | LANSDOWNE | NSW | 150.979458 | -33.887203 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12503 | Merrylands - Guildford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.89499 | 150.97418 | 12503148031 | Carramar (NSW) | 125031480 | Fairfield - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Fowler | Outer Metropolitan | 10029 | Fairfield |
2816 | 2163 | VILLAWOOD | NSW | 150.979458 | -33.887203 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12503 | Merrylands - Guildford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.881495 | 150.9821162 | 12503148031 | Carramar (NSW) | 125031480 | Fairfield - East | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Fowler | Outer Metropolitan | 10029 | Fairfield |
2817 | 2164 | SMITHFIELD | NSW | 150.875028 | -33.844153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8535722 | 150.9406861 | 12702152101 | Wetherill Park | 127021521 | Wetherill Park Industrial | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 73.7068481445313 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2818 | 2164 | SMITHFIELD WEST | NSW | 150.875028 | -33.844153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8575945 | 150.9177784 | 12702152101 | Wetherill Park | 127021521 | Wetherill Park Industrial | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 73.7068481445313 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2819 | 2164 | WETHERILL PARK | NSW | 150.875028 | -33.844153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.84975 | 150.91101 | 12702152101 | Wetherill Park | 127021521 | Wetherill Park Industrial | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 73.7068481445313 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
22872 | 2164 | WETHERILL PARK BC | NSW | 150.903 | -33.847 | | | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.847 | 150.903 | 12702152101 | Wetherill Park | 127021521 | Wetherill Park Industrial | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | -3492 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2820 | 2164 | WOODPARK | NSW | 150.875028 | -33.844153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.841827 | 150.962577 | 12702152101 | Wetherill Park | 127021521 | Wetherill Park Industrial | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 73.7068481445313 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2821 | 2165 | FAIRFIELD | NSW | 150.947496 | -33.872435 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8705856 | 150.9564102 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2822 | 2165 | FAIRFIELD EAST | NSW | 150.947496 | -33.872435 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87177 | 150.97346 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2823 | 2165 | FAIRFIELD HEIGHTS | NSW | 150.947496 | -33.872435 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.86848 | 150.94239 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2824 | 2165 | FAIRFIELD WEST | NSW | 150.947496 | -33.872435 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87112 | 150.92322 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Cumberland | 12380 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2825 | 2166 | CABRAMATTA | NSW | 150.92937 | -33.892738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8954675 | 150.9384081 | 12702151348 | Canley Vale | 127021513 | Canley Vale - Canley Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10029 | Fairfield |
2826 | 2166 | CABRAMATTA WEST | NSW | 150.92937 | -33.892738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8947 | 150.915 | 12702151348 | Canley Vale | 127021513 | Canley Vale - Canley Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10029 | Fairfield |
2827 | 2166 | CANLEY HEIGHTS | NSW | 150.92937 | -33.892738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.88502 | 150.9276 | 12702151348 | Canley Vale | 127021513 | Canley Vale - Canley Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10029 | Fairfield |
2828 | 2166 | CANLEY VALE | NSW | 150.92937 | -33.892738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.88642 | 150.946 | 12702151348 | Canley Vale | 127021513 | Canley Vale - Canley Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10029 | Fairfield |
2829 | 2166 | LANSVALE | NSW | 150.92937 | -33.892738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.906913 | 150.9685549 | 12702151348 | Canley Vale | 127021513 | Canley Vale - Canley Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10029 | Fairfield |
2830 | 2167 | GLENFIELD | NSW | 150.890441 | -33.972167 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12302 | Campbelltown (NSW) | 123 | Sydney - Outer South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9690916 | 150.8929227 | 12302170426 | Glenfield (NSW) | 123021704 | Glenfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 19.7589111328125 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Campbelltown (NSW) | 11500 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2831 | 2168 | ASHCROFT | NSW | 150.875345 | -33.915939 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.91447 | 150.8987392 | 12703159921 | Cartwright | 127031599 | Lurnea - Cartwright | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 44.2214164733887 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2832 | 2168 | BUSBY | NSW | 150.875345 | -33.915939 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.91413 | 150.88247 | 12703159921 | Cartwright | 127031599 | Lurnea - Cartwright | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 44.2214164733887 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2833 | 2168 | CARTWRIGHT | NSW | 150.875345 | -33.915939 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9240777 | 150.8914686 | 12703159921 | Cartwright | 127031599 | Lurnea - Cartwright | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 44.2214164733887 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2834 | 2168 | GREEN VALLEY | NSW | 150.875345 | -33.915939 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.90596 | 150.86681 | 12703159921 | Cartwright | 127031599 | Lurnea - Cartwright | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 44.2214164733887 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2835 | 2168 | HECKENBERG | NSW | 150.875345 | -33.915939 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.91068 | 150.88887 | 12703159921 | Cartwright | 127031599 | Lurnea - Cartwright | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 44.2214164733887 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2836 | 2168 | HINCHINBROOK | NSW | 150.875345 | -33.915939 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9165364 | 150.8639325 | 12703159921 | Cartwright | 127031599 | Lurnea - Cartwright | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 44.2214164733887 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2837 | 2168 | MILLER | NSW | 150.875345 | -33.915939 | | | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9268 | 150.872 | 12703159921 | Cartwright | 127031599 | Lurnea - Cartwright | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 44.2214164733887 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2838 | 2168 | SADLEIR | NSW | 150.875345 | -33.915939 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9164233 | 150.8914686 | 12703159921 | Cartwright | 127031599 | Lurnea - Cartwright | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 44.2214164733887 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2839 | 2170 | CASULA | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9503864 | 150.9044946 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2840 | 2170 | CASULA MALL | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.948068 | 150.899674 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2841 | 2170 | CHIPPING NORTON | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.911 | 150.959 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2842 | 2170 | HAMMONDVILLE | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9522602 | 150.9601708 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2843 | 2170 | LIVERPOOL | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9285567 | 150.9179595 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2844 | 2170 | LIVERPOOL SOUTH | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9285567 | 150.9179595 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2845 | 2170 | LIVERPOOL WESTFIELD | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9192132 | 150.9237809 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2846 | 2170 | LURNEA | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9326 | 150.900826 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2847 | 2170 | MOOREBANK | NSW | 150.9413383 | -33.93566973 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -33.9397082 | 150.9249864 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2848 | 2170 | MOUNT PRITCHARD | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.898 | 150.901 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2849 | 2170 | PRESTONS | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9422412 | 150.8673973 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2850 | 2170 | WARWICK FARM | NSW | 150.921448 | -33.928392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.911343 | 150.9381637 | 12703173336 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 7.32865190505981 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
20225 | 2171 | CARNES HILL | NSW | 150.8487366 | -33.93771581 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9383 | 150.848 | 12703173316 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 43.5162963867188 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2851 | 2171 | CECIL HILLS | NSW | 150.970931 | -33.959617 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8876831 | 150.8490573 | 12703173316 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 7.48995923995972 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
20226 | 2171 | ELIZABETH HILLS | NSW | 150.8482772 | -33.90053335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9001 | 150.848 | 12703173316 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 7.48995923995972 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2852 | 2171 | HORNINGSEA PARK | NSW | 150.970931 | -33.959617 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.944 | 150.844 | 12703173316 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 7.48995923995972 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2853 | 2171 | HOXTON PARK | NSW | 150.970931 | -33.959617 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.93382 | 150.85284 | 12703173316 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 7.48995923995972 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
20227 | 2171 | LEN WATERS ESTATE | NSW | 150.8528604 | -33.91318072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9143 | 150.854 | 12703173316 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 38.8425788879395 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
20228 | 2171 | MIDDLETON GRANGE | NSW | 150.8427566 | -33.91465272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.915 | 150.842 | 12703173316 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 7.48995923995972 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2854 | 2171 | WEST HOXTON | NSW | 150.970931 | -33.959617 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.93569 | 150.8308 | 12703173316 | Prestons | 127031733 | Prestons | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 7.48995923995972 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2855 | 2172 | PLEASURE POINT | NSW | 150.917444 | -33.951109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.96776 | 150.978 | 12703152442 | Voyager Point | 127031524 | Holsworthy - Wattle Grove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10036 | Holsworthy |
2856 | 2172 | SANDY POINT | NSW | 150.917444 | -33.951109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.976 | 150.9926 | 12703152442 | Voyager Point | 127031524 | Holsworthy - Wattle Grove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10036 | Holsworthy |
2857 | 2172 | VOYAGER POINT | NSW | 150.917444 | -33.951109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.959 | 150.979 | 12703152442 | Voyager Point | 127031524 | Holsworthy - Wattle Grove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10036 | Holsworthy |
2858 | 2173 | HOLSWORTHY | NSW | 150.919554 | -34.074239 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9565362 | 150.9498811 | 12703152450 | Wattle Grove (NSW) | 127031524 | Holsworthy - Wattle Grove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10036 | Holsworthy |
2859 | 2173 | WATTLE GROVE | NSW | 150.919554 | -34.074239 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9492164 | 150.9424079 | 12703152450 | Wattle Grove (NSW) | 127031524 | Holsworthy - Wattle Grove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10036 | Holsworthy |
2860 | 2174 | EDMONDSON PARK | NSW | 150.856709 | -33.977497 | | | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9652 | 150.858 | 12703173025 | Edmondson Park | 127031730 | Edmondson Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2861 | 2174 | INGLEBURN MILPO | NSW | 150.856709 | -33.977497 | | | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9984 | 150.866 | 12703173025 | Edmondson Park | 127031730 | Edmondson Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Liverpool | 14900 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2862 | 2175 | HORSLEY PARK | NSW | 150.848192 | -33.845034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.848126 | 150.8493059 | 12702151812 | Horsley Park | 127021518 | Horsley Park - Kemps Creek | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10003 | Badgerys Creek |
2863 | 2176 | ABBOTSBURY | NSW | 150.88526 | -33.872014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.875 | 150.862 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 44.5510597229004 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2864 | 2176 | BOSSLEY PARK | NSW | 150.88526 | -33.872014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.86341 | 150.88364 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 44.5510597229004 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2865 | 2176 | EDENSOR PARK | NSW | 150.88526 | -33.872014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.88095 | 150.87516 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 44.5510597229004 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2866 | 2176 | GREENFIELD PARK | NSW | 150.88526 | -33.872014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87676 | 150.88819 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 44.5510597229004 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2867 | 2176 | PRAIRIEWOOD | NSW | 150.88526 | -33.872014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.861 | 150.9048 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 44.5510597229004 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2868 | 2176 | ST JOHNS PARK | NSW | 150.88526 | -33.872014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8847 | 150.907 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 44.5510597229004 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2869 | 2176 | WAKELEY | NSW | 150.88526 | -33.872014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8762 | 150.9123 | 12702152026 | Wakeley | 127021520 | St Johns Park - Wakeley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fowler | 44.5510597229004 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | McMahon | Outer Metropolitan | 10069 | Prospect |
2870 | 2177 | BONNYRIGG | NSW | 150.879379 | -33.895053 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.89812 | 150.89006 | 12702151203 | Mount Pritchard | 127021512 | Cabramatta West - Mount Pritchard | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 48.0427017211914 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2871 | 2177 | BONNYRIGG HEIGHTS | NSW | 150.879379 | -33.895053 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.89112 | 150.87206 | 12702151203 | Mount Pritchard | 127021512 | Cabramatta West - Mount Pritchard | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 48.0427017211914 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
17675 | 2177 | WENTWORTH PORT | NSW | 150.886505 | -33.888801 | | | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.828 | 151.077 | 12702151203 | Mount Pritchard | 127021512 | Cabramatta West - Mount Pritchard | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Werriwa | 48.0427017211914 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2872 | 2178 | CECIL PARK | NSW | 150.838225 | -33.87478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87297 | 150.83823 | 12702151811 | Cecil Park | 127021518 | Horsley Park - Kemps Creek | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 114.638656616211 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2873 | 2178 | KEMPS CREEK | NSW | 150.838225 | -33.87478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.87464 | 150.79868 | 12702151811 | Cecil Park | 127021518 | Horsley Park - Kemps Creek | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 114.638656616211 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2874 | 2178 | MOUNT VERNON | NSW | 150.838225 | -33.87478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12702 | Fairfield | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.857 | 150.81 | 12702151811 | Cecil Park | 127021518 | Horsley Park - Kemps Creek | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McMahon | 114.638656616211 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Fairfield | 12850 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10046 | Liverpool |
2875 | 2179 | AUSTRAL | NSW | 150.812031 | -33.933109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12701 | Bringelly - Green Valley | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.93109 | 150.79361 | 12701172832 | Leppington | 127011728 | Leppington - Catherine Field | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macarthur | 82.4747009277344 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Camden | 11450 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2876 | 2179 | LEPPINGTON | NSW | 150.812031 | -33.933109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12701 | Bringelly - Green Valley | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.965 | 150.801 | 12701172832 | Leppington | 127011728 | Leppington - Catherine Field | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macarthur | 82.4747009277344 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Camden | 11450 | Werriwa | Outer Metropolitan | 10048 | Macquarie Fields |
2877 | 2190 | CHULLORA | NSW | 151.0477059 | -33.89194485 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -33.8908 | 151.0475 | 12003168119 | Strathfield (NSW) | 120031681 | Strathfield - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | 37.378734588623 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Strathfield | 17100 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10006 | Bankstown |
2878 | 2190 | GREENACRE | NSW | 151.053858 | -33.901925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9077605 | 151.0643509 | 12003168119 | Strathfield (NSW) | 120031681 | Strathfield - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | 39.5913047790527 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Strathfield | 17100 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10006 | Bankstown |
2879 | 2190 | MOUNT LEWIS | NSW | 151.053858 | -33.901925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.915 | 151.051 | 12003168119 | Strathfield (NSW) | 120031681 | Strathfield - West | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | 39.5913047790527 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Strathfield | 17100 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10006 | Bankstown |
2880 | 2191 | BELFIELD | NSW | 151.085513 | -33.906803 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9061117 | 151.0849848 | 11902136227 | Belfield | 119021362 | Belmore - Belfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Strathfield | 17100 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
2881 | 2192 | BELMORE | NSW | 151.089663 | -33.921018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9178204 | 151.0908086 | 11902136249 | Belmore | 119021362 | Belmore - Belfield | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10015 | Canterbury |
2882 | 2193 | ASHBURY | NSW | 151.12086 | -33.910308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8997098 | 151.1199309 | 12003167729 | Hurlstone Park | 120031677 | Ashfield - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | 26.4233074188232 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
2883 | 2193 | CANTERBURY | NSW | 151.12086 | -33.910308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9126 | 151.118 | 12003167729 | Hurlstone Park | 120031677 | Ashfield - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | 26.4233074188232 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
2884 | 2193 | HURLSTONE PARK | NSW | 151.12086 | -33.910308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.91058 | 151.12919 | 12003167729 | Hurlstone Park | 120031677 | Ashfield - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | 26.4233074188232 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
2885 | 2194 | CAMPSIE | NSW | 151.101777 | -33.917601 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9105784 | 151.1024569 | 11902166125 | Campsie | 119021661 | Canterbury - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10075 | Strathfield |
2886 | 2195 | LAKEMBA | NSW | 151.076939 | -33.924525 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9200417 | 151.0771497 | 11902157421 | Wiley Park | 119021574 | Wiley Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10015 | Canterbury |
22849 | 2195 | LAKEMBA DC | NSW | 151.077 | -33.92 | | | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.92 | 151.077 | 11902157421 | Wiley Park | 119021574 | Wiley Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10015 | Canterbury |
2887 | 2195 | WILEY PARK | NSW | 151.076939 | -33.924525 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9228671 | 151.0683887 | 11902157421 | Wiley Park | 119021574 | Wiley Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10015 | Canterbury |
2888 | 2196 | PUNCHBOWL | NSW | 151.057799 | -33.930089 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9324629 | 151.049487 | 11902157406 | Wiley Park | 119021574 | Wiley Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2889 | 2196 | ROSELANDS | NSW | 151.057799 | -33.930089 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9369131 | 151.074461 | 11902157406 | Wiley Park | 119021574 | Wiley Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Watson | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2890 | 2197 | BASS HILL | NSW | 150.998155 | -33.901198 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12503 | Merrylands - Guildford | 125 | Sydney - Parramatta | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.8990652 | 150.9976541 | 12503147927 | Sefton | 125031479 | Chester Hill - Sefton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 34.6289176940918 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10029 | Fairfield |
2891 | 2198 | GEORGES HALL | NSW | 150.986277 | -33.908788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11901 | Bankstown | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9062913 | 150.9860137 | 11901135451 | Georges Hall | 119011354 | Bass Hill - Georges Hall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 12.8891181945801 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10029 | Fairfield |
2892 | 2199 | YAGOONA | NSW | 151.023171 | -33.905586 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11901 | Bankstown | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9050378 | 151.0209375 | 11901157124 | Yagoona | 119011571 | Bankstown - North | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 44.5213775634766 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2893 | 2199 | YAGOONA WEST | NSW | 151.023171 | -33.905586 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11901 | Bankstown | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9097192 | 151.0100527 | 11901157124 | Yagoona | 119011571 | Bankstown - North | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 44.5213775634766 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2894 | 2200 | BANKSTOWN | NSW | 151.014937 | -33.926559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.91817 | 151.03497 | 11902136628 | Punchbowl (Canterbury-Bankstown - NSW) | 119021366 | Punchbowl | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 40.8723831176758 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
20229 | 2200 | BANKSTOWN AERODROME | NSW | 150.9886638 | -33.9226153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9200458 | 151.0296696 | 11902136628 | Punchbowl (Canterbury-Bankstown - NSW) | 119021366 | Punchbowl | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 7.41502618789673 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2895 | 2200 | BANKSTOWN AIRPORT | NSW | 151.014937 | -33.926559 | | | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9246 | 150.998 | 11902136628 | Punchbowl (Canterbury-Bankstown - NSW) | 119021366 | Punchbowl | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 40.8723831176758 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2896 | 2200 | BANKSTOWN NORTH | NSW | 151.014937 | -33.926559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9047111 | 151.0380263 | 11902136628 | Punchbowl (Canterbury-Bankstown - NSW) | 119021366 | Punchbowl | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 40.8723831176758 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2897 | 2200 | BANKSTOWN SQUARE | NSW | 151.014937 | -33.926559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.91817 | 151.03497 | 11902136628 | Punchbowl (Canterbury-Bankstown - NSW) | 119021366 | Punchbowl | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 40.8723831176758 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2898 | 2200 | CONDELL PARK | NSW | 151.014937 | -33.926559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.92498 | 151.00769 | 11902136628 | Punchbowl (Canterbury-Bankstown - NSW) | 119021366 | Punchbowl | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 40.8723831176758 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2899 | 2200 | MANAHAN | NSW | 151.014937 | -33.926559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9202555 | 151.0051824 | 11902136628 | Punchbowl (Canterbury-Bankstown - NSW) | 119021366 | Punchbowl | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 40.8723831176758 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2900 | 2200 | MOUNT LEWIS | NSW | 151.014937 | -33.926559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.915 | 151.051 | 11902136628 | Punchbowl (Canterbury-Bankstown - NSW) | 119021366 | Punchbowl | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | 40.8723831176758 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2901 | 2203 | DULWICH HILL | NSW | 151.138999 | -33.90441 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9041707 | 151.1374068 | 12003139448 | Dulwich Hill | 120031394 | Dulwich Hill - Lewisham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | 30.3247299194336 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Inner West | 14170 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
2902 | 2204 | MARRICKVILLE | NSW | 151.155539 | -33.912288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9086291 | 151.1548847 | 11702163734 | Marrickville | 117021637 | Marrickville - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
2903 | 2204 | MARRICKVILLE METRO | NSW | 151.155539 | -33.912288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9068736 | 151.1714361 | 11702163734 | Marrickville | 117021637 | Marrickville - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
2904 | 2204 | MARRICKVILLE SOUTH | NSW | 151.155539 | -33.912288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.908799 | 151.1479343 | 11702163734 | Marrickville | 117021637 | Marrickville - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Grayndler | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Grayndler | Inner Metropolitan | 10076 | Summer Hill |
2627 | 2205 | ARNCLIFFE | NSW | 151.147956 | -33.937551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9391501 | 151.1478116 | 11904167120 | Wolli Creek | 119041671 | Wolli Creek | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2628 | 2205 | TURRELLA | NSW | 151.147956 | -33.937551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.93297 | 151.14079 | 11904167120 | Wolli Creek | 119041671 | Wolli Creek | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2629 | 2205 | WOLLI CREEK | NSW | 151.147956 | -33.937551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9299813 | 151.1534281 | 11904167120 | Wolli Creek | 119041671 | Wolli Creek | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2630 | 2206 | CLEMTON PARK | NSW | 151.122881 | -33.926056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9258275 | 151.104641 | 11902166244 | Earlwood | 119021662 | Earlwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | 49.8333282470703 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10015 | Canterbury |
2631 | 2206 | EARLWOOD | NSW | 151.122881 | -33.926056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.922442 | 151.1286591 | 11902166244 | Earlwood | 119021662 | Earlwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | 49.8333282470703 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10015 | Canterbury |
2632 | 2206 | UNDERCLIFFE | NSW | 151.122881 | -33.926056 | | | 12003 | Strathfield - Burwood - Ashfield | 120 | Sydney - Inner West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9237 | 151.141 | 11902166244 | Earlwood | 119021662 | Earlwood | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | 49.8333282470703 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10015 | Canterbury |
2633 | 2207 | BARDWELL PARK | NSW | 151.119517 | -33.948744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.93539 | 151.12541 | 11904167033 | Bexley | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2634 | 2207 | BARDWELL VALLEY | NSW | 151.119517 | -33.948744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.937 | 151.133 | 11904167033 | Bexley | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2635 | 2207 | BEXLEY | NSW | 151.119517 | -33.948744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9525324 | 151.1226904 | 11904167033 | Bexley | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2636 | 2207 | BEXLEY NORTH | NSW | 151.119517 | -33.948744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9418 | 151.1114 | 11904167033 | Bexley | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2637 | 2207 | BEXLEY SOUTH | NSW | 151.119517 | -33.948744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9525324 | 151.1226904 | 11904167033 | Bexley | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2638 | 2208 | KINGSGROVE | NSW | 151.098002 | -33.942632 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -33.9379361 | 151.0995447 | 11904166906 | Kingsgrove | 119041669 | Bexley - North | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | 22.2341766357422 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10041 | Kogarah |
24073 | 2208 | KINGSGROVE DC | NSW | 151.098002 | -33.942632 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -33.9379361 | 151.0995447 | 11904166906 | Kingsgrove | 119041669 | Bexley - North | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | 22.2341766357422 | | | | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | | | 10041 | Kogarah |
2639 | 2208 | KINGSWAY WEST | NSW | 151.098002 | -33.942632 | | | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -33.9511 | 151.092 | 11904166906 | Kingsgrove | 119041669 | Bexley - North | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | 22.2341766357422 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10041 | Kogarah |
2640 | 2209 | BEVERLY HILLS | NSW | 151.075304 | -33.94913 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11903 | Hurstville | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9488484 | 151.0803942 | 11903166711 | Penshurst (NSW) | 119031667 | Penshurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 37.5085182189941 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2641 | 2209 | NARWEE | NSW | 151.075304 | -33.94913 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11903 | Hurstville | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.947329 | 151.0707329 | 11903166711 | Penshurst (NSW) | 119031667 | Penshurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 37.5085182189941 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2642 | 2210 | LUGARNO | NSW | 151.052257 | -33.957725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11903 | Hurstville | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.98469 | 151.04352 | 11903166710 | Penshurst (NSW) | 119031667 | Penshurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2643 | 2210 | PEAKHURST | NSW | 151.052257 | -33.957725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11903 | Hurstville | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9654 | 151.0502 | 11903166710 | Penshurst (NSW) | 119031667 | Penshurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
22856 | 2210 | PEAKHURST DC | NSW | 151.05 | -33.9654 | | | 11903 | Hurstville | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.9654 | 151.05 | 11903166710 | Penshurst (NSW) | 119031667 | Penshurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2644 | 2210 | PEAKHURST HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.052257 | -33.957725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11903 | Hurstville | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.981667 | 151.051111 | 11903166710 | Penshurst (NSW) | 119031667 | Penshurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2645 | 2210 | RIVERWOOD | NSW | 151.052257 | -33.957725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11903 | Hurstville | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9508615 | 151.0523782 | 11903166710 | Penshurst (NSW) | 119031667 | Penshurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2646 | 2211 | PADSTOW | NSW | 151.03221 | -33.961366 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9504502 | 151.0309 | 11901157239 | Padstow | 119011572 | Bankstown - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 37.0409317016602 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2647 | 2211 | PADSTOW HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.03221 | -33.961366 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11902 | Canterbury | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.973 | 151.035 | 11901157239 | Padstow | 119011572 | Bankstown - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 37.0409317016602 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Watson | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2648 | 2212 | REVESBY | NSW | 151.014547 | -33.947286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11901 | Bankstown | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9452471 | 151.018035 | 11901165811 | Revesby Heights | 119011658 | Panania (South) - Picnic Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 17.9749641418457 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2649 | 2212 | REVESBY HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.014547 | -33.947286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11901 | Bankstown | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.96806 | 151.01773 | 11901165811 | Revesby Heights | 119011658 | Panania (South) - Picnic Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 17.9749641418457 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2650 | 2212 | REVESBY NORTH | NSW | 151.014547 | -33.947286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11901 | Bankstown | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9452471 | 151.018035 | 11901165811 | Revesby Heights | 119011658 | Panania (South) - Picnic Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 17.9749641418457 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2651 | 2213 | EAST HILLS | NSW | 150.997836 | -33.964102 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11901 | Bankstown | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.96396 | 150.98974 | 11901165833 | Panania | 119011658 | Panania (South) - Picnic Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 23.0596771240234 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Banks | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2652 | 2213 | PANANIA | NSW | 150.997836 | -33.964102 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11901 | Bankstown | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.95793 | 151.002 | 11901165833 | Panania | 119011658 | Panania (South) - Picnic Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 23.0596771240234 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Banks | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2653 | 2213 | PICNIC POINT | NSW | 150.997836 | -33.964102 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11901 | Bankstown | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.96929 | 151.00624 | 11901165833 | Panania | 119011658 | Panania (South) - Picnic Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 23.0596771240234 | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Banks | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2654 | 2214 | MILPERRA | NSW | 150.981592 | -33.941443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12703 | Liverpool | 127 | Sydney - South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9405364 | 150.9801939 | 11901165728 | Milperra | 119011657 | Panania (North) - Milperra | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blaxland | | N1 | PHN105 | South Western Sydney | Canterbury-Bankstown | 11570 | Blaxland | Inner Metropolitan | 10027 | East Hills |
2655 | 2216 | BANKSIA | NSW | 151.148204 | -33.955393 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.94776 | 151.14806 | 11904138158 | Rockdale | 119041381 | Rockdale - Banksia | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
22828 | 2216 | BRIGHTON LE SANDS | NSW | 151.152 | -33.9591 | | | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.9591 | 151.152 | 11904138158 | Rockdale | 119041381 | Rockdale - Banksia | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2656 | 2216 | BRIGHTON-LE-SANDS | NSW | 151.148204 | -33.955393 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9590873 | 151.1520593 | 11904138158 | Rockdale | 119041381 | Rockdale - Banksia | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2657 | 2216 | KYEEMAGH | NSW | 151.148204 | -33.955393 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.94829 | 151.15711 | 11904138158 | Rockdale | 119041381 | Rockdale - Banksia | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2658 | 2216 | ROCKDALE | NSW | 151.148204 | -33.955393 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9529076 | 151.1375572 | 11904138158 | Rockdale | 119041381 | Rockdale - Banksia | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
22860 | 2216 | ROCKDALE DC | NSW | 151.138 | -33.9529 | | | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.9529 | 151.138 | 11904138158 | Rockdale | 119041381 | Rockdale - Banksia | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2659 | 2217 | BEVERLEY PARK | NSW | 151.140345 | -33.974354 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.97897 | 151.1285 | 11904167032 | Kogarah | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 4.55263948440552 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2660 | 2217 | KOGARAH | NSW | 151.140345 | -33.974354 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9643523 | 151.1372588 | 11904167032 | Kogarah | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 4.55263948440552 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2661 | 2217 | KOGARAH BAY | NSW | 151.140345 | -33.974354 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.98338 | 151.12166 | 11904167032 | Kogarah | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 4.55263948440552 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2662 | 2217 | MONTEREY | NSW | 151.140345 | -33.974354 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9738 | 151.1479 | 11904167032 | Kogarah | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 4.55263948440552 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2663 | 2217 | RAMSGATE | NSW | 151.140345 | -33.974354 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.98194 | 151.14007 | 11904167032 | Kogarah | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 4.55263948440552 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2664 | 2217 | RAMSGATE BEACH | NSW | 151.140345 | -33.974354 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.982 | 151.148 | 11904167032 | Kogarah | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 4.55263948440552 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2665 | 2218 | ALLAWAH | NSW | 151.117453 | -33.973161 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9749 | 151.1167 | 11904167035 | Carlton (NSW) | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 42.6211013793945 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10041 | Kogarah |
2666 | 2218 | CARLTON | NSW | 151.117453 | -33.973161 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9685296 | 151.1246063 | 11904167035 | Carlton (NSW) | 119041670 | Bexley - South | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 42.6211013793945 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Bayside (NSW) | 10500 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10041 | Kogarah |
2667 | 2219 | DOLLS POINT | NSW | 151.132495 | -33.996587 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.99386 | 151.14301 | 11904138239 | Sans Souci | 119041382 | Sans Souci - Ramsgate | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 3.25840973854065 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2668 | 2219 | SANDRINGHAM | NSW | 151.132495 | -33.996587 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9986108 | 151.1395914 | 11904138239 | Sans Souci | 119041382 | Sans Souci - Ramsgate | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 3.25840973854065 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2669 | 2219 | SANS SOUCI | NSW | 151.132495 | -33.996587 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.98898 | 151.1393 | 11904138239 | Sans Souci | 119041382 | Sans Souci - Ramsgate | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 3.25840973854065 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10071 | Rockdale |
2670 | 2220 | HURSTVILLE | NSW | 151.101764 | -33.966692 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9645633 | 151.1010187 | 11904137934 | Hurstville | 119041379 | Kogarah Bay - Carlton - Allawah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | 69.9814529418945 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2671 | 2220 | HURSTVILLE GROVE | NSW | 151.101764 | -33.966692 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.97972 | 151.09298 | 11904137934 | Hurstville | 119041379 | Kogarah Bay - Carlton - Allawah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | 69.9814529418945 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2672 | 2220 | HURSTVILLE WESTFIELD | NSW | 151.101764 | -33.966692 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.966189 | 151.1051663 | 11904137934 | Hurstville | 119041379 | Kogarah Bay - Carlton - Allawah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Barton | 69.9814529418945 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2673 | 2221 | BLAKEHURST | NSW | 151.10599 | -33.992159 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9897654 | 151.1080239 | 11903137460 | South Hurstville | 119031374 | South Hurstville - Blakehurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 24.711597442627 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2674 | 2221 | CARSS PARK | NSW | 151.10599 | -33.992159 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.98718 | 151.11889 | 11903137460 | South Hurstville | 119031374 | South Hurstville - Blakehurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 24.711597442627 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2675 | 2221 | CONNELLS POINT | NSW | 151.10599 | -33.992159 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.98246 | 151.10016 | 11903137460 | South Hurstville | 119031374 | South Hurstville - Blakehurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 24.711597442627 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2676 | 2221 | KYLE BAY | NSW | 151.10599 | -33.992159 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9911107 | 151.1002727 | 11903137460 | South Hurstville | 119031374 | South Hurstville - Blakehurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 24.711597442627 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2677 | 2221 | SOUTH HURSTVILLE | NSW | 151.10599 | -33.992159 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11904 | Kogarah - Rockdale | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.98 | 151.1035 | 11903137460 | South Hurstville | 119031374 | South Hurstville - Blakehurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 24.711597442627 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2678 | 2222 | PENSHURST | NSW | 151.084774 | -33.964713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11903 | Hurstville | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9623045 | 151.0849848 | 11903166718 | Penshurst (NSW) | 119031667 | Penshurst | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 59.5562171936035 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Barton | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2679 | 2223 | MORTDALE | NSW | 151.071837 | -33.980264 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11903 | Hurstville | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.96932 | 151.06969 | 11903166632 | Mortdale | 119031666 | Mortdale - Oatley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 42.4234848022461 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Banks | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2680 | 2223 | OATLEY | NSW | 151.071837 | -33.980264 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11903 | Hurstville | 119 | Sydney - Inner South West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.98118 | 151.07479 | 11903166632 | Mortdale | 119031666 | Mortdale - Oatley | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Banks | 42.4234848022461 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Georges River | 12930 | Banks | Inner Metropolitan | 10061 | Oatley |
2681 | 2224 | KANGAROO POINT | NSW | 151.101891 | -34.01362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.002 | 151.096 | 12801153137 | Sylvania | 128011531 | Sylvania - Taren Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2682 | 2224 | SYLVANIA | NSW | 151.101891 | -34.01362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0080021 | 151.1056919 | 12801153137 | Sylvania | 128011531 | Sylvania - Taren Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2683 | 2224 | SYLVANIA SOUTHGATE | NSW | 151.101891 | -34.01362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0103413 | 151.1041815 | 12801153137 | Sylvania | 128011531 | Sylvania - Taren Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2684 | 2224 | SYLVANIA WATERS | NSW | 151.101891 | -34.01362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.02318 | 151.11156 | 12801153137 | Sylvania | 128011531 | Sylvania - Taren Point | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2685 | 2225 | CARAVAN HEAD | NSW | 151.087892 | -33.997441 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9974549 | 151.0885576 | 12802153641 | Oyster Bay | 128021536 | Oyster Bay - Como - Jannali | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2686 | 2225 | OYSTER BAY | NSW | 151.087892 | -33.997441 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0016599 | 151.0791612 | 12802153641 | Oyster Bay | 128021536 | Oyster Bay - Como - Jannali | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2687 | 2226 | BONNET BAY | NSW | 151.063808 | -34.009345 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.01025 | 151.05238 | 12802153832 | Sutherland (NSW) | 128021538 | Sutherland - Kirrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2688 | 2226 | COMO | NSW | 151.063808 | -34.009345 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0045 | 151.06379 | 12802153832 | Sutherland (NSW) | 128021538 | Sutherland - Kirrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2689 | 2226 | JANNALI | NSW | 151.063808 | -34.009345 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.01695 | 151.06522 | 12802153832 | Sutherland (NSW) | 128021538 | Sutherland - Kirrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2690 | 2227 | GYMEA | NSW | 151.085005 | -34.04984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0333 | 151.08556 | 12802153848 | Kirrawee | 128021538 | Sutherland - Kirrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2691 | 2227 | GYMEA BAY | NSW | 151.085005 | -34.04984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0496 | 151.0864 | 12802153848 | Kirrawee | 128021538 | Sutherland - Kirrawee | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2692 | 2228 | MIRANDA | NSW | 151.101564 | -34.037692 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0299364 | 151.1055499 | 12801160226 | Miranda (NSW) | 128011602 | Caringbah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2693 | 2228 | YOWIE BAY | NSW | 151.101564 | -34.037692 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.04977 | 151.10334 | 12801160226 | Miranda (NSW) | 128011602 | Caringbah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2694 | 2229 | CARINGBAH | NSW | 151.120091 | -34.05494 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0452 | 151.1218 | 12801160601 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 54.9154434204102 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
20230 | 2229 | CARINGBAH SOUTH | NSW | 151.1196698 | -34.05505669 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0529 | 151.12 | 12801160601 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 54.9154434204102 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2695 | 2229 | DOLANS BAY | NSW | 151.120091 | -34.05494 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.06259 | 151.12641 | 12801160601 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 54.9154434204102 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2696 | 2229 | LILLI PILLI | NSW | 151.120091 | -34.05494 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.068333 | 151.115833 | 12801160601 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 54.9154434204102 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2697 | 2229 | PORT HACKING | NSW | 151.120091 | -34.05494 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.069 | 151.1227 | 12801160601 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 54.9154434204102 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2698 | 2229 | TAREN POINT | NSW | 151.120091 | -34.05494 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.01909 | 151.12028 | 12801160601 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 54.9154434204102 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2699 | 2229 | WARUMBUL | NSW | 151.120091 | -34.05494 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0460194 | 151.1228434 | 12801160601 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 54.9154434204102 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2700 | 2230 | BUNDEENA | NSW | 151.136596 | -34.093213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0834162 | 151.1515469 | 12801160620 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Cook | 69.7661895751953 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
2701 | 2230 | BURRANEER | NSW | 151.136596 | -34.093213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.06996 | 151.13664 | 12801160620 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 69.7661895751953 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
2702 | 2230 | CRONULLA | NSW | 151.136596 | -34.093213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.05744 | 151.15219 | 12801160620 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 69.7661895751953 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
20231 | 2230 | GREENHILLS BEACH | NSW | 151.1636097 | -34.0360001 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0347 | 151.165 | 12801160620 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 69.7661895751953 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
2703 | 2230 | MAIANBAR | NSW | 151.136596 | -34.093213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0764794 | 151.1272123 | 12801160620 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Cook | 69.7661895751953 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
2704 | 2230 | WOOLOOWARE | NSW | 151.136596 | -34.093213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.04788 | 151.14113 | 12801160620 | Woolooware | 128011606 | Woolooware - Burraneer | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 69.7661895751953 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
2705 | 2231 | KURNELL | NSW | 151.193492 | -34.029927 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0194134 | 151.1985879 | 12801160469 | Kurnell | 128011604 | Cronulla - Kurnell - Bundeena | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cook | 4.42257785797119 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Cook | Inner Metropolitan | 10023 | Cronulla |
2706 | 2232 | AUDLEY | NSW | 151.064329 | -34.061753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0730997 | 151.0567636 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 109.003173828125 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
24074 | 2232 | BONNIE VALE | NSW | 151.124 | -34.0882 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0730997 | 151.0567636 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 28.7729930877686 | | | | Sutherland | 17150 | | | 10052 | Miranda |
2707 | 2232 | GARIE | NSW | 151.064329 | -34.061753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.1692409 | 151.0695164 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 109.003173828125 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
24075 | 2232 | GOARRA | NSW | 151.0285 | -34.079 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0730997 | 151.0567636 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 189.633041381836 | | | | Sutherland | 17150 | | | 10052 | Miranda |
2708 | 2232 | GRAYS POINT | NSW | 151.064329 | -34.061753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.05508 | 151.07492 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | 109.003173828125 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
24076 | 2232 | JIBBON | NSW | 151.1444 | -34.0932 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0730997 | 151.0567636 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 15.1503009796143 | | | | Sutherland | 17150 | | | 10052 | Miranda |
2709 | 2232 | KAREELA | NSW | 151.064329 | -34.061753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.01503 | 151.08046 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | 109.003173828125 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2710 | 2232 | KIRRAWEE | NSW | 151.064329 | -34.061753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0357295 | 151.0707945 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | 109.003173828125 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
22848 | 2232 | KIRRAWEE DC | NSW | 151.071 | -34.034 | | | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.034 | 151.071 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | -3492 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2711 | 2232 | LOFTUS | NSW | 151.064329 | -34.061753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0465 | 151.0471 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | 109.003173828125 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
24077 | 2232 | MARLEY | NSW | 151.1176 | -34.1116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0730997 | 151.0567636 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 46.1832580566406 | | | | Sutherland | 17150 | | | 10052 | Miranda |
24078 | 2232 | PALONA | NSW | 151.0556 | -34.125 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0730997 | 151.0567636 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 156.369995117188 | | | | Sutherland | 17150 | | | 10052 | Miranda |
2712 | 2232 | SUTHERLAND | NSW | 151.064329 | -34.061753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0297415 | 151.059275 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | 109.003173828125 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
24079 | 2232 | ULOOLA | NSW | 151.0243 | -34.1231 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0730997 | 151.0567636 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 217.085662841797 | | | | Sutherland | 17150 | | | 10052 | Miranda |
24080 | 2232 | WARUMBUL | NSW | 151.0844 | -34.0859 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12801 | Cronulla - Miranda - Caringbah | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0730997 | 151.0567636 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 50.0518951416016 | | | | Sutherland | 17150 | | | 10052 | Miranda |
24081 | 2232 | WATTAMOLLA | NSW | 151.1041 | -34.1336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11401 | Shoalhaven | 114 | Southern Highlands and Shoalhaven | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0730997 | 151.0567636 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 38.963737487793 | | | | Sutherland | 17150 | | | 10052 | Miranda |
2713 | 2232 | WORONORA | NSW | 151.064329 | -34.061753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.02772 | 151.04152 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | 109.003173828125 | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
24082 | 2232 | YENABILLI | NSW | 151.0852 | -34.1016 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -34.0730997 | 151.0567636 | 12802160907 | Woronora | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | 118.050216674805 | | | | Sutherland | 17150 | | | 10052 | Miranda |
2714 | 2233 | ENGADINE | NSW | 151.027919 | -34.114626 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.065722 | 151.012664 | 12802160910 | Woronora Heights | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
2715 | 2233 | HEATHCOTE | NSW | 151.027919 | -34.114626 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.08506 | 151.00808 | 12802160910 | Woronora Heights | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
2716 | 2233 | WATERFALL | NSW | 151.027919 | -34.114626 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1424139 | 150.9918338 | 12802160910 | Woronora Heights | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
2717 | 2233 | WORONORA HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.027919 | -34.114626 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.030434 | 151.030555 | 12802160910 | Woronora Heights | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
2718 | 2233 | YARRAWARRAH | NSW | 151.027919 | -34.114626 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0552 | 151.0321 | 12802160910 | Woronora Heights | 128021609 | Woronora Heights | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10034 | Heathcote |
2719 | 2234 | ALFORDS POINT | NSW | 151.004412 | -34.021938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.9848 | 151.02142 | 12802153557 | Bangor (NSW) | 128021535 | Menai - Lucas Heights - Woronora | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2720 | 2234 | BANGOR | NSW | 151.004412 | -34.021938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.01908 | 151.02735 | 12802153557 | Bangor (NSW) | 128021535 | Menai - Lucas Heights - Woronora | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2721 | 2234 | BARDEN RIDGE | NSW | 151.004412 | -34.021938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.032 | 151.01 | 12802153557 | Bangor (NSW) | 128021535 | Menai - Lucas Heights - Woronora | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2722 | 2234 | ILLAWONG | NSW | 151.004412 | -34.021938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.00057 | 151.03587 | 12802153557 | Bangor (NSW) | 128021535 | Menai - Lucas Heights - Woronora | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2723 | 2234 | LUCAS HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.004412 | -34.021938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.049 | 150.975 | 12802153557 | Bangor (NSW) | 128021535 | Menai - Lucas Heights - Woronora | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2724 | 2234 | MENAI | NSW | 151.004412 | -34.021938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0118 | 151.0089 | 12802153557 | Bangor (NSW) | 128021535 | Menai - Lucas Heights - Woronora | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2725 | 2234 | MENAI CENTRAL | NSW | 151.004412 | -34.021938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.0169635 | 151.0116028 | 12802153557 | Bangor (NSW) | 128021535 | Menai - Lucas Heights - Woronora | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hughes | | N1 | PHN101 | Central and Eastern Sydney | Sutherland | 17150 | Hughes | Outer Metropolitan | 10052 | Miranda |
2726 | 2250 | BUCKETTY | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.106667 | 151.134444 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2727 | 2250 | CALGA | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.432 | 151.218 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2728 | 2250 | CENTRAL MANGROVE | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.299 | 151.235 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2729 | 2250 | DONOVANS FOREST | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | | | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3502 | 151.187 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2730 | 2250 | EAST GOSFORD | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.432 | 151.351 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2731 | 2250 | ERINA | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.44 | 151.393 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2732 | 2250 | ERINA FAIR | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4373447 | 151.3925385 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2733 | 2250 | GLENWORTH VALLEY | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4007036 | 151.2027854 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2734 | 2250 | GOSFORD | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.426667 | 151.341667 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2735 | 2250 | GOSFORD WEST | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | | | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.415 | 151.318 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2736 | 2250 | GREENGROVE | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3788441 | 151.1577979 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2737 | 2250 | HOLGATE | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.407 | 151.41 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2738 | 2250 | KARIONG | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4407034 | 151.2883222 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2739 | 2250 | KULNURA | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.232 | 151.218 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2740 | 2250 | LISAROW | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.382 | 151.376 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2741 | 2250 | LOWER MANGROVE | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.415 | 151.16 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2742 | 2250 | MANGROVE CREEK | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3575414 | 151.1452039 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2743 | 2250 | MANGROVE MOUNTAIN | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.299 | 151.193 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2744 | 2250 | MATCHAM | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.415 | 151.426 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2745 | 2250 | MOONEY MOONEY CREEK | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4378957 | 151.2464678 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2746 | 2250 | MOUNT ELLIOT | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.401 | 151.388 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2747 | 2250 | MOUNT WHITE | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.456667 | 151.192778 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2748 | 2250 | NARARA | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3920856 | 151.3326862 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2749 | 2250 | NIAGARA PARK | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.382 | 151.351 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2750 | 2250 | NORTH GOSFORD | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.415 | 151.351 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2751 | 2250 | PEATS RIDGE | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.332 | 151.235 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2752 | 2250 | POINT CLARE | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.44 | 151.326 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2753 | 2250 | POINT FREDERICK | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4440645 | 151.3399774 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2754 | 2250 | SOMERSBY | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3569025 | 151.2904349 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2755 | 2250 | SPRINGFIELD | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.424 | 151.368 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2756 | 2250 | TASCOTT | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.454 | 151.314 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2757 | 2250 | TEN MILE HOLLOW | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3240154 | 151.0859287 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2758 | 2250 | UPPER MANGROVE | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3109552 | 151.1288506 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2759 | 2250 | WENDOREE PARK | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4540773 | 151.1607111 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
20232 | 2250 | WEST GOSFORD | NSW | 151.3236249 | -33.4220092 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.415 | 151.318 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2760 | 2250 | WYOMING | NSW | 151.189243 | -33.325373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.407 | 151.36 | 11503129908 | Wrights Creek (NSW) | 115031299 | Bilpin - Colo - St Albans | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 2.66638898849487 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Hawkesbury | 13800 | Robertson | Provincial | 10081 | The Entrance |
2761 | 2251 | AVOCA BEACH | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.465 | 151.435 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2762 | 2251 | BENSVILLE | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.498611 | 151.384722 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2763 | 2251 | BOUDDI | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.518 | 151.4 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2764 | 2251 | COPACABANA | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.49 | 151.435 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2765 | 2251 | DAVISTOWN | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.482 | 151.36 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2766 | 2251 | GREEN POINT | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.465 | 151.36 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2488 | 2251 | KINCUMBER | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.465 | 151.393 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2489 | 2251 | KINCUMBER SOUTH | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.482 | 151.368 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2490 | 2251 | MACMASTERS BEACH | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4967169 | 151.4114482 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2491 | 2251 | PICKETTS VALLEY | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.457 | 151.41 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2492 | 2251 | SARATOGA | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.475 | 151.348 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2493 | 2251 | YATTALUNGA | NSW | 151.401999 | -33.482209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4686568 | 151.3662283 | 10201103817 | Davistown | 102011038 | Saratoga - Davistown | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 61.8461036682129 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2494 | 2252 | CENTRAL COAST MC | NSW | 151.234 | -33.3208 | | | | | | | R3 | | -33.3208 | 151.234 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | | | N1 | | | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Shortland | | | |
2495 | 2256 | BLACKWALL | NSW | 151.331154 | -33.482123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.503 | 151.326 | 10201104233 | Woy Woy | 102011042 | Woy Woy - Blackwall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 1.87995779514313 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10030 | Gosford |
2496 | 2256 | HORSFIELD BAY | NSW | 151.331154 | -33.482123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.492 | 151.304 | 10201104233 | Woy Woy | 102011042 | Woy Woy - Blackwall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 1.87995779514313 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10030 | Gosford |
2497 | 2256 | KOOLEWONG | NSW | 151.331154 | -33.482123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.466 | 151.318 | 10201104233 | Woy Woy | 102011042 | Woy Woy - Blackwall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 1.87995779514313 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10030 | Gosford |
2498 | 2256 | LITTLE WOBBY | NSW | 151.331154 | -33.482123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.545041 | 151.2504554 | 10201104233 | Woy Woy | 102011042 | Woy Woy - Blackwall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 1.87995779514313 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10030 | Gosford |
2499 | 2256 | PATONGA | NSW | 151.331154 | -33.482123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.549383 | 151.2705745 | 10201104233 | Woy Woy | 102011042 | Woy Woy - Blackwall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 1.87995779514313 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10030 | Gosford |
2500 | 2256 | PEARL BEACH | NSW | 151.331154 | -33.482123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.542 | 151.308 | 10201104233 | Woy Woy | 102011042 | Woy Woy - Blackwall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 1.87995779514313 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10030 | Gosford |
2501 | 2256 | PHEGANS BAY | NSW | 151.331154 | -33.482123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.488 | 151.31 | 10201104233 | Woy Woy | 102011042 | Woy Woy - Blackwall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 1.87995779514313 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10030 | Gosford |
2502 | 2256 | WONDABYNE | NSW | 151.331154 | -33.482123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5015847 | 151.2388776 | 10201104233 | Woy Woy | 102011042 | Woy Woy - Blackwall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Robertson | 1.87995779514313 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10030 | Gosford |
2503 | 2256 | WOY WOY | NSW | 151.331154 | -33.482123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.49 | 151.32 | 10201104233 | Woy Woy | 102011042 | Woy Woy - Blackwall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 1.87995779514313 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10030 | Gosford |
2504 | 2256 | WOY WOY BAY | NSW | 151.331154 | -33.482123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.484 | 151.314 | 10201104233 | Woy Woy | 102011042 | Woy Woy - Blackwall | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | 1.87995779514313 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10030 | Gosford |
2505 | 2257 | BOOKER BAY | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.508 | 151.346 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2506 | 2257 | BOX HEAD | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5318421 | 151.3546901 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2507 | 2257 | DALEYS POINT | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.503 | 151.347 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2508 | 2257 | EMPIRE BAY | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.49 | 151.36 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2509 | 2257 | ETTALONG BEACH | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.515 | 151.335 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2510 | 2257 | HARDYS BAY | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5274036 | 151.3545607 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2511 | 2257 | KILLCARE | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5195114 | 151.3589359 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2512 | 2257 | KILLCARE HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.5239107 | 151.3764381 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2513 | 2257 | PRETTY BEACH | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.528 | 151.347 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2514 | 2257 | ST HUBERTS ISLAND | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.499 | 151.351 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2515 | 2257 | UMINA BEACH | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.528746 | 151.307503 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2516 | 2257 | WAGSTAFFE | NSW | 151.374403 | -33.520358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10201 | Gosford | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.524 | 151.343 | 10201104058 | Umina Beach | 102011040 | Umina - Booker Bay - Patonga | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2517 | 2258 | FOUNTAINDALE | NSW | 151.3433 | -33.333187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.34 | 151.393 | 10202105501 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 152.947982788086 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2518 | 2258 | KANGY ANGY | NSW | 151.3433 | -33.333187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.324 | 151.385 | 10202105501 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 152.947982788086 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2519 | 2258 | OURIMBAH | NSW | 151.3433 | -33.333187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3561169 | 151.3694311 | 10202105501 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 152.947982788086 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2520 | 2258 | PALM GROVE | NSW | 151.3433 | -33.333187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.324 | 151.31 | 10202105501 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dobell | 152.947982788086 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2521 | 2258 | PALMDALE | NSW | 151.3433 | -33.333187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.332 | 151.368 | 10202105501 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dobell | 152.947982788086 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2522 | 2259 | ALISON | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.265 | 151.398 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
20233 | 2259 | BUSHELLS RIDGE | NSW | 151.4724539 | -33.20316723 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.199 | 151.468 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 2 | Dobell | 25.990406036377 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2523 | 2259 | CEDAR BRUSH CREEK | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.16931 | 151.245218 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2524 | 2259 | CHAIN VALLEY BAY | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.169 | 151.575 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2525 | 2259 | CRANGAN BAY | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.174 | 151.593 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2526 | 2259 | DOORALONG | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.182 | 151.351 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2527 | 2259 | DURREN DURREN | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.182 | 151.385 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2528 | 2259 | FRAZER PARK | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1841798 | 151.6177168 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
20234 | 2259 | FREEMANS | NSW | 151.5934949 | -33.20066983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.201811 | 151.5924526 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2529 | 2259 | GWANDALAN | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.132 | 151.585 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2530 | 2259 | HALLORAN | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.23 | 151.439 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2531 | 2259 | HAMLYN TERRACE | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.255 | 151.473 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2532 | 2259 | JILLIBY | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.249 | 151.385 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2533 | 2259 | KANWAL | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.265 | 151.485 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
20235 | 2259 | KIAR | NSW | 151.4435371 | -33.20712254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.207 | 151.443 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 2 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
20236 | 2259 | KINGFISHER SHORES | NSW | 151.5568306 | -33.17074569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1682 | 151.556 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 2.8036777973175 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2534 | 2259 | LAKE MUNMORAH | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1923043 | 151.5749274 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2535 | 2259 | LEMON TREE | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.148 | 151.368 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2536 | 2259 | LITTLE JILLIBY | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.24 | 151.36 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2537 | 2259 | MANNERING PARK | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.148 | 151.535 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 2 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2538 | 2259 | MARDI | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.29 | 151.41 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
20237 | 2259 | MOONEE | NSW | 151.6212133 | -33.17122783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.174 | 151.626 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2539 | 2259 | POINT WOLSTONCROFT | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1250604 | 151.5831859 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2540 | 2259 | RAVENSDALE | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1699044 | 151.3015895 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2541 | 2259 | ROCKY POINT | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2933617 | 151.4705447 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2542 | 2259 | SOUTH TACOMA | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | | | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.296 | 151.453 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2543 | 2259 | SUMMERLAND POINT | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.132 | 151.568 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2544 | 2259 | TACOMA | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.299 | 151.468 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 2 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
20238 | 2259 | TACOMA SOUTH | NSW | 151.4552558 | -33.29381251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.296 | 151.453 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2545 | 2259 | TUGGERAH | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.299 | 151.435 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2546 | 2259 | TUGGERAWONG | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2838797 | 151.4712744 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2547 | 2259 | WADALBA | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.273 | 151.468 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2548 | 2259 | WALLARAH | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.223 | 151.465 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2549 | 2259 | WARNERVALE | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.249 | 151.431 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2550 | 2259 | WATANOBBI | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.269 | 151.426 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2551 | 2259 | WOONGARRAH | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.232 | 151.468 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2552 | 2259 | WYBUNG | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1924954 | 151.6047185 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2553 | 2259 | WYEE | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.182 | 151.485 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2554 | 2259 | WYEE POINT | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.14 | 151.526 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2555 | 2259 | WYONG | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.282 | 151.418 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2556 | 2259 | WYONG CREEK | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.263011 | 151.3414356 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2557 | 2259 | WYONGAH | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.273 | 151.485 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2558 | 2259 | YARRAMALONG | NSW | 151.377213 | -33.208801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.223 | 151.285 | 11102122023 | Lake Macquarie | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dobell | 20.9491996765137 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2559 | 2260 | ERINA HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.436939 | -33.42537 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.4256289 | 151.4099893 | 10201104125 | Forresters Beach | 102011041 | Wamberal - Forresters Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2560 | 2260 | FORRESTERS BEACH | NSW | 151.436939 | -33.42537 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.407 | 151.476 | 10201104125 | Forresters Beach | 102011041 | Wamberal - Forresters Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2561 | 2260 | NORTH AVOCA | NSW | 151.436939 | -33.42537 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.457 | 151.435 | 10201104125 | Forresters Beach | 102011041 | Wamberal - Forresters Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2562 | 2260 | TERRIGAL | NSW | 151.436939 | -33.42537 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.448011 | 151.444461 | 10201104125 | Forresters Beach | 102011041 | Wamberal - Forresters Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2563 | 2260 | WAMBERAL | NSW | 151.436939 | -33.42537 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.418 | 151.443 | 10201104125 | Forresters Beach | 102011041 | Wamberal - Forresters Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Robertson | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Robertson | Provincial | 10080 | Terrigal |
2564 | 2261 | BATEAU BAY | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.382 | 151.485 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2565 | 2261 | BAY VILLAGE | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.376015 | 151.4738914 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2566 | 2261 | BERKELEY VALE | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.34 | 151.435 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2567 | 2261 | BLUE BAY | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.353 | 151.501 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2568 | 2261 | CHITTAWAY BAY | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3273927 | 151.4391698 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2569 | 2261 | CHITTAWAY POINT | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3211239 | 151.4450066 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2570 | 2261 | GLENNING VALLEY | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.348 | 151.418 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2571 | 2261 | KILLARNEY VALE | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.365 | 151.46 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2572 | 2261 | LONG JETTY | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.357 | 151.485 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
20239 | 2261 | MAGENTA | NSW | 151.5350654 | -33.30022987 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.299 | 151.543 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2573 | 2261 | SHELLY BEACH | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3699595 | 151.4858695 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2574 | 2261 | THE ENTRANCE | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.347222 | 151.496111 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2575 | 2261 | THE ENTRANCE NORTH | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.3312655 | 151.5063048 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2576 | 2261 | TOOWOON BAY | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.362571 | 151.4975465 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2577 | 2261 | TUMBI UMBI | NSW | 151.519708 | -33.315827 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.365 | 151.443 | 10202105503 | Tuggerah | 102021055 | Tuggerah - Kangy Angy | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2578 | 2262 | BLUE HAVEN | NSW | 151.528042 | -33.209125 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2110229 | 151.504845 | 10202105017 | Doyalson North | 102021050 | Lake Munmorah - Mannering Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 5.89136219024658 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2579 | 2262 | BUDGEWOI | NSW | 151.528042 | -33.209125 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.234 | 151.557 | 10202105017 | Doyalson North | 102021050 | Lake Munmorah - Mannering Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 5.89136219024658 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
20240 | 2262 | BUDGEWOI PENINSULA | NSW | 151.5866994 | -33.2156601 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.217778 | 151.5854046 | 10202105017 | Doyalson North | 102021050 | Lake Munmorah - Mannering Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 5.89136219024658 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2580 | 2262 | BUFF POINT | NSW | 151.528042 | -33.209125 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.232 | 151.535 | 10202105017 | Doyalson North | 102021050 | Lake Munmorah - Mannering Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 5.89136219024658 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
20241 | 2262 | COLONGRA | NSW | 151.5435763 | -33.20669829 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.207 | 151.543 | 10202105017 | Doyalson North | 102021050 | Lake Munmorah - Mannering Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 5.89136219024658 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2581 | 2262 | DOYALSON | NSW | 151.528042 | -33.209125 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.199 | 151.518 | 10202105017 | Doyalson North | 102021050 | Lake Munmorah - Mannering Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 5.89136219024658 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
20242 | 2262 | DOYALSON NORTH | NSW | 151.546024 | -33.18557406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.187 | 151.543 | 10202105017 | Doyalson North | 102021050 | Lake Munmorah - Mannering Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 5.89136219024658 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2582 | 2262 | HALEKULANI | NSW | 151.528042 | -33.209125 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.219 | 151.551 | 10202105017 | Doyalson North | 102021050 | Lake Munmorah - Mannering Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 5.89136219024658 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2583 | 2262 | SAN REMO | NSW | 151.528042 | -33.209125 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2153793 | 151.5223628 | 10202105017 | Doyalson North | 102021050 | Lake Munmorah - Mannering Park | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 5.89136219024658 | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2584 | 2263 | CANTON BEACH | NSW | 151.556223 | -33.285097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2770008 | 151.5471829 | 10202105648 | Woongarrah | 102021056 | Warnervale - Wadalba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2585 | 2263 | CHARMHAVEN | NSW | 151.556223 | -33.285097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2268985 | 151.4960868 | 10202105648 | Woongarrah | 102021056 | Warnervale - Wadalba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2586 | 2263 | GOROKAN | NSW | 151.556223 | -33.285097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2537407 | 151.5106841 | 10202105648 | Woongarrah | 102021056 | Warnervale - Wadalba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2587 | 2263 | LAKE HAVEN | NSW | 151.556223 | -33.285097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.24 | 151.501 | 10202105648 | Woongarrah | 102021056 | Warnervale - Wadalba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2588 | 2263 | NORAH HEAD | NSW | 151.556223 | -33.285097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2833 | 151.5667 | 10202105648 | Woongarrah | 102021056 | Warnervale - Wadalba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2589 | 2263 | NORAVILLE | NSW | 151.556223 | -33.285097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.268863 | 151.5559438 | 10202105648 | Woongarrah | 102021056 | Warnervale - Wadalba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2590 | 2263 | TOUKLEY | NSW | 151.556223 | -33.285097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10202 | Wyong | 102 | Central Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.2624548 | 151.5457228 | 10202105648 | Woongarrah | 102021056 | Warnervale - Wadalba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dobell | | N1 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Dobell | Provincial | 10093 | Wyong |
2591 | 2264 | BALCOLYN | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0959312 | 151.5559438 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2592 | 2264 | BONNELLS BAY | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1121392 | 151.5223628 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2593 | 2264 | BRIGHTWATERS | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1127696 | 151.5457228 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2594 | 2264 | DORA CREEK | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.082 | 151.501 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2595 | 2264 | ERARING | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.065 | 151.518 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2596 | 2264 | MANDALONG | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.132 | 151.426 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2597 | 2264 | MIRRABOOKA | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1140122 | 151.5559438 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2598 | 2264 | MORISSET | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.115 | 151.501 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2599 | 2264 | MORISSET PARK | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.121 | 151.535 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2600 | 2264 | MYUNA BAY | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.062 | 151.546 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2601 | 2264 | SILVERWATER | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1044043 | 151.5588642 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2602 | 2264 | SUNSHINE | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | | | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1129 | 151.562 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2603 | 2264 | WINDERMERE PARK | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1159665 | 151.5325824 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2604 | 2264 | YARRAWONGA PARK | NSW | 151.533807 | -33.106675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.101509 | 151.5471829 | 11102121856 | Morisset | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2605 | 2265 | COORANBONG | NSW | 151.412119 | -33.095552 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.074 | 151.451 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | 103.88688659668 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2606 | 2265 | MARTINSVILLE | NSW | 151.412119 | -33.095552 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.057 | 151.41 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hunter | 103.88688659668 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2607 | 2267 | WANGI WANGI | NSW | 151.591728 | -33.086545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0683359 | 151.5749274 | 11102122021 | Wangi Wangi | 111021220 | Wangi Wangi - Rathmines | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2608 | 2278 | BARNSLEY | NSW | 151.590415 | -32.932412 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.932 | 151.585 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2609 | 2278 | KILLINGWORTH | NSW | 151.590415 | -32.932412 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9378222 | 151.5555788 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2610 | 2278 | WAKEFIELD | NSW | 151.590415 | -32.932412 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.949 | 151.551 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2611 | 2280 | BELMONT | NSW | 151.663175 | -33.019715 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.037 | 151.66 | 11101121328 | Valentine | 111011213 | Valentine - Eleebana | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2612 | 2280 | BELMONT NORTH | NSW | 151.663175 | -33.019715 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.015 | 151.668 | 11101121328 | Valentine | 111011213 | Valentine - Eleebana | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2613 | 2280 | BELMONT SOUTH | NSW | 151.663175 | -33.019715 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.052141 | 151.6611105 | 11101121328 | Valentine | 111011213 | Valentine - Eleebana | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2614 | 2280 | CROUDACE BAY | NSW | 151.663175 | -33.019715 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.004 | 151.643 | 11101121328 | Valentine | 111011213 | Valentine - Eleebana | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2615 | 2280 | FLORAVILLE | NSW | 151.663175 | -33.019715 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.011477 | 151.6640328 | 11101121328 | Valentine | 111011213 | Valentine - Eleebana | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2616 | 2280 | JEWELLS | NSW | 151.663175 | -33.019715 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0078188 | 151.6859512 | 11101121328 | Valentine | 111011213 | Valentine - Eleebana | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2617 | 2280 | MARKS POINT | NSW | 151.663175 | -33.019715 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.06 | 151.651 | 11101121328 | Valentine | 111011213 | Valentine - Eleebana | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2618 | 2280 | VALENTINE | NSW | 151.663175 | -33.019715 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.015 | 151.635 | 11101121328 | Valentine | 111011213 | Valentine - Eleebana | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2619 | 2281 | BLACKSMITHS | NSW | 151.668857 | -33.089963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.074 | 151.657 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2620 | 2281 | CAMS WHARF | NSW | 151.668857 | -33.089963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.126 | 151.615 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2621 | 2281 | CATHERINE HILL BAY | NSW | 151.668857 | -33.089963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.148 | 151.618 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2622 | 2281 | CAVES BEACH | NSW | 151.668857 | -33.089963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1063425 | 151.6450391 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2623 | 2281 | LITTLE PELICAN | NSW | 151.668857 | -33.089963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.081 | 151.644 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2624 | 2281 | MIDDLE CAMP | NSW | 151.668857 | -33.089963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.13447 | 151.626476 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
20243 | 2281 | MURRAYS BEACH | NSW | 151.6230663 | -33.11864875 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1160723 | 151.6216653 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2625 | 2281 | NORDS WHARF | NSW | 151.668857 | -33.089963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1350366 | 151.6062932 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2626 | 2281 | PELICAN | NSW | 151.668857 | -33.089963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0710868 | 151.6435782 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
20244 | 2281 | PINNY BEACH | NSW | 151.6356541 | -33.11801816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.1189605 | 151.6333518 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2350 | 2281 | SWANSEA | NSW | 151.668857 | -33.089963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.085 | 151.635 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2351 | 2281 | SWANSEA HEADS | NSW | 151.668857 | -33.089963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.093 | 151.662 | 11101121238 | Swansea (NSW) | 111011212 | Swansea - Caves Beach | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 48.1925201416016 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2352 | 2282 | ELEEBANA | NSW | 151.651275 | -32.987279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.996 | 151.635 | 11101121437 | Warners Bay | 111011214 | Warners Bay - Boolaroo | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 25.2885799407959 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2353 | 2282 | LAKELANDS | NSW | 151.651275 | -32.987279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.961 | 151.65 | 11101121437 | Warners Bay | 111011214 | Warners Bay - Boolaroo | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 25.2885799407959 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2354 | 2282 | WARNERS BAY | NSW | 151.651275 | -32.987279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.982 | 151.651 | 11101121437 | Warners Bay | 111011214 | Warners Bay - Boolaroo | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 25.2885799407959 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2355 | 2283 | ARCADIA VALE | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.062 | 151.587 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2356 | 2283 | AWABA | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0098782 | 151.5449928 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2357 | 2283 | BALMORAL | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0448668 | 151.5793085 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2358 | 2283 | BLACKALLS PARK | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.001 | 151.587 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2359 | 2283 | BOLTON POINT | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.003 | 151.615 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2360 | 2283 | BUTTABA | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.051 | 151.585 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2361 | 2283 | CAREY BAY | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0263389 | 151.606328 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2362 | 2283 | COAL POINT | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.037 | 151.61 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2363 | 2283 | FASSIFERN | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.987 | 151.585 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2364 | 2283 | FENNELL BAY | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.994 | 151.598 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2365 | 2283 | FISHING POINT | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.057 | 151.596 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2366 | 2283 | KILABEN BAY | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.026111 | 151.592778 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2367 | 2283 | RATHMINES | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0387657 | 151.5807689 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2368 | 2283 | RYHOPE | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9895624 | 151.5282025 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2369 | 2283 | TORONTO | NSW | 151.57181 | -33.019117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.016194 | 151.582583 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2370 | 2284 | ARGENTON | NSW | 151.621183 | -32.953236 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9355575 | 151.6289693 | 11102121521 | Teralba | 111021215 | Bolton Point - Teralba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2371 | 2284 | BOOLAROO | NSW | 151.621183 | -32.953236 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9468443 | 151.6275085 | 11102121521 | Teralba | 111021215 | Bolton Point - Teralba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2372 | 2284 | BOORAGUL | NSW | 151.621183 | -32.953236 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9745052 | 151.6085189 | 11102121521 | Teralba | 111021215 | Bolton Point - Teralba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2373 | 2284 | MARMONG POINT | NSW | 151.621183 | -32.953236 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.982 | 151.618 | 11102121521 | Teralba | 111021215 | Bolton Point - Teralba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2374 | 2284 | SPEERS POINT | NSW | 151.621183 | -32.953236 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.963333 | 151.627778 | 11102121521 | Teralba | 111021215 | Bolton Point - Teralba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2375 | 2284 | TERALBA | NSW | 151.621183 | -32.953236 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.965 | 151.601 | 11102121521 | Teralba | 111021215 | Bolton Point - Teralba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2376 | 2284 | WOODRISING | NSW | 151.621183 | -32.953236 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.987 | 151.607 | 11102121521 | Teralba | 111021215 | Bolton Point - Teralba | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10042 | Lake Macquarie |
2377 | 2285 | CAMERON PARK | NSW | 151.651095 | -32.933305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.905 | 151.609 | 11103123308 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2378 | 2285 | CARDIFF | NSW | 151.651095 | -32.933305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9399498 | 151.6625717 | 11103123308 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2379 | 2285 | CARDIFF HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.651095 | -32.933305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9367129 | 151.6757222 | 11103123308 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2380 | 2285 | CARDIFF SOUTH | NSW | 151.651095 | -32.933305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.953 | 151.662 | 11103123308 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2381 | 2285 | EDGEWORTH | NSW | 151.651095 | -32.933305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.924698 | 151.6216653 | 11103123308 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2382 | 2285 | GLENDALE | NSW | 151.651095 | -32.933305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9267174 | 151.6508831 | 11103123308 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2383 | 2285 | MACQUARIE HILLS | NSW | 151.651095 | -32.933305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.953 | 151.65 | 11103123308 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2384 | 2286 | HOLMESVILLE | NSW | 151.532669 | -32.923321 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.915 | 151.568 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10017 | Cessnock |
2385 | 2286 | SEAHAMPTON | NSW | 151.532669 | -32.923321 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8854173 | 151.5778481 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10017 | Cessnock |
2386 | 2286 | WEST WALLSEND | NSW | 151.532669 | -32.923321 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9062316 | 151.5756575 | 11102122120 | West Wallsend | 111021221 | West Wallsend - Barnsley - Killingworth | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Hunter | Rural | 10017 | Cessnock |
2387 | 2287 | BIRMINGHAM GARDENS | NSW | 151.65807 | -32.892577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.89369 | 151.6903352 | 11103123344 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2388 | 2287 | ELERMORE VALE | NSW | 151.65807 | -32.892577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.915 | 151.668 | 11103123344 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2389 | 2287 | FLETCHER | NSW | 151.65807 | -32.892577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.865 | 151.635 | 11103123344 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2390 | 2287 | MARYLAND | NSW | 151.65807 | -32.892577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.877801 | 151.6625717 | 11103123344 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2391 | 2287 | MINMI | NSW | 151.65807 | -32.892577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.882 | 151.618 | 11103123344 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2392 | 2287 | RANKIN PARK | NSW | 151.65807 | -32.892577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9252039 | 151.6815673 | 11103123344 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2393 | 2287 | SUMMER HILL | NSW | 151.65807 | -32.892577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.891841 | 151.1379367 | 11103123344 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2394 | 2287 | WALLSEND | NSW | 151.65807 | -32.892577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.898 | 151.668 | 11103123344 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
22869 | 2287 | WALLSEND DC | NSW | 151.667 | -32.9022 | | | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -32.9022 | 151.667 | 11103123344 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2395 | 2287 | WALLSEND SOUTH | NSW | 151.65807 | -32.892577 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9206376 | 151.6754926 | 11103123344 | Wallsend | 111031233 | Wallsend - Elermore Vale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2396 | 2289 | ADAMSTOWN | NSW | 151.71008 | -32.948567 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.93435 | 151.72584 | 11103122537 | Kotara | 111031225 | Lambton - New Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 65.8206939697266 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2397 | 2289 | ADAMSTOWN HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.71008 | -32.948567 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9477051 | 151.7151801 | 11103122537 | Kotara | 111031225 | Lambton - New Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 65.8206939697266 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2398 | 2289 | GARDEN SUBURB | NSW | 151.71008 | -32.948567 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9442636 | 151.680106 | 11103122537 | Kotara | 111031225 | Lambton - New Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 65.8206939697266 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2399 | 2289 | HIGHFIELDS | NSW | 151.71008 | -32.948567 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9564087 | 151.7137185 | 11103122537 | Kotara | 111031225 | Lambton - New Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 65.8206939697266 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2400 | 2289 | KOTARA | NSW | 151.71008 | -32.948567 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9433965 | 151.6976421 | 11103122537 | Kotara | 111031225 | Lambton - New Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 65.8206939697266 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2401 | 2289 | KOTARA FAIR | NSW | 151.71008 | -32.948567 | | | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9423 | 151.711 | 11103122537 | Kotara | 111031225 | Lambton - New Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 65.8206939697266 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2402 | 2289 | KOTARA SOUTH | NSW | 151.71008 | -32.948567 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.951 | 151.691 | 11103122537 | Kotara | 111031225 | Lambton - New Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 65.8206939697266 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
2403 | 2290 | BENNETTS GREEN | NSW | 151.707801 | -32.983963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.993 | 151.693 | 11103122226 | Charlestown (NSW) | 111031222 | Adamstown - Kotara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 90.1884078979492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2404 | 2290 | CHARLESTOWN | NSW | 151.707801 | -32.983963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.965 | 151.685 | 11103122226 | Charlestown (NSW) | 111031222 | Adamstown - Kotara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 90.1884078979492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2405 | 2290 | DUDLEY | NSW | 151.707801 | -32.983963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.99 | 151.718 | 11103122226 | Charlestown (NSW) | 111031222 | Adamstown - Kotara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 90.1884078979492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2406 | 2290 | GATESHEAD | NSW | 151.707801 | -32.983963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.982 | 151.693 | 11103122226 | Charlestown (NSW) | 111031222 | Adamstown - Kotara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 90.1884078979492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2407 | 2290 | HILLSBOROUGH | NSW | 151.707801 | -32.983963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9618812 | 151.6727998 | 11103122226 | Charlestown (NSW) | 111031222 | Adamstown - Kotara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 90.1884078979492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2408 | 2290 | KAHIBAH | NSW | 151.707801 | -32.983963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9634578 | 151.7107954 | 11103122226 | Charlestown (NSW) | 111031222 | Adamstown - Kotara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 90.1884078979492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2409 | 2290 | MOUNT HUTTON | NSW | 151.707801 | -32.983963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.982 | 151.671 | 11103122226 | Charlestown (NSW) | 111031222 | Adamstown - Kotara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 90.1884078979492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2410 | 2290 | REDHEAD | NSW | 151.707801 | -32.983963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.009833 | 151.7151801 | 11103122226 | Charlestown (NSW) | 111031222 | Adamstown - Kotara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 90.1884078979492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2411 | 2290 | TINGIRA HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.707801 | -32.983963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.996 | 151.66 | 11103122226 | Charlestown (NSW) | 111031222 | Adamstown - Kotara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 90.1884078979492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2412 | 2290 | WHITEBRIDGE | NSW | 151.707801 | -32.983963 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9698546 | 151.7210265 | 11103122226 | Charlestown (NSW) | 111031222 | Adamstown - Kotara | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | 90.1884078979492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10077 | Swansea |
2413 | 2291 | MEREWETHER | NSW | 151.742882 | -32.951039 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.942778 | 151.7525 | 11103122832 | Merewether | 111031228 | Merewether - The Junction | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 34.3396186828613 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
2414 | 2291 | MEREWETHER HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.742882 | -32.951039 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.949 | 151.735 | 11103122832 | Merewether | 111031228 | Merewether - The Junction | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 34.3396186828613 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3401 | 2291 | THE JUNCTION | NSW | 151.742882 | -32.951039 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.940278 | 151.758889 | 11103122832 | Merewether | 111031228 | Merewether - The Junction | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 34.3396186828613 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3402 | 2292 | BROADMEADOW | NSW | 151.740716 | -32.931589 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9251756 | 151.7341816 | 11103122418 | Hamilton (NSW) | 111031224 | Hamilton - Broadmeadow | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 6.22917699813843 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3403 | 2292 | HAMILTON NORTH | NSW | 151.740716 | -32.931589 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.915 | 151.736 | 11103122418 | Hamilton (NSW) | 111031224 | Hamilton - Broadmeadow | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 6.22917699813843 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3404 | 2293 | MARYVILLE | NSW | 151.754696 | -32.917776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9120591 | 151.7546471 | 11103123522 | Wickham (NSW) | 111031235 | Wickham - Carrington - Tighes Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3405 | 2293 | WICKHAM | NSW | 151.754696 | -32.917776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.924 | 151.76 | 11103123522 | Wickham (NSW) | 111031235 | Wickham - Carrington - Tighes Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3406 | 2294 | CARRINGTON | NSW | 151.767408 | -32.915791 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9123334 | 151.7663428 | 11103123516 | Carrington (Newcastle - NSW) | 111031235 | Wickham - Carrington - Tighes Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 1.83447539806366 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3407 | 2295 | FERN BAY | NSW | 151.80174 | -32.879469 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.873889 | 151.795 | 11103123224 | Fern Bay | 111031232 | Stockton - Fullerton Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 7.01791429519653 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3408 | 2295 | STOCKTON | NSW | 151.80174 | -32.879469 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.915 | 151.784444 | 11103123224 | Fern Bay | 111031232 | Stockton - Fullerton Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 7.01791429519653 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3409 | 2296 | ISLINGTON | NSW | 151.746237 | -32.915698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9125002 | 151.7458759 | 11103123518 | Islington | 111031235 | Wickham - Carrington - Tighes Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 6.91516733169556 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3410 | 2297 | TIGHES HILL | NSW | 151.750126 | -32.909135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9050024 | 151.7575709 | 11103123507 | Tighes Hill | 111031235 | Wickham - Carrington - Tighes Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3411 | 2298 | GEORGETOWN | NSW | 151.722243 | -32.905633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9089158 | 151.7312581 | 11103123426 | Waratah West | 111031234 | Waratah - North Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 29.1066932678223 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3412 | 2298 | WARATAH | NSW | 151.722243 | -32.905633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.905278 | 151.725 | 11103123426 | Waratah West | 111031234 | Waratah - North Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 29.1066932678223 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3413 | 2298 | WARATAH WEST | NSW | 151.722243 | -32.905633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.901 | 151.715 | 11103123426 | Waratah West | 111031234 | Waratah - North Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 29.1066932678223 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
23970 | 2299 | Glen InnesLAMBTON | NSW | 151.690858 | -32.903131 | | | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -32.903611 | 151.694167 | 11103123427 | North Lambton | 111031234 | Waratah - North Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 7.71741819381714 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3414 | 2299 | JESMOND | NSW | 151.704581 | -32.909816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -32.903611 | 151.694167 | 11103123427 | North Lambton | 111031234 | Waratah - North Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 7.71741819381714 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3415 | 2299 | LAMBTON | NSW | 151.704581 | -32.909816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -32.9135384 | 151.7078724 | 11103123427 | North Lambton | 111031234 | Waratah - North Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 7.71741819381714 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3416 | 2299 | NORTH LAMBTON | NSW | 151.704581 | -32.909816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -32.904 | 151.704 | 11103123427 | North Lambton | 111031234 | Waratah - North Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 7.71741819381714 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3417 | 2300 | BAR BEACH | NSW | 151.778021 | -32.931635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.94 | 151.767778 | 11103122932 | Newcastle | 111031229 | Newcastle - Cooks Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3418 | 2300 | COOKS HILL | NSW | 151.778021 | -32.931635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9338 | 151.7696 | 11103122932 | Newcastle | 111031229 | Newcastle - Cooks Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3419 | 2300 | NEWCASTLE | NSW | 151.778021 | -32.931635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9272155 | 151.7795013 | 11103122932 | Newcastle | 111031229 | Newcastle - Cooks Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3420 | 2300 | NEWCASTLE EAST | NSW | 151.778021 | -32.931635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9266611 | 151.7904676 | 11103122932 | Newcastle | 111031229 | Newcastle - Cooks Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3421 | 2300 | THE HILL | NSW | 151.778021 | -32.931635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.931667 | 151.776111 | 11103122932 | Newcastle | 111031229 | Newcastle - Cooks Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3422 | 2302 | NEWCASTLE WEST | NSW | 151.752466 | -32.931265 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9264461 | 151.7604948 | 11103122931 | Newcastle West | 111031229 | Newcastle - Cooks Hill | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 6.93630981445313 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3423 | 2303 | HAMILTON | NSW | 151.743325 | -32.924571 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9228628 | 151.7458759 | 11103122810 | The Junction | 111031228 | Merewether - The Junction | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
22841 | 2303 | HAMILTON DC | NSW | 151.748 | -32.9222 | | | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -32.9222 | 151.748 | 11103122810 | The Junction | 111031228 | Merewether - The Junction | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3424 | 2303 | HAMILTON EAST | NSW | 151.743325 | -32.924571 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.925 | 151.754 | 11103122810 | The Junction | 111031228 | Merewether - The Junction | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3425 | 2303 | HAMILTON SOUTH | NSW | 151.743325 | -32.924571 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.931 | 151.751 | 11103122810 | The Junction | 111031228 | Merewether - The Junction | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | -3492 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10057 | Newcastle |
3426 | 2304 | KOORAGANG | NSW | 151.73862 | -32.880319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.887377 | 151.7736914 | 11103123105 | Sandgate (NSW) | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 691.138488769531 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3427 | 2304 | MAYFIELD | NSW | 151.73862 | -32.880319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.89742 | 151.73643 | 11103123105 | Sandgate (NSW) | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 691.138488769531 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
4146 | 2304 | MAYFIELD | NSW | 149.752107 | -35.628428 | | | 11401 | Shoalhaven | 114 | Southern Highlands and Shoalhaven | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8974 | 151.736 | 11103123105 | Sandgate (NSW) | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Eden-Monaro | 691.138488769531 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3428 | 2304 | MAYFIELD EAST | NSW | 151.73862 | -32.880319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.898 | 151.75 | 11103123105 | Sandgate (NSW) | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 691.138488769531 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3429 | 2304 | MAYFIELD NORTH | NSW | 151.73862 | -32.880319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.89 | 151.743 | 11103123105 | Sandgate (NSW) | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 691.138488769531 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3430 | 2304 | MAYFIELD WEST | NSW | 151.73862 | -32.880319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.89 | 151.726 | 11103123105 | Sandgate (NSW) | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 691.138488769531 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3431 | 2304 | SANDGATE | NSW | 151.73862 | -32.880319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.867778 | 151.706111 | 11103123105 | Sandgate (NSW) | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 691.138488769531 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3432 | 2304 | WARABROOK | NSW | 151.73862 | -32.880319 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.881667 | 151.717778 | 11103123105 | Sandgate (NSW) | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 691.138488769531 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3433 | 2305 | KOTARA EAST | NSW | 151.706545 | -32.930221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9433965 | 151.6976421 | 11103122543 | New Lambton | 111031225 | Lambton - New Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3434 | 2305 | NEW LAMBTON | NSW | 151.706545 | -32.930221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.927778 | 151.710833 | 11103122543 | New Lambton | 111031225 | Lambton - New Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3435 | 2305 | NEW LAMBTON HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.706545 | -32.930221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9273592 | 151.6903352 | 11103122543 | New Lambton | 111031225 | Lambton - New Lambton | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3436 | 2306 | WINDALE | NSW | 151.682517 | -32.993286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11101 | Lake Macquarie - East | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.9908543 | 151.680106 | 11101121022 | Windale | 111011210 | Mount Hutton - Windale | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Shortland | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Shortland | Provincial | 10018 | Charlestown |
3437 | 2307 | SHORTLAND | NSW | 151.688102 | -32.88365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.879801 | 151.6917966 | 11103123115 | Shortland | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | 1.45118117332458 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3438 | 2308 | CALLAGHAN | NSW | 151.697356 | -32.892884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8930342 | 151.7034879 | 11103123125 | Callaghan | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3439 | 2308 | NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY | NSW | 151.697356 | -32.892884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8927718 | 151.7041775 | 11103123125 | Callaghan | 111031231 | Shortland - Jesmond | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Newcastle | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Newcastle | 15900 | Newcastle | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3440 | 2309 | DANGAR | NSW | 148.890775 | -30.352158 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -33.54142 | 151.2381 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 5 | 6 | Berowra | 162.117324829102 | N2 | | | Narrabri | 15750 | Lyne | | | |
3441 | 2310 | HUNTER REGION MC | NSW | 151.701 | -32.1932 | | | | | | | R1 | | -32.1932 | 151.701 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 5 | 5 | Lyne | | N2 | | | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | | | |
3442 | 2311 | ALLYNBROOK | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3483914 | 151.5304157 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3443 | 2311 | BINGLEBURRA | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.380926 | 151.6238565 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3444 | 2311 | BONNINGTON PARK | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | | | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2612 | 151.467 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3445 | 2311 | CARRABOLLA | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2770887 | 151.4402642 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3446 | 2311 | EAST GRESFORD | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4373849 | 151.5576217 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3447 | 2311 | ECCLESTON | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2847532 | 151.5059398 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3448 | 2311 | GRESFORD | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4373849 | 151.5576217 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3449 | 2311 | HALTON | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3203775 | 151.5504682 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3450 | 2311 | LEWINSBROOK | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4365485 | 151.5663175 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3451 | 2311 | LOSTOCK | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3123081 | 151.4592345 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3452 | 2311 | MOUNT RIVERS | NSW | 151.522527 | -32.3438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3764953 | 151.4665313 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 110.311676025391 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
20245 | 2311 | UPPER ALLYN | NSW | 151.4607343 | -32.14597291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1681325 | 151.5022211 | 10601111022 | Gresford | 106011110 | Dungog | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 668.388610839844 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Lyne | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
20246 | 2312 | MINIMBAH | NSW | 152.3722113 | -32.16165072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10805 | Taree - Gloucester | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1610459 | 152.3741183 | 10805117032 | Possum Brush | 108051170 | Taree Surrounds | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 49.8988571166992 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Mid-Coast | 15240 | Lyne | Rural | 10056 | Myall Lakes |
3453 | 2312 | NABIAC | NSW | 152.33084 | -32.133322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10805 | Taree - Gloucester | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.1 | 152.383333 | 10805117032 | Possum Brush | 108051170 | Taree Surrounds | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Lyne | 88.8088836669922 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Mid-Coast | 15240 | Lyne | Rural | 10056 | Myall Lakes |
3454 | 2314 | WILLIAMTOWN RAAF | NSW | 151.840094 | -32.797453 | LVR | LVR | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7936021 | 151.8515015 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 6.10219097137451 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | | |
3455 | 2315 | CORLETTE | NSW | 152.193698 | -32.746224 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.724722 | 152.114722 | 10603112158 | Nelson Bay (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 29.280818939209 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3456 | 2315 | FINGAL BAY | NSW | 152.193698 | -32.746224 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.750155 | 152.163187 | 10603112158 | Nelson Bay (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 29.280818939209 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3457 | 2315 | GAN GAN | NSW | 152.193698 | -32.746224 | | | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.752 | 152.121 | 10603112158 | Nelson Bay (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 29.280818939209 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3458 | 2315 | NELSON BAY | NSW | 152.193698 | -32.746224 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.715 | 152.151111 | 10603112158 | Nelson Bay (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 29.280818939209 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3459 | 2315 | SHOAL BAY | NSW | 152.193698 | -32.746224 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7257353 | 152.175002 | 10603112158 | Nelson Bay (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 29.280818939209 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3460 | 2316 | ANNA BAY | NSW | 152.083274 | -32.776919 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.766667 | 152.083333 | 10603112121 | Taylors Beach (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 4.02860450744629 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3461 | 2316 | BOAT HARBOUR | NSW | 152.083274 | -32.776919 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7844827 | 152.110421 | 10603112121 | Taylors Beach (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 4.02860450744629 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3462 | 2316 | BOBS FARM | NSW | 152.083274 | -32.776919 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.776389 | 151.9725 | 10603112121 | Taylors Beach (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 4.02860450744629 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3463 | 2316 | FISHERMANS BAY | NSW | 152.083274 | -32.776919 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.787778 | 152.09 | 10603112121 | Taylors Beach (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 4.02860450744629 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3464 | 2316 | ONE MILE | NSW | 152.083274 | -32.776919 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.766667 | 152.112667 | 10603112121 | Taylors Beach (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 4.02860450744629 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3465 | 2316 | TAYLORS BEACH | NSW | 152.083274 | -32.776919 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.751111 | 152.067778 | 10603112121 | Taylors Beach (NSW) | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | 4.02860450744629 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3466 | 2317 | SALAMANDER BAY | NSW | 152.076399 | -32.720937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.729167 | 152.089444 | 10603112156 | Soldiers Point | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3467 | 2317 | SOLDIERS POINT | NSW | 152.076399 | -32.720937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.706667 | 152.067778 | 10603112156 | Soldiers Point | 106031121 | Nelson Bay Peninsula | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3188 | 2318 | CAMPVALE | NSW | 151.851897 | -32.769906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7647398 | 151.8521561 | 11103123222 | Fullerton Cove | 111031232 | Stockton - Fullerton Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3189 | 2318 | FERODALE | NSW | 151.851897 | -32.769906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6839485 | 151.8431153 | 11103123222 | Fullerton Cove | 111031232 | Stockton - Fullerton Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3190 | 2318 | FULLERTON COVE | NSW | 151.851897 | -32.769906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.843333 | 151.826389 | 11103123222 | Fullerton Cove | 111031232 | Stockton - Fullerton Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3191 | 2318 | MEDOWIE | NSW | 151.851897 | -32.769906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.739172 | 151.8804077 | 11103123222 | Fullerton Cove | 111031232 | Stockton - Fullerton Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3192 | 2318 | OYSTER COVE | NSW | 151.851897 | -32.769906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7416523 | 151.9550446 | 11103123222 | Fullerton Cove | 111031232 | Stockton - Fullerton Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3193 | 2318 | SALT ASH | NSW | 151.851897 | -32.769906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.794444 | 151.922222 | 11103123222 | Fullerton Cove | 111031232 | Stockton - Fullerton Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3194 | 2318 | WILLIAMTOWN | NSW | 151.851897 | -32.769906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.815 | 151.842778 | 11103123222 | Fullerton Cove | 111031232 | Stockton - Fullerton Cove | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3195 | 2319 | LEMON TREE PASSAGE | NSW | 152.039551 | -32.730927 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7325 | 152.038333 | 10603112507 | Tilligerry Creek | 106031125 | Williamtown - Medowie - Karuah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3196 | 2319 | MALLABULA | NSW | 152.039551 | -32.730927 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.735 | 152.01 | 10603112507 | Tilligerry Creek | 106031125 | Williamtown - Medowie - Karuah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3197 | 2319 | TANILBA BAY | NSW | 152.039551 | -32.730927 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.737222 | 151.998333 | 10603112507 | Tilligerry Creek | 106031125 | Williamtown - Medowie - Karuah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
20247 | 2319 | TILLIGERRY CREEK | NSW | 151.990451 | -32.75944213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7594 | 151.99 | 10603112507 | Tilligerry Creek | 106031125 | Williamtown - Medowie - Karuah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10068 | Port Stephens |
3198 | 2320 | ABERGLASSLYN | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.694656 | 151.534608 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3199 | 2320 | ALLANDALE | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.715 | 151.417778 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3200 | 2320 | ANAMBAH | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.673333 | 151.492778 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3201 | 2320 | BOLWARRA | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7092375 | 151.5778481 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3202 | 2320 | BOLWARRA HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7 | 151.584722 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3203 | 2320 | FARLEY | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.730556 | 151.516667 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3204 | 2320 | GLEN OAK | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.614155 | 151.7111006 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3205 | 2320 | GOSFORTH | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.648611 | 151.484722 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3206 | 2320 | HILLSBOROUGH | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.634783 | 151.4756528 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3207 | 2320 | HORSESHOE BEND | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.734167 | 151.563889 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3208 | 2320 | KEINBAH | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7592376 | 151.402695 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3209 | 2320 | LARGS | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.701 | 151.601 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3210 | 2320 | LORN | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7266681 | 151.5749274 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3211 | 2320 | LOUTH PARK | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.765694 | 151.5544836 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3212 | 2320 | MAITLAND | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7383988 | 151.5492182 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3213 | 2320 | MAITLAND NORTH | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7383988 | 151.5492182 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3214 | 2320 | MAITLAND VALE | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.672368 | 151.5544836 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3215 | 2320 | MELVILLE | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6741085 | 151.5194431 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3216 | 2320 | MINDARIBBA | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6557378 | 151.58442 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3217 | 2320 | MOUNT DEE | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7404265 | 151.5413426 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3218 | 2320 | OAKHAMPTON | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7030502 | 151.5632449 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3219 | 2320 | OAKHAMPTON HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7088882 | 151.5501032 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3220 | 2320 | POKOLBIN | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.798333 | 151.284444 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3221 | 2320 | ROSEBROOK | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6470745 | 151.5097634 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3222 | 2320 | ROTHBURY | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.75 | 151.333333 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 3 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3223 | 2320 | RUTHERFORD | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.715278 | 151.525 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3224 | 2320 | SOUTH MAITLAND | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.742778 | 151.563889 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3225 | 2320 | TELARAH | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.724167 | 151.531111 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3226 | 2320 | WALLALONG | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.698333 | 151.651111 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3227 | 2320 | WINDELLA | NSW | 151.543675 | -32.741737 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.698889 | 151.480556 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Dungog | 12700 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3228 | 2321 | BERRY PARK | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7500843 | 151.6596494 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3229 | 2321 | BUTTERWICK | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6509537 | 151.6362736 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3230 | 2321 | CLARENCE TOWN | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.585028 | 151.77775 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3231 | 2321 | CLIFTLEIGH | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7900049 | 151.5165234 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3232 | 2321 | DUCKENFIELD | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7331905 | 151.6859512 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3233 | 2321 | DUNS CREEK | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.604417 | 151.655278 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3234 | 2321 | GILLIESTON HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.765 | 151.534444 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3235 | 2321 | GLEN MARTIN | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5382469 | 151.8211768 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3236 | 2321 | GLEN WILLIAM | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5256471 | 151.8021006 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3237 | 2321 | HARPERS HILL | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7003978 | 151.4056127 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3238 | 2321 | HEDDON GRETA | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8086335 | 151.5073246 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3239 | 2321 | HINTON | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.716667 | 151.65 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3240 | 2321 | IONA | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | | | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6632 | 151.602 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3241 | 2321 | LOCHINVAR | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7 | 151.45 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3242 | 2321 | LUSKINTYRE | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6614075 | 151.4260379 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3243 | 2321 | MORPETH | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.726111 | 151.631667 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3244 | 2321 | OSWALD | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.69 | 151.417778 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3245 | 2321 | PHOENIX PARK | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7151003 | 151.6333518 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3246 | 2321 | RAWORTH | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7249192 | 151.6099796 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3247 | 2321 | WINDERMERE | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | | | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6817 | 151.443 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3248 | 2321 | WOERDEN | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | | | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5388 | 151.705 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3249 | 2321 | WOODVILLE | NSW | 151.683702 | -32.660186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10603 | Port Stephens | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.675833 | 151.609639 | 10603112315 | Wallalong | 106031123 | Seaham - Woodville | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 58.5153121948242 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Port Stephens | 16400 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3250 | 2322 | BERESFIELD | NSW | 151.65415 | -32.819819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.799 | 151.635 | 11103122325 | Tarro | 111031223 | Beresfield - Hexham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3251 | 2322 | BLACK HILL | NSW | 151.65415 | -32.819819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.84 | 151.612 | 11103122325 | Tarro | 111031223 | Beresfield - Hexham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
20248 | 2322 | CHISHOLM | NSW | 151.636919 | -32.75469624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7547 | 151.636 | 11103122325 | Tarro | 111031223 | Beresfield - Hexham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3252 | 2322 | HEXHAM | NSW | 151.65415 | -32.819819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8475204 | 151.6901851 | 11103122325 | Tarro | 111031223 | Beresfield - Hexham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3253 | 2322 | LENAGHAN | NSW | 151.65415 | -32.819819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.848 | 151.629 | 11103122325 | Tarro | 111031223 | Beresfield - Hexham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3254 | 2322 | STOCKRINGTON | NSW | 151.65415 | -32.819819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.857083 | 151.6030984 | 11103122325 | Tarro | 111031223 | Beresfield - Hexham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3255 | 2322 | TARRO | NSW | 151.65415 | -32.819819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.808972 | 151.656083 | 11103122325 | Tarro | 111031223 | Beresfield - Hexham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3256 | 2322 | THORNTON | NSW | 151.65415 | -32.819819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.783333 | 151.641667 | 11103122325 | Tarro | 111031223 | Beresfield - Hexham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3257 | 2322 | TOMAGO | NSW | 151.65415 | -32.819819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8278598 | 151.7283347 | 11103122325 | Tarro | 111031223 | Beresfield - Hexham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3258 | 2322 | WOODBERRY | NSW | 151.65415 | -32.819819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11103 | Newcastle | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.79 | 151.667778 | 11103122325 | Tarro | 111031223 | Beresfield - Hexham | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 0 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10088 | Wallsend |
3259 | 2323 | ASHTONFIELD | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.766667 | 151.6 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3260 | 2323 | BRUNKERVILLE | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.956667 | 151.476111 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3261 | 2323 | BUCHANAN | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.833333 | 151.533333 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3262 | 2323 | BUTTAI | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8311769 | 151.557404 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3263 | 2323 | EAST MAITLAND | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.749 | 151.576 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
20249 | 2323 | FOUR MILE CREEK | NSW | 151.587482 | -32.794605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7961 | 151.583 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3264 | 2323 | FREEMANS WATERHOLE | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -33.0004175 | 151.4807611 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
20250 | 2323 | GREEN HILLS | NSW | 151.589182 | -32.76212 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.749 | 151.576 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3265 | 2323 | GREENHILLS | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | | | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.749 | 151.576 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3266 | 2323 | METFORD | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7664015 | 151.6099796 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3267 | 2323 | METFORD DC | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | | | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7664 | 151.61 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3268 | 2323 | MOUNT VINCENT | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.923576 | 151.5019256 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3269 | 2323 | MULBRING | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.906667 | 151.492778 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3270 | 2323 | PITNACREE | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7345105 | 151.5909921 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
20251 | 2323 | RICHMOND VALE | NSW | 151.4971864 | -32.86516329 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8672567 | 151.5252827 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3271 | 2323 | TENAMBIT | NSW | 151.607554 | -32.757616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 11102 | Lake Macquarie - West | 111 | Newcastle and Lake Macquarie | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.742778 | 151.606667 | 11102121854 | Freemans Waterhole | 111021218 | Morisset - Cooranbong | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 14.068754196167 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Lake Macquarie | 14650 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3272 | 2324 | BALICKERA | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6643987 | 151.7979527 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3273 | 2324 | BRANDY HILL | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.694528 | 151.693194 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3274 | 2324 | BUNDABAH | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6787338 | 152.0604546 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3275 | 2324 | CARRINGTON | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6584392 | 152.0194544 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3276 | 2324 | CELLS RIVER | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.5792086 | 152.0857183 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 3 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3277 | 2324 | EAGLETON | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6956579 | 151.7765771 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3278 | 2324 | EAST SEAHAM | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.64 | 151.748333 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3279 | 2324 | HAWKS NEST | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6420927 | 152.1837767 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3280 | 2324 | HEATHERBRAE | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.781667 | 151.734444 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3281 | 2324 | KARUAH | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6435096 | 151.9754691 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
20252 | 2324 | KINGS HILL | NSW | 151.7752919 | -32.71798998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7139 | 151.772 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3282 | 2324 | LIMEBURNERS CREEK | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.5724256 | 151.8950475 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3283 | 2324 | MILLERS FOREST | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7615492 | 151.7064109 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3284 | 2324 | MOTTO FARM | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | | | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7877 | 151.728 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3285 | 2324 | NELSONS PLAINS | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.715 | 151.717778 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3286 | 2324 | NORTH ARM COVE | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.625278 | 152.044167 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3287 | 2324 | OSTERLEY | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.723333 | 151.701111 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3288 | 2324 | PINDIMAR | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6512572 | 152.0868168 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3289 | 2324 | RAYMOND TERRACE | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7544083 | 151.7675123 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3290 | 2324 | RAYMOND TERRACE EAST | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7544083 | 151.7675123 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3291 | 2324 | SEAHAM | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.665 | 151.717778 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3292 | 2324 | SWAN BAY | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6740762 | 151.9228485 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3293 | 2324 | TAHLEE | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6598442 | 151.9986858 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3294 | 2324 | TEA GARDENS | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.659597 | 152.1523926 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3295 | 2324 | TWELVE MILE CREEK | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.6533352 | 151.8671786 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3296 | 2324 | WALLAROO | NSW | 152.332617 | -32.623108 | | | 10801 | Great Lakes | 108 | Mid North Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.153 | 149.007 | 10801115114 | Limeburners Creek (Mid-Coast - NSW) | 108011151 | Bulahdelah - Stroud | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 21.1932201385498 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3297 | 2325 | ABERDARE | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8432874 | 151.3764381 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3298 | 2325 | ABERNETHY | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.877222 | 151.396389 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3299 | 2325 | BELLBIRD | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8498551 | 151.3093567 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
20253 | 2325 | BELLBIRD HEIGHTS | NSW | 151.3306441 | -32.84785687 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8480153 | 151.3304989 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 103.044548034668 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3300 | 2325 | BOREE | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.0945115 | 151.0414412 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3301 | 2325 | CEDAR CREEK | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8379287 | 151.1352222 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3302 | 2325 | CESSNOCK | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8345098 | 151.3624266 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3303 | 2325 | CESSNOCK WEST | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8383676 | 151.3454774 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3304 | 2325 | CONGEWAI | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.9783727 | 151.2860306 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
20254 | 2325 | CORRABARE | NSW | 151.2187761 | -32.95034059 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.9231578 | 151.2372873 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Hunter | 372.519989013672 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
20255 | 2325 | DAIRY ARM | NSW | 151.176502 | -33.05409347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.0382 | 151.157 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3305 | 2325 | ELLALONG | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.907222 | 151.321389 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3306 | 2325 | ELRINGTON | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8778566 | 151.4296856 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
20256 | 2325 | FERNANCES CROSSING | NSW | 151.1218262 | -33.06159524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.0626 | 151.124 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 221.911178588867 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
20257 | 2325 | GRETA MAIN | NSW | 151.2826072 | -32.88882897 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8872436 | 151.283115 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 145.215759277344 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3307 | 2325 | KEARSLEY | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8490887 | 151.3997773 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 1 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3308 | 2325 | KITCHENER | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.875833 | 151.366111 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3309 | 2325 | LAGUNA | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.99 | 151.134444 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3310 | 2325 | LOVEDALE | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.7646282 | 151.3618529 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3311 | 2325 | MILLFIELD | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8803534 | 151.245218 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
23978 | 2325 | MILSONS ARM | NSW | 151.376514 | -32.8442 | | | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.8432874 | 151.3764381 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 94.7517013549805 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3312 | 2325 | MOOTAI | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | | | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.9381 | 151.187 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
20258 | 2325 | MORUBEN | NSW | 150.889563 | -33.052927 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.0512192 | 150.8820569 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3313 | 2325 | MOUNT VIEW | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.85 | 151.283333 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
20259 | 2325 | MURRAYS RUN | NSW | 151.1527466 | -33.07063333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.0977 | 151.162 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3314 | 2325 | NARONE CREEK | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | | | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.9458 | 151.161 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3315 | 2325 | NULKABA | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.801667 | 151.363611 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 1 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
20260 | 2325 | OLNEY | NSW | 151.3131147 | -33.03362627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.031569 | 151.3123522 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3316 | 2325 | PAXTON | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.9027462 | 151.283115 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3317 | 2325 | PAYNES CROSSING | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.892645 | 151.1038039 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3318 | 2325 | PELTON | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.879167 | 151.311389 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3319 | 2325 | QUORROBOLONG | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.9285224 | 151.3968598 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3320 | 2325 | SWEETMANS CREEK | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.89012 | 151.1811052 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3321 | 2325 | WATAGAN | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | | | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.0064 | 151.274 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3322 | 2325 | WOLLOMBI | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -32.931667 | 151.134444 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3323 | 2325 | YALLAMBIE | NSW | 151.317476 | -32.977861 | | | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.034 | 151.127 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
24135 | 2325 | YENGO | NSW | 150.9134 | -33.0239 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | | | | 133.531707763672 | | | | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | | | 10093 | Wyong |
20261 | 2325 | YENGO NATIONAL PARK | NSW | 150.9115105 | -33.01498358 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -33.0482 | 150.919 | 10601111304 | Putty | 106011113 | Singleton Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | 256.605255126953 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Central Coast (NSW) | 11650 | Hunter | Rural | 10093 | Wyong |
3324 | 2326 | ABERMAIN | NSW | 151.453148 | -32.785207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10602 | Maitland | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.816667 | 151.433333 | 10602161620 | Bishops Bridge | 106021616 | Rutherford (South) - Telarah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 37.1590995788574 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3325 | 2326 | BISHOPS BRIDGE | NSW | 151.453148 | -32.785207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10602 | Maitland | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7455086 | 151.4727339 | 10602161620 | Bishops Bridge | 106021616 | Rutherford (South) - Telarah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 37.1590995788574 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3326 | 2326 | LOXFORD | NSW | 151.453148 | -32.785207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10602 | Maitland | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7898364 | 151.4844099 | 10602161620 | Bishops Bridge | 106021616 | Rutherford (South) - Telarah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 37.1590995788574 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3327 | 2326 | NEATH | NSW | 151.453148 | -32.785207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10602 | Maitland | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8172136 | 151.4172839 | 10602161620 | Bishops Bridge | 106021616 | Rutherford (South) - Telarah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Paterson | 37.1590995788574 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3328 | 2326 | SAWYERS GULLY | NSW | 151.453148 | -32.785207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10602 | Maitland | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.7670759 | 151.4552213 | 10602161620 | Bishops Bridge | 106021616 | Rutherford (South) - Telarah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 2 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Paterson | 37.1590995788574 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3046 | 2326 | WESTON | NSW | 151.453148 | -32.785207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10602 | Maitland | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.815 | 151.451111 | 10602161620 | Bishops Bridge | 106021616 | Rutherford (South) - Telarah | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 11 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 37.1590995788574 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Maitland | 15050 | Paterson | Provincial | 10049 | Maitland |
3047 | 2327 | KURRI KURRI | NSW | 151.486212 | -32.820688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.816667 | 151.483333 | 10601111137 | Pelaw Main | 106011111 | Kurri Kurri - Abermain | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 33.0411262512207 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10017 | Cessnock |
3048 | 2327 | PELAW MAIN | NSW | 151.486212 | -32.820688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.83 | 151.481 | 10601111137 | Pelaw Main | 106011111 | Kurri Kurri - Abermain | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 33.0411262512207 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10017 | Cessnock |
3049 | 2327 | STANFORD MERTHYR | NSW | 151.486212 | -32.820688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10601 | Lower Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.8247291 | 151.4946272 | 10601111137 | Pelaw Main | 106011111 | Kurri Kurri - Abermain | 12802 | Sutherland - Menai - Heathcote | 128 | Sydney - Sutherland | 1 | 10 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Paterson | 33.0411262512207 | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Cessnock | 11720 | Paterson | Provincial | 10017 | Cessnock |
3050 | 2328 | BUREEN | NSW | 150.564817 | -32.57693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10604 | Upper Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.461069 | 150.7210731 | 10604112714 | Denman | 106041127 | Muswellbrook Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Muswellbrook | 15650 | Hunter | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3051 | 2328 | DALSWINTON | NSW | 150.564817 | -32.57693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10604 | Upper Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.430699 | 150.7037637 | 10604112714 | Denman | 106041127 | Muswellbrook Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Muswellbrook | 15650 | Hunter | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3052 | 2328 | DENMAN | NSW | 150.564817 | -32.57693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10604 | Upper Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.383333 | 150.683333 | 10604112714 | Denman | 106041127 | Muswellbrook Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Muswellbrook | 15650 | Hunter | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3053 | 2328 | GIANTS CREEK | NSW | 150.564817 | -32.57693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10604 | Upper Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2334765 | 150.51896 | 10604112714 | Denman | 106041127 | Muswellbrook Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Muswellbrook | 15650 | Hunter | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3054 | 2328 | HOLLYDEEN | NSW | 150.564817 | -32.57693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10604 | Upper Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.3375865 | 150.6401198 | 10604112714 | Denman | 106041127 | Muswellbrook Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Muswellbrook | 15650 | Hunter | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3055 | 2328 | KERRABEE | NSW | 150.564817 | -32.57693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10604 | Upper Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4884282 | 150.2771233 | 10604112714 | Denman | 106041127 | Muswellbrook Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Muswellbrook | 15650 | Hunter | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3056 | 2328 | MANGOOLA | NSW | 150.564817 | -32.57693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10604 | Upper Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.2939055 | 150.774852 | 10604112714 | Denman | 106041127 | Muswellbrook Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 2 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Muswellbrook | 15650 | Hunter | Rural | 10083 | Upper Hunter |
3057 | 2328 | MARTINDALE | NSW | 150.564817 | -32.57693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 10604 | Upper Hunter | 106 | Hunter Valley exc Newcastle | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.4660968 | 150.6809108 | 10604112714 | Denman | 106041127 | Muswellbrook Surrounds | 11503 | Hawkesbury | 115 | Sydney - Baulkham Hills and Hawkesbury | 3 | 12 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hunter | | N2 | PHN108 | Hunter New England and Central Coast | Muswellbrook | 15650 | Hunter | Rural | 10083 |